Two days later
Cleo had been staying with Maddie, which we made sure she was okay with, but it gave Payton and I more time to be together
It gave me time to make sure Payton was okay- and to even make sure I was okay.
Ashton was laying flat on the couch, my body almost laying on top of his as a movie played.
I kissed his jaw lightly, resting my head back onto his chest.
"You feeling okay?" He asked, placing his lips onto my forehead, making me hum lightly.
After several moments, Ashton's phone rang, making him immediately answer.
I zoned back into the movie until I heard concern take over his voice
"You're serious?"
"Surgery?" He shot out quicker.
"Okay, we're on the way." He spat, immediately jumping up, throwing a shirt on.
"What's wrong?" I panicked, watching him run to our room before quickly appearing again.
"Do not panic, but something is wrong with Cleo"
Oh, I panicked.
I made him speed to the hospital, where we ran in together, immediately seeing Calum.
"Relax" he spoke, grabbing my shoulders gently as I went to pull the curtain open.
"What's wrong with her" I spoke.
"She broke her collarbone, it's an open fracture, we just now got her calm and she wants you, so do not go in there panicking, because Michael will kill you"
I gave a nod, making him open the curtain, revealing my bloody sister.
"Cleo-" "sissy" she immediately began crying.
I shushed her, immediately hugging her, kissing her forehead.
They had a towel draped over her shoulder so she couldn't see any blood- I assumed they had the blood stopped.
"I fell down-" "it's okay Cleo, relax" I whispered, wiping her cheeks gently.
Ashton kneeled on the other side of her, rubbing her stomach and assuring her that she was okay.
Soon Michael joined us with an IV, which I knew meant he was putting her to sleep soon.
"Michael is going to put an IV in your arm- but it's not going to-" "no, don't let him hurt" she cried, begging out to me almost.
I looked to Ashton, basically asking what the fuck should I do.
"I'll do it" he volunteered, taking it from Michael.
"Ash" she cried, looking to him as he grabbed her non hurt arm.
"Stop crying pretty girl, I'm going to make you feel so much better" he spoke slowly, making sure she didn't react negatively to him wiping her arm.
"Don't hurt me" she begged as he threw his wipe away, her cries hurting my heart every second.
I pulled her head into my chest, making her look away as he carefully got the IV in, making her break out into louder cries as Michael gave her a sedative.
"Sissy- they hurt me, they hurt me" she sobbed into my chest, making me hold her tighter.
"You're okay pretty girl, you're okay" I spoke to her, kissing her head multiple times.
Almost ten minutes after Michael gave her the sedative, she was finally calming down and breathing normally.
And to my shock, Stapleton stepped in.
"Is she almost prepped?" He asked.
My heart stopped
He was not assisting my sisters surgery.
I stared to Michael, whose eyes never left Stapleton.
"Yes, I'll get you to take her in about ten minutes-" "fuck no" I almost yelled.
"He's not operating on my sister- I don't even want him alone with my little sister" I panicked, making Michael focus to me.
"He's a Doctor, Payton" michael spoke calmly.
"A doctor who drugged me." I spat
"That was months ago- I'm not like that anymore-" "I don't give a fuck, you will not operate on my sister" I spat.
"He's just my assistant, Payton- relax" michael spoke, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"No" Ashton spoke for me.
"I don't trust him anymore than she does- we just lost our fucking baby Michael, we aren't taking any risks with her, use an intern from Calum's group." Ashton spoke cautiously, not wanting to piss Michael off.
"Go get Angela Downs, you're off the case" Michael spoke to Stapleton, who didn't argue- he simply just left the room.
"Thank you" I mumbled to Michael, who gave me a sympathetic smile.
I held Cleo as she drifted to sleep against my chest.
A female intern that I recognized entered with a game face on- which honestly relieved me.
"Doctor Downs please assist me on her surgery, I'm going to scrub in, see you there in ten" michael spoke before turning his attention to me.
"Trust me."
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