5: Back at the Rose Manor

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(Y/N) was finally back home, after four days of being in the city and one in the Phantomhive's state. She stretched her limbs as she lazily stood up.

Her sleepy eyes looked around. Where is Jake? He usually wakes me up at this time...Where is that mutt..?
She took a quick bath and got dressed in a blue dress-like the black one she had with secret shorts underneath too-and she braided her hair. She tied a white bow around her neck and slipped on her brown boots.

She sighed, looking around her room. Today I've got to sign that deal we were going to make with the Trident Corporation and check the new projects for the Asia branch of my company...God, I've got so many things to do..! Managing this company is not easy... She whined, and stepped out of her room, boots making a clapping noise as they touched the ceramic floor. She made her way to her office, and sat down on her red leathery chair, ready to begin with her work of the day.

The Rose Manor was a magnificent one, the Phantomhive's couldn't even begin to be compared to it.
The red walls, that in some rooms were purple or blue, the dark oak furniture that adorned all the rooms. The golden chandeliers and lanterns that clung from the ceiling, the black pillars in the garden.

The garden full of roses of different colors; red and white, and pink and orange.
Vines decorated the outer walls of the manor, making it look as if it was enchanted. And the roof was a beautiful ruby red.

The servant's rooms were pretty too, with their bunk beds and royal blue walls.

It was just another common day at the Rose Manor.

With the three servants causing a ruckus.

~Somewhere in the Rose Manor~

"We're so sorry Jake, believe me!"

"We didn't mean it!😭🙏🏻"

"Please forgive us!!"

Jake rubbed his temples, dark blue eyebrows twitching. What a handful these servants were.

The gardener, Alai. He was brought in by the Countess Rose, when she had found him in the streets. He was a migrant from India, with no money or family, so she took him in. With one condition; he'd work for her as her gardener, and protect the Rose Manor at all costs. He had purplish blue hair and brown eyes, his skin was not pale, but it wasn't really dark either. And he had a gift with knives and swords.

The cook, Ludo. A young retired soldier who had lost his family. Brought in by the Lady Rose, with the same condition she had given to Alai; work for me, and protect the Rose Manor at all costs. He was blond, with blue eyes, and a rough, strong frame.

And lastly, the house maid, Emmalyn. She was a clumsy young girl with light purple short hair and reddish eyes, who had a verbal tick. As clumsy and innocent as she may have looked, she was actually an assassin. A few years ago, she was being chased by the Scotland Yard, and had no home to return to, or family. Jake found her about to get caught by the police and offered to take her in, in exchange for her services and loyalty to Lady (Y/N) Rose.

It was funny, actually.
None of them were human anymore.
They were all allies of Jake Moonhunter. And they were all lycans.

But, the three were really clumsy, and, in an adorable way, idiots.

Jake grumbled. This three sure are a handful...And we have a guest this evening... He sighed pointing to the three. "Would you clean up this mess? We have a guest today, and I would very much appreciate it if you didn't do anything dumb." He ordered bluntly.

The threee swestdropped, bowing with a sad look. "Yes sir." They said in unison.

Ya see, the three had made a mess all around the manor-which is why Jake couldn't wake his Mistress up. Emmalyn had broke the new tea set Jake had ordered, Ludo had almost blown up the kitchen again-claiming that he thought if he used an explosive, the chicken would get done faster-and Alai had messed up the crops.

Jake sighed, leaving the three to clean up their mess, he left to do all his other tasks.
Which included:

•Making breakfast for his Mistress.
•Cleaning up all the rooms in the manor.
•Organizing things that are out of place.
•Work in the records of the Rose Company and check them.
•Help Ludo cook the meal for the evening.
•Attend all his Mistress' needs.
•Get the table ready for the meal with the guest from the Trident Corporation.
•Decorate the manor with roses from the garden.
•Prepare the state for the guest.
•Make sure every hospitality available is ready to be given to the guest.
•Do the laundry.
•Take care of the roses in the garden.

Jake sighed, and inmeaditely got to work.

~With (Y/N) Rose~

She sat in her chair, checking documents for the new projects, reading them, and approving some of them. After all, every single action, new product or idea, had to be first approved by her, (Y/N) Rose, the complete director and manager of the Rose Company of Guns and Militar Gear.

Her office's walls were a strong royal blue, a few paintings hung from them. A silver chandelier illuminated the room, and there was only a single, big window in the room, which was located behind her desk. There were no curtains for the window, and the glass had a special design: a rose.

"Oh god! This is so boring! All the new projects in here are not creative at all!" She whined, complaining, glaring at the papers in her hands. She messed with her hair, stressed. "Now I'm craving for some scones and tea...I haven't had breakfast yet.."

~With the three dummies~

"We have to clean this up, or Jake will scold us again, believe me!" Emmaly said, hurriedly she picked up the pieces of the broken tea set.

Alai and Ludo nodded. "Yeah, you're right!"

Ludo ran away to the kitchen, to get rid of the smoke and clean the ashes, and Alai ran to the garden in the back, to try to fix the crops, or at least clean the area.

~With Ludo~

The handsome blonde tried to hurry up, shooing the smoke out and sweeping the ashes with an old broom.

Even the kitchen was big in the Rose Manor.
The walls were made of white ceramic with rose patterns, the stove was of high quality, the sink looked made of silver, and the cabinets were full with ingredients and silverware.

The blonde kept sweeping, opening the windows of the kitchen, so that the smoke from the explosives got out.

"What a mess I made! 😭" He whined. Jake is always scolding us three for being idiots...And Lady Rose is so merciful in comparison to him! 😭🙏🏻! She's so nice and gorgeous! A small blush settled on his pale cheeks, as he lost track of what he was doing, and instead focused on his Mistress' beauty. It's a shame she's already Jake's prey..

~With Alai~

The adorable young man was picking up all the rotten
and/or ruined crops in the orchard.

His brown eyes glowed with happiness and excitement. "I have to clean all this! Maybe the Mistress will give me a reward! I'm craving for some flesh right now!" He exclaimed. The boy, was a young lycan, only recently cursed. And, he was one of the few cursed who had no special preferences in...well, food. As long as it was human flesh, Alai didn't care if it was a corpse, or a living person.

He drooled, thinking of his meal. He then got an interesting question.
I wonder, what would the Mistress taste like?

~With Jake Moonre~

After Ludo had cleaned the kitchen, Jake started to make his Mistress' breakfast, which that day consisted of scones, a fried egg, and a cup of Earl Gray.

Jake put the eggs and scones on a plate, and filled the tea cup. He then put both on a tray, and he left the kitchen, making his way through the manor to the office of his Mistress.

His shoes clicked on the floor, as his blue hair bounced a bit as he walked. He knocked on the door.

"Mistress, I have your breakfast."

"Come in!" A faint voice answered.

Jake opened the door, stepping in. His Mistress was sitting on her desk, glaring at the bunch of papers.
Jake chuckled, as he put the tray down in front of her.
"Having trouble now, are we, my Mistress?"

(Y/N) scoffed, obviously irritated. "Oh shut up." She retorted, glancing at him, then at the food. "Thanks for the meal, Jake."

"Of course, my Mistress." He smiled and bowed. "Is there anything else you need?"

(Y/N) sighed, shaking her head. "I guess not. How are the preparations coming along?"

Jake chuckled darkly, looking at his Mistress, his eyes flashed yellow for a second. "Don't worry, my Mistress. Our guest will have a great time."

(Y/N) smirked evilly. "That's good. After all, we Roses are known for our courtesy and generosity." She chuckled darkly. "Let's make sure Mr.William has a good time."

"Oh how splendid!"

Later the same day, the guest that the Rose was supposed to see had arrived; Mr.William Potters, from the Trident Corporation.
Ya see, the Trident Corporation was a weapons developer company from other country, and it wanted to make a deal with the Rose Company of Guns and Militar Gear. Mr.Williams was the representative they had sent to make the deal.

The blonde man was currently gushing over the beautiful manor and its rose garden.

"How magnificent! I had heard the rumors, but the real thing is truly gorgeous!" He gushed, observing the vines that covered the manor, and the red rooftops. "What a beautiful home Lady Rose has!"

Jake, Alai, Ludo, and Emmalyn bowed to him. "Welcome, Mr. William!"

Jake gestured to the manor. "Please, follow me Mr. William, our Mistress is waiting for you." He said, and led the blonde fat man inside the Rose Manor, leaving the three servants to do their other tasks.

Mr. William Potters was a dirty blonde fat man, who wore a beige plaid suit, and a red tie. He wore a pair of shoes that were too big for him, and he had a mustache. On top of his head rested a brown hat.

As Jake led the man inside the decorated Rose Manor, his Mistress was already waiting for her guest at the lounge. She sat on a red velvet chair with a rose pattern, one arm on the armrest-the heirloom ring of the Roses gleaming on her middle finger-and the other one supporting her head's weight, as her hand cupped her cheek.
She smirked.
Now, now, I wonder what Mr.William is going to do.
This will certainly be an interesting game.

~With the three idiots~

"I'm so happy we could clean all the mess in time, believe me!" Emmalyn chirped. Her short hair in ponytails.

"Yeah!" Ludo and Alai agreed. "Jake would have yelled at us again if we hadn't..."

Enmalyn giggled. "How do you think the Mistress is going to proceed with this Mister?" She asked.

Ludo and Alai looked at each other, nodding. "We just hope that if he ends up dead, the corpse is ours!"

Emmalyn grinned and sighed dreamily. "Yeah..." Then she furrowed her eyebrows and pouted. "But I bet he tastes awful! He's a fat man after all, believe me!"

Ludo deadpanned, dropping his head. "You're right...I didn't think about that." He whined with a gloomy aura.

Alai sighed sadly and began crying dramatically. "Y-yeah...Besides, I'm pretty sure Jake would not share the body with us..."

Emmalyn and Ludo dropped their heads. "You are right Alai.."

~With Countess Rose and her guest~

"The factory has progressed greatly during the last three years, I've heard."

Rose smirked, moving her black horse on the chess board. "Yes, of course it has. As a Rose, it's my duty to continue with the company, and nurture it."

Mr. William chuckled, moving his white piece. "Of course, of course, Lady Rose." He said, observing Rose's next move on the chess board.

(Y/N) Rose wore a rose red dress with shorts beneath, her boots were knee-high, and her socks were black and a little bit taller than her boots. She 'smiled' and made her move.

Mr. William gasped, putting a hand on his head, he then laughed. "Oh my! I've lost again! I don't think anyone can beat you!"

(Y/N) 'smiled'. "Well thank you for the compliment, but this is simply another game."

The two were playing chess in the lounge, sitting in front of each other.

Mr. William laughed. This arrogant brat...She beat me three times! He scowled and cursed mentally. Well, it doesn't matter. After she makes the deal with the Trident Corporation, I'll ask her for money to support the new projects... Hehe...But I'll sell the projects and their results to the Black Market!

Mr. William was actually a traitor, he planned to steal part of the Rose Company's newest projects, and ask for the Rose's money as 'collaboration' for the deal with the Trident Corporation. He was the representative sent by the Trident Corporation to sign the deal with the Rose Company, but his higher-ups didn't know about his plan.

(Y/N) smirked darkly, her eyes had an evil glint. My, my, does Mr. William really think he can fool me? I can literally smell his lies and irritation. She laughed quietly. What an idiot. I suppose the game won't be as much fun this time.

Mr. William looked at her. "Um, I'm sorry m'lady, but what's so funny?" He asked. Why is this brat laughing?

(Y/N) giggled. "Oh nothing, Mr. Potters. It's nothing."

Suddenly, Jake stepped inside, bowing.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, my Mistress, but dinner is ready."

Rose stood up with a grin. "Thank you, Jake." She turned to Mr. William. "Come, Mr. Potters, I'm sure you'll enjoy the meal."


(Y/N) Rose and William Potters sat on a table in the garden.

It was time for the sun to set. The sunset reflected on the glass cups, and the silverware. And the white tablecloth was clean and smooth.

Ludo, and Alai were hiding in the rose bushes, because Jake had told them not to do anything dumb or ruin everything.

Emmalyn carried a tray with today's dish.

Jake bowed, taking it from her, he placed down the plates with the meal.

"This is a specialty, courtesy from our chef Ludo." Jake introduced the meal.
Which was a bunch of raw beef, with special sausages, and prepared vegetables.

Mr. William's face was priceless. He was quite shocked. "And, this is the meal...?"

Jake grinned and nodded. "You see, m'lord, its a special dish from Asia, offerer to those who have worked hard." He explained. Well, more like lied. The meal was actually going to be a roasted chicken, but since Ludo had blown it up with his explosives, plans had to be changed.

"Really?!" Mr. William's eyes were wide and jaw dropped. And I have to eat this?!

"Yes, consider it a token of appreciation from my Mistress. She's grateful for your presence here." Jake continued with a small smirk. Humans are so gullible...Then again, I was once a human..

(Y/N) smirked, picking up the fork and tasting the beef. She snickered mentally. Ludo must have blown up the chicken and Jake had to come up with something. She took a bite of the raw beef, and her eyebrows rose. Whoah..uh...It actually doesn't taste bad... She kept eating the beef slowly eyeing Mr. William's reaction. Seems like he doesn't like it much...I assume I do like it because of the deal, since Jake's senses were given to me. Oh well, I assume his sense of taste was given to me too.

She sipped her tea and her eyebrows furrowed. What the hell is this? What a weak tea...Jake must have chosen it for the guest...

In the meanwhile, Emmalyn, Ludo, and Alai, were hiding in the bushes, eyes sparkling, and whispering.
"That's our Jake!"

"He saved the day!"

"Yeah, believe me!"

Mr. William was eating the beef slowly, chewing it as fast as he could. How is the Countess eating this?! Not only that, but she seems to enjoy it! I better finish this fast... He took big gulps of his tea and water to wash away the taste of raw meat.

Jake was standing behind Rose's seat, observing the scene with a small smirk. My, my, it appears that my Mistress likes it...The more she and I are connected, the more senses and abilities she'll gain. But she'll lose her humanity too. Well, it doesn't matter. I'm going to devour her anyways. It's not like I'm going to turn her into a cursed. I could, if I wanted to. It'd hurt though. And I'd lose my meal, so I won't do that!

(Y/N) Rose patted her mouth with the napkin. That was actually quite the delicious meal...Ugh...I'm turning into one of them... She looked up from her plate, and at Mr. William, who had just finished. "Would you care for some wine, Mr. Potters?" She asked. If he gets drunk, he might spill his plan. Although, I already know what it is...

Mr. William rubbed his belly and smiled. "Yes, I would, thank you." I need to wash away that taste from my mouth...

(Y/N) grinned. "Emmalyn, please bring the wine!" She called.

The purple haired girl suddenly appeared beside her with a glass vessel full of wine. Emmalyn was shy and clumsy, so she started trembling.

Jake put a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Emma. Don't just stand there, serve the wine." He whispered in her ear, giving her a seductive glance.

Emmalyn turned red and nodded. Her body shook, as her eyes tried to focus on the glass cup she had to fill with wine.

"Hey isn't Emma acting

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