"Since when are you sleeping with La Reina?" Ottilia said once we sat down with our coffees. "Not for long" I responded, trying to keep it a secret for a while. "You need to give us details Isa" Aitana pressured. They both wanted to know exactly what was going on, and in a few hours they would. "Fine, what do you want to know?" I asked them. "When did it start?" Aitana asked quickly. "When we went to Ibiza" I confessed. "That is so long ago" Ottilia called out loudly. "And you didn't even tell me when we shared a room for a month" Aitana complained. "You didn't ask" I responded with a smile.
Ottilia started to laugh at that and continued to laugh for several minutes. She had to put down her cup of coffee to ensure that she didn't spill anything. "Leaving marks? I did not see you as the type to leave them" Ottilia said when she stopped laughing. "There are things you don't know about me" I answered with a smug smile on my lips. I liked keeping things a secret, and who I loved was one of them.
Wait, loved? No, I meant liked.
I meant liked. It was too early for love anyways.
But maybe I did love her. I could not admit that to anyone.
I only like her; love might develop at a later time. That was good, and the way I should think.
"How is she in bed then?" Aitana asked. I knew she wanted to know and if it was any of them, I would have asked the same thing. "She is" I responded with a smile. This caused Ottilia to cough up the coffee she had just drunk. "I can't believe that my baby has a girlfriend" Aitana said and hugged me tightly.
I continued to tell them all about our relationship, which is probably not what you should do. They knew, so it would have been worse if I didn't tell them.
"You need to keep this between us for now, no one else can know about Ale and me" I whispered to the two of them. I needed them both to know that this was a secret for now. "We wouldn't dare to do anything else" Ottilia said. I knew she was telling the truth, and Aitana would keep my secret. They both hugged me goodbye, and I was left on my own.
Ottilia and Aitana figured it out
Will they tell people?
Told them not to
Can I tell Mapí and Virginia?
Of course you can
Jenni figured it out in Ibiza
Did she also tell you there?
Up for dinner and a movie tonight?
With you? Always
Be here at seven
I'll be there:)
As soon as I got back home, I took a shower. It was not something I had wanted to do after training, and I loved showering at home. I changed into another amazing outfit, consisting of a pair of basketball shorts and a white tank top. Over that I put on a vintage Nike sweatshirt. I loved them and it was one of the best things about being sponsored by them.
Soon enough I was on my way to Alexia. On my way there I was pulled over for no reason.
"Do you know why we pulled you over?" one of the cops asked me. "I have no idea" I answered truthfully. I hated situations that were out of my control, and this was one of them. "We just want to check your blood-alcohol level" the same cop said. "Step out of the car and onto the sidewalk for me" he continued. I just followed his orders. I had not been drinking, so I had nothing to worry about.
I did what he asked, and I was well below the limit. They just let me go after that and continued to pull over other cars. It was a small thing that made me several minutes late. With all things considered I was not prepared for that.
I made it to the next parking lot before I had to stop. The panic was rising inside me, and I needed to calm myself down. It took some time, and for me to watch a few music-videos to distract myself from the panic I felt. This was not what I had planned, and I hated such big changes in plans.
Half an hour later I knocked on Alexia's door. I was very late and she knew I was never late for something. "What happened cariño?" Alexia asked when she opened the door. "I got stopped" I said with fear in my eyes. She hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead. "First time?" she asked caringly. "Yeah, and I didn't even do anything. I was under the speed limit. I didn't blow a stop-sign and there was nothing wrong with my car. I did nothing and they still stopped me. Why?" I said desperately. Tears were filling my eyes. Tears I always tried to keep at bay. I wanted to look strong in front of people, and this was not doing it.
"I have no idea, but it is unfair, and I hate them for making you feel that way" Alexia mumbled into my hair. "They thought I was drunk Ale" I sobbed into her shoulder. "And you weren't, you proved that to them" she answered. Her voice was soothing. "Things will happen, and I'll do my best to be there with you when they do" she continued. I believed every word she said. They calmed me down more than I would ever let anyone believe. She was great at that. Formulating sentences that calmed people down. That calmed me down.
"How about I cook us some tofu, and you can chop the vegetables?" Alexia said once my tears had stopped. "That sounds great" I whispered and got everything out to start with my task. Now I knew my way around her kitchen enough to find the stuff I needed. "Know your way around, huh?" Alexia said with a cocky smile. "Guess I do" I answered and shrugged my shoulders. I loved spending time with her, and I hope she loved it just as much as I did. We started working in silence.
"I'll tell Mapí tomorrow, if you are okay with that?" Alexia offered. "That would be great" I answered and smile slightly. She would never see that. Alexia was working on the other side of the kitchen and had no way to see my smile. "I can feel you smiling" I heard Alexia say. I was done with my vegetables now. I snuck up on Alexia and hugged her from behind. My legs wrapped around her body, and she was carrying my entire body weight.
I placed kissed all over her shoulder and neck. Careful not to leave any marks or to stay long at one place. "Isa" Alexia said warningly. "Am I doing something wrong?" I asked her innocently. Her answer was the one I expected, a simple no. I continued to hold onto her tightly, but my kisses were fewer. I just watched her cook, with my head on her shoulder and my hands under hers.
When dinner was ready, we ate it in front of the TV, watching an old classic, Top Gun. It was one of my favourite movies, however Alexia had not seen it. I had agreed to watch another movie of her choice, The Nun at our next movie night. I regretted that decision already, but it was worth it to watch Top Gun.
For the first time in a while, I was fully focused on the movie. Whenever Alexia looked my way, I forced her to look at the TV. We cried together, laughed together, and sat hand in hand. It was a masterpiece, and Alexia agreed with me on that. I was happy that we had watched it together.
It was not late when the movie finished. Alexia convinced me that it was a good time to watch The Nun now. I spent the entire movie with my head against her chest. Screaming in fear. It was very scary, and I was sensitive with that stuff. Alexia laughed at my fear and held my hand all throughout the scary parts.
I slept badly that night, even though I did it in Alexia's arms. She had let me borrow one of her big t-shirts and wore another one herself. "That was way too scary for me" I whispered in the dark. I turned around to face Alexia. "I'm sorry cariño" she whispered back and placed a kiss on my forehead. I kissed her lips softly, making sure not to rush. "I'll manage" I said and kissed her again.
My arm was around Alexia, and her arms were around me. The distance between us was almost non-existent, just as I liked it. She warmed up my freezing body, and whenever I slept with her, I didn't need my usual blankets. She was a portable heater, someone that was always warm. Maybe that was why we were so good together. One was always warm and heated up the other one, while the other one was always cold and cooled down the first one.
"You are always so cold cariño" she whispered. I flashed her a smile and said, "you are always so hot". I felt her smile in the dark of the room. "So, you think I'm hot?" she asked. "As a matter of fact, I do think that" I whispered to her. "You are also pretty hot" Alexia whispered back. She placed a soft kiss on my lips, then another one, and a third after that.
So very cute. I can't stop writing cute scenes between them. It is a problem, not a big one though.
I will finish this book before I start to write a new one. I have a lot of chapters left that are pre-written, and I also have many more to write. Hope you all enjoy this tiny bit of news.
Why do women have to go to svhool when they are on their period? I mean I almost fainted several times today because of it and I am expected to sit through a full school day, and even tests while I can barely focus on anything else than the pain I am in.
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