Chapter 4 Mudblood

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A/N: All characters are JK Rowlings besides Stevi (and her family), Mitch, Scott, and Emma.


"Hello, Ms. White. I am your headmaster, Dumbledore. Thank you Hagrid." He looked old. Very old. He had a long white beard and blue eyes.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand.

"Sit down. Please."

"So why am I here 11 months early?"

"I believe you are a month late, Ms. White." He said this with a smirk.

"My bad. Um.. Why am I a month late?"

"We are not allowed to have students under the age of eleven. I thought you would rather be a month younger than your classmates rather than eleven months older."

"Well.. Yes that is correct. But I have a feeling that's not the whole reason."

He smiled. "Youre very smart. That is not the whole reason. As Im sure you've heard, Voldemort is a very dangerous wizard."

"Yes I knew that."

"I have reason to believe if he somehow finds out you have been accepted to Hogwarts, he will try harder to become powerful once again. He is known to be afraid of me. Hogwarts is the safest place for you."

"Well thank you for thinking of my safety."

"I think of all my students safety. Now would you like to accompany me to the feast? You have to be sorted."

"Oh what are houses? Hagrid told me to ask you."

He explained to me the back story of Hogwarts. The four founders and their ideas of ideal witches and wizards.

"Okay. And how am I sorted?"

"You'll see dear. Now let us go to the feast."


I walked into the Great Hall (that's what Dumbledore called it) and there were four long tables full of students. Im guessing for each house. At the front of the room is the professors table. I looked around, everyone's eyes on the new girl. I made eye contact with one boy with red hair. He had beautiful brown eyes and perfect cheek bones. And his nose was so cute. He smiled at me and I broke eye contact feeling my face get hot.

Stevi what are you doing. You don't even know him. You're acting like you just saw a band member or something.

I walked to the front of the room with Dumbledore.

"Good evening students! We have a new student joining us today, Ms. Stevi White. Minerva would you please bring out the stool so she can be sorted?" I saw an old looking woman stand and start walking into another room. I could tell she was very respectable. She came back out with a three legged stool.

"Have a seat Ms. White."

I sat on the stool and she put a hat on my head. It was too big and it covered my eyes.

"Ah another Potter!" I could tell I was the only one who could here the voice. "Perhaps Gryffindor, like your mother. Yes you would do good in Gryffindor."

"Then why are you still debating?"

"Because Slytherin would also show your great potential."

"So put me in Slytherin?"

"Then I suppose the answer will be...Slytherin!" He said Slytherin so everyone could hear.

The woman Dumbledore called Minerva took off the hat. She was obviously very confused. I wonder why..

"Go sit with your house Ms. White. Over there." She waved towards what I assumed was the Slytherin table.

The boy isn't in this house. I sat down next to a boy with blond hair. He was tall, about 6'. He was sitting next to a boy with black hair. This boy wasnt as tall as the other but he was still taller than me.

"Hi! Im Scott Hoying. And this is my boyfriend Mitch." Scott introduced himself and Mitch with a smile.

"Hello. Im Stevi. Nice to meet you both."

"So why are you here late?"

"Oh I just turned eleven today. Dumbledore didn't want me waiting almost a year to finally start."

"I haven't seen you before. Is your family new to London?" Mitch asked.

"Oh no. We've lived here my whole life."

"Oh.. Who are your parents then?" Scott asked.

"You wouldn't know them. Theyre muggles."

"Did you just say your parents are muggles?!?" A boy across from us asked, with a disgusted look on his face.

"Um.. Yes.. Why?"

"Guys there's a filthy mudblood in our house!" He spit out the word 'mudblood'.

"Flint! Do you really have to say that word?" Scott yelled at him.

"Sorry Hoying. I forgot your mother is a mudblood." The boy got up and left.

"Well I've lost my appetite. Come on Stevi. We'll show you our common room," Mitch said, grabbing my hand with the hand that wasnt taken by Scott.

We were walking down the halls when a group of girls came up to us.

"Hey mudblood." One of the girls said, pushing me.

"I..Im sorry. What did I do? I don't know what I did to you. Why are you being rude?"

"How did you convince the hat youre not a mudblood. Huh?"

"I don't know what youre talking about. Please leave me alone." I was shaking and hyperventilating. I was so close to breaking down.

"Hey! Shove off! Leave her alone you prat!" I looked over and saw the red-head I made eye contact with. He was walking with a boy I assumed was his twin.

"Or what, Weasley?"

"Ten points from Slytherin! Get back to your dorms!" I saw that lady who put the hat on me.

"Yes Professor McGonagall," all the girls mumbled and walked away. Professor Mcgonagall walking in the opposite direction.

"Hi gorgeous. Im Fred," the boy I made eye contact with said to me, smiling.

"Fred don't flirt with the poor girl. She's just getting over a panic attack. Can't you tell? Im George," the other twin said, holding out his hand.

I shook his hand, still looking at Fred, "Stevi. Nice to meet you both." Fred noticed I was looking at him and we both looked away, blushing.

I felt Scott nudge Mitch and I saw them both smiling.

"Are you okay, Stevi?" Fred asked, still looking away.

"I.. Uh.. Yeah Im fine. Thank you. I think Im just going to go to bed. Thank you," quickly said still blushing.

"We'll see you tomorrow Stevi," George said.

"Okay. See you tomorrow."

Fred and George walked away, but Scott and Mitch weren't moving. Once Fred and George were out of sight Scott and Mitch both looked at me.

"What??" I asked, knowing what they were doing.

"You like him!!" They both said in synch.

"I don't even know him! Lets go to bed guys. Please stop looking at me," I said blushing more now that they weren't looking away.

We walked to the common room. (Scott said "pureblood" and a portrait swung open.)

"Your dorm is up there. It says first year on the door," Mitch said pointing towards a staircase.

"Thank you. Goodnight guys," I said hugging both of them.

I walked into my dorm and there was a beautiful girl sitting on a bed, reading. She had long blond hair and blue eyes. She wore glasses and it made her look adorable.

"Youre Stevi, Right? Im Emma. Your bed is that one," she said pointing to a bed.

"Thank you, Emma. Goodnight. Ill see you in the morning." She nodded and went back to reading.


A/N: Four chapters already! Yay. And ooooooo Stevi and Fred! Love at first sight? Do you believe it? Hmmmmm

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