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Oswald and I walk out of the bakery hand in hand with smiles on our faces.

We walk towards his car but hide behind a building as we spot some paparazzi approaching. I wonder how he's able to cope with this. I end up with my back on the wall and he caging me with his hands.

He stares into my eyes and I can't look away. He inches his face closer to mine and our noses touch. Just when his lips are almost on mine, a light flashes and the man behind the camera calls the others.

Os grabs my hand as we run towards his car. We get in quickly and he drives off immediately.

We use roads I never knew existed till we lost the paparazzi. We end up close to what looks like a forest.

Os walks out of the car and opens my side for me to come out.

"Follow me." He says.

We walk further and arrive at a waterfall. The scenery is beautiful.

"This is my hideout. My escape from the real world. I've always wanted to show you this place."

"It's beautiful." I say, admiring it.

"Just like you." He says and I turn to him.

We stare at each other and he moves closer to me. He wraps his hands around my waist and brings his head down to mine.

Why does he have to be so tall? I'm not even that short.

In just seconds his lips are on mine and we're sharing a kiss. It is electrifying. I feel all gibberish inside.

It is slow and passionate. I love it.

We break apart a while later and he smiles at me. Our foreheads still together.

I look back at the waterfall, breaking eye contact.

"How did you find this place?" I ask

"My dad and I were hiking back when he wasn't a monster and we came across this place. This is where I come to find peace. Forget about my problems and picture my life in a better way."

He looks sad so I give him a hug and he smiles.

"I'm here for you. Don't ever forget that." I say

"I remember the first day I saw you. You were in a purple flurry dress that reached above your knees and white ankle boots. You looked amazing. You thought no one notices you but I did and I know the other boys did too. You reminded me of One Direction's song:What Makes You Beautiful. You didn't know you are beautiful and that's what makes you beautiful"

I smile at him.

"Do you remember the audio message you received for your 15th birthday?"

"Yeah" I smile as the memory comes rushing back."You did that?" I ask

"Yep" he says.

The audio message was a song. The person said that he was my crush and wrote a song just for me. He sang beautifully. I loved it.

It made me feel better because I had broken up with Jack just 2 weeks before that.

"I loved it. Helped me get over Jack." I say.

"Ugh. That jerk." He says. "What I did to him for hurting you. I don't think he'd ever mess with a girl's feelings again." He says.

"So that's why he was absent for a week. When I asked him what happened, he asked me to stay away from him and just ran off." I laugh thinking about it.

"What about the chocolates and bouquet of flowers you got for Valentines last year. Do you remember that?"

"You did that too? I thought Sanjay did that."

"I was going to reveal myself as your secret admirer but when I got there, Sanjay had taken credit for my hard work. I asked him to back off. I got ready for the date and was planning on telling you everything then but my dad just had to ruin it with a business meeting. He didn't allow me to step out that night."

"All along I thought Sanjay stood me up." She laughed. "He wouldn't speak up when I questioned him too. I just thought it was my bad luck with boys"

"The teddy with the get well soon card from when you got hurt in gym class was from me too" he adds

"Really? I still have that. It is so huge. I don't know whether it was just my imagination but it helped my knee heal quicker."

"Why didn't you add a name to all those?" I ask

"I was afraid you'll turn me down. I didn't think I was good enough for you." He answers

"Are you kidding me? Anyone who has you in his or her life is so lucky. You're amazing, funny, smart and not to forget devilishly handsome" I say honestly

"You really think I'm all those?" He asks

"All those and more." I reassure and peck him on his cheek.

We are currently seated on the hood of his car. We're stargazing as he holds me close to him. Things may not be perfect but they're just right.

I was so elated when Rosetta agreed to be my girlfriend. My dreams have finally come true. Gosh, the kiss. It was the best feeling I've ever had. Rosetta is my joy, my light in the darkness, hope in the storms. She has no idea how much she affects me. I like her so much.

I look over to see her staring so intensely at the sky. She seems to be in deep thought.

My phone rings and I pick it up without checking the caller ID.

"My baby brother is all grown up." Was the first thing I heard.

"Liam! I haven't heard from you in such a long time. What's up?" I ask.

"I should be asking you that. You're trending on social media bro." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask totally at sea.

"I'm talking about that chick you were with today. It's all over social media. Who's that girl anyway?"

"She, my brother, is the girl of my dreams" I look over at her and smile. "Thanks for the info bro. Got to go now."

"Bye." I hang up.

"Bennie just sent me this." She shows me a picture with the both of us having our moment. That's the picture the paparrazo took before we escaped.

My dad is going to be furious but he is not my priority right now.

"I'm so sorry Rosetta."

"You don't need to be. I'm okay with it." She says and pulls me in for a hug. I sigh in relief.

I get another call just then. I decided to ignore this one. The person kept calling so I picked the 5th time.

"Oh my gosh!" She squeals.

"Geez Emma. That was so loud Em." I complain.

"I have got to meet her. You have to bring her over for the family thanksgiving." She says.

We have a little family thanksgiving every 5th of November. It's a memorable day for our family.

"I'll have to ask her first." I say.

"Is she with you now?" Emma asks

"Yeah" I answer

"Hand the phone over to her now." She says and I do so with a little hesitation. My sister can be a little nosy sometimes.

Rosetta asks who it is and I tell her it's my sister. She takes the phone and they speak for sometime.

My sister says something that makes her blush. I just love it when she blushes. She looks so cute.

"I would love to but Mr. Russo doesn't really like me" she says and listens to what Emma has to say.

"Okay then. I'll be there" she says and hands the phone over to me.

"Are you happy now?" I ask her.

"Yes. See you in two weeks brother. Love you" she says

"Love you too Em" I say and hang up.

"What did she tell you?" I ask Rosetta.

"About Freda" she says


"Don't worry. I would never do that to you." She says reassuringly and gives me a quick kiss.

"But what made you blush in that?" I ask

"Umm I wasn't blushing about that. She spoke about the picture too saying we looked so cute together and that we should use protection when we do it" she says turning red all over again. She didn't make eye contact.

I just laugh at her flushed face.

"Let's get going." I say once my laughter dies down and we get off the hood of my car. I jog over to her side and open the door for her.

"Mi lady" I say, gesturing towards the seat.

"Thank you my good man." She replies with a giggle.

I get in as well and drive off.

We get to her house and she unbuckles her seat belt.

"Thank you for such a wonderful day." She says and turns to open the door but I hold her hand and she looks at me again.

I grip her cheeks gently and lean in. We share a heart warming kiss and I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

She breaks away from the kiss and says, "See you tomorrow Russo"

"Back at you angel" I reply and she walks out.

Once she walks into the house I speed off to my own house.

I am barely even in the house when my mother engulfs me in a hug. I hug her back.

"What was that about?" I ask

"I'm so proud of you. You finally made a move." she says. "I have noticed how you've been trying to get her attention. I saw how you behaved anytime her name was mentioned and now she's yours"

"She is mom" I smile but it's short lived when my dad walks in with his phone in hand.

"What's all this about huh? I gave you permission to see her not to get the attention of paparazzi. Now I have to clean up your mess. Are you trying to ruin my business?" He asks and I tune him out. He never understands me anyway.

You're probably wondering why I am to take over the family business and not my elder brother, Liam. Well, he isn't one to be put on a leash. He was a rebellious one. Never did what dad wanted him to do. He moved away to Spain just to get away from dad. That hurt mom a lot so she made sure he didn't persuade Emma into leaving also.

Liam is a musician now. He sings and writes his own songs too. Emma is a fashion designer. She recently moved to Paris to open another shop there. No one ever thought those two could live apart for long and they were right. Emma travels to Spain every two months or less to visit her twin. They share a special bond.

That's how come I'm stuck with this monster. Just one more year and I would also be free.

"I am letting this one slide but if your relationship with that lowlife brat poses any more danger to my business, it's off for good"

"My girlfriend is not a lowlife brat if you must know" I say angrily and walk past him to my room.

I take a shower and get into my sweatpants then pick my phone to send Rosetta a message.

Me: Goodnight angel❤

Rielle❤️😘: Why so early? It's only 8:30.

Me: Yeah. but I'm exhausted.

Rielle❤️😘: Okay. Goodnight💗

I put the phone aside and after praying, I drift off to sleep with her as my last thought.

New chapter. More info on Oswald's family. The next chapter would give more details on a special someone's love life😉. Well, kinda.

By the way, how do you guys like the new cover? Let me know what you think.

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