I Exist Too.

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I groan and slam my hand on the bedside table, furiously searching around for the stupid thing bursting my eardrums. Not bothering to open my eyes, I finally get to it but push it down instead. Hesitantly, I sit up, open my eyes and pick it from the floor, turning it off in the process.

Why the heck did I forget to turn off my alarm yesterday?

I lay back down, tossing and turning. Sleep, unfortunately, refuses to come back to me.

Thank You Lord Jesus. I mutter to myself, getting off the bed lazily and walking into the bathroom, as I rub my eyes. Who says you can't thank God after being rudely woken up by the alarm you forgot to turn off?

After my regular morning routine, I pick my phone and scroll through my messages. I put our agenda for the week on the Bully Wipers Platform. So far, I love how things are going with the committee.

I'm about to text Os but I decide to call him instead.

"Hello?" He sounds sleepy.

"Good morning." I chirp

"Rosy, is something wrong?" He asks.

"No. Why'd you think that?" I ask

"Because it's 6:30 am. You're usually never up at this time."

"Forgot to turn off my alarm." I explain.

"Oh. We'll then." He yawns and I immediately bring something up for us to talk about. I'm not a conversation starter most of the time but words just flow when I'm talking with Os.

After about 30 minutes of laughter and random chatting, I realise Os is no longer cracking jokes to keep me laughing just because he says and I quote,"Loves my angelic laughter."

"Os. Os. OSWALD!!" I yell. I still don't get a response. Then a diabolical plan pops into my head.

I walk to my top drawer and bring out the air horn. Get ready for some crappy sounds Os.

Pinning the air horn to my phone, I release as much sound as I can.

"Ughhhhhhhhh. Thump. Ow. What the heck, Rosy?"

"You slept off. I had to wake you." I say, shrugging even though he can't see me.

"Did you have to do it so cruelly? Gosh." I snicker.

We talk some more and this time he dared not sleep off again.

After sometime, Os has some business to attend to. It's 8:00. Gosh, we could have talked for 24 hours without realising.

I walk downstairs for breakfast.

The girls and I decide to meet up for a girls' day out. I walk to the living room after breakfast and watch some shows on Netflix.

At around 1pm, I get up to go get dressed when Josh approaches me.

"Heyya." I say.

"Hi." He smiles and takes a seat beside me. I realise he has his football in hands.

"Wanna play?" He asks with pleading eyes.

"Sorry Josh. I'm meeting up with my friends today. Maybe next time." He pouts at me and I smile sadly.

I already made plans with the girls. I can't just bail on them.

"I do know someone who would love to play with you." I said, smiling widely at him.

He crosses his arms over his chest and looks away from me. "Come on Josh, I can't just bail on my friends."

He walks away still annoyed with me.

I turn off the TV and get up to leave for my room when I heard a clash. I turned around to see mom's favourite vase on the floor. Oh no, she's going to kill us.

I look up slowly from the broken vase and the ball lying right behind the pieces to see a guilty Josh smiling innocently at me. He looks down at his feet when he discerns my fury.

"What did you just do Josh?" I ask through gritted teeth. "You know very well that you are not to, under any circumstance, play with a ball inside." I scold him.

He looks back up at me with tears in his eyes. I didn't mean for him to cry.

"Oh no. Don't cry, Joshy." I walk over to him and engulf him in a hug.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"It's okay." I caress his head softly until he stops crying.

I hold him at arms length and ask, "Why did you throw it indoors?"

"I wanted you to see how fun it is so you will play with me. You don't play with me anymore. You're always out with your friends. I don't get to spend time with you." He sniffs.

"I'm so sorry Josh. I didn't know you felt that way." I hug him again.

We pull away and I say, "You know what? Let's clean up this mess. I'll clear my schedule and spend the whole day with you, okay?" I propose and he nods, walking over to the kitchen to get a broom, I assume.

I text the girls that I can't make it today. I need to spend time with my little brother.

We cleaned the place and left it spotless. With mom's observant eyes, she's definitely going to notice that something is missing.

Rosalio laughs at us when he comes down to meet us cleaning up but still helps anyway. He decides to leave when we're done cleaning up but I drag him with us. He also needs do spent time with his brother too.

We play a match. Josh and I are on the same team while Rosalio is left all alone to defend the goal post and attack as well. They both laugh at me when I try to kick the ball but end up falling flat on my butt. I also scored an own goal. I have no idea how that happened. At the end of the match Rosalio still manages to beat us with 8 goals while we trailed behind with 6.

We walk back inside and freshen up since we are all sweating from running so much. I'm just glad I didn't twist my foot this time.

I meet the boys back downstairs. They are setting up the UNO cards. Rosalio wins the first round. Josh wins the next and I just sit there picking cards of huge value. What bad luck I have.

On the 5th round, Rosalio has won thrice and Josh, once.

"UNO!" Rosalio exclaims before realising that one of his cards had dropped. I'm about to penalise him when he adds,"Lalalala. Lala lalalala. UNO! Lalalala."

Josh and I laugh at him. I don't let it go though. I still penalise him for saying UNO when he didn't have one card but guess what, he still won the game!

I give up on the 7th round because I haven't won even once. Josh won three times and he's only 9. I guess I suck at this game too.

"Hey let's play Monopoly." I suggest and they agree. I smile wickedly because this is a game I'm undefeated in.

Josh goes bankrupt after he builds his houses on the properties he bought. Noob, I say to myself and chuckle. Rosalio didn't even purchase any property. He claims it's a winning strategy. He ends up paying so much rent that he's practically bankrupt. They eventually give up and I crown myself automatic winner. I ran up the stairs and grab my plastic tiara.

I stand in the middle of the stairs proclaim, "All bow to your Monopoly Queen."

Josh giggles and bows while Rosalio cocks a brow at me. He takes out his phone and takes a picture of me being goofy before he bows dramatically.

"Let's watch a movie." Josh says

We let him pick the movie and instantly regret it. He chose Finding Nimo. I mean I have nothing against the movie but when your little brother makes you watch it time and again, you get bored with it.

I leave halfway through and make some pasta for us to eat since our parents seem to have forgotten they have kids. They left in the morning to meet with the adults in the family. We had no idea they'll be gone so late.

After dinner, Rosalio picks the movie this time.  He chooses Coco.

Josh falls asleep on me at some point, Rosalio types away on his phone while I try to concentrate on the movie. I finally let the sleep consume me after struggling to keep my eyes open for sometime.

Hey guys. Don't kill me please, I know updates haven't been regular. I'm working on it☺.

Who knows how the chapter's title relates to it? Let me know your ideas.

I hope you like it.

Xoxo- Detia❤

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