twenty four

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A/N: this will be last part about the dressing parts! sorry for dragging it on for a while, i just love writing and imagining the Kuroshitsuji cast in modern clothing! hope you enjoy the last scene as well, it was really fun writing it!
+ should there be romance in this book? i'm obviously going to have the reader have some moments with the cast, but i'm not so sure about a full-blown romance/relationship etc for now. let me know what you think!

happy reading! alli x

Written on 2/7/21, WC: 2085


[ 2nd Person POV ]

The Undertaker stepped out of the dressing room, wearing a casual long-sleeved sweater and a pair of ripped jeans. A thin chain of metal hung on the side of his jeans as 'decoration', or style; as Claire called it. His long, luscious silver-grey locks were tied up in a low ponytail (courtesy of you, of course) and sat over his shoulder. The smallest of movement would cause the hemline of his top move upwards, slightly exposing the Undertaker's muscles.

He twirled in front of the mirror, admiring himself.

"Never thought the Undertaker had such a nice figure," You whispered to Claire. "Seriously? His name is the Undertaker? Isn't that a wrestler?" She whispered back, clearly not listening to your prior comment.

"So, what do you think?" Claire asked, motioning to the Undertaker clad in casual clothing.

"He looks like he fits the modern era than any of us here.." Ronald trailed off. Grelle squealed, "Ah, How handsome~!" She swooned and dramatically fell into the Undertaker's arms. He caught her with ease, looking down at her through his silver-grey bangs. "Thank you, Grelle." He replied.

"He said my name! Just let me die here in peace~!"

"She really has a flair for the dramatics, huh?" Claire muttered. You giggled and nodded. "I find it amusing,"

"It suits him rather well, I think." Sebastian said as his eyes darted from the Undertaker's outfit to his own. Sebastian was already wearing a similar outfit, but was wearing a button-up top instead of a sweater. Smart-casual, you had said to him earlier.

"Business on top, casual Friday night out at the bottom!"

Oh right, you had said that too. It may have earned you a few weird looks from your other Victorian friends. But who cares?

The Undertaker chuckled, "I think it's quite comfortable."

Claire clapped her hands and picked up a pair of boots from a nearby shelf. They were high-cut, shoe-laced leather boots. The design reminded you of Doc Martens, but with brown threads instead of yellow ones. "Here! Try this." Claire handed to him with a grin.

The Undertaker raised an eyebrow but followed her words, the boots fitting like a glove. It was snug and comfortable; it did not have that awkward squeaky feeling when you first purchase a new pair of shoes. "Comfortable, right?" Claire asked.

The Undertaker nodded and walked around in a circle, "Oh, these are absolutely lovely!" He complimented.

Claire giggled and glowed with pride. "Thank you! The soles are made from second-hand pairs of shoes; that's why they are immediately comfortable."

You 'ooh'-ed. "Claire, that's incredible! How innovative!" You praised her. She waved a hand and rubbed her neck sheepishly, "It's not a big deal.. Just trying to be sustainable!"


Finally, the last guest was done dressing. Ciel Phantomhive, also known as Blue, stepped out of the dressing room. He wore a grey v-neck sweater and a pair of black jeans. A pair of unprescribed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, giving him that soft, college student look. He sported a pair of black high-tops that Claire had made a week before; one of her favourite shoe creations.

Sebastian followed out of the dressing room, an exasperated look on his face. "Dressing him has never been easy.." He muttered to himself as he rejoined the group.

"Oh! How adorable," Claire cooed as Ciel approached the mirror next to her. Claire pinched his cheek and began to fuss over the outfit, thinking whether the sweater would look better tucked-in or not.

She pulled away the pair of glasses, swapping it with a thin metal bracelet around his wrist, similar to the one William wore. She tutted when Ciel tried to take the glasses back. "It could be offensive to actual spectacle-wearers," She motioned to the three reapers. "Glasses are for seeing, not aesthetic!" Grelle said with a pout. Though she loved her glasses, she never really liked wearing them. It always made the back of her ears sore. But hey, anything to see, right?

Ciel rolled his eyes and retracted his hands. He instead fiddled with his hair, the long side-fringe of his navy-blue hair was grown out. He brushed his long fringe in front of his eye-patch, covering it effectively, if you ignore the black ribbon keeping it tied to him.

Claire handed him a belt (ooh, kinky), and motioned to his pants. "This might help keep them up better."

Ciel blushed a dark shade of pink, "K-keep what up?!"

Ah yes.. His mind went there.

Could you blame him? A young, 22-year old Victorian adult with probably, (you had guessed, since you didn't really know what Victorian people do.. Were they really like Alabama?) no prior sexual experiences. His mind was surely going to go there.

Claire raised an eyebrow at Ciel's tone. "Your pants?"

Ciel immediately faced away from her and grabbed the belt, "Oh, yes.. The pants.." He said awkwardly and fiddled with the item. Sebastian sighed and stepped forward, swiftly looping the belt through the pants' loops and tightened it.

Ciel winced, "Cannot breathe.." He managed to wheeze out. You gasped and rushed forward - a natural instinct to help when your friends are in need of help. You pushed Sebastian away and loosened the belt slightly, allowing Ciel to breathe. You fastened it to a more comfortable eyehole and looked up at him, "Better?"

Ciel regained his breath and met your eyes, realising that you were in a rather.. Suggestive position from his view. You went kneeling on the floor, face-level with his crotch so that you could save him from suffocating via belt.

Red seeped into his cheeks again as he immediately broke eye-contact and chose to look at the wall instead. "Y-yes, better.." He said softly.

You were oblivious to why he was acting as such and brushed it off. You stood up properly and dusted your hands off and narrowed your eyes at Sebastian. "Be careful-" You began to scold him, only to be whisked away by Claire.

"H-hey!" You yelled, only inciting a loud laugh from her. She man-hauled you into the dressing room and locked the door from outside.

"You're not getting out of here until you try this on!"


You finally stepped out of the dressing room. Arms crossed over your chest, you gave your friends a sullen look. "A dress? Really?" You grumbled to Claire.

She only gave you a toothy smile, stepping back to inspect the overall look on you. You wore a short-sleeved dress in your favourite colour, it stopping just barely above your kneecaps. It was lined with lace, similar to Grelle's new (and probably, favourite) top. The dress was square-cut and covered just before your chest, allowing others to see a clear view of your neck and neckline. The back of the dress was backless for a few centimetres, and showed off a glimpse of your back muscles.

The front of the dress was gorgeous. It was simple but elegant; cinched at your waistline and the lower half flowed gracefully with each movement you made. It also had a certain oomph to it, thanks to Claire sewing a petticoat under it.

You could feel the wandering eyes of your Victorian friends. You looked at them shyly and averted your gaze to the floor. "I know, it looks bad on me. I never suited dresses.." You began, suddenly reminded of why you practically never wore dresses.

Dresses were beautiful to admire from afar, but only a small amount of people looked good in them. You thought that you were unfortunately, not in that group. You loved dresses as a child but after being insulted by an ex-classmate from wearing one to middle-school, you never wore one again. The insult was enough to send you into a fit of anger and sadness, causing you to donate all of your dresses to Claire. She was thankful for your contribution but initially refused, knowing your love for the garments. You forced her to take them and never looked back, locking the situation away in the depths of your mind.

"You look beautiful, (Y/N)." Sebastian broke the silence, moving to stand in front of you. He bowed slightly and took ahold of your hand, pecking it lightly.

You kept your gaze on the floor, not wanting to look up. You knew Sebastian was the type of person who was able to tell how another was feeling just through their eyes. You could not let Sebastian know how you were feeling; how you were truly feeling.

But the question was, what were you feeling? Was it anger from being in a dress, the sadness from the memory being brought up from being in a dress? Or, was it shyness from the compliment?

"Sebastian is right. You do look beautiful, (Y/N). The dress only enhanced your beauty." Ciel spoke up and neared you as well. He took your free hand and also gave it a light kiss - just how Sebastian had done a moment prior.

You stuttered, "U-uh..." Their actions combined made you look up, meeting their gazes. Pink was dusted onto your cheeks and you stumbled back.

The Undertaker caught you swiftly, just as he had caught Grelle earlier. "The dress looks lovely on you, dearie!" He said happily and began to pull you off your feet, in small, light steps around the area. He waltzed with you gently and gracefully, despite not having any music. He hummed instead. After a few moments, he let you stand properly once more and let go of you. He bowed, "Thank you for the dance, dearie."

You were still too stunned and still processing what had happened to even response. You squeaked from all the attention you were getting. Was it ever normal to have such attention like this from others?

Ronald picked up a tiara that he found on a nearby shelf, a prototype Claire has been working on. Though she mainly did clothing and up-cycling of fabrics, she was trying to make other items such as jewellery.

Ronald placed the tiara gently on your head. "Fit for a princess. Just like you, (Y/N)." He said with a cheeky grin and stepped back. Grelle bounced over next, kissing you on your cheek. "You're adorable, (Y/N)!" She squealed and hugged you.

By now you had regained control from your shocked state and hugged Grelle back. "Do you all mean it? What you said?" You asked softly. The insult that had caused you to hate dresses for years ran through your mind.

"I never thought dresses could ever look so hideous on a person! You make the dress look like it was taken and made from a dumpster!"

William frowned and adjusted his glasses. "Tell me, (Y/N). Does it look like any of us here would lie to you?"

You shook your head sideways.

William let out a sound of satisfaction. "Exactly. Now, do believe our words. You're beautiful, and wearing a dress does not determine that. It can only enhance your beauty."

Your cheeks set aflame from William's words. You never knew he had the ability to say such things in him. He sounded like a poet, smooth with his words, yet able to get the point across.

You accepted the compliments with a shy smile. "Thank you, really. I haven't worn a dress in years.."

Claire wrapped an arm around your shoulders, a wide proud-mom smile on her face. "I promised you one day that I'd help you get over your hatred for it.. It seems that today is the day!"

You laughed and leaned on her shoulder, glancing in the mirror to finally admire yourself.

"Yeah, I guess it is today," You replied with a smile.

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