2- JensenAkles1(Arceidan)

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Authors note: The dialogue is exact to flamingos video so please keep that in mind. This user had earrings on and pretended they were sonic rings.

I joined this role play game, 'Life in Paradise'. I met this person and he seemed cool. His username was 'thereal_crayb'.

He came up to me and said, "hi". I said hi back. "want to be friends" He asked. "Yes" I said.

"Me like friend" I said.
"Me too"
"I like you friend"
"Want togo walo around"

We walked around and had fun. I loved friend.

"Hey friend" I said.
"You like my sawnick rings"

I made sure to put in my status so that no one gets confused, "THESE ARE SAWNICK RINGS NOT EARRINGS!!! GET IT RIGHT!!" I'm very insecure of people calling them earrings.

"Your saw rings are asome"

"They're called earrings bud"
"No they sawnick rings"
"No earrings"
"No they sawnick rings"

I don't know why people keep calling them earrings. It's so annoying. Even my friend said it. A random dude that spoke Spanish came up to me. He randomly spoke English.

"Those are earrings idiot"
"They just look like ERR RINGS"

Everyone in the server came up to me and chanted earrings. It was the worst day of my life.


I was overwhelmed my all the chanting. It felt like I was in a nightmare. "NO THEY SAWNICK RINGS!!" I yelled. No one cared. The chanting of earrings kept getting louder. It wasn't appearing in the chat box though.


It randomly started appearing in the chat box. Earrings. Earrings. Earrings.

I got drowned in the chanting. People surrounded me yelling at me.

"I will murder you all!" I yelled but no one listened. "I WILL REPORT YOU ALL" They continued chanting.


Once I said that, a nuke dropped onto the floor. I fell to the ground and smoke went everywhere. Everything in my surroundings was gone.

Years later, my account got banned.

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