Ch.4 First mission

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~Y/n pov~

"Noelle, why don't you help us with the cleaning and stuff?" Asta asked while we were eating breakfast.

"Cleaning? But I'm royalty."

"But you're a newbie too!"

"I've never cleaned or done laundry in my life." Noelle bragged.

"That's not something to brag about is it?" Asta yelled getting annoyed.

Luck rested his hand on his chin and smiled at Asta and Noelle.

Why is he smiling at that? What is he thinking?

He was so close too. He was leaning over my slightly to see them.

His smile grew wider when he noticed me looking.

I felt my cheeks growing hot as I looked away and mumbled to myself.

"What do Magic Knights do anyway?" Asta asked.

I stared at him blankly, "You seriously don't know?"

Magna stopped eating and walked over to Asta, grabbing the collar of this shirt, "We protect the kingdom and handle security! It's the most manly job in the world, you dumbass! Why'd you decide to join when you knew nothing about it?"

"It's because he's stupid." I stated.

"Hey!" Asta yelled, "Am not."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Really? Because you didn't even know what Magic Knights did."

"Oh yeah. Then do you know?" Asta challenged me.

"They go on missions and protect everyone." I answered plainly.

Asta froze and then responded, "I didn't know but that doesn't make me stupid!"

"Stop yelling already." I complained and zapped him, knocking him off his chair.

He laid on the floor twitching for a few seconds before jumping up, "Stop that."

I smirked, "No."

"Hey, fight me." Luck grinned and sat closer to me.

"Sure." I replied.

I've been looking for a good fight.

Besides, I've never fought against someone who also used lightning.

He jumped up, "Yay! Let's go! Let's go!"

The blonde grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

I laughed at his cheery attitude. He was kind of cute.


I stood across from Luck.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

I nodded.

He creates boots out of lightning and charged towards quickly.

I jumped out of the way, using lightning to boost my speed.

He quickly turned with precision and charged again.

I coated my arm in lightning and blocked him as he swung at me.

He exposed himself when he moved.

Moving my other hand, I took the distraction and fire a ball of lightning at his stomach.

It hit him and he went flying back.

After a few seconds, he got up covered in scratches.

"That was fun!" He cheered and jumped back towards me.

"Lightning magic: scatter." I chanted as balls of lightning shot down from the sky.

Luck managed to dodge them all.

It wasn't over yet.

The final ball of lightning came down but it was much bigger than the rest.

Luck couldn't avoid it in time and it hit him, knocking him out.

Looks like I'm the winner.

Since he used lightning himself, he had some immunity to it so he wasn't as beat up as he could be.

Luck was only unconscious for a few minutes.

He jumped right back up, "That was awesome. I guess you've won for now."

He grinned at me.

"You're pretty strong." I ruffled his hair, "I'll heal you."

My hands hovered over his body and there was a blue glow and little crackles of lightning near my hand.

"Lightning magical: healing."

It was easy to heal him as he only had light injuries.

"That's so cool." Luck laughed.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged my tightly.

I felt my cheeks turning red as Luck held me close.

What was he doing?

Before I could hug back, Luck pulled away and ran off to fight Magna.


I met Asta and Noelle in front of the cage with the beasts.

They were feeding them.

Well, Asta was feeding them and Noelle was watching as the beasts tried to eat Asta.

I glared at the beast and released some of my mana, "Let go of him."

The beast whimpered and let go of Asta.

"Thanks so much, Y/n." Asta sighed in relief, "That was so cool! How did you do that?"

I was about to reply but someone else spoke.

"I wonder if they finished their mission." Noelle stated.

I looked in her direction and noticed Magna and Yami coming in our direction.

Quickly, I looked away.

They were both naked except for their robes and grimoires.

"Hey, Stupidsta, Y/n, Lady Noe, we're back!" Magna greeted us when he noticed us stood there, "Be happy! You're going on your first mission."

"Put some clothes on already." I told them.

"Eh? Oh yeah." It was as if Magna had just noticed he was naked.


They were both fully clothed now.

I sat next to Noelle on the sofa and waited for them to explain the mission.

"For your first mission you'll be hunting wild boars in Saussy village." Magna exclaimed.

"Are you being serious?" I asked.

"What in the world is this lame mission?" Noelle added.

"What are you calling lame!?" Magna yelled.

"I can beat a wild boar with my bare hands!" Asta bragged.

"Don't you dare underestimate wild boars!"

Yami eventually intimidated us into agreeing to do the mission.

They really gambled everything away? What idiots.

Magna asked Finral to use his spatial magic to get us to Saussy village.

Finral refused and told us, "I can't go to places I've never been to before."

"Guess we have to go by broom." Magna sighed and lead us outside.

I quickly grabbed my broom and followed them.

"Magna?" Asta yelled.


"I can't fly on a broom!"

"Sir." Noelle got his attention too.

"Yes, Noelle?"

"I can't, either."

"What?! Are you two serious?" Magna yelled, shaking Asta back and forth, "Why can't you do something so easy, you morons?!"

"Well, I don't have any magical powers." Asta smiled.

Why is he smiling?

"Well, I can't control my magical powers, so of course I can't. You fool." Noelle added.

"Guess I don't have a choice. I'll give you two a ride on my baby." Magna grinned and pointed to his broom, "Her name's Crazy Cyclone!"

Asta had stars in his eyes, "It's so cool!"

Magna laughed, "I know, right?! Isn't she a beaut?"

Asta agreed enthusiastically.

"It's lame." Noelle said bluntly.

"What?! Are you not able to comprehend her majestic form?!" Magna yelled.

"It's fine. She can ride on mine." I offered.

"Fine." Noelle agreed, "But only because I don't want to ride with them. It's not like there's another reason or anything."

Her cheeks turned red.

"Just get on." I told her.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Noelle yelled before getting on behind me.

Her hands cautiously brushed against my waist.

I grabbed her hands and wrapped them around my waist tighter.

"What are you doing?!" Noelle yelled, startled.

"If you don't hold on tight you'll fall off?" I stated though it sounded more like a question.

Noelle huffed and didn't say anything.

I lifted us up into the air and started flying.

Wordlessly, Noelle shuffled closer to me and rested her head against my back.

I didn't say anything because I knew she'd get embarrassed.


I watched as Asta singlehandedly defeated all the boars.

"Oh look, we're finish." I stated, "Let's go."

Asta carried majority of the boars and Magna carried a few.

Noelle and I just followed behind them as they made their way to the village.

"This should make Old Man Seihi happy. Let's have ourselves a wild boar party." Magna smiled.

"This mayor of Saussy village.. Seihi? You know him?"
Noelle asked.

"Yeah. I've know him for a while. I'm from Rayaka village, which is just past here, but I used to be a bit of a handful when I was a kid." Magna smiled as he thought about the past.

"Used to be?" I asked.

Magna frowned, "Just what are you trying to say!"

I laughed, "Nothing."

"I found this out later, but Old Man Seihi had enough magical power that he aspired to be a Magic Knight when he was younger. He's the one who suggested that I take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam." Magna continued to talk about the past.

We stopped just outside the village.

There was a weird mist surrounding the village.

"That's magic." I stated seriously, "Do you think the village is under attack?"

"Eh, that's not the weather?" Asta asked cluelessly.

"Of course not, idiot!" Magna whacked Asta on the head.

"Asta, cut through the fog." I instructed.

"Okay.. wait, how do you cut through fog?" Asta laughed.

"Because it's magic stupid." I huffed.

Asta laughed again, "Oh yeah."

Magna ran in front and gave us directions as Asta cut through the mist to form a path.

We made it to the village square.

There were a load of citizens all stood there shaking in fear.

Opposite then were mages.

So they were the ones who attacked?

I noticed one of the villagers on the ground.

Are they dead?

Ice shards were above the villagers pointing down at them.

They all suddenly started falling.

Magna and I ran towards them.

"Explosive scattershot!"

"Lightning scatter!"

We both managed to get rid of them but more were appearing.

I knelt beside the unconscious man and felt for a pulse.

He's still alive, but barely.

Magna gasped when he saw him, "Old man! Wake up!"

He started shaking him.

I slapped Magna's hand away, "He's still alive but he won't be for much longer. I may be able to heal him but he's on the brink of death so it'll probably use all my mana."

Magna nodded, "Do it."

A blue glow and small crackles of lightning surrounded my hands as I started to try and heal him.

I watched the fight as I healed him.

My mana slowly flowing out of me like water from a tap.

I need to control it and keep a constant stream or he won't make it.

"Are you the bastard who did this?" Magna yelled angrily as he and Asta attacked the mages.

Noelle stood near me and watched.

She couldn't control her magic and she could accidentally hit Magna or Asta.

Ice formed above the villagers again but Asta and Magna stopped it.

They won't be able to keep this up for too long.

I was right.

They wouldn't make it in time.

More ice shards formed but Magna was almost out of mana and Asta was busy fighting.

Noelle's grimoire suddenly glowed and a new spell appeared.

A huge water barrier surround us and all the villagers.

Now Asta and Magna can fight without worrying about them.

"You're amazing, Noelle." I praised her.

"It was nothing." She huffed, "I'm royalty."

The blue glow around my hands dimmed and Seihi sat up.

"Grandpa!" This kid yelled jumping on him.

They smiled and hugged each other.

My mana was too depleted for me to fight and be any use.

"Thank you so much." People starting thanking me.

Seihi tried to stand up but I quickly stopped him, "You shouldn't move too much. Don't strain yourself."

He smiled and stayed where he was, "Thank you, Magic Knight."


Magna tied up the men who attacked the village.

After a long battle, Asta and Magna managed to defeat them.

"You finally awake, you jerk? I'm going to rest a bit more and then escort you to the royal capital on my Crazy Cyclone." Magna announced while pointing his finger at the mages, "Spend the rest of your life atoning for what you did to those villagers, you bastards."

"I refuse. It appears the end has come."

There was a purple glow.

"Ice magic: Ice burial."

Ice encased the men and then shattered leaving no traces of them.

"They killed themselves." I pointed out, "If they didn't want to go so badly, perhaps they're working for someone and don't want to reveal any information."

Magna clicked his tongue in annoyance, "That might be true."

An anti-magic bird flew over the started pecking Asta's head.

The boy yelled in annoyance and tried to catch it.

I noticed a colourful in its beak.

"You can keep that." Seihi stated, "As thanks for saving the village."


Yami laughed, "Sounds like you went through hell! Well done on your first mission. Great job, you idiots."

"We're back." Finral and Vanessa stepped through a portal.

"Great job, you four." Vanessa smiled at us.

The anti-magic bird suddenly jumped on Asta's head.

Noelle and Vanessa started gushing over it and talking about how cute it was.

It started pecking Asta's head and he let out a yell.

"You ugly little bird!" Asta pulled out his sword, "I'll turn you into fried chicken!"

"I won't let you turn him into fried chicken!" Noelle yelled, shooting a ball of water at Asta.

It completely missed of course.

"Stop breaking everything!" Yami yelled and broke another wall.

Noelle and Asta quickly apologised.

"All right, listen up. I've got good news." Yami told us, "Your actions have been acknowledged by the Wizard King himself!"

Wizard King!" Asta exclaimed.

Yami held up a star, "You've been given a star."

"Yeah! Wait.. what's that mean?" Asta asked.

"Don't get excited if you don't know what it is." Magna scolded him.

"Stars are awarded by the Wizard King based on our performance." Vanessa explained.

"What are they good for?"

"A man's honour!" Magna yelled.

"Now we have minus thirty stars." Yami stated, "We're finally only a hundred away from the Golden Dawn."

"How do you even get negative stars?" I asked while sweatdropping.

Knowing their reputation, they've probably destroyed a lot of things.

Our Captain gave us all our pay and left.

I'm going to send half of it back to the church.

I don't know what to spend it on but I should keep some for myself anyway.


Vanessa was taking us out to the capital on our day off.

Noelle got on my broom again as we flew there.

As we walked around, Asta marvelled at almost everything.

I could hear people whispering about how we were the worst squad and then they started talking about our looks.

Trying to ignore them, I stepped slightly behind Noelle to hide myself.

"What are you doing?" Noelle blushed.

"Hiding so people will stop staring."

"Fine. I'll allow you to stand behind me." Noelle smiled slightly.

Vanessa led us through an alley.

"Where are we going?" I asked her.

She smiled, "The black market."

She then stepped through the wall.

I followed her and ignored Asta's yelling.

"Hey, Noelle?" I asked.


"Do you want to get a magic item to help control your magic?" I smiled at her.

She perked up, "You can buy items like that?!"

"Yeah." Vanessa smiled, "This way."

Asta had run off to God knows where.

I helped Noelle pick out wands until she finally found one she liked.

"Thanks for helping me or something." Noelle mumbled, blushing.

"It's fine." I grinned and hugged her.

"What are you doing?" Noelle stuttered.

I didn't respond and a few seconds later Noelle relaxed and hugged me back before gently pushing me away.

"Why hello, lovely ladies." Sekke greeted us.

"Get lost." I told him.

Noelle flipped her hair, "Insect."

"Hey! I found something really cool!" Asta ran towards us and showed us this weird item.

"What the hell is that?" I mumbled.

"Don't tell me you bought that." Noelle scoffed in disbelief.

"Oh, it's you." Asta noticed Sekke, "Bah-ha!"

"It's Sekke! Bah-ha!"

"How've you been Bah-ha?"

"The name's Bah-ha! No, wait, Sekke!"

"Thief!" Someone yelled as a man came racing past us.

I quickly ran after him, Asta following behind me.

Using lightning to enhance my speed, I quickly caught up to him.

Jumping into the air, I slammed my elbow down on the man's back and sent him flying towards the ground.

He landed with a grunt and created a small crater.

She's definitely winded.

Turned out, Sekke ran after us.

The man weakly moved his arm and stabbed Sekke in the leg.

Sekke started screaming and being over dramatic until Vanessa told him he was barely injured.

I grabbed the bag of money and handed it to the woman, "Be careful next time."

She thanked me.


2742 words

A/n I wish I could write faster but I can't and I spend so many hours writing each chapter

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