As soon as they left, taking Cleo with them- I looked to Ashton.
"Come here" he mumbled, pulling me into his arms where I immediately began crying.
"Why is everything going wrong" I cried into him, feeling him holding me tightly, placing kisses across my head and shoulder
We held each other on the couch, giving each other silent affection for over an hour, right until they brought my little sister back into the room.
"How'd it go?" Ashton and I spoke in unison as Calum followed them in, holding her chart.
"Great, Michael got the bone set, she has about nine stitches, which we will have to watch, but other than that- just recovery and then a little therapy afterwards to make sure she can build up her arm muscles," he spoke for Michael, making Ashton and I exhale thankful breaths.
Michael soon entered with the chief, who looked between us and Cleo.
"Payton, Ashton- I know things are really hard right now, and they don't seem to be getting any better." He mumbled, glancing between us and Cleo.
"I don't know what I can do- I don't think there's very much I can do, but you let me know how much time you both need off, you both have that and permanent spots here, at this hospital" he spoke, almost making me cry from happiness
I wasn't even done with my internship and he's telling me I already have a spot.
"But, on behalf of your work family, all of your hospital bills, including Cleo's have been paid, you have nothing to worry about but healing and loving each other." He told us, making me immediately stand, moving to hug him.
He hugged me back immediately
He just gave us over ten thousand dollars of medical bills for free
"We love you, and we're here for you no matter what, you just let me know what I can do to help." He spoke.
"Thank you so much." Ashton and I spoke in unison, both of us overwhelmed from everything.
And soon it was just me, Cleo and the four guys.
"How are you feeling?" Luke asked me.
"I'm okay." I nodded slowly, sending him the smallest smile
"We've been just going downhill for a little minute, and that's okay." Ashton spoke to the room, making everyone listen
"Cause it can only go uphill from here, right?" He laughed lightly, managing to him Calum, who was on the other side of me.
"Man I hope" I mumbled lightly.
"I've seen you go through one hell of an internship." Luke spoke to me, a smile on his mouth
"You were just promised a permanent spot here, your little sister is still perfect and adorable- I can't see anything getting worse, let's look to positive aspects only." He smiled lightly.
"Yeah- lets just- be happy and thankful for everything we've been given, because things could be much worse" I spoke, holding Ashton's hand and looking to my beautiful little sister
Thank you god
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