Chapter 8 Diagon Alley (2)

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"Okay now. We're going by floo powder. Arthur and I will go first-"

"Mom! Why can't me and Ginny go with?? It's no fair!" Ron said, still whining about not being allowed to go with us.

"I told you, Ron. You and Ginny can come next year. I don't want to risk Ginny getting lost and you would get too distracted to keep an eye on her."

"Don't worry hun. I promise to bring you back something," I said, noticing Ginnys face drop when she learned it was her fault they couldn't go.

"Thanks, Stevi," Ginny mumbled as she slowly walked upstairs.

"Anyways, as I was saying, Arthur and I will go first, then George and Charlie, then Stevi and Fred. Percy, you'll be fine on your own."

Percy nodded, happy that his mom thought he was responsible to go alone. (When in reality no one wanted to go with him.)

When it was mine and Freds turn, I grabbed his hand again, in case I fell. We yelled "Diagon Alley!" and once again the room started spinning. When I felt Fred step out I tried to follow him and once again fell into his arms.

"Does it ever get easier?" I asked him, embarrassed from falling again.

"I sure hope not," he laughed, blushing and helping me back up on my feet.

Once Percy appeared Mrs. Weasley told us the plan. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were going to go to Gringotts to get the money while we all go get our books. Then Fred and George can help me get a cat.

It only took us about an hour to get our books. We needed books for three different years and five different kids so I was surprised it didn't take longer.

"Come on! Come on! I want a cat! I want her nooooowwwwwwww!" I jumped around Fred and George bugging them to come get my cat with me.

"Okay, Pet. But if you keep acting hyper, you don't get ice cream after," Fred said, poking my nose.

"Fine. Meanie," I pouted, calming down.

"Good. Let's go," he said, holding his arm out.

I linked arms with him and started skipping and singing, "We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of oz!" Fred looked at me and laughed.

"You still need to show us that movie," George said, also laughing.

"I will. Once I get a TV I can bring to your house. Maybe your dad can find us one? I would prefer it to have a VCR and DVD player built in. Are you writing this down?"

"You're too much for us, Stevi," George said, rolling his eyes.

"Look! Look! Look! It's the pet shop!" I said, practically running to the shop.

"She's too adorable," I heard Fred say behind me. I started blushing.

"She's all yours, Freddie. Way too much work for me," I heard George say. Then I heard something like George tripping.

"Can I help you with anything?" The lady behind the counter asked.

"I... wanted..." I was breathing heavily from running to the store.

"She wanted to look at the cats you guys have," Fred said, laughing from me running out of breath so quickly.

"Over here," the lady motioned towards a wall with a ton of cats playing with different toys.

"Eek!" I screamed happily and ran over to the cats.

"So which one do you want?" Fred asked.

"It's not that easy, Freddie. I can't pick the cat! She has to pick me!"

"Well how do you know it'll be a she?"

"Because guys don't like me. Duh." I said, rolling my eyes. Fred laughed and I sat on the floor waiting for a cat to come to me.

"Bonnie! Come here baby! Come on," I started calling, the boys looking very confused. Then, one of the cats stopped playing with a mouse toy and brought the toy to me. I held my hand out for her to smell and she started crawling into my arms. She was so beautiful. She was a calico tabby cat with gorgeous green eyes.

"How did you do that?" Both the twins asked in synch.

"I told you. You have to let them come to you."

"But how did you know her name?"

"That's just the name that came to my mind. It just so happens that this kitty likes it," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "So how much?"

"Nine galleons," the lady said.

"Here you go," I handed her the coins, cuddling Bonnie.

"Isn't she just the cutest! Aww Bonnie! You're such a cutie, yes you are!" I said holding her in my arms as we left the shop.

When we found the rest of the Weasleys I instantly ran over to Charlie. "Charlie! Look at her! Shes perfect! Shes so gorgeous isn't she!"

"Didn't you say no ice cream if she was still hyper?" Charlie said to Fred, laughing as he pet Bonnie.

Fred just laughed and said, "how could I say no to that Charlie?"

"So then let's go get ice cream! Please Molly??" I asked Mrs. Weasley.

"You're almost worse than Ginny, Stevi. But it's always nice to have a young soul around," she laughed seeing me bouncing with joy, "yes we can get ice cream. Let's go."

"So Arthur, I was talking to Fred and George about getting a TV. Do you think you could get one from work?" I asked Mr. Weasley as we walked to the ice cream parlor.

"I think that's a great idea! Why haven't I thought of that earlier?" He started mumbling to himself then seemed to realize I was still there, "yes, Stevi. I'll work on it."

"Coolioz!" Then I skipped in-between Fred and George and linked arms with them. They both looked down at me and smiled, shaking their heads.

After we all ate out ice cream and bought two for Ron and Ginny, we went back to The Burrow. Ginny and Ron were playing Wizard Chess in the living room. When Ginny saw us she shot up and ran to us and gave me a hug.

"Gin! Look!" I lifted up the cat carrier and showed her Bonnie, "her name is Bonnie."

"She's so cute! Come on! We can set her up a bed in our room!" Ginny said, pulling me into her room. I looked back at Fred and George and they were smiling at me. I couldn't have better best friends.


Freds POV

"You sure you can handle her, Freddie?" Charlie asked me, staring at Ginny's room.

"Oh shove off, Charlie," I said walking over to the couch.

"If he really loves her, he'll have no problem at all 'handling her'." Mom told Charlie.

"Mom! I don't 'love' her! We're just friends!" I felt my face getting hot.

"We're going upstairs. Stevi wants to shower," Ginny said, as her and Stevi walked upstairs.

I smiled at Stevi and she smiled back, blushing.

"'Friends' don't act like that, Fred. Come on, you know you can't lie to me," George said. He knew how I felt. He hates that I'm not doing anything to get closer to Stevi.

"We all know how you two feel," Charlie said.

"I think they're perfectly fine as friends," Percy stated.

"And I think you're an ignorant git," George snapped.

"Okay! I like her! As more than just a 'friend'!" I practically yelled, trying not to be loud enough for Stevi to hear.

"Then do something about it you git!" Ginny yelled as she walked back down the stairs.

"Where's Stevi?" I asked, hoping she hadn't heard me.

"I told you. She's taking a shower. You're fine. But really. You have to do something about her. She was talking to me about Cedric you know."

Great. I have no chance against him. "Well that settles it. She likes Diggory. Not me."

"You're such a git. She likes Cedric as a backup. If she had to choose between you two it would be you! But if Cedric gets to her first, good luck trying to get her back," Ginny said, shrugging her shoulders and walking back up stairs.

"So what are you going to do?" George asked.

"I don't know, George. I think I might.. have to.... ask for help."

"Her birthdays coming up isn't it?" Ron asked. I had forgotten he was here. I figured he would have left.

"Yeah. October 31."

"I have an idea," Ron said walking over to me.

"Well don't hurt yourself, kid."

"Ha. Ha. Want help or not?" Ron asked, actually being very serious.

"Yes. Please. Sorry."

"Damn, you really do like her. I mean you said 'sorry' to Ron," George said, sounding shocked.

"George! Language!" Mom yelled at George.

"English!" George automatically said, then realized who he said it to and ran upstairs, Charlie following, scared of mom being so angry.

"All right. So this is what you have to do," Ron started. I really hope this plan works...


A/N: Yay! Freddie has a plan! About time too, amiright?!? We get to go to Hogwarts next chapter! Yay!

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