I woke up the next morning, confused about where I was. Then I remembered. Im a witch. Ill never get used to this. I checked my phone. "31 June, 2072."
"Muggle items don't work correctly here," Emma said, noticing my confusion.
"Oh.. Well what time is it?"
"6. We should start getting ready if you want to eat. We have potions with the Gryffindors at 8."
"Fred and George are in Gryffindor, right?" I asked, smiling.
"Yeah. Why?" She seemed to notice my smile then, "you like one of them don't you!"
"Yeah theyre pretty cool, I guess," I said pretending like I didn't know what she meant.
"Oh my Merlin! You like one! Which one? Tell me the details. You know I might actually like you. Even if those rumors are true."
"What's a mudblood?" I asked, remembering yesterday.
"Its a nasty term for muggle-born. Very offensive. Its kind of like using a racial term. But that's not what I was talking about. People are saying you lied about being muggle-born because you killed your real parents."
"That's horrible! Why would someone say that? I could never.. hurt my parents!" I couldn't even say 'kill' them.
"To hurt you of course. That's the bad thing about this house. There are some horrible people here. Very horrible. Voldemort was in this house. But there are good ones. Merlin himself was in Slytherin. Im pretty sure the only good ones here this year are me,you, Scott, and Mitch."
"You know Scott and Mitch?"
"Yeah. Like I said, theyre good ones. Anyways, you changed the subject. Which one do you like? Or can you not tell them apart yet? I still cant." She shrugged.
I started to blush, "Fred. It's really easy to tell them apart."
"Well yeah! Cuz youre in loooovvveee!"
"Im not in love! I don't even know him!" I threw a pillow at her.
"So tell me. What makes Fred different from his brother?" She asked, holding the pillow and putting her head in her hands.
"His smile. His cheek bones are higher and his smile is perfect. His... Beautiful eyes are brighter. His nose kind of points up. Cute little nose. Hes like me in serious situations. He jokes instead of being serious. George seems to be a little more... Moral I guess." I finished, not even realized how much I knew about them already. Emma was smiling like crazy.
"Youre so in love."
"We need to get ready. Come on." I got up, ignoring the statement.
"You can shower. I took one before you woke up." She was still smiling.
I started blushing again. "Thanks."
Maybe I am in love. What does love even mean? I'm giving myself a headache.
"Hey Stevi. Long time no see," Fred said, winking at me.
"I know right! Its been years!" I joked, hiding my freaking out by the fact that he winked at me.
"George, I think were going to like this one," Fred said, nudging his brother.
"Fred, I think one of us already does." Fred stepped on Georges foot and glared at him.
I giggled. "I should go eat. We have potions at 8."
"Oo she already knows her schedule," George said, still smiling from Fred's response.
"Why don't you come eat with us?" Fred asked, slightly blushing.
I looked at Emma. "You go ahead Stevi. I'm going to go see Scott and Mitch. See you in class!"
"See ya!"
Fred and George both held out their arms and I linked arms with them. I could tell we were going to be close, I mean, they did save me from having a breakdown.
"Hurry up and eat-"
"-we want to show you something-"
"-before potions."
"Do you two do that often? I'm going to get whiplash!" We all laughed and quickly ate.
"My lady," Fred said, holding out his arm.
"Why thank you!" I laughed and linked arms with him. Him and George nodded and we started walking out of the Great Hall. We went up to the seventh floor and we were now standing outside a bathroom that was obviously never used.
"Lady's first," George said holding the door open for me.
I walked in and there were a couple boxes filled with random stuff. "What is this?" I asked, looking at a box filled with what looked like candies.
"This, my friend, is the beginning of the end." Fred smiled.
"And by that you mean... what?"
"It's the start of our joke shop. We plan on owning a successful shop after we're done with school, and this is where we have to test the products. Of course we don't really have anything yet. We haven't learned much. But we're hoping to make candies that can get you out of class," George explained.
"Nice! You're practically heroes."
"Oh were flattered Stevi! Would you like to be our sidekick?" They both put an arm around my shoulders.
"Of course not!" They both looked away, slightly hurt, "if I'm going to help, I better be a hero as well!" They smiled and wrapped there arms around mine.
"Well that sounds fair. Now let us go, off to potions!" George said.
"I hope we get these candies to work soon. I wouldn't mind missing a few potions classes." Fred said, rolling his eyes. When we walked out the door, there was a man, who looked very unpleasant. He had a cat following him.
"Weasleys. I shouldn't be surprised. Trying to ditch class again. And who's this? That new girl. All three of you to my office."
"That's Filch. He's always trying to get us in trouble." Fred whispered to me.
"But we always get away. Usually thanks to Peeves." George said.
"He's our schools poltergeist. He's the only one Filch hates more than me and George."
"He always causes mayhem when he sees me and Fred go into Filchs office."
We finally got to Filchs office and we all sat down.
"You two have only been here for a month and you've caused more trouble than most of the seventh years put together!"
"Oh Filch we're flattered!" Fred and George said in synch.
"And you." Filch continued as if they hadn't said anything. "It's been one day and you're already hanging out with the wrong crowd."
"I'm sorry sir, but I believe I know who the wrong crowd is on my own." Fred and George both smiled.
Just then a loud crash happened the floor above us.
"PEEVES! I'll get Dumbledore to kick you out one day!" Filch yelled, running out of his office.
"Told ya. Peeves always saves us," Fred nudged me and walked over to the filing cabinet on the other side of the room.
"Anything interesting?" George asked following his brother.
"Just this old piece of parchment. It's blank, but Filch must have it for some reason."
"Pocket it and we'll figure it out later. We're going to be late for potions," I said, checking the time.
"Ya know Fred. You were right. She is a good one."
"Told ya. Let's go, beautiful," Fred held out his arm once again.
I wrapped my arm in his and the three of us walked out of the office. This year was going to be so much better than I expected.
A/N: YAY MORE FRED AND GEORGE TIME. A little.. flirty flirty.. happenin. And that blank piece of parchment.. hmmmmm... wonder what that could be... :) love you all! The next few chapters will kind of fly through the years since Harry is two years younger and we don't have much information before then so don't be confused if one year passes in only two or three chapters.
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