Kawaki and Sumire in Konoha
Have you imagined Kawaki meeting Sumire in Konoha before the day she appeared with Katasuke in the Hospital after the fight against Boro? Well, I have, and I have imagined a lot. In my story, I will maintain the personality and the behavior of the Anime's characters. The first chapter took place between events from episode 195. After Kawaki and Naruto had lunch at Ichiraku's they were walking back home and met Sumire passing by in the opposite sidewalk, she walked cheerfully in their direction and started a conversation, Naruto couldn't help noticing Kawaki's behavior was uneasier than usual towards Sumire, the girl also noticed the awakard situation but kept her kindness. Kawaki's thoughts will be explored in this story, Naruto has also some facts to reveal to him. Is there something special about Sumire?…