Ch.3 Black bulls

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~Y/n pov~

"I'm Asta from Hage village, nice to meet you all. I'm gonna become the Wizard King!" Asta yelled.

No one heard him over all the chaos.

Two of the members were fighting.

One of them was drunk and half asleep.

Another was stuffing her face and another was sat by themself, breathing out puffs of smoke.

The last one was mumbling to himself and staring at a picture with a nosebleed.

They all were yelling at each other.

"All of you stop breaking everything." Yami punched the wall and made a big hole in it.

Everyone froze and turned towards Yami.

"Captain!" They yelled all running towards him.

I moved out of the way to avoid being trampled on but Asta wasn't as lucky.

"Mister Yami, did anyone get too uppity with you? If they did, I'll kill them!" This delinquent looking guy yelled.

The blonde slapped his hand on the delinquent's cheek and pushed him away, "Captain! Spar with me today! Come on! With everything you're got!"

"C'mon, just ignore these brats and drink with me." The drunk grinned.

"Hey, hey, eat this." The glutton stated, holding out a cupcake.

"I'm sorry. I've reached my limit so can I go see my sister now?"

Yami laughed, "I see, I see. So you guys love me that much, eh? But you need to shut up."

They all immediately sat down in front of him and apologised.

"I brought two new members. Huh, where's the other one?" Yami asked me.

I looked in Asta's direction and noticed he was squished under one of the members.

Yami glared at him, "Why're you fooling around?"

I sighed and grabbed Asta's arm, pulling him out.

"Thanks." He sighed in relief.

"These two are our other new members." Yami introduced.

"Other?" Asta asked.

"What was your name again?"

"I'm Asta from Hage village." Asta yelled, "It's nice to meet all of you."

"Y/n also from Hage village." I added blankly.

"Hage? Talk about out in the sticks." The delinquent guy exclaimed.

"Hey, introduce them to the other members." Yami instructed Finral.

"Oh, right. Well, you've already met him, but... This is Gordon Agrippa."

Gordon mumbled something in response.

No one seemed to hear what he said.

"He's pretty gloomy and you never know what he's thinking, but he's a good guy." Finral continued, "And over there is Vanessa Enoteca."

He introduced the drunk next.

"She'll get in your face when she's drunk, but she's a good person."

"I won't get in anyone's face." Vanessa protested, "Hage.. Isn't that a small village out in the boonies?"


She smirked at us and came super close, "I'm impressed. Want me to give you two a reward?"

I stared blankly at her and watched as she turned away and puked.

Finral ignored what just happened, "Let's continue with the next introductions."

The blonde jumped up, "Me! I'm next!"

"This is Luck Voltia. He loves to fight and is obsessed with battle, but he's a good guy."

"Nice to meet ya! Do you like to fight?" Luck asked holding his fists out.

"I guess." I responded.

He grinned and held my hands in his, "Let's fight, okay!"

His smile grew wider and he got closer.

I felt my cheeks growing red.

"Sure, later." I pushed his face away.

"Hey! Look."

I turned my attention and saw a photo of a young girl with blonde hair.

"This is my little sister Marie. She's an angel." The man introduced her.

I just nodded and agreed.

"Listen well. If you lay a finger on Marie, I'll kill you."

"What?" Asta yelled, backing away from the intimidating guy.

"This is Gauche Adlai." Finral told us, "He's a bit too obsessed with his little sister, but he's a good guy. This is Charmy Pappitson. She eats way too much, but she's a good person."

I looked over and saw a girl shoving food in her mouth.

"This is Grey. I don't really get him, but he's a good guy. and then we have Magna Swing. He's a delinquent, but he's a good guy."

Magna was giving us both an intimidating stare.

"And I'm Finral Roulacase. I'm super popular." Finral pointed to himself and grinned at us, "And last but not least, the captain of the Black Bulls, Yami Sukehiro!"

"Thanks for having me!" Asta yelled while bowing.

"Yeah, thanks." I stated boredly.

Now that I'm away from all the chaos at the church I'm kind of bored.

I can't wait to go on a mission and beat people up.

"There are other members, but they're either on some mission, taking a break, or slacking off. Try to get along with all of them." Yami told us.

"Right! I'll super get along with them all." Asta yelled again.

He was giving me a headache.

"Shut up." I told him.

"Huh?" Asta asked and opened his mouth to yell again.

I whacked him over the head and smirked at him.

He gulped and decided to shut up. If he didn't I'd electrocute him.

Yami sighed, "Your height and the volume of your voice are all out of proportion."

"Yes." Asta said in a quieter voice.

"Anyway, put them to work and try not to kill them." Yami concluded.

Magna stood up, "Here that?"

"What?" I asked.

"Mister Yami said to put you to work. I'll gladly put you to work. Two weak-looking shrimps from a village like Hage in the boonies..." He smirked, "I barely sense any mana from you."

I was concealing my mana slightly but I decided to stop.

Magna's eyes widened when he felt my mana.

I had the same amount as a noble.

He smirked, "Not bad. You want one of these Black Bulls robes? You'll have to earn it."

"Yes!" Asta yelled.

I whacked him over the head, "Stop yelling."

"Ow.. I'm sorry." Asta cried.

"If you want one you're going to have to convince me, Mister Yami's number one man, Magna Swing!" He gave us an intimidating look, "Time for your initiation into the Black Bulls."


Someone had dragged one of the sofas outside.

Asta was going first so I plopped myself down on it.

Luck sat beside me and a few others sat on the other end.

"Hey, hey." Luck poked my cheek to get my attention, "What's your magic?"

I grabbed his hand and tried to electrocute him but it didn't work.

He laughed, "That won't work on me. So you use lightning too, huh? Fight me."

"I told you, later." I replied.

"Aww." His shoulders slumped but the smile never left his face.

I turned my attention to Asta and washed as he was forced to do lots of different exercises.

I hoped I wasn't doing that.

There was a sudden weight on my shoulder.

Luck leaned into my side and rested his head on my shoulder.

He smile grew wider when he saw me looking at him.

"There's one more. The final trial in the initiation!" Magna told Asta, "You can use magic or whatever else you want... to either block of dodge my attack magic!"

He pulled out his grimoire and a small ball of fire started to grow in his hand.

"If you're able to do that, you'll officially be one of us Black Bulls. You'll get your precious robe."

Asta pulled his sword out of his grimoire and prepared himself.

"What's what?" Luck asked excitedly.

He was so close to me and his voice was right in my ear.

Magna pulled a baseball bat out of his grimoire and started hitting fireballs towards Asta.

Asta jumped around and dodged them all.

"Not bad!" Magna smirked, "But the real test starts now."

He formed a huge fireball and threw it at Asta.

It was way to big and there was no way of dodging it.

If Asta sliced that it would still hit him.

I watched in shock as Asta hit it right back at Magna.

Magna quickly nullified his magic before it hit him.

"I was able to nullify it in time, so I'm fine, but I was almost offed by my own magic. You little bastard!" Magna ran towards Asta and grabbed his shoulders, "You're not half bad."

He started laughing loudly.

"Not only we're you able to block my magic, you actually sent it right back at me! I like you, Shrimpsta!"

"It's Asta."

Magna whacked Asta's back and admitted to actually being from the boonies as well.

I gently pushed Luck of me and stood up because I knew I was next.

"It's your turn now." Magna yelled.

I didn't want to do all the exercising because it was a pain.

So instead, I decided to find the quickest route out of it.

I grabbed Magna's hand and electrocuted him.

He let out a yell and fell to the ground, violently twitching.

"What the help?!" Magna jumped out and started throwing his magic at me.

Asta yelled and moved out of our way.

I dodged them all like Asta did.

"Okay, you asked for it!" Magna yelled and threw a giant fireball at me like he did with Asta."

I threw a massive ball of lightning and it collided with his magic.

Both of them dispersing.

Like before, some of my lightning went around his attack and zapped him.

He didn't faint like most normal people would.

That means Magna must be more used to being zapped.

I looked at Luck from the corner of my eye and then back to Magna.

Magna groaned and stayed on the floor for a few seconds.

He got up sluggishly, "Fine, you win. I noticed your magic was a bit out of control."

"Yeah, I know." I agreed.

Magna smirked and handed us both our robes, "You've earned it."

Asta stared at the robe in awe.

I put my robe on and watched as Asta continued to just stare at his.

Luck ran towards me and started bombarding me with questions and praising me.

"That was so cool!" He laughed, "Fight me!"

"Later." I responded.

"Fine, but you better not go back on your word!"

I sighed. Guess there's no getting away from this.

"What are you waiting for? Put it on." Vanessa told Asta.

She then placed it on him with her magic.

"Here, have half of this." Charmy offered me some food.

I smiled gratefully at her and took it.

It was so good.


Vanessa showed me to my room.

It was messy and looked unused so I had to clean away all the dust and cobwebs.

It wasn't a huge room but I didn't need a huge room. This was my first time having my own room.

The room was simple.

There was a window on and far wall and next to it was a wardrobe.

On the adjacent wall, there was a desk.

It was in the corner near the door.

Opposite that was the bed.

I sat at the desk and wrote a letter to the church so they'd know I'm okay.


"All right! Let's do this." I heard a loud crashing noise.

I guess Asta's awake.

Sighing, I got up, knowing I wouldn't get anymore sleep with Asta yelling.

I got dressed and left my room.

When I found Asta, Magna was also with him.

There was a pillar outside his door and a dent in it.

I'm guessing Asta ran into the pillar.

I don't remember that being their yesterday and I can sense a strange mana surrounding the whole base.

"About this pillar..." Asta trailed off.

"What about it?" Magna asked.

"I don't think it was here yesterday."

"Don't worry about a pillar. The base itself changed shape all the time." Magna stated as if it was normal.

"Is that someone's doing?" I asked, making my presence known.

Magna scratched his head, "I'm actually not sure."

He then showed us around.

Magna stopped near an exit, "That's the other new member."

There was a girl with silver hair stood there.

Asta didn't notice Magna stopping and crashed into him.

"Hey! I'm Asta from Hage village!" Asta excitedly introduced himself, "Let's do our best together! It's nice to meet you!"

She slapped his hand away and narrowed her eyes at him, looking at him with disgust, "I didn't give you permission to speak to me. I barely sense any mana from you, you lowly insect."


"My name is Noelle Silva. I belong to the royal family of this kingdom."

"Who cares?" I raised an eyebrow at her, "We're all part of this squad so we're equals."

Asta nodded in agreement, "That's right."

"That's right! You tell her!" Magna yelled, "Status means nothing!"

"Of course it does." Noelle glared at me, "I guess I'll have to show you the difference between our magical powers."

She shot a ball of water at me but it swerved at the last minute and hit Magna.

"You little bitch." Magna growled, getting up off the floor and putting his glasses back on, "You've got some nerve! What do you think you're doing to your senior?!"

"You were just standing in the wrong spot. Who gave you permission to stand there?" Noelle responded.

It was obvious she was aiming at me. So that's why she's in this squad.

No other squad accepted her because she can't aim.

It's not like she can't learn how to. There are also magic tools that can assist her.

"Why, you little... I'm your senior!" Magna yelled angrily.

"And I'm royalty!" Noelle retorted.

"What?" Magna stepped closer to her, "I don't care if you're royalty or the Silver Eagles' captain's little sister! I mean, the only person who's accept a spoiled brat like you is Mister Yami. Be more thankful, you moron! I held back because you're a girl, but now I'm gonna have to initiate you too, damn it!"

Noelle grabbed her robe and threw it to the floor, "Like I want to be in this pathetic squad."

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Noelle ignored him and ran off.


I sat at the table with Charmy, eating, when I suddenly felt a huge burst of mana.

It was coming from outside.

Standing up, I quickly ran outside to see what it was.

A few of the others started to run outside too until we were all here.

Noelle was in a ball of water in the sky.

Her magic must've gone out of control.

"Someone's magic is out of control." Gauche stated the obvious.

"Such intense magical powers... It's gonna get bad if we don't do something." Magna commented.

"If we attack it with magic, she might not make it out alive." Yami sighed, "Could you use your spatial magic to scoop just her up?"

"Please don't be ridiculous." Finral responded, "I can't get near that."

"Right. If only we had someone who could nullify magical powers..." Yami trailed off.

At that moment, Asta came flying by.

Yami caught him, "You came flying by at the perfect time. Could you take care of that?"

He pointed at the huge ball of water in the sky.

"Take care of that? Okay!" Asta grinned and then a look of confusion appeared on his face, "Wait. How am I supposed to get over there, though? I can't fly..."

"Quit your yapping." Yami pulled his arm back and surrounded it with mana before flinging Asta.

Asta screamed as he went flying.

He quickly held his sword in front of him and cut through the water.

Noelle and Asta both started falling towards the ground.

Finral formed a portal and brought them safely to the ground.

Asta jumped up, "All right! I'm alive!"

"That was so much fun, wasn't it?" Luck grinned.

"Jeez. Now I'm all wet." Vanessa complained.

I offered a hand to Noelle to help her up, "You've got a ton of magic power. Let's fight sometime."

"Huh?" She stared up at me with a confused expression.

"Yeah! That was awesome." Asta started yelling at her.

Noelle took my hand and pulled herself up.

"Well, thanks or whatever." She looked away and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

Her cheeks had a slight pink tint.

"Really? You couldn't control you magical powers?" Magna asked, "You should've told me earlier, you total failure. We're the Black Bulls. We're a whole group of failures."

Vanessa placed Noelle's Black Bull robe back on her using her magic.


3749 words

A/n don't worry Noelle will be joining the harem very soon

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