Stiles & Darcy

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Stiles is driving out in the middle of a desert, cursing his stupidity on taking the so-called shortcut.

After his horrible Senior Year at Beacon Hills High and being kicked out the pack he helped build, Stiles had had enough. And when Theo's true colors had shown he helped where he could to take down the manipulative bastard, but things between him and Scott were still strained. Hell, things between the whole Pack were strained, but it was very noticeable between Scott and Stiles. Then when it came to light that Stiles was no longer Pack, it was absolute chaos.

Liam and Lydia were pissed, as was Kira when she came back and in control of herself, but it was Malia who removed herself from the Pack when Stiles claimed that he wasn't coming back even if Scott begged him to. So instead, Stiles and Malia finished off their high school career doing their own thing, and when graduation came and went, Stiles left for Texas for college while Malia reached out to her cousin Derek and tagged along on whatever adventures the wolf found himself on.

So here Stiles is, four years later, and finally returning to his hometown. At least, that's what he was hoping for, but currently he's driving down a deserted road and into an even deserted town that goes by the name of Puente Antiguo.

The town looks like it's seen better days, but Stiles is more than exhausted and if he keeps driving he's going to fall asleep behind the wheel. Some buildings actually look singed and cracked, though everything still appears as if they're regularly open. But as of right now in the dead of the night, the town is dimly lit and there appears to only be two places open. One's a 24 hour convenient store and the other looks like a rundown car dealership-turned-something else.

He's driving with the windows rolled down and contemplating sleeping in his jeep in the parking lot of the convenient store when something catches his eye. The once-car dealership has windows for walls so it's fairly easily to see two women- one petite, one curvy- being surrounded by five men in black gear and masks covering the bottom half of their faces. His jeep slows to a crawl before he knows it and then he's mentally cursing himself as he jumps out at the sight of the men trying to supposedly chloroform the females.

"Goddammit, Stiles," he grumbles to himself as he leaves the driver door wide open and rushes to the back of his jeep for his trusty baseball bat. "Always gotta be the hero."

The jeep remains running as he turns to and runs to the dealership, he easily accessing the building. There's three men standing and aiming guns at the petite woman- two men seemingly knocked out as well as the curvier brunette. Stiles creeps in as quietly as possible and shouts as a distraction. He clocks the nearest guy in the back of the head with the bat, ducks behind a desk when gun shots ring out and then peeks over said desk when the coast seems clear.

The petite woman starts chunking every heavy object near her at the two standing men and when they're distracted just enough, Stiles crawls from his hiding space and lunges, tackling yet another guy and punching until he's unconscious. He feels the butt of a rifle hit him between the shoulder blades and as he falls to the side and turns on his back, he watches as the petite woman then comes to his rescue with a taser in hand and tases the last attacker in the face.

"Oh my god, that was so awesome." Terrified, yet angry eyes dart down to Stiles and the taser gets redirected at him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm a good guy. I helped you!"

"Who are you?" she seethes.

"Stiles. My name's Stiles!" He blurts, palms held out to prove himself non-threatening. "I was literally just driving by when I saw you and your friend getting surrounded. Years of having a Dad for a Sheriff made my instincts kick in and offer help."

Her shoulders seem to droop, but the taser remains pointed at him. "You're not here for my research?"

"Research? What research?!" He squeaks. "I'm just a college kid, lady. I was on my way home."

"And where exactly is home?"

"Beacon Hills, California. I-I have an ID as proof."

"Show me. Slowly!" She yells when Stiles moves a little too fast. He cautiously turns on his side and reaches into his back pocket, he then retrieving his wallet and holding it out for the woman. She takes it with a shaky hand while the other still keeps the taser trained on him, and flips open the wallet only to find his driver's license and college ID card. He really is who he says he is. "So you're really just a good kid with very stupid judgement?"

"Apparently," Stiles shrugs. "Can I- can I get up now? The floor isn't very comfortable and I don't think these other guys are going to be too happy when they wake up."

"Sure, but know this," she warns one last time, "as my friend says, if you make one wrong move I will tase you in the balls."

Stiles gulps before eyeing the taser and nods. "Noted."

"Good. Now can you help me get my friend Darcy up and onto the cot towards the back? I'll also need help relieving these men of their weapons and tying them up. The authorities in this town are shit, so I'll have to make a few long distant calls after."

Stiles deviously grins and the woman actually takes a cautious step back. "Then you're in luck, my tiny not-really-a-damsel-in-distress. I am most excellent with tying knots."

The woman snorts in amusement and Stiles quickly informs her that he has to go turn off his jeep. But after that, Stiles finds himself picking up the curvy woman named Darcy and settling her down comfortably on a cot where the other woman had pointed him to. The men who had attacked the women are relieved of rifles, handguns, knives and phones, and Stiles has no problem binding their hands and feet together, and stuffing gags in their mouths.

The woman soon starts making calls and Stiles feels the need to stay with her until someone shows up. So while she argues with people over the phone, Stiles keeps quiet and glances at the photos and certificate on the walls.

"Holy shit, you're Doctor Foster."


"What?!" Stiles yelps and whirls around. Eyes wide, his gaze sweeps up and down the petite woman. "Doctor Foster," he breathes in awe. "You're the woman that's one with the stars and space. I've read a lot about you."

"Oh," she mutters and then eyes him curiously. "You into space?" It's her time to sweep her gaze up and down Stiles lean form, he unconsciously pulling at the sleeves of his plaid button down.

"Not as much as you," he finally shrugs. "But it is interesting."

"I see."

"Mhm." Stiles gulps and glances around the room, he finally spotting the pictures of space he doesn't know how he's missed. "So if you're you," he waves at her persons, "why don't you just call in the big guns? You are with Thor, aren't you?"

Doctor Foster sighs and nods, turning around to pick up some staplers she'd thrown earlier. "Yes, but the Avengers are apparently on a mission currently and can't come at my beck and call." Stiles squeaks at the mention of Avengers and Foster whirls around. "Which, you know, you shouldn't know about. I'm pretty sure you'll have to stay and sign some NDA's before you leave."

It's Stiles turn to sigh, but he nods regardless. "Figures. Nothing in my life is ever easy." Foster offers him an almost apologetic smile, but then he notices the way she still seems too worried. "You okay?"

"Yes. No," she frowns. "We were just attacked and knowing our luck we'll be attacked again when our hostages don't report in. The Avengers can't come and SHIELD is giving me the run around, only volunteering their baby agents to come, but they won't be here 'til morning."

"And with your luck the possible second attack will be before then."


Foster seems to deflate and glower at the phone in her hand, Stiles then rubbing a hand down over his face. "I, uh, I have a friend who can possibly help, but.."

"But what?" Foster immediately latches onto his words.

Stiles chews on his bottom lip and throws caution to the wind. This woman is the soulmate to the God of Thunder and she's dealt with weird so.. "Well, my friend isn't exactly human. At least, not fully. He'll help keep you and yours safe, but you can't say anything about what you see if you see anything. Especially to SHIELD. If they know people like my friend exist, it'll be bad."

"So.. my silence for protection?" She slowly grins and then shrugs rather indifferently. "I can do that. SHIELD are not my favorite people and my loyalties lie with Stark- which if he ever finds out I said that, I will skin you alive- so yeah. The more people helping us, the better."

"Well okay, then. I have a call to make." Stiles digs his phone out from his pocket and starts immediately to scroll through his contacts. "He's never too far behind when I'm on the road, so he should be here within an hour or two."

At Foster's giggle, Stiles glances up. "Magnet for trouble? You sound like someone I know," her gaze then turns towards the still unconscious woman in the back and Stiles snorts.

"Doctor, you have no idea."


When Darcy comes to, she has a throbbing headache and she's pissed off. She's quick to realize she's still in the rinky-dink dealership building and that her glasses have a crack on the left lens.. and she is so tasing someone in the face! Half the lights to the building are turned off and after she pushes herself to stand and stumble as quietly as she can to the front room, she realizes that every piece of movable furniture- except for Jane's desk- has been pushed up and tipped on their sides against the windows. Sheets are tacked to the ceilings to keep anyone from peering in and Jane..

Jane's slumped over her desk with some dude walking around and tapping away on his phone!

Darcy sees red, but she knows she has to be smart about her next move. So while her temples throb in tune to her heart, Darcy slips off the boots on her feet and tiptoes forward while looking for some type of heavy object to smash in the bastard's head.

As she gets closer, she spots her taser lying on the desk next to Jane's hand and Darcy prays for a good outcome. The second the guy paces to the front of the desk with his back to her, she lunges with a war cry and slaps her hand down on her trusty companion, curling her fingers around it and positioning her thumb on the trigger button.

The guy in plaid actually screams as he whirls around and Jane yelps as she pushes herself upright with a startled, "Darcy, no!", but it's too late.

"Feel the pain of my wrath, you dickweed!"

The stranger goes rigid and wide-eyed, and then convulses a split second later for two whole seconds before the taser runs out of juice and the guy drops to his knees.

"Darcy, stop!" Jane screams. "He's the good guy. He's been helping me!"

"Wh-what?" Darcy scurries back. "What do you mean that he's a good guy?"

"He came in after you were knocked out. His friends are on the way to protect us until Thor can get here."

"Oh." Darcy gulps and sighs in relief, offering the guy on the floor a sheepish smile. "Sorry?"

"Motherfu- you tased me! You freakin' tased me!"

"Well, you were just- wait," Darcy pauses, frowning. "What did you just say?"

"You freakin' tased me!" Stiles repeats.

"Yes, I know, but.." She huffs, her lips twitching in amusement and against her better judgement. "You're, uh, your soulmark wouldn't happen to be-"

"Darcy!" Jane admonishes. "You can't just ask someone about their soulmark. It's rude."

The guy groans and manages to stand on his own two feet after his muscles stop twitching, and he grimaces. "You know, as a teenager, my dad always thought I'd do something to deserve being called a 'dickweed'. At least I know I'll be collecting twenty bucks from him on that bet. I totally didn't deserve it."

"It is you!" Darcy laughs and then her smiles falters. "Oh, man, I totally didn't know- I didn't mean- I'm so sorry!"

The taser falls from Darcy's grip and she rushes towards her soulmate, she easily draping one of his arms around her shoulders to guide him to the nearest chair. "It's fine," the guy tells her. "I'm Stiles, by the way. Nice to finally meet you."

"Darcy," she introduces herself. "And ditto. You need anything?"

"Nope. Just some time to stop twitching."

Darcy chuckles nervously and once Stiles is situated, she turns around and is faced with an all too amused Jane. "What?"

"This totally beats me hitting my soulmate with the van."

"Does not!"

"Does, too!"

"Does not!"

"Does, too!"

"Ladies," Stiles suddenly muses. "I hate to already be taking side, buts Jane, you're wrong. I was merely tased. You- you hit your soulmate with a van! That's harsh and hilarious." Darcy cackles as Jane pouts and Stiles goes back to his phone in hand. Luckily, when Darcy tased him, he hadn't lost his grip on it or broke it. "Hey, Darcy, since this is such a joyous occasion, wanna FaceTime my Dad with me while we wait for the cavalry?"


Jane rolls her eyes, but pulls up another two chairs to her desk where Stiles is at. He swipes at his phone's screen before the ringing of the phone fills the air, and Jane and Darcy stay out of the screen when, who they can only assume is Stiles' dad, answers the phone. "Son, you okay?"

"Dandy, Pops." Darcy puts a hand on her soulmate's bouncing knee and Stiles exhales. "So, uh, I ran into a bit of a problem- an itty bitty one- and I'll be later than expected."

"What sort of problem?" The man's eyes narrow. "You didn't get arrested, did you?"

"What? No, Dad, I found my-"

Darcy leans to the right, pushing at Stiles until she can be seen in frame with him. "Hey-o, Daddy-o. I'm Darcy! Also known as your son's better half." Her smile turns into a rather rakish smirk and the man on the screen goes wide-eyed before groaning.

"Oh, god, there's two of you."


Darcy surprisingly hits it off with her soulmate's father and Jane can't be any happier for her friend. Even Stiles seems the perfect fit for Darcy and Jane knows that once the threat hanging over their heads is gone, Darcy and Stiles will most likely get along in the most of intimate of ways when they have the chance.

But that was a mere twenty minutes ago and now everything's gone to hell.

The second wave of men that are here for Jane and her research have finally showed, and Jane, Darcy and Stiles have no weapons other than a taser and a baseball bat.

"Stiles," Jane squeaks and grips the coffee pot in hand. "Please tell me your friend is close?"

"He should be," he gulps, fingers tightening around his bat. "Of all the times to be late, I can't believe Derek chooses now!"

Glass shatters, and Stiles and Darcy pull Jane down to cover her as three more men in tactical clothing enter the building. They're glaring at the huddled trio on the floor, but before they can take a step forward, a car honking outside makes everyone freeze. Gun shots ring out, but the three men already inside don't seem to panic. Instead, they shrug and start heading for the group.

"Take Foster. The other two are expendable."

"Uh, excuse you," both Stiles and Darcy scoff. Jane whimpers and Stiles pulls both her and Darcy further behind him. "I'll have you know, I'm quite the catch."

The three masked men freeze mid-step and snort. One continues on towards Stiles so Stiles finally swings, but the bat is easily caught and yanked from his hands. Stiles scrambles backward and as the rifle is pointed at him, glass crunches under someone's boot and a ferocious roar startles the gunman.

Standing near the front entrance is Derek in all his leather jacket glory, eyes glowing blue and teeth elongated in his anger. All rifles turn towards the wolf, but another roar, this one less ferocious but still spine-tingling has Stiles whirling around to find Malia with her own set of eyes, teeth and claws on display.

"What.. the fuck," Darcy mumbles.

"And this is where we duck and hide," Stiles quickly says, pulling the girls beneath Jane's desk as Malia and Derek lunge for a fight.

There's a couple more gun shots ringing out, grown men screaming out in agony and a few furniture pieces breaking, and then all goes quiet. Jane, Darcy and Stiles slowly peek out from their hiding spot, and catch Derek and Malia breathing through their adrenaline rush and willing their wolf-y features to fade away.

Now calm, Stiles jumps to his feet. "You couldn't have been here sooner?!" He explodes.

"You know how hard this place is to find?" Derek dead-pans. "Only you would travel out to the middle of no-where."

"Yeah, well if I hadn't, I wouldn't have met my soulmate."

Derek's eyebrows raise in surprise and Darcy cautiously stands and waves. "So.. that was cool."

Jane's the last to stand and Stiles quickly explains who's who and what's going on. Derek and Malia seem tense when Stiles mentions the Avengers, but Jane and Darcy promise that their secret is safe with them. Derek and Malia reluctantly to take their word for it, and then Stiles is making plans for them.

"Since the real help won't be here 'til morning and there's no word on the Avengers, I vote the girls come back to Beacon Hills with me." Stiles looks to the girls in question, and both Darcy and Jane shrug. "My dad's a sheriff so we can either stay at the house or at the sheriff's department once he knows about the attack on you, and then you can be picked up from there when Jane gets a hold of Thor."

Jane frowns, but after seeing the destruction of the dealership, she sighs and caves. "As long as I can take my research with me, I don't care where we're staying."

"Excellent. Road trip!" Darcy grins. "I got dibs on riding with my soulmate!"

"S'fine," Jane chuckles. "I get to ride with a werewolf and a coyote, and actually learn about them." Derek looks.. not so happy about that, but Malia is smiling gleefully at the thought of talking about her history.

"Whatever, nerd, let's get to packing."

With half her research packed into the back of Stiles' jeep and the rest in Derek's, Jane happily takes to the backseat of Derek's vehicle where she can't be easily spotted on the road in case someone goes looking for her.

And Darcy- Darcy happily jumps into the passenger seat of the jeep and twines her fingers together with Stiles' over the center console.

"Ready for a road trip, D?"

"You've no idea," she laughs, her thumb brushing back and forth over Stiles'. "Now lets go surprise your dad. I wanna see how many times I can get him to sigh within thirty minutes."

Stiles laughs and squeezes Darcy's hand. "Oh, man. I believe this is the start of a beautiful relationship."

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