A/N: Im going to split year 2 into two different chapters. The first one will be the first "half" of the year (September 1st-Halloween) and the second chapter will be the second "half" (after Halloween-June 4th (Claire's 11th birthday)). So these next two chapter will probably be longer than usual.
And remember... I only own Stevi and her family, Emma, Scott, and Mitch. The rest are JK Rowlings
September 1st, 2010
"Get up! Get up get up get up! Stevi! Moms going on and on about how you'll be late for the train! Get up!" Ginny was yelling at me, hitting me with a pillow every sentence.
"Oh come on, Gin! Just five more minutes..." I mumbled, rolling over.
"You asked for this... FRED GEORGE SHE'S NOT GETTING UP!"
"Oh come on! Ginny! Don't!"
Our door swung open. "So we hear we have a defiant pre-teen refusing to get up. Is this correct?" I heard Fred ask Ginny. I groaned and buried my head in pillows.
"Come on, Fred. I have an idea," George said. I could basically hear the smirk on his face.
"Okay! Fine! Im up! Don't get any ideas," I said sitting up, "now leave so I can get dressed."
"Aw but it was a really good idea!" George whined.
"We'll get her later, George. Don't worry."
"Out!" I yelled. They both left and I turned to Ginny, "really, Gin? They have ideas now. Do you know how bad this is?"
Ginny just laughed and I turned on some music. Broadripple Is Burning by Margot and The Nuclear So and So's came on. (Song in side bar)
"This song is just weird, Stevi.." Ginny said, rolling her eyes.
"Do you even listen to the lyrics, Gin? I know you hear them... But are you listening?"
"You're weird. Why my brother is in love with you is beyond me."
I threw a pillow at her, "he doesn't love me, Ginny. We've known each other for almost a year. Don't you think if he loved he'd do something about it?"
"Just wait, Stevi. I can't wait to say 'I told you so'."
We got ready in silence (besides my music and singing) and went downstairs to eat.
"You don't have much time, dear. You took way too long to get up. You four are going to be late. We should go." Mrs. Weasley was running around frantically trying to get everything together.
"We'll be fine, Molly. Come on. I think were all ready," I said trying to reassure her.
"Okay.. Okay.. Come on then. Ron, Ginny, are you ready?" They both nodded. "Then lets go."
"Im so hungry! I haven't eaten in hours!" I yawned as Fred, George, and I found a compartment to sit in. "See you later, Charlie." I waved bye as he went to do... Whatever Charlie does.
"Its only been 30 minutes.." Fred said, putting my trunk away and handing me Bonnie.
"Yeah... That's like hours!" I complained, petting Bonnie. She was purring loud enough for George to hear, and he was sitting across from us.
"We'll get snacks when the trolley comes around," George said, laughing because I yawned for the fourth time since we entered the compartment.
"Come on, pet. Lay down. I don't know why you're tired. Mom made us go to bed super early last night," Fred said, letting me lay my head in his lap. Bonnie was curled up on my chest, still purring.
"She made us go to bed but I didn't go to sleep until..." I checked my watch, "about five hours ago."
"Stevi.. You woke up three hours ago.." Fred said, playing with my hair.
"Two hours of sleep! That's gotta be a new record boys!" Defense mechanism... Fred was worried. He called me Stevi.. That's not good..
"Stevi, sleep is important. It's really unhealthy to only get two hours of sleep.. Especially for a witch," George said, obviously worried.
"Im fine. Ill just take a nap and everything will be good. Yay."
"Ill wake you when we get there. Okay?" Fred said.
"Okay," I yawned, "talk to you then." I drifted off so quickly.. Laying in Freds lap.. Him playing with my hair. Bonnie on my chest. Life was good.
Freds POV
She's so beautiful. Even asleep. Her steady slow breathing.. Smile on her face.
"So what do you have planned?" George asked.
"For what?"
"You and Stevi of course."
I looked down at her. "You'll see, George." I hated keeping secrets from him, but the less people that knew.. The less of a chance she could find out. Ill tell him when it gets closer to her birthday.
Stevis POV
"Wake up, pet. We're almost there. You should change into your robes," Fred said, brushing hair out of my face.
"Mm... Okay..." I mumbled.
I got dressed and walked back to Fred and George. When the train stopped, we grabbed our stuff and walked to a carriage. They seemed to be pulled by invisible horses, or they were charmed to move on their own, or something like that. We went into the great hall and I met up with Emma, Mitch, and Scott.
"Hey sis! How are you? I've missed you!" Mitch hugged me as soon as he saw me.
"Hey Mitchie! I missed you too!"
"So you spent the last week with the Weasley's huh? We want details. Did he ask you out yet? Did he kiss you?" Emma asked as she dragged me to the Slytherin table. I thought I should sit with my house for the first day, at least. I looked back at Fred and George and they laughed.
"Nothing happened Emma. Were still just friends." I said.
Scott rolled his eyes. "Psh.. Just friends. That's like saying me and Mitch are 'just friends'."
"Whatever guys." I knew I was blushing. They all rolled their eyes and we ate as the first years got assigned to their houses.
October 31
I woke up to Emma singing "Happy Birthday" two octaves too high. She has an amazing voice but no one wants to wake up to a chipmunk singing you happy birthday.
"Happy birthday, Stevi!!" Emma yelled as she sat down on my bed.
"Mhm... Happy birthday.." I wanna go back to sleep..
"Come on! Scott and Mitch are waiting downstairs! Oh.. And you might want to wear the dress I bought you," she giggled and jumped up.
The only reason I got up was because it was Sunday and I might be able to see my boys today. Fred and George made the Gryffindor Quidditch team as beaters so we don't get to hang out as much anymore. They're always practicing. I looked at the dress Emma was talking about. It was black with a lacy flower type pattern on it. It really was pretty. I put it on and allowed Emma to do my hair and makeup. Sometimes I let her, sometimes I don't give a damn about my appearance. She likes me better when I let her dress me up.
We walked to the common room and found Scott and Mitch waiting for me. Scott gave me two gorgeous rings and Mitch gave me a choker. Why the clothes and accessories?
They rushed me out of the common room and out of the castle. We ran all the way over by the lake.
"Guys! Why... So... Much.. Running?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.
"You should really get in better shape, pet." I turned around to see Fred in a nice shirt and jeans. I laughed. I never thought I'd see him look so formal. Even if it was just jeans and a nice tee.
"Yeah.. Thanks for the advise.." I breathed out. There was a blanket in front of a tree behind him. Bloody hell this isn't going to end well.
"Your necklace.. Its purple." Fred said, grabbing it to look closer. "I didn't know it could be purple."
"Well... Red and blue make purple.." I said, worried he would say something about the two colors.
"Nervous.. And romantic huh?" Oh Merlin how did I know.
I felt my face getting red. Then I heard Emma clear her throat. "Youre still here?"
"George told us to make sure he went through with it," Scott said, smiling.
Fred started blushing, "well.. Come on. I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. No crusts," he smiled.
"You know me so well, Freddie," I said, walking over to the picnic Fred set up. "So what's this all about?"
"Its your birthday, is it not? It is also our one year anniversary of knowing each other, correct?" Fred said, sitting on the blanket and handing me a sandwich.
"Why yes. Yes it is." I took a bite of the sandwich, "I see you talked to your mom?" Id recognize these pbjs anywhere.
"Guilty." Fred laughed, then pulled out a present. "Here.. I know you don't like me giving you presents.. But I hope you like it.." He was blushing again.
I took the present, rolling my eyes. I really don't like him giving me anything.. But I also love it when he does. I opened it and there was another necklace. But this one was from Fred.. And only Fred. It was a heart. At first it was just clear.. But once I grabbed it, it glowed red. I looked up at Fred and saw him smiling.
"Freddie its gorgeous!"
"Oh my Merlin its red! Guys its red! Yay!" Emma screamed from where her, Mitch, and Scott were still standing.
I ignored the fact that I was so annoyed they were still here. "Why is she so excited about it being red?"
Fred started blushing even more. It was really cute. "Its a special kind of necklace. It was clear when you first saw it, right?" I nodded. "And when you touched it, it turned red?" I nodded. "It has a charm on it.. If it turns red.. It.. It means the person who received it is.. Is.. Well.. Meant to be with the one who sent it.. We're simply meant to be." He smiled as he used a quote from my favorite movie.
"R..really? So.."
"Stevi.. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes!!" I need to chill. I cleared my throat.. "I.. Uh.. I mean yeah sure that's cool."
He laughed, "I liked the first answer better."
"Good. So did I."
"Did he do it? If he didn't I'm about to go identical twin swap on her and ask her for him," I heard George say as Fred helped me up.
"Honestly Georgie, do you think I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between you and my boyfriend?" I smiled.. Boyfriend..
"Sure you've known us for a year but Im sure I can...." he paused, "you said boyfriend. Oh thank Merlin he didn't chicken out."
"I may be a lot of things but a chicken isn't one of them, Georgie." Fred said, wrapping his arm around me. This year was already so much better than last year. Im caught up in all my classes, even in potions Im doing good. I have a boyfriend. My five best friends love each other. This year is perfect.
A/N: Oh thank Merlin he finally asked her out. Amiright? Lmao next chapter will just be Christmas and end of the year. 😊 then we get more info on what goes on at school so it'll start getting interestiinnnngggg!
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