The next weeks of preseason passed quickly and so did the national team camp. Jorge was still treating me differently. He praised me for everything I did and talked down to my other teammates. I hated everything about him and the national team. The last day I was called into Jorge's office, alone.
"Do you know why I called you in here?" he asked with a smile on his face. All the warning signals were going off, something was not right here. "I have no idea" I answered. My hands were shaking, and I felt my heart beating faster and faster. "I helped start your career. Don't you think I deserve something in return?" he said. It wasn't a question, and I knew what he wanted. I did not want to do that. "I don't" I answered shortly and stood up from the chair I was sitting in.
Suddenly, I felt his hand gripping my arm tightly. It would leave a mark, for sure. "Sit back down" he said with authority. "Now what would be a proper gift for me?" he asked. We both knew what he wanted, and I wanted nothing about that. "I am not doing or giving you anything for calling me up here" I told him. "Then you might not attend the next camp" he threatened. "Are you threatening me?" I asked. "I'm just telling you what will happen" he answered before opening the door.
I walked out of his office with tears streaming down my face. He had done exactly what I feared he would do. Alexia was sitting right outside, waiting for me. She had followed with, just as I had asked her to do. I fell into her arms. She held me tightly and helped me calm down.
Alexia walked with me to her room and made sure I told her everything that had happened. Mapí was also there, along with several of our teammates. We talked about everything he had done, and I was not the only one who was treated differently. Everyone agreed that he was a bad man. Some of the girls who listened apologized for their earlier actions. They apologized for their jealousy and their hatred. Alexia was angrier than me, and so was Mapí. I would have felt the same and I could not hate them for their feelings.
They all left soon enough. Now it was only Mapí, Alexia, and I left in their room. "What are we going to do? We should complain to someone, and what is that on your wrist?" Alexia asked worriedly. "He grabbed my wrist, it must be from that. We are also not doing anything about him" I answered calmly. I was way calmer than they were. Alexia was hugging me tightly, and so did Mapí. "We must do something, he can't just continue to do this against you. I won't let him" Alexia continued. I knew how she wanted to protect me.
"You will do nothing; I will say exactly what you can do in this situation. You will do nothing if I say that you should do nothing" I told her. The tone I said it in showed my authority. "We can't let him treat you like this. Isn't it like sexual assault what he did? He also threatened you Isa. You can't be the only one he has done something like this against" Mapí explained.
"This is a 'she said he said' situation. They won't believe me, a nineteen-year-old girl. What is my word against his? They will all say that I made it all up, just because he won't play me. I will be labelled a liar, someone who does things to get playtime. They won't believe me and I will be someone to look down at" I sobbed into Mapí's shoulder. "This is all so wrong" Mapí said. "But it is how it is" I responded. You should believe the victims, instead of saying that they lie.
When you don't believe the victims, you let horrible people walk free. Men who should get punished walk free instead. Every single woman I know has experienced something like this. They have experienced sexual comments, sexual assault, rape, or have been threatened by men. It should not be like this, but it is too hard to prove that something has happened. But who would lie about something like this? Who would lie about the worst experience in their life?
I would never lie about something like this. I would never want to relive that night. It is better to push it down in some deep hole and never think about it anymore. I've talked about all my experiences with someone. I have talk to friends, to family, and to a therapist. Going to court would not be something I would survive.
"Want to stay?" Alexia asked in her usual caring tone. I nodded my answer to her, too exhausted from the day to talk. Alexia got out a pair of pyjama-pants and a sweater from her bag. "Wear this" she said with a small smile on her face. I slept in her arms for another night. Her soft snores lulled me into a calm sleep. A dreamless sleep, just as I liked it. Her arms were wrapped around me, and my face fit perfectly against her chest.
I woke up before the alarm rang. Alexia was still asleep, or I guessed she was. I saw nothing else than the shirt Alexia was wearing. The slow rise and fall of her chest made me suspect that she was still asleep. I buried my face deeper into her chest, seeking the comfort I always longed for. In that moment her arms tightened around me. A second later I felt her kiss my head. She was awake, and I knew she knew I was awake.
"Awake?" I mumbled into her chest. She couldn't have heard me. My voice was muffled and quiet, but somehow, she had. "Yes, but you should get some more sleep before we go back home" she whispered, urging me to fall back asleep. It took me less than a minute to fall back asleep. Alexia was holding me tightly, whispering sweet nothings in my ear and kissing my head whenever she felt it fit.
"The two of you are very cute when sleeping" Mapí said and took a picture of us. "This is an awful way to wake up" I complained and pushed my head further into Alexia. The lights in the room were way too bright for the newly awoken me. Alexia just chuckled and let me out of her arms.
I walked out of their room and walked into the room I shared with Aitana. I needed to change into something else, the outfits we wore whenever possible. Aitana and I walked down to breakfast together. We sat at a small table, along with Patri, Alexia, and Mapí. The usually loud breakfast was quiet. We all were still shocked about what yesterday had shown. Not all players knew, and the players who didn't were loud and happy. The rest of us were not as happy. I was in shock about what Jorge had done. I was not going to let that affect me. He was nothing to me. I was everything, and the people who mattered to me knew that. It was good enough for me.
@anaelisagarcía has added to her close friends story
@alexiaputellas has added to her close friends story
We flew back to Barcelona together. I was sat next to Alexia. During the entire flight we watched the Reputation Stadium tour. It was my pick. I was still traumatised from watching the last movie Alexia chose. "Why do you always need to watch such boring movies?" Alexia complained. "This is a cinematic masterpiece, and you would know that if you actually watched the movie instead of me" I responded. My voice was calm. I was fully immersed in the movie and paid no attention to Alexia. However, I felt her watchful eyes on me. That was not difficult at all to notice.
"It was actually good" Alexia said with a smile. "What did I say?" I told her smugly. She squeezed my hand and held it through the rest of our flight. Walking through the airport was a bad as it usually was. People wanted our attention, and I covered the bruise on my wrist as good as I could. I had gotten good at that during the times I always used to hide my scars. It was easier now than it was when I first started.
Alexia drove us all back home. Everyone liked riding together, just because no one liked driving. "I can't believe I always have to drive" Alexia complained. "I like sitting in the passenger seat" I answered with a smile. "And you look good while doing it" Alexia chimed in. "Eww" Mapí complained from the backseat which led to laughter from the rest of the passengers in the car.
This is so bad lol, I don't have any ideas for what to write.
This was supposed to be published yesterday but i was too interested in the game. Sorry amigas!!
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