It was that time of the year again, Ray's favorite holiday, Halloween. As routine, he had gotten us matching costumes. When I was eleven, our costumes were peanut butter and jelly, last year was salt and pepper, this year, I just hope it wasn't food. I was walking down the hall to class, when Henry came running up to me.
"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asked, putting his hand on my bicep to stop me.
I nodded, "About?"
"I just wanted to talk to you about what happened in your room the other day," he furrowed his eyebrows.
My face fell, "Oh?"
"What was that exactly?" He asked.
"A friend asking another friend about their Chemistry homework," I shrugged.
He smiled, "No, you know what I mean. We almost, you know,"
I sighed, "What do you think that was?"
I dug my hands into my pockets and started to rock back and forth on my feet, already feeling nervous.
"I think," he shrugged, "Two friends were standing in one room," he glanced below my eyes, "leaning in," he started tilting towards me, "nearly kissing," his breath rolled across my face, "but they got caught, so they couldn't."
I stared into his brown eyes as he stared back into my blue ones.
I sighed and backed up away from him, "We can't do this, Henry," I mumbled.
His eyebrows furrowed, "Why not?" He asked.
"Because," I paused, "We work together and-"
"It's because we work together that makes you not want this to happen?"
"Henry, you're a coworker, a classmate, and a friend. What's going to happen if you break up with me, or I break up with you, and we break each other's hearts?" I shrugged.
Henry looked down, "That won't happen,"
"You don't know that," I said, "Don't get me wrong, Henry, it's no secret that we like each other, but, we have to think about this. Let's go to class and talk over this whole thing later, okay?"
He nodded, "That's probably for the best,"
I started walking to Puerto Rican History, before noticing Henry wasn't walking with me. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to find Henry giving me puppy dog eyes. I shook my head and drug him by his sleeve. Walking in through the door, Charlotte was staring at something.
"Hey, Char," I beamed.
"Look," Charlotte demanded, gesturing to Jasper, who was talking to a girl, "He's doing it again."
"What, Jasper?" Henry shrugged.
"Yeah," Charlotte said, "He keeps trying to make that girl Monica think he's Kid Danger."
Henry laughed, "Oh man,"
My stomach did a back-flip at the sound.
"At least she's not rejecting him," Henry said.
I rolled my eyes.
"What are you talking about?" Charlotte asked.
"Oh, Maebel and I almost kissed. Twice," his attention never left Jasper, "The second time was right before we got here,"
I sighed and clamped my eyes shut out of frustration.
"Whoa!" Charlotte exclaimed, "You two almost kissed?"
Henry laughed randomly, "He touched her lips,"
"It's not funny, he's lying to her, and don't change the subject, I need more detail on this 'kiss' thing," Charlotte said looking sternly at me.
"Okay, when I come over later to get ready with you I'll tell you," I sighed.
Charlotte nodded, "Anyways, she's got dirty lips, now."
"Come on," Henry smirked, pushing past Charlotte and me, "Hey, Jasper," he said.
Jasper turned to look at him.
"What's poopinin?" Henry asked.
"Henry, you guys know Monica," Jasper smiled.
"Sure," Henry said.
"Hi, Monica," Charlotte and I said in unison.
"Hi," Monica smiled back.
"So, dude, trick or treating tonight, you still coming with us?" Henry asked his friend.
"It's okay to say no," Charlotte suggested.
"Yeah, I'm coming," Jasper turned to Monica, "You want to come trick or treating with us?"
"I'd love to come," She said.
Henry glanced back at me with a smug smile, I narrowed my eyes at him. What was his deal?
"Cool, just remember, a certain captain might need my help tonight," Jasper poorly winked.
I choked back a laugh.
"That's okay, I like danger," Monica grinned.
"And danger likes you," Jasper giggled.
Henry scooted closer to him, "Hey Jasper,"
"What?" Jasper turned around.
Henry lifted his hand and placed two fingers on Jasper's lips, "Shh," he trailed.
I busted out laughing with Charlotte as Jasper glared at Henry.
"So, tell me everything that happened," Charlotte pleaded.
I was over at Charlotte's house getting ready to go out trick or treating, and she insisted on me telling her how Henry and I almost kissed, twice. I was in the bathroom putting my costume on while talking to her through the door.
"Well," I trailed, "It was the night before Ray faked being our substitute and I had decided to forget some stress I felt by dancing it away. So, I put on The Beatles and danced. Of course, I hadn't planned on anyone coming up to my room, so I just got comfy and danced my worries away," I finished putting the costume on and started on my hair.
"And?" Charlotte beckoned me to continue.
"When I turned around, Henry was standing right there, just smiling at me,"
"And?" She was getting excited.
"He asked me why I kept moving away from him every time he stood next to me. I told him why and he apologized,"
"And?" She squealed.
"I told him it was okay and we just stopped and stared at each other, then we started leaning in,"
She giggled psychotically, "And?"
"And then Ray came in, sent him home, and- and that was it,"
She groaned, "Aw, man."
"Yeah," I finished doing my hair and started pulling on my shoes, "The second time, he had asked me about what that 'almost kiss' was, and we got lost into each other's eyes and started leaning in again,"
She gasped, "And?"
"I pulled away because I thought about our friendship, then we walked to class and found you,"
She groaned again, "Your stories are anticlimactic,"
I laughed and walked out of her bathroom. "So," I gestured to my costume, "What do you think?"
Her jaw fell, "Whoa,"
I furrowed my eyebrows, "Whoa' as in?"
"Whoa' as in, whoa!" She exclaimed, "You look amazing,"
I smiled, "Yeah, but I don't know if I should be pulling it down, or tugging it up,"
She laughed. Since my dad liked to do matching costumes, I, of course, had to wear what matched his costume. He had a lobster suit with a cheerleading dress on and he got me a cheerleading dress that said lobsters, too. The skirt ended just above the halfway mark on my thighs, and the top had a V-neck that stopped right before it got too revealing. I pulled my hair into a half pony, and put my white basketball shoes on.
"You know," Charlotte smirked, "Henry is going to really like seeing you in this," she gestured to my costume.
I rolled my eyes with a laugh and picked up my candy bag, "Are you ready?"
She nodded and we started to Henry's house.
3rd View
When the girls got to Henry's house, no one was downstairs, so Maebel stood leaning on the fireplace, on her phone as Charlotte went to pour them kool-aid.
"Hey, hey," Henry ran down the stairs, "Check me out," he looked over at Maebel and his face fell.
"Hey," Maebel smiled, looking up at her friend.
"Whoa," he gaped.
Charlotte stopped in her tracks and grinned.
Maebel furrowed her eyebrows, "What?"
"You look," Henry stepped down in front of her with a smile, "beautiful."
"Anything else?" Charlotte asked.
"Stunning," he mumbled.
"Thank you, Hen," Maebel stepped down next to Henry and kissed his cheek before walking over to Charlotte, who held her beverage.
Henry followed her with his eyes across the room.
Charlotte smirked, "What are you?"
"I don't know," Henry groaned, "Oh! I'm a zombie tennis player. Cool costume, right?"
"Don't you think zombies are kind of played out?" Charlotte walked closer to him.
"Well, yeah, regular zombies. That's why I added the whole tennis element, so now, it's boom... fresh."
"I think it looks good," Maebel commented.
"You do?" Henry sighed, looking star-struck.
Maebel nodded.
The doorbell rang and Henry's mom yelled from upstairs, "Hey, I think we have another trick-or-treater!"
"Yes, I heard the doorbell," Henry opened the door.
A little boy with a similar costume to Henry smiled, "Trick-or-treat,"
"You stole my costume," Henry whined.
"Just put the candy in the bag," the little boy said, gesturing toward his candy sack.
Henry glanced back at the two girls, shoved candy in the boy's sack, and shut the door.
"Boom... fresh," Charlotte mocked.
Maebel laughed and set down her glass of kool-aid.
"Yeah, alright," Henry walked over to Maebel, "Hey, you have something right here," he gestured to his lip.
Maebel wiped the corner of her mouth, "Did I get it?"
Henry shook his head, "No," he reached up and wiped his thumb over her top lip, "Got it," he smiled.
She smiled back. The two didn't look away from each other, instead, they zoned out into each other's eyes. Footsteps came bounding down the stairs.
"Henry, will you help me find my car keys?" Mr. Hart asked.
Henry didn't reply.
"Henry?" Mr. Hart looked up at his son and rolled his eyes, "Stop fawning over her and help me, please,"
Henry jerked out of his gaze and stumbled, "What?"
"Hey, interesting costumes," Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows.
"Thanks, I'm a garbage man," Mr. Hart smiled.
"And I'm a bag of trash," Mrs. Hart beamed.
"And I'm so proud to be your son," Henry raised a glass of kool-aid he had gotten.
"I am so angry," Piper groaned, stomping down the stairs.
"Whoa," Henry chuckled, "Who are you supposed to be?"
"I was supposed to be Taylor Swift," Piper yelled.
"Well, you don't look very much like Taylor Swift," Mrs. Hart looked down at her daughter.
"Yeah, cause your husband ordered me the wrong costume," Piper yelled.
"My name is, Dad," Mr. Hart corrected.
Piper walked away, "I'm not talking to you tonight,"
"That's not the costume you wanted?" Maebel asked.
"No," Piper walked up to the girl, "I told Dad to order me a Taylor Swift costume,"
"I made a mistake," Mr. Hart shrugged, stepping off of the loft.
Piper turned to her brother, "He ordered me this Jonathan Swift costume."
"Who's Jonathan Swift?" Henry asked.
"He's a very famous eighteenth-century author from Ireland," Charlotte received weird looks, "What? I'm weird cause I'm educated?"
Maebel giggled and placed a hand on her shoulder, "No, you're weird cause you're Mac-N-Cheese,"
Piper plopped on the couch.
"Ooh," Mr. Hart said, pulling out his phone, "We're late for the party. We've got to go,"
"I just need my purse," Mrs. Hart ran up to the bench and picked up her purse.
"What?" Henry asked, "You're going to a party? I thought you were going to take Piper trick-or-treating,"
"We were," Mrs. Hart began.
"Now you are," Mr. Hart finished.
"What? Wait!" Henry yelled running after his parents.
"Sorry, got to take out the trash," Mr. Hart pulled his wife out the door.
"That's me!" Mrs. Hart exclaimed.
"No! Mom, Dad, please don't make me take Piper trick-or-treating! We had a deal! You can't just... I love you?" Henry came back inside and scowled at his little sister.
"You think I'm happy about it?" She asked.
"You just listen to me," Henry said walking up to her, "I'm in charge tonight, so you have to show me respect," he pointed his tennis racket at her.
Piper reached up and yanked the racket out of her brother's hand and threw it into the kitchen.
"Starting now," Henry went to fetch it.
Maebel giggled.
"Hey, Halloweeners," Jasper beamed, opening the door, "Have no fear, Kid Danger is here,"
"Oh... my... freaking... God..." Piper, Charlotte, Maebel, and Henry took turns.
The five kids, plus the extra Monica, were walking through Swellview Park, surrounded by trick-or-treaters. Piper was walking ahead, mumbling to herself about how stupid Jonathan Swift is, Jasper and Monica were walking behind and talking about how Jasper was 'Kid Danger,' and the remaining three were talking about Henry's and Maebel's 'almost kiss.'
"I don't get it," Charlotte sighed.
Maebel furrowed her eyebrows, "Get what?"
"Why you won't just do it and if something happens forget about it,"
"Well, I'm all for it, but she isn't," Henry chortled.
"Look, guys," Maebel stopped in her tracks, "It's a lot easier said than done. Henry was my first ever friend and if that gets ruined well, I don't know. Besides, if word gets around that Danger Girl is dating someone, or Kid Danger is dating someone, or they're both dating each other, Ray wont let me out of the Man Cave, just in case,"
"Why?" Charlotte shrugged.
Maebel paused, "You know, if something bad were to happen,"
Henry furrowed his eyebrows, "You're a superhero, I'm pretty sure you can defend yourself,"
Maebel shook her head, "In some instances, I won't be able to," she thought of her real dad.
"What do you mean?" Asked Henry.
"Nothing," she shook her head, "Certain people know how to pry things out of people, if we try to hide something, they'll know how to find out,"
"Not if only us three know," Henry gave Maebel puppy dog eyes again.
"Then, we would have to lie to everyone, including Jasper,"
"It's not like we weren't already. I haven't told him I'm Kid Danger,"
Maebel shook her head, "Yeah, but, that's not lying, that's neglecting to tell him something. Big difference,"
"Whatever," Henry groaned, "Please? It will only be us three," he whined.
"Henry," Maebel warned, "You are literally begging, it's pathetic,"
He grunted and turned to Jasper and Monica, "You guys, come on. We going trick-or-treating or what?"
"Yeah, let's do it," Jasper pulled Monica alongside him.
"Okay, let's start on Riverside because rich people give out great candy," he smiled, "and then we can go-"
Henry was cut off by his watch triple beeping, and not a second later, so did Maebel's. Charlotte, Henry, and Maebel shared a concerned look.
"Why is your watch always beeping?" Piper asked.
"It's our boss from Junk-N-Stuff, we'll go see what he wants," Henry gestured toward him and Maebel.
"I'll go with you guys," Charlotte said.
"No!" Piper whines, "We're supposed to go trick-or-treating,"
"Hey," Jasper reached for Monica's hand, "I'm gonna take Monica and go hit the houses on Riverside,"
Monica pulled away from him.
"Cool," Henry commented.
"We'll text you and meet up later," said Charlotte.
The group said their goodbyes to their friend and continued about their day.
"We better hurry," Charlotte said.
"Yeah, Piper let's go," Henry demanded.
"No, I'm not going to your stupid store,"
"I promised Mom and Dad that I'd watch you tonight," Henry argued.
"So, watch me stuff candy in my face,"
"We'll take you trick-or-treating, right after," Maebel reasoned.
"Listen, bimbo," Piper paused.
Maebel's jaw dropped.
"If you guys don't take me trick-or-treating right now, then I'll tell Mom and Dad-"
Henry shot his sister with a laser beam. Piper fell to the ground.
"Why'd you do that?" Charlotte turned around to face Henry.
"She was talking so much," he whined, "Now, come on, we got to go see what Ray wants. Grab her feet,"
"Aw, man," Charlotte groaned and bent down to pick up the girl.
"She called me a bimbo," Maebel scoffed and helped Charlotte.
They carried Henry's sister away to Junk-N-Stuff.
The kids struggled to carry Henry's little sister down the steps into the store. They walked past the counter and smiled at the foreign man.
"Henry, Charlotte, Maebel, Happy Halloween," Gooch beamed.
"Hey," Charlotte said, dropping Piper.
"What's up?" Henry panted.
"Who is that?" Gooch asked.
"Oh, this is my little sister," Henry said.
"And when did you kill her?"
"She's not dead," Charlotte said.
"I just stunned her," Henry explained.
"Oh, good," Gooch deadpanned.
"Will you keep an eye on her while we go talk to Ray?" Henry asked him.
"Sure," Gooch nodded.
"Thanks," Maebel trailed.
They sat the girl down with a grunt and started to the back of the store. Pausing upon hearing Omar gagging.
"Something wrong with Omar?" Charlotte asked, referring to the mutated plant.
"Well, I just gave him a jelly bean, and-"
Gooch was cut off by Omar spitting pink out of his mouth and onto Piper, who was still unconscious.
"Your plant just puked on my sister," Henry stated.
"Yes," Gooch smiled, "No more candy for you," he started to pet Omar.
Maebel beckoned for her friends to follow her to the elevator, quickly leaving the shop.
The elevator opened and Henry and Charlotte stumbled out.
"You guys alright?" Henry asked.
"Yeah, but I think I dropped a noodle," Charlotte said, glancing over her costume.
Maebel chuckled and sashayed out, looking for her dad, "Ray?"
"You have to stop that," Henry pointed at her.
"Stop what?" She turned around and popped out her hip.
"Stop doing the hip thing, stop sashaying, God," he groaned.
Charlotte smirked and threw Maebel a thumbs up. Maebel smiled back at her.
"Happy Halloween!" Ray jumped at the kids.
Henry and Charlotte ran their eyes over Ray's attire. Ray had a lobster costume on, that also had the same cheerleading dress as Maebel wore.
"Look, I'm a cheer lobster!" Ray exclaimed. Ray turned around and started twerking weirdly.
"Cheer lobster?" Charlotte repeated.
"Is that, like, a thing?" Henry asked.
"Yeah, it's a thing," Ray defended, "Notice, Maebel and I are matching," he gestured to the cheer dressed.
"Oh," Henry trailed, "I was wondering why it said lobsters,"
Maebel pursed her lips.
"Look, go-" Ray stopped when he realized Maebel wasn't cheering with him. Ray tossed pom-poms at his daughter and told her to join in.
Maebel rolled her eyes.
"Go, team!" Maebel deadpanned.
"Please don't boil me!" Ray and Maebel said in unison.
"Or, use a tiny fork to remove my flesh and eat me!" Ray continued.
Maebel furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Ray with a smile.
"You look more like a lobster than a cheerleader," Henry informed, "Maebel on the other hand, whoa,"
Henry swooned, staring at the girl for a second before looking back at his boss, who was shooting daggers at him.
"Well," Ray snarled, "There was no room for lobster boobs,"
"Why did you beep Henry and Maebel?" Charlotte gestured to Henry's watch, shrugging off the costume conversation.
"So you guys could come see my cool costume, and notice Maebel and I are matching," Ray gestured between him and Maebel again.
"They get we're matching," Maebel shook her head.
"Ray, I had to zap my little sister to come here," Henry groaned.
"You killed her?" Ray
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