He Killed Her!

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I wake up in the same position as I slept yesterday. Josh was still on me. The only things different were the warm, fuzzy blanket covering Josh and I and Rosalio lying in the couch opposite ours.

I grab my phone and check the time. It's 7:39am. I drop Josh gently beside me, being careful not to wake him.

I check my parents room just to make sure they returned yesterday. They are in the cutest cuddling position, dad is holding mom close to his chest with his chin on her head. Their legs are entangled too.

I make sure to silence my phone and turn off the flash before taking a picture of them. I am definitely posting this on their anniversary day.

I walk out of their room quietly. Guess we'll be attending the second mass then. I went back down to wake the sleepyheads there and went back to my room to get ready for church.

Simple and cute. I walk out of my room and realise my parents are still not up yet. Must have been a hectic meeting then. My uncle does talk a lot so I don't blame them. He could talk for hours about a single thing and end up forgetting the main point of it.

"Mom. Dad, wake up. We'll be late for church." I call out.

Mama opens her eyes partially. "What time is it?" She asks.


She jolts up immediately but dad pulls her back down.

"If you wake up that way, you'll end up with a headache." Dad says.

"Don't worry mom. I already asked Rosalio and Josh to get ready. You're the only ones left."

She sighs and gets up slowly this time.

After church, Oswald texts me that his dad isn't home which means we could have the study session at his place. I ask Rosalio to drop me off.

I ring the doorbell and I'm met with a radiant looking lady. Damn, she's beautiful.

"Hi. I'm looking for Oswald." I inform.

She engulfs me in a hug instead. I am confused but I hug back anyway.

"Rosetta. You're even more beautiful in person. Oh and your natural hair looks good on you. I mean the purple hair looked good too."

I smile at her with the confused look still on my face.

"Oh how mannerless of me. I'm Emma, Oswald's sister. Please, come in." She steps aside and I walk in.

"I've heard so much about you. You're all Oswald ever talks about." I smile at that.

"Who do we have here?" A voice says from behind me. I know that voice all to well.I turn around and my mouth drops open.

"Liam Alonzo? Like the Liam Alonzo?" I ask shocked.

"One and only. You must be the girl Nick can't get enough of." I guess he calls Oswald by his middle name too. But wait, how does he know Oswald?

"Stop harassing my girlfriend, guys." Oswald's says.

"Relax Nick. I was just talking with her."

"You know him?" I ask Oswald.

"That freak over there is my little brother." Liam says instead.

"A nutjob calling me a freak. How times have changed." Os and Liam both laugh.

"But the surname..." I trailed off.

He laughs and says, "I took my mom's. Didn't want anything of the man that gave birth to me."


"And I'm Emma. The less fortunate twin of the dumdum singer over there and the only sensible one among us." The lady introduces.

"Emma?" She looks familiar. Guess my memory hasn't bounced back fully.

"Fashion designer? Cover of every Vogue Paris Magazine?" Os says.

"Umm I don't quite remember."

"Speaking of that, I am so sorry for what my dad did to you." Emma says.

I smile a bit, trying not to remember him.

"Okay... We'll be leaving now."

"Nice meeting you Emma. Nice meeting you Liam." I say and walk up the stairs with Oswald.

"Hey umm." I draw Oswald's attention.


"Would you mind getting Liam's autograph for me? Bennie and I are huge fans." I ask.

"Of course. Speaking of, how were you able to remember Liam and not Emma? I mean you have fashion magazines all around your room."

"Well, I have been a fan of Liam since I was 12. And those Vogue Paris Magazines you see around my room belong to Bennie. She thinks I need to pick up a few tips. Apparently, my "no make-up, pick the first dress and wear life sacks away the cute guys." I laugh at her words that replay in my head.

"You look beautiful in anything you wear, Rosy." I smile at him.

We walk into his room and I slump unto his bed.

"So... let's pick up where we left off, shall we?" He asks, getting his book.

I stare at him innocently guilty. How am I going to tell him I didn't bring over any books.

When I don't make a move to join him at the study area, he turns around to look at me.

I look down at my fingers that aren't so attractive.

"Where are your books?" He asks, dropping the book he is holding on the table.

"I kinda, maybe left them at home?"

"You what?"

"I forgot. I came here right from church." I still don't look up.

He sighs and I look up to see him facepalming.

"Okay... I think there's a topic we can go through without needing to write anything." I smile at that. I am not really in the mood to write anyway.

I join him at the study table.

"When you said I wouldn't have to write you didn't tell me it was going to be an oral test."

"When you agreed to come over you didn't tell me you were gonna leave your books." He retorts. That's fair.

I have no problem with tests. I just don't like Oral tests. I feel like everything that's gonna come out of my mouth is rubbish and truth be told, most of the time it is.

I sigh in frustration but get ready anyway.

He asks about 10 questions and guess how many I got right?

3. Just 3.

"I can't do it Os. I give up."

"No no. I know you can do it. Don't give up on me just yet. Here."

He hands me a sheet and a pen. "What's this for?" I ask.

"Silence in the exam hall." I look at him confused. He looks so strict I just want to burst out laughing.

He hands me another sheet with questions on it.

"You've got five minutes. Start work" He gets up and paces up and down.

Well that was weird. I shake it out of my head and begin.

In less than 5 minutes I'm done.

He goes through and gets back to me.


"You had it all. All 10 questions were answered correctly."

"The questions were quite simple actually." I comment.

"Rosy, these are the same questions I asked you."

"Wait are you sure?"

He rolls his eyes. "I asked you the questions Rosy. I know what I gave you."

"I'm not really good with Oral tests. I can't form my thoughts into sentences without getting them jumbled up." I explain with a shrug and he lets out an oh.

"That'll be all for today then. Wanna watch a movie?" He asks and I nod.

He picks out a sad romance and I grab the nearest pack of tissues. You guessed right, I'm a crybaby.

Halfway through the movie and I'm crying my eyes out. Os draws me closer and hugs me but I can't stop crying.

Someone runs into the room.
"I heard crying. What's going on?" Emma asks.

I sniff and turn to her. She walks over to me.

"What did my dumbass brother do?" She asks and glares at him.

"Hey! I did nothing." Os defends himself but she just rolls her eyes and looks back at me.

"What's wrong Bubbles?" She asks

I sniff again and reply. "He- he killed her! He told her that he loved her but killed her anyway. He wanted the money so badly. Her mother died of cancer. Her father and her younger brother died in a car accident. Her grandpa died of stroke. He was all she had. He promised never to leave her but he killed her for money!" I break into tears again.

Oswald stifles a laugh behind me and his sister flicks his forehead.

"Come here Dolls." She pulls me into a hug.

"How can people be so cruel?" I asked through my tears.

"That's how the world is Rosetta. There will always be bad people in the world. You'll just have to make up your mind which team you support; the good or the bad."

After a solid 30 minutes of crying I finally stop.

I join the others for a late lunch and soon enough everyone is chatting freely as though we've known each other for ages.

Hey guys. I know many of you think she's overreacting but really, she's not. This character is the type of person that puts her feet into others' shoes. Imagine this happening to you or someone close to you. You'll feel terrible, won't you?

Anyway, sorry for the boring chapter. I promise to make it better.

Don't forget to comment, vote and share.

Xoxo- Detia❤️

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