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"Sebastian listen to me. You both shut up! You guys are continuously talking and laughing and I am getting bored. My soon-to-be husband is mute. I feel sympathy but that's okay I will learn ASL for him", I spoke out taunting Aaron.

"Amber you are so humorous. Do you want to know about a club incident? I am so sure that you will die laughing. God that was awesome! Anyways what were you saying? he asked and Mori and Seb looked towards me to say what I wanted to.

God, don't look at me like that. I get nervous. I think I have social anxiety! yup, that's it.

I feel like I can be a surgeon with this much knowledge. First, I will perform some tongue surgery on Aaron in which I would replace his tongue with a more talkative one!

NO. Abort mission, No I will not.  Who knows he might need to learn sign language after that!


"Umm yeah I was wondering if you could become a flower girl at my wedding?", I asked Sebastian hopefully.

People would think this is weird but it's not. It's unique and I do need a flower girl.

The guy will do too.

The car came to a sudden halt resulting in me and Morgan to jerk forward.

What the hell is wrong with this Uber driver slash my soon-to-be husband? Doesn't he know how to drive?

I will surely give him a garbage rating and mindblowing feedback if you know what I mean.

Okay, jokes aside now Amie!

I looked towards Seb hoping for an answer but instead, they all were looking at me and then among themselves.

Did I say something wrong?

I raised my eyebrows at them.

Seb and Mori looked towards each other and burst out laughing and Aaron shook his head at me, amusement clear in his eyes.

"Why the hell you guys are laughing?", I huffed annoyed.

"You can all continue this later, now please get the fuck out of my car, we have reached", the annoying butt said.

"You could have said that nicely you know, Can't you keep your arrogance in check", I huffed annoyed, and got out of the car.

Morii and Seb got out of the car still trying to catch their breath.

Why the freak are you guys even laughing? I didn't say anything funny.

We entered a beautiful store with Sebastian and Morgan in front of me and Aaron behind me. His hand was on my back to guide me.

I have legs and I can walk myself! I wanted to say this so badly to him but I decided to shut my trap.

I can enjoy a Moment with my soon-to-be husband I guess.

I sat next to Aaron and Seb and Mori were bickering, blushing, laughing, and whatnot. I felt banging my head.

I feel so jealous. I already ship them, guys.

As I said earlier they have a brighter future than me.

Get a room guys, get a room!

"Choose whatever you want Amber! I don't have all day. The faster we get this over with the more relaxed I will feel", he started in his cold voice annoyed.

"choosewhateveryouwantamberIdonthavealltheday", I mocked him as he glared at me. And are you not feeling relaxed my soon-to-be husband?! Do I make you feel nervous hmm!?, I said poking his nose playfully.

Bad b-word energy woohoo! 

"you talk so fucking much Just choose already".

"But you didn't answer my questions-

"Amber go baby and choose love, we have to head back home also", he said as he kissed my knuckles and pulled me towards him by my waist, smirking.

What the hell?

What's with sudden change? did he hit his head but that's not possible he was talking to me normally before like he does why no-

My train of thought stopped when my eyes fell on an old man who was looking at us holding a big box of beautiful rings in his hands.

I looked toward him and then at Aaron.


Ohh now I get it!

He wants to play the PDA crap, clever man. But I still can't deny the way his hand feels on my waist, so damn warm and ho-

Stop Amber! No dirty thoughts.

Two can play the game then.

I pulled him closer to me by his tie, placed a small kiss near the corner of his mouth and met with an extremely shocked expression of my husband.

I giggled internally.

"Yes honey, I understand", I said aware of all the eyes on me.

"Two can play the game dear husband", I whispered in his ears before removing his hand from my waist and taking Morgan with me to choose my handsome husband's ring.


"Amber you didn't tell Aaron about your condition?! he has the right to know Amie, I don't know in what circumstances this wedding is happening but he will not hurt you and I know this. Trust me on this. you should tell him", Morgan let out sadly.

I sighed.

She is right. I should tell him but I don't think that it will affect him in any way.

Sure he is going to be my husband but I can't imagine telling this to anyone but only Morii. I don't know how will he react.

Maybe he will leave me. Maybe he will say no to this marriage.

Who wants to deal with a person who is maybe going to die, a person who is not sure about anything in her life, a person who will feel like a burden maybe.

"Mori I will tell him when I will be ready. I don't know how will I tell him and how he will react I don't know. I feel like I am betraying him but then again I don't want to hurt anyone. I doubt that he will be hurt after listening to this but still, I just can't", I let out softly my eyes getting teary.

"I understand, Take your time just don't leave me ever! I won't be able to live without you Amie please do something I can't lose you! you are my everything", Morgan's voice trembled as tears leaked from her eyes.

"I will never leave you Morii, I love you so much. Don't cry and I will do everything I can to protect myself. And what I said about leaving huh?" I looked at her scolding.

"I won't ever and if God has given you this precious life, eyes, and a very beautiful smile even for a short time don't ever cry! Smile". Stay positive like me! nothing will happen to me. I mean I won't die a virgin chill!", I said pulling her into a tight hug and controlling my tears.

I just can't shake her hope. I have to be positive even when I don't know what to do.

I am strong I know and I just cannot go weak at this point.

I don't have anyone who will lift me and say to me that everything will be alright. I can't hurt Morgan. She already is so strong for me.

No matter how good deeds you do or how good you behave with someone, when you need a shoulder to cry on or to vent your emotions that's when the reality hits you and you realize how alone you are! even when you have everyone.

"I love you AMBER" she smiled.

"I love you garbage", I said and she chuckled.

I love the word garbage so much. I might as well make it Aaron's nickname.

I don't want to leave.

"God I swear Amber I will die. Elephants are running in my stomach, they are doing summersaults. I am hungry! let's eat something first! It's been an hour now and you still haven't decided on your husband's ring. Shame on you. Your boy has already selected one for you half an hour ago".

"Mori wait you will not die. You have eaten a whole breakfast before coming here I know you. I am the one who didn't have her breakfast this morning. And I am almost done". I exclaimed.


20 Mins later.


"Thank God thought I had to sleep here today", Morgan said yawning.

"Now you are done Amber let's go pls I am hungry and I think your soon-to-be husband is annoyed".

When he is not.

We both walked towards them and I put his ring in my bag hiding it from him. I don't want him to see his ring now.

"Took you long enough guys!! what were you girls doing?? making the ring on your own", Sebastian said waving his hands in the air annoyed.

I chuckled.

"I was finding the perfect one for him", I admitted softly looking at Aaron to only find him looking at me.

Stupid butterflies! they will never be still around him I guess.

He stared at me for a couple of minutes and then looked away clenching his jaw.

what did I do now?

"Okay now let's go I am so fucking hungry we are going to eat", Morii and Sebastian both exclaimed Sebastian dragged Morii out of the shop and I walked with Aaron behind me, his hand on my back.

Ugh, Not that again!! How am I going to control my feelings for him if he continues with these sweet gestures without knowing how much it is affecting me?




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