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Riveria was troubled

X ranked stats. Such a thing was unheard of and yet that boy, Bell, had them in every stat barring magic

And that burst of power and strength that he used could take down anyone from her Familia...

She'd have to talk with Finn and Gareth about potentially coercing Loki in attempting to... acquire the boy


Ais was pensive. She'd seen Bell's display and knew that if he used such a power on her, she'd be toast

And he said it was all because of passion, his Fighting Spirit

Ais had much to think about. She did feel a hot fire of motivation within her core while watching Bell fight and she now found herself longing for a battle too. To feel the sweat on her skin, her heart pound along with anxiety, anticipation and elation

Ais now believed her passion would drive her forward and she'd use her passion to empower her. Her fighting spirit


Bell's eyes fluttered open. He'd managed to drag himself home yesterday after his battle with the Minotaur

Bell smiled at the memory

He sat up, wincing at several aches and pains

As he was going to call out for his Goddess, he was tackled back into bed by a black haired missile

Bell heard Hestia rant and rave into his chest as she shouted and berated him for his stupidity in battling such a beast and coming home in such a state

When she sat back up to look at him, she had tears in the corners of her eyes

Bell tenderly kissed her nose

That ceased all function within Hestia as she glowed red

Smiling "I'm fine Goddess. Great even, I'm sorry I worried you, but trust me, I'll never leave you alone. There ain't a fight I can't win" Bell winked at the end of the statement

Hestia regained control and sniffled "O-Okay... as long as you promise" she said that so cutely, like she was a child begging a parent to let her sleep with them because she was scared

"I promise" Bell accentuated this by pulling her into a tender embrace

They stayed like that for a time, held in each others arms

"So, what's the damage from the fight?" Bell asked

"You're fine. You were quite banged up and you had a few fractures, ruptures and breaks but some elf healed you" Hestia explained

Bell nodded. Must've been one of the Loki... I'll have to say thanks when I see them next. While Bell did drag himself home, his mental processes at the time weren't one hundred percent

"So how's my status?" Hestia beamed at that as she handed him a piece of paper

Level: 2

Strength X-4845

Endurance X-4987

Agility X-5012

Dexterity X-5098

Magic I-0

Development Abilities:

Luck - I


Liaris Freese - in correspondence with users feelings, growth rate is increased

Limit break: eight stages - Opening, Healing, Life, Pain, Limit, View, Wonder, Death - with each Limit Break usage, the preceding stage vastly increases the users stats

Iron Body - Physical defence and attack empowered

Argonaut - a heroic last stand wherein the tides of battle can be turned

Bell also smiled. A new skill which is an embodiment of heroism and Fighting Spirit. That sounded right up his alley

Hestia leapt onto him and hugged him tightly "congratulations Bell!"

Bell laughed and cheered as well


Bell was sat in the Hostess of Fertility with Lili, looking the perfect picture of depressed

The day had started well. He'd scared Eina's pants off by telling her of his levelling up, he then astonished her further with his unique development ability. All seemed well, but then, when he was at home, he found out

"Oh cheer up Master Bell, it's not that bad" Lili attempted to console

"Yes it is" he grumbled into the table, having his head lying upon it

The pair were joined by Ryuu and Syr

"What's wrong with him?" Syr asked bluntly

This garnered Bells head raising. He looked at Syr with tears in the corners of his eyes as his lip trembled. It was very cute to the three ladies

"Do I look like a Wild Beast to you?"

Ryuu and Syr stared

"Pardon" the elf asked

"My nickname... Wild Beast"

Syr chortled and Ryuu gave her a stern look, although there were hints of amusement in her eyes as well

"I-Its not that bad Bell, it's... complimenting" Ryuu also tried to console. Bell just slammed his head back into the table, gaining the attention of a few nearby adventurers

They rose from their table and approached

"So, you're the Wild Beast huh?" A scar faced man asked mockingly to Bell "I gotta say, I admire the company you keep" the man grinned lecherously at Ryuu, Syr and Lili "say, how'd you like to join my party. In exchange you share your... assets here with us" the man found a fist firmly planted in his face

The force of the blow launched him out of the bar. The spectators didn't know what was more impressive, the punch power or accuracy

Bell looked livid

"You wanna go you ugly Jabroni's?! Huh?! The only thing you'll get from me is an opportunity to pick your teeth up off the floor with a Bunch of Broken Finger!" Everyone in the tavern looked well and truly whelmed

The men realising the very real possibility of that happening, swiftly fled. Not before paying their tab of course

Bell sighed heavily and sunk back into his seat, all eyes on him

"Wild Beast seems more fitting now" Mia called over

A vein throbbed on his forehead as he turned his enraged look to the barmaid. She wisely got rid of the smug look and went back to work. Something about that furious look on such a cute face...

"Ehm... thanks I guess" Ryuu said hesitantly

"No prob... chivalry is a virtue which all ladies are deserving of or something like that" Bell replied as he lay his head back down on the table, sulking once more


Bell contemplated the Minotaur horn in his hand. He wanted to make it into an accessory, out of respect for the Minotaur he battled

But how to go about it...

Bell looked at his wrist. He made up his mind

It wasn't long before Bell arrived at the Hephaestus Familias shops in Babel

He went to the one he found his bracelet in. When approaching the counter, he saw two men arguing. Deciding to ignore that in favour of butting into the conversation, he spoke up

"Hey, you know where I can find a Welf Crozzo?" Both men stopped and stared

Before the worker could respond, the flame haired man spoke up

"Of course I know where to find him" he pointed to himself while grinning "he's me"

Bell smiled too "sweet! Can you make a bracelet for me from this?" Bell showed him the horn

The worker rose an eyebrow while Welf cried tears of joy. Finally! Someone who doesn't want a magic sword!

Welf well and truly believed that this was the start of a beautiful friendship


Bell and Welf had swiftly got to chatting while on the way to Welf's work shop

The duo got more acquainted with each other. Welf was pleasantly surprised that he was talking to the newly dubbed Wild Beast, a name that put Bell into a depression

Bell had heard of the Crozzo's from Eina. She set homework on the dungeon and equipment came under it. Crozzo magic swords were mentioned in the homework. Now if only Bell could convince her that he does do the work she sets him

"So, aren't the Crozzo super famous or something?"

Welf looked stiff at that "they were... but they don't have the ability that made them famous anymore"

"What was it?" Bell asked. Welf couldn't sense any ulterior motive coming from Bell, just curiosity

But he still had to make a point "they used to be the best at making Magic Swords. I won't make one" Welf said sternly

"Wouldn't want one" Bell replied nonchalantly

That surprised Welf. Usually all anyone wants is a magic sword "why?"

"I don't use weapons, I like to challenge my foes as equals, going blow for blow, pound for pound with nothing but my fists and wit" Welf stared at Bell wide eyed

"Wild Beast" he muttered contemplatively

"Don't use that name!" Bell curled up on the floor with what seemed to be a cloud of depression hanging over his head

Welf rubbed the back of his head sheepishly


Bell and Lili were joined by a new party member


The payment that Welf requested for his work was joining Bell in the dungeon, which Bell was all too happy to oblige

Lili apparently wasn't a fan

"My names Lili, L-I-L-I, LILI!" She shouted once more

"Sure thing Lil'li" Welf grinned mischievously

Bell smiled softly. It was nice to have friends


"What's gotten in te' them?" Gareth asked Riveria, gesturing to Bete, Tione, Tiona, Lefiya and Ais "her especially" Gareth said pointing at Ais who'd been a work horse throughout the entirety of the expedition. She had an all new aura around her

Riveria considered Gareth for a moment before delving into the tale of what they saw on floor nine

"Must'a bin something" Gareth commented once Riveria finished, rubbing his beard

"It was..." she paused "and I'm concerned about it" Gareth rose an eyebrow at Riveria's admission "that boys stats exceed anything I've ever seen before. All X's across the board except magic and that last attack..."

Being an Adventurer could leave you jaded and blasé to most things. This boy was certainly an exception to this rule and that worried the veterans. They were very aware of the sort of headway he'd be making soon. And the storm that will come with it


"Well hey there Danmachi fans, it's ya boy Zeus here to analyse the masterful use of womanising techniques demonstrated in today's Chapter!

"On this occasion, we saw the esteemed Nose Kiss. An old faithful when you wanna get a grouchy girl off of your back by turning them into a stuttering pile of putty in your hand

"Tis' the power of the Nose Kiss!"


Perhaps a little too... intense? For a first name... meh

Hope you enjoyed!

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