Playing Cupid.

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I wake up early today and leave for church with Rosalio. After mass, I call Ella. I haven't seen her since the Oswald incident.

I ask her to meet me at Pizza With Misa. Rosalio drops me off there and heads home. He didn't look okay. Remind me to ask him about that later.

You're aware no one's gonna remember that up here right?

Just this once please remember that. We need to know what's wrong with him. We may not let him know but we love him very much.

Message delivered to heart. You'd remember then.

My subconscious is like my best friend. Big deal.

I walk in and find her sitting at a booth. I join her there.

"Hey Ella." I greet.

"What's up?" She asks

"The sky." I reply, suppressing a laugh when I see the 'really' look she gives me.

"Oh yeah. And those white, fluffy clouds." She says instead and I chuckle. The waiter comes to take our orders and leaves soon after.

"What I mean is what have you been up to?" She rephrases.

"A little bit of this and that."

"That's not an answer. What's going on between you and Oswald." She goes straight to the point this time. I know that's what she wanted to ask. I just want to stall.

"Oh nothing. We just decided to put a label on it. No biggie." I say nonchalantly.

"How is that no biggie? Tell me EVERYTHING."

I begin the story and her face shows so many expressions from shock to fear then excitement.

Once I'm done she just squeals so loudly that everyone stares at us.

"Chill Ella." I say and she calms down.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I knew it!" She exclaims less loudly this time.

"Enough about me. How is your weekend going?" I ask and she briefs me on it.

"I didn't know you were into gardening." She states in the process.

Confused, I ask, " Huh?"

"The flower garden you are starting up. Rosalio told me about it. He even got Lilacs for you. Didn't he give them to you?" She asks.

I'm not planning on starting a garden and if I was, Rosalio wouldn't ask someone else for approval. He'll send me there and buy the one I ask for after buying the cheapest just to bug me. I suggested that he gets flowers for the girl to show her that it's real. Could Ella be the girl?

"Tell me what ensued."

She speaks about how he seemed nervous and all that. Rosalio is never nervous. Daniella is the mystery girl that has captured his heart. Cupid shoes on. Time for match making.

I excuse myself and walk out to make a phone call.

"Hey Os." I greet

"Hi Angel." He replies. After exchanging pleasantries I ask,"Can you do me a favour?"

"Sure. What do you need?" He asks

"I need you to come with Rosalio to Pizza With Misa." I request

"Be there in 40." He responds and I walk back in to see that our orders have arrived. I dig into my food as I wait for Os to arrive so I can execute phase 2 of my match-making plan.

We chitchat a bit until I get a message from Os.

Ossy❤: We're here.

I look back to see them and wave them over.

"Hey guys." Ella greets. "I didn't know we were having company over. Anyway, the more the merrier, right?" She asks and Rosalio nods.

Os is about to take a seat beside me but I scoot to the edge and say, "Actually, Os and I need to be somewhere else at the moment." I get up and stand beside him.

I whisper a good luck in Rosalio's ear and wink at him before I grab a very confused Oswald by the arm and pull him out of the place.

"What was that?" He asks once we're outside.

"That, Ossy was Cupid Rosetta at work." I say

"Wait. They like each other?" I nod.

"No way. Let's get back in there." He starts walking inside but I hold his hand.

"They need their privacy. Let's go"

He gives me a sad look but complies anyway. I take this opportunity to check him out. He's in a white T-shirt, army green jacket and pants with brown boots and shades. He looks good.

"What?" I ask when I look up to see him staring at me.

"You're beautiful and I still can't believe you're mine." I smile back at him and give him a hug.

"Where'd you like to go today Mi Lady?" He asks

"How about the Aquarium Museum?" I ask

"Let's get going then." He says and we walk to his car.

I just love admiring nature. The place was magnificent. I didn't want to leave. This is way better than all my Biology Lessons on fish.

"Do we really have to go?" I ask, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"We can't stay here all day Rosy. We've got school tomorrow." I sigh but give in anyway.

He drops me off at home from the Aquarium.

"Thanks Os. I had a really good time today. See you at school." I peck him on the cheek and walk out of the car.

I walk to Rosalio's room to find out how his date went.

"Hey." I greet. He has his head at the bottom of the bed as he stared up at the ceiling.

"Hi." He answers and sits up. I sit beside him and ask, "So how did it go?"

"Good. I guess. How'd you find out?" He questions me.

"She told me about your flower garden excuse. I can't believe my own brother could not ask a girl out." I laugh

"It's not funny." He says like a baby who doesn't get any cookies and milk.

"Oh but it is dear brother." I manage to get out through my laughs.

"Okay maybe it's kinda funny." He finally admits

"So when's your next date?" I ask and he shrugs.

"What do you mean by-(I shrug)-?" I ask

"I mean I don't think she likes me back."

I've got another mission on my hands then.

"You're an awesome guy. I can't assure you that she likes you but I'll find out for you." I say and get up.

"Thanks Rielle."  I nod and walk out of his room.

I call Bennie as soon as I walk into my room. We talk for an hour and I decide to tell her about Rosalio and Daniella in person since she had to pack up and mom was calling me for dinner.

After dinner, I watch a few shows before heading up to my room. Today was indescribable and I'm glad it happened.

Hey guys. I know updates have been slow. I'll work on that.

Hope you like this chapter.
Lemme know what you think

Xoxo- Detia❤️

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