

42,040 1,438 16

My idea of what happened to Gaon after episode 16. The aftermath and realization of what he had done and being left alone in Korea.…



83,007 2,603 40

I'm currently watching the drama The Devil Judge and the chemistry between the lead actors got me hooked. their attraction between each other and the way they portraying things got me into writing this story because naturally I wanted more, because of course I'm a pervert!So that's how this description is gonna be... No description of the story... To know more you'd have to start reading already!Rankings:#8 in #parkjinyoung (15/01/2021)…

Who says?

Who says?

55,795 2,591 17

It's been a whole year since Ga On met Yuhan in the hall after that explosion."He just showed his face and disappeared."…



4,399 129 7

This is the sequel of the first book THE DEVIL'S DETECTIVE and starts six months after Gaon left....…

Magija krila

Magija krila

159 55 29

Vilinski život za koji malo ko zna, ponekad može da bude zanimljiv. Posebno kada je neobična ljubav između vile i običnog smrtnika u pitanju. Sukob vilinskih i ljudskih osobina, navika i života preterano je interesantan i komplikovan. Do kakvih se sve odluka dolazi zarad ljubavi i da li su te odluke vredne možda čak i nepostojeće ljubavi?…

Najbolji prijatelji - kao roditelji

Najbolji prijatelji - kao roditelji

5,098 190 21

Nastavak priče o Eleni i Mihajlu, njihovoj ljubavi i životima. Naprotiv tome što ni jedno od njih ne želi da se ponovo vide sudbina ih nakon dve godine ponovo spaja. Ovoga puta njih dvoje su dve odrasle i zrele osobe koje imaju zajedničko dete, ali pitanje je da li će se tako i ponašati. Da li Mihajlo idalje lomi srca mnogim devojkama od kojih je jedna i sama Elena? Kako će se poneti sa time da je propustio prvu godinu života svoje ćerke zbog toga što je on to tako želeo? Da li će uspeti da bude dobar otac svojoj ćerki ili tu ulogu bolje obavlja neko drugi?…

Njegova malena je samo proslost

Njegova malena je samo proslost

357 6 7

Koralina je jedna mlada devojka koja misli da je pronasla ljubav u jednom decaku Karlos.Kad on bude pokazao svoje pravo lice ona ce izgubiti svu svoju zelju da jos uvek bude s njim.Ali zato njoj u zivot ulazi neki sarmantan decak pod imenom Feb,pa ljubomorne scenee mogu da pocnu.…

The Black Rose [The Devil Judge]

The Black Rose [The Devil Judge]

14,561 519 8

They both know this thing between them is inappropriate on so many levels, but the heart wants what the heart wants, right? And so, instead of making Gaon chase after him, Yohan rushes to Gaon, unable to control whatever THIS is.It's only one more night, anyway. What could go wrong?(Summary by @BabyinaFlannel18)…

Dangerous Thirst

Dangerous Thirst

29,858 1,180 11

When Kim Ga On meets Kang Yohan at Supreme Court. He thought that Yohan was just an ordinary judge that helps the innocent. But when Ga On accidentally enters his office at night. He discovers that Yohan was actually a vampire. Yohan begged him to keep his secret as a vampire, but the condition is Ga On has to date him until he's human. How would their story go on? Will Ga On ended up falling in love with Yohan?-The Devil Judge Fanfic-I DID NOT OWN THE CHARACTERS NOR THE DRAMA-enjoy!…

Gospođa Romano

Gospođa Romano

114,435 7,229 63

Iza večitog osmeha, vitke figure i neizmerne lepote Gabrielle Romano, krije se slomljeno srce silovane devojke otrgnute od života na kakav je navikla, koje izgara od čežnje za čovekom koga nije smela čak ni da pogleda. Priča o ženi koja je zaboravljala na svoju sreću radi drugih ljudi. Priča o ženi koja se odricala svega što je volela da bi izbegla popreke poglede. Priča puna boli, laži, ljubavi i intriga. Ovo je priča o Gospođi Romano. #1 in Romance, 13.02.2016 All rights goes to; @tamara_writer ; copyright 2015/16…

Family Reunion

Family Reunion

6,069 129 13

What happen in Switzerland ( sorry guys more of an adventure story/alternate story ). Lose a family member , gain a family member , found a family member. And they though they would have a normal life. Birds of a feather flock together. With family members like these , why do enemies even try.…

Zaleđena Sećanja

Zaleđena Sećanja

2,555 296 8

Bol tera ljude da se menjaju.Ona ne želi da se seća bola, samoonoga što je voljno ostavila. Znala je da će se i ono što je bilo dobro nekadiskvariti. Kao sve u njenom životu.Želela je da zaledi trenutak.I zaledila ga je.// ok ovo je pisano jako davno, čak neka poglavlja mnogo pre samog objavljivanja. verovatno će vas malo (više) boleti mozak i oči od ovoga, ali šta je tu je. sry //…

The Teacher's Sweetheart

The Teacher's Sweetheart

7,856 120 22

"Good morning class, my name is Mrs. Hudson, I'm your new Science teacher". Diana Hudson, a perfect job, a caring husband and 2 loving kids. Sarah William, a valedictorian material, a straight As student, and everyone loves her.What will happen if these two meet? Will there be anything more than a teacher student relationship?PS: This is my first storyImpressive rankings:#485 loveatfirstsight#618 cheating#654 lesbianromance…

The New Devil [The Devil Judge]

The New Devil [The Devil Judge]

8,290 281 9

Set at the end of The Series, picking up as a second season ----- It hasn't been long, but Yohan's finally back to see Gaon. It's unfortunate that he's come back to find that there have been one, too many changes to the boy he'd once left behind.…



25,542 920 23

Erasmus- a kris gustin ficIN WHICHA Belgian university student goes toLjubljana for Erasmus to get awayfrom her familyORIN WHICHA year abroad might lead to the rest ofa lifetime in a foreign country and adream careerJoker Out - Book 2started : 28/06/2023finished : 17/07/2023fem oc x kris gustin{social media|real life}2023 © GoddessSpirit_…

Yeonbin| secret love story

Yeonbin| secret love story

77,845 2,670 13

Yeonbin / Secret love sorry…

The 7 Days (Stelljun)

The 7 Days (Stelljun)

2,265 70 8

Stelljun Story This Stelljun Story is Paulo wants to commit suicide because of the trauma he got from his Uncle Boyet. but suddenly he met Stell in church and he learned from Stell to love his self and his life. but suddenly some thing happend…



4,623 71 7

First time lang gumawa na fiction boring lang ako hehehehehAnd this is short fiction : D Sorry pag may Mali sa mga words ko Hope magustuhan nyo to mga kaps…

The Devil Judge 🌙 || (ONE-SHOTS)

The Devil Judge 🌙 || (ONE-SHOTS)

73,180 2,710 46

[ATTENTION SPOILER! + Dark themes]Collection of One-Shots following the characters of Kim Ga On and Kang Yo Han in various scenarios. More of an emotional rollercoaster than just a fictional story. It covers different delicate themes.…