Chickened Out.

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There in front of me stood the girl of my dreams. Okay, that's an exaggeration.
Not gonna lie, she looked so hot in her really short shorts and crop top.

I knew she was beautiful but damn, this girl's on fire. I just stare at here with my mouth agape.

"Hey Ross. What a pleasant surprise. Please come in."

She steps aside and I walk in, composing myself again.

"So what brings you to my humble abode this fine afternoon?" She says all fancy while giggling.

She's so cute when she giggles. Okay, it's confirmed. I'm whipped.

"Umm I got this for you." I say, handing the bouquet to her and rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

I got her Lilac flowers.

"They're beautiful. Thank you. I'm glad they're not Tulips though. I'm allergic to those."

Those were my first choice. Thank God Gustav asked me to choose the Lilacs instead.

"Why did you bring me flowers though?" She asks, looking at me.

"Oh umm I wanted an unbiased opinion on it. I want to give it to my sister. She was planning on starting a flower garden." Okay so I chickened out.

"Oh." She looks disappointed but masks it with a smile. "They're lovely. I'm sure Rosetta would love them." She says.

"Thank you so much. I've got to go now." I say and get up.

Don't be a dum dum. Just ask her.

Not now Steve. Yes, I named my subconscious. Weirdness runs in the family.

"See you on Monday Ross." She says as I leave through the front door.

I wave at her and walk towards my car.

Once I'm sure I'm out of sight I stop the car and stare at the road. This has never happened before.

I, Rosalio Williams never chicken out. I mean I ate dog food just because it was a dare but I couldn't ask a girl on a date?

This is way harder than I anticipated it to be. I start up the car again and drive home.

I see mom in the living room when I enter.

"Hey mom. Want some flowers?" I ask and hand it to her.

"Where did I sleep today? I think that's my lucky spot." She jokes and I flash her a fake smile.

She sees right through it. "What's wrong honey?"

"What do you do when you really want something but you fear you can't have it?" I ask her.

"If you really want it, You wouldn't let fear rule you. As I always say..."

"Success comes only with a strive towards it" we conclude together and I smile sincerely this time.

"Thanks mom." I say and give her a hug.

"Anytime dearie." She responds. "Now move aside, I don't want to miss what Chloe tells her daughter. This has got to be good." She shoves me aside gently to have a full view of the television as she gets back to Lucifer. This woman is addicted to the series I tell you.

I walk up to my room and take a nap. I need to man up and ask her out before I go bananas.

I wake up at 9am and take a long, refreshing shower. I needed it. I have been sleep deprived all week. Yes, I'm an A+ freak. I stop at nothing until I excel.

At 10:30 I'm in my comfy Saturday clothes and walk downstairs. I whip myself up some breakfast just as Rosalio walks down.

"Hey. Want some?" I ask, referring to the omelette I am making.

"Yeah sure." He says absentmindedly

"Would you like some bird saliva to go with that?"

"That would be awesome." He replies still looking down at his phone.

"Did you even hear what I said?" I asked him as I dished the last of it onto our respective plates.

"Uhuh." He replied.

I snatched his phone from his hands. "Hey! Give me back my phone." He says, trying to grab it back.

"Not until you pay attention to me."

"But I was." He whines like Josh does.

"Oh really?"

He nods. "Then what did I offer you for breakfast?"

"Oatmeal and brewed Salak tea." He says smugly

"Why would I offer you Salak tea and moreover with oatmeal?" I ask


"Well I wasn't going to give Salak tea or oatmeal."

"What were you going to feed me with then?" He asks, totally at sea.

"Omelette and bird saliva." I say monotonously.

"Bird sali- why would you- how would you even- Why?" He asks.

"Because I knew you weren't paying attention." I say and he sighs. "Why though?"

"I don't know what to tell her."
He sighs again

"Geez bro. I know you can do it. If you really like this girl don't let fear stop you. Now go. And get her the flowers as I told you. " I shooed him.

"Hold on. I've got to eat first." He says and grabs a plate to stuff his face with. Once he's done, he grabs his jacket and keys, and walks out of the house as I give him a reassuring smile.

Once I'm also done with my breakfast I text Oswald and we chat for sometime.

Me: Hey🙃

Ossy❤: Good morning angel😘. What are the plans for today?

Me: Just gonna lounge around and binge watch On My Block.

Ossy❤: So you wouldn't wanna come over?☹️

Me: I would but your dad.

Ossy: He's not at home today and I won't let him bother you even if he was.

I think about it for sometime and tell him I'll be there at 12.

He would be the one coming over but I don't want my parents to suspect.

I don't even ring the doorbell when it opens revealing Oswald in a hoodie and really baggy pants. He pulls me in and shuts the door quickly.

"What's the rush?" I ask him.

"I've been stalked since yesterday. We can't have them bothering you too." I just nod to that.

We walk in and I get into the kitchen to get some water.

"Make yourself at home then." He chuckles as I've already started to raid his home.

I join him on the couch to we watch whatever is on. He holds me close to him and I lean even closer to feel his warmth.

"Wanna watch The Exorcist?" He asks and I shrug.

He plays it anyway.

When it gets to the scene where Max con Sydow’s Father Merrin compels the demon to leave Regan’s body and her neck completes a full 360 degree turn, as she stares manically ahead, I jump even closer to Oswald which seemed impossible.

He smiled at me and kissed my head as I buried my head in his chest.

"Aww. So cute." Someone gushes and I look up to see his mother.

"Hi Nessa." I say, flushing with embarrassmentas I get out of Oswald's grip.


"I'm sorry. I'll leave" She says still laughing as she walks off.

After sometime, I drift into sleep sometime during the movie when I closed my eyes for too long out of fear.

"Wake up Rosy." I open my eyes to see Os' face so close to mine that I gasp.

He moves back and laughs at me, helping me up.

"What time is it?" I ask groggily.

"7am." He says with a straight face.

"You're joking right?" I knew I could sleep but not for so long. I search around for my phone. It's only 6 pm. I hit him on the chest and he just laughs at me.

"You enjoying pranking me, don't you?" I ask annoyed as I cross my hand over my chest.

"That was funny though." He laughs, not realising that I'm actually annoyed about it. I turn my side to him with my hands still crossed.

"Wait are you mad at me?"

I don't reply. He turns me to him and untangles my arms.

"I'm sorry. No more pranks. I promise"

I look at him. "You're forgiven." I say.

Just then, I get a message.

Mama: Where are you? Don't be late for dinner.

Me: I'm on my way mom.

"Got to go Os. See you tomorrow." I give him a peck on his cheek and turn to leave but he pulls me back and kisses me deeply.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow." He says and I nod in response.

"Bye Nessa." My face flushes red as I realise Nessa just saw that.

I walk over to my car and drive off.

Rosalio isn't at dinner so I plan to text him after.

Me: Hey. How did the date go?

Monkey: I don't have the words to say this. I'll tell you when I get home.

Looks like he has good feedback.

I walk upstairs after dinner and change into my pyjamas. After replying to Oswald's good night message, I study a bit and then let sleep take over my senses. After praying of course.

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