Stiles & Thor

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Stiles doesn't know whether to laugh or to puke.

He's standing in an elevator, surrounded by Pack, and is on his way up to the pent house of the Avengers Tower. Or was it still Stark Tower? It was hard to decide what to call it now-a-days now that the Avengers all lived there full time, but back to the main cause of Stiles' somewhat distress!

Lydia had somehow caught Stark Industries' eye when she was in college working towards her Fields Medal, and was eventually recruited by SI to crunch numbers for Scientists in the labs and to work on whatever it is that Lydia wanted to work on. She befriended someone by the name of Darcy Lewis who in turn introduced Lydia to Doctors Foster and Banner. From there, Lydia was introduced to each and every Avenger and Miss Potts when she wasn't on the clock, and lo and behold Lydia Martin was adopted by a bunch of superheroes and their soulmates. She rarely bragged about knowing the Avengers, but she did brag to the Avengers about her best of friends that were scattered around in California. So when Tony got into one of his party moods, he finally decided he wanted to meet Lydia's friends and invited them to the Tower.

"Would you chill?" Scott chuckles, one arm draped around Allison's shoulders. "They're just people, you know."

"People who live ordinary lives after they're done saving the world," Allison grins. "No biggie."

Stiles scoffs and digs his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Yeah, but they're people we've idolized for how long, Scotty? For fuck's sake, we have their posters up in our dorm room."

Isaac and Malia both snort in amusement from their corner of the elevator, Malia standing in front of her soulmate with Isaac's chin resting on her shoulder and his arms wrapped around her waist. Derek and Kira are in the other back corner, their clasped hands hidden between them. Out of all the mated pairs, Derek and Kira were the most private of the pack.

"Whatever. You make fun of me now, but I bet Alli swoons with Hawkeye." She doesn't deny anything and Stiles grins over his shoulder when he catches sight of Scott's pout in the reflection of the doors.

All too soon the doors are opening up to one of the most extravagant pent houses they've ever set foot in. Everything's chrome, glass and done up surprisingly in dark hues of blue. The Avengers, the very recognizable Pepper Potts, Lydia and a couple other faces they don't recognize are all gathered about in a sunken floor with numerous cushions- all of them turning towards the elevator with matching grins.

Scott pushes Stiles forward, he stumbling over his own two feet before righting himself and glaring at his alpha before facing forward once more.

"So which one of us is on your wall?" Tony leers. "And are we your spank bank material? Inquiring minds need to know."

Stiles splutters and Allison cackles. "I- wait, what?!"

"JARVIS, Stiles," Lydia smirks over at him. "Did you forget Stark has an AI that runs this building and that there are cameras literally everywhere? JARVIS, please say hello."

"Hello, friends of Miss Martin. My name is is JARVIS."

Stiles' wide eyes glance upward, as does the gazes of those standing behind him, and the others all chuckle softly at their reactions.

"Right. So introductions," Lydia claps her hands and pushes to her feet. "Guys, you all know of Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint and Dr. Banner," she gestures to each of the present Avengers as she names them. "Thor is currently out and about, but he'll be here soon, and then we have Pepper, Darcy and Jane."

The Avengers and friends greet Lydia's friends from home with various greetings, and then Lydia's introducing her new friends to the old. "First and foremost we have Scott and Allison. Don't let their dimples fool you." The couple in question both laugh, smiling so their dimples flash. "To their left is Derek and Kira. Derek always looks.. murderous, so that's normal. Don't be afraid." Derek's scowl deepens and Kira elbows him, chuckling as she wraps an arm around the back of his waist. "To the far right are Isaac and Malia. They're very affectionate, so if it becomes too much no one will mind if you spray them with a water bottle to separate them."

"Hey! We're not that bad anymore," Isaac frowns though his eyes flash with amusement.

"Yeah, whatever," Lydia waves him off, "and then last, but not least we have Stiles who, by the way Stark, has Natasha, Steve and Thor on his dorm walls."

Tony and Clint squawk in outrage at not being included, Steve blushes while Natasha preens and Stiles continues to splutter and deny, deny, deny!


Once the embarrassment was done and over with, the groups come together surprisingly quickly and disperse into smaller groups of their own. Scott and Derek had been sucked in by Steve and Bruce, Allison and Kira had been pulled in by Clint and Natasha, and Isaac and Malia were with Pepper and Tony. Malia seemed to be going toe-to-toe with the billionaire and Isaac seemed like he was seconds away from cowering behind one very amused Pepper.

And Stiles- Stiles is gladly lounging at the bar with Lydia, Jane and Darcy while the curvy brunette mixes them up a batch of margaritas.

"So, Stiles," Darcy practically purrs at him, "how exactly did you meet our lovely Lydia? She's not big on details about her high school career or the younger years."

Lydia rolls her eyes as she accepts her glass of slushy goodness and Stiles grins as he accepts his glass as well. "I, uh, I was actually in love with Lydia from the third grade to our junior year of high school."

"Get out," Darcy beams as Jane coos. "What about your soulmate? Were their words that offensive that you fell in love with somebody else?"

Stiles snorts and shakes his head, licking his bottom lip free of salt. "Don't have a mark."

Darcy and Jane freeze, their amusement immediately ceasing. An apology is clearly shown in Darcy's eyes and another apology is on the tip of Jane's tongue, but Lydia waves them off. "Don't worry about," she tells them. "Just because Stiles doesn't have a mark doesn't mean he went without.. company."

"Gotta love Sinema," Stiles sighs wistfully before sipping his drink. At Jane and Darcy's furrowed brows, Stiles elaborates. "Gay club that has men dancing in their smallest briefs inside cages."

"If I visit Beacon Hills, will you take me to Sinema?"

"Of course." Stiles laughs at Darcy's suddenly glazed over eyes.

The foursome fall into teasing banter, the three women plus Stiles cackling to themselves as Clint takes to leering at Kira, of all people, and doesn't notice her soulmate glaring daggers at the side of his head. However, Natasha does and briefly excuses herself when she catches sight of Darcy's infamous margaritas being mixed up again.

"Do I have to worry about Derek killing my partner?"

"Nah, Sourwolf is all bark and no bite," Stiles smirks. Natasha snorts and Derek's glare briefly darts to Stiles before returning back to Clint.

"Good to know," the redhead nods.

Natasha collects a silver platter and four glasses from beneath the bar, coating the rims of the glasses with salt before accepting the pitcher of alcoholic slush from Darcy and filling them. Then having her platter laden with four margaritas, she smirks at the bar group and makes her way back to Clint.

"So speaking of soulmates," Stiles muses as he continues to stare at the catastrophe that is Clint flirting with Derek's soulmate, "where are yours?" He then directs at Jane, Darcy and Lydia.

"Mine's back in Beacon Hills with your Dad," Lydia huffs. "Don't pretend you didn't already know that."

"Ah, yes," Stiles waggles his eyebrows, "Parrish sends his love."

"Steve's over there," Darcy waves in Captain America's general direction.

"And mine's on Asgard," Jane sighs, only allowing Stiles a second to gape at Darcy's luck. "I haven't seen her in a month."

"Wait, what?" Stiles' gaze then darts to Jane. "Her? But I thought you and Thor were, you know, a thing?"

"We.. could have been," the petite astrophysicist shrugs, "but then his friends came down and I met Lady Sif," she smiles fondly. "I didn't have a soulmark until I attempted to shake Sif's hand. Since she was Asgardian and their marks only show when they first touch their soulmate, mine was the same."

"Yeah, so you're either a blank," Darcy slurs, "or we can have fun introducing you to all the Asgardians we know." She drunkenly waggles her eyebrows at him.

Stiles snorts and shakes his head fondly at his new curvaceous friend, and finishes off his third margarita. "I don't have that sort of luck, Darce."


Thunder suddenly booms and lightning cracks, and Stiles yelps as he falls off of his stool.

Darcy cackles as she hops off her own stool to help her new friend up from the floor. "Relax, it's only Thor," she smirks.

And sure enough, the Asgardian in question steps foot off the elevator moments later. He's in fitted jeans that show off spectacular thighs, a white v-neck beneath a navy blazer with it's sleeves pushed to his elbows and his hair pulled back in a messy bun. Tony's the first to intercept the demi-God and introduces him to everyone near by, and Darcy breaks Stiles from his thoughts with a giggle.

"Close your trap, Stilinski," she says, her index finger catching him beneath the chin and pushing his jaw closed. "You'll catch flies."

Stiles huffs and swats away her hand, then darts a look at all three amused ladies around him. "Alright, who's idea was it to dress the God of Thunder in civilian clothing?" Darcy triumphantly smirks and raises her hand, Stiles then laughing and slapping his palm to hers in a high five. "Nice."

"I know, right?!"

Jane and Lydia roll their eyes, but their small grins give away their amusement. Jane's serving yet another round of margaritas though she's already cut off Darcy and Stiles, and just as she's handing Lydia her glass Thor joins them.

"Ah, my friends!" He says, voice boisterous as he manages to hug Lydia, Jane and then Darcy. "Friend Stark tells me you are well."

"We are, big guy," Darcy assures him. "How are you?"

"Most excellent," he beams down at her. "The Son of Coul needed someone to travel via Bi-Frost. I helped."

"Of course, you did," she snorts. "And by the way, this is our new friend Stiles. Stiles, meet Thor."

"H-hey, man," Stiles awkwardly salutes him. "Nice to meet 'ya."

"And you as well," Thor grins.

Reaching forward for what Stiles thinks is a handshake, Stiles is surprised when Thor grips his inner forearm in greeting which only makes him do the same. What also surprises Stiles is the flare of pain that nearly makes his knees buckle from where Thor's hand is gripping him. Thor gasps, Stiles shouts and the entire room goes quiet.

When Thor and Stiles finally release each other, both glance down at their exposed inner forearms where shimmering marks now reside. Thor's is in a shimmering blue and Stiles' is in a shimmering red.

"Well," Darcy snorts, "who would've guessed that your first Asgardian would have been your soulmate? This is so awesome."

There are a couple of cheerful whoops from who sound like Tony and Clint, and everyone else is slowly stumbling forward to gather around. Stiles is staring wide-eyed at the mark on his arm, a symbol dead center that he has no idea what it means, and when he glances up he finds Thor grinning down at him.

"You bear my name," he rumbles and reaches forward to touch the rune on Stiles' arm. Stiles gasps and shivers, and Thor's grin turns into a smirk before it actually falters and he glances at the rune marring his skin. "But this- this confuses me."

Stiles glances at Thor's mark. "What does it mean?" He asks, voice breathy as he stares at the mark on Thor.

"It means Spark."

Lydia gasps, Stiles gapes and Derek groans when he notices everyone's now piqued interest. "You two are horrible at keeping secrets. Lydia, I'm ashamed."

"Secrets? What secrets?" Tony muses at the same time Lydia claims, "I'm drunk! Don't judge me."

Then looking apologetically at Scott, Stiles sighs. "It's on his arm. He's my soulmate, so he gets a free pass."

"And everyone else?" Scott gulps, eyes darting around warily.

"They're Avengers. They're good with weird." Scott doesn't say anything, and then Stiles sighs before shrugging and patting Thor on the chest as he passes by. "I need a volunteer."

Clint's hand shoots up. "I'll do it."

"Let me rephrase that," Stiles huffs a laugh. "I need a volunteer from the pack."

"Pack?" Bruce mumbles as Malia rolls her eyes and steps forward since no one else was doing so.

"Just watch," Stiles says, hands fiddling with a rope necklace that had been hiding beneath his shirt, "and thanks, Malia. I promise not to leave you in the circle for long."

By now, everyone's curious and standing around in circle with Malia in the center. As Stiles makes his way towards her, the little glass jar connected to the rope necklace is uncorked and a blackish powder is poured into Stiles' palm.

"W-wait!" Lydia hiccups and stumbles forward to address the room at large. "What you're about to see, it's.. different. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but," she trails off, hiccuping again, "I couldn't. It wasn't just my secret to tell and well.. I'm not the alpha."

"Alpha?" Natasha cocks an eyebrow in question.

"Alpha," Stiles sighs and gestures to Scott who shifts nervously under all the sudden stares. "But first, let me explain what Spark means." Crouching down by Malia's feet, Stiles fists his hand with the mountain ash trapped inside and presses his curled thumb and index finger to his mouth. Then blowing, everyone watches in awe as a complete circle of the powder- a lot more than what was fisted in his hand- forms a perfect circle around Malia's feet. "I.. am a Spark," he says and pushes to stand tall. "But more importantly, I am this pack's Emissary."

"Wait, wait, wait," Clint snorts as he takes a few steps forward. "You keep mentioning pack and called Scott an alpha. What are you guys, werewolves?"

The following silence is deafening and Clint's grin slowly falls.

"I am," Scott mumbles and sighs under all the sudden stares again. "Alpha, to be exact," he says and lets his eyes flash red. Surprisingly, no one pulls any weapons or shouts or cringes in disgust.

"So am I," Isaac then confesses and lets his eyes flash yellow.

Derek groans. "Same," and lets his eyes flash blue.

"Holy shit," Darcy breathes in awe then looks to Lydia. "And you? You, too?"

"Not exactly," the drunken redhead frowns. "I'm a banshee."

"Coyote," Malia pipes up, eyes flashing blue and canines elongating to take the heat off of Lydia.

"Kitsune," Kira then mumbles, blushing and pressing herself against Derek when all eyes turn on her.

All eyes then turn to Allison and the girl in question merely laughs. "Don't look at me. I'm human. A hunter," she clarifies. "I'm just really good with my bow, my crossbow and my daggers."

"A girl after my own heart," Clint airily breathes and Scott growls lowly. Gaze darting to the alpha flashing red eyes, Clint smirks. "Right. Soulmate. Got it," he laughs.

"So what's the point of an Emissary?" Pepper asks, bringing back the attention to Malia standing in a circle of ash.

"Pack emissaries deal with all the magical herbs, wolfsbane and mountain ash that the supernatural creatures can't touch. Take the ash, for example," Stiles gestures towards Malia's feet. "Line a doorway with this or around yourself and the creatures can't cross it." And to prove his point, Malia tries to step over the line, but is met with a force field. "I also document what the pack's been through and deal with a bunch of the supernatural political stuff."

Having showed and told enough, Stiles crouches yet again and waves a hand over the line of mountain ash to break it.

"Remarkable," Thor breathes in awe. Stiles is brought up short, his attention darting back to that of his looming soulmate. "You are truly remarkable."

Stiles gulps at the heated look being directed at him and Tony breaks the mounting tension with an amused snort. "Okay, Point Break, we get it. Your soulmate's done got you hot and bothered, so can you stop with the light show outside now?" Every gaze turns towards the wall of a window that gives off one spectacular view of the city, and sure enough the sky is lighting up with lightning and just the faintest sounds of thunder can be heard rumbling in the background. "No one will hold it against you if you take the eye-fucking back to your personal quarters."

"Tony!" Pepper yelps, swattering him on the bicep for such crass language.

Everyone else snickers as Stiles' cheeks flame red, but Thor doesn't let up, he even going as far as letting his gaze rake up and down Stiles' form. Then before Stiles can even mutter a word, Thor's closing the gap between them and picking up Stiles to drape over his shoulder.

Now upside down and feeling even more embarrassed as everyone openly laughs, Stiles sighs and slips his hands into the back pockets of Thor's jeans. "You know what, I'm not even mad." And as Thor strides towards to the elevator to hopefully partake in unspeakable things in his personal quarters with his soulmate, Stiles can't help but squeeze Thor in hand and groan in want.

Maybe this was the Fates finally making up for all his horrible luck.

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