Bonnie & Isaac

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Bonnie's tired.

Not tired in the way that she wants to shuck all her clothing and fall into bed, but rather tired from the constant stares from her friends who- while they all loved her- were pretty obvious in showing that they were waiting for her to die.

Stefan, Caroline and Damon all adored the witch, but Damon desperately wanted his soulmate back. And while he chose to keep his best friend alive, it pained him to know that Elena was stuck in a magical coma until Bon-Bon kicked the bucket.

Everyone had agreed to save Bonnie, Elena included, so she could live out her life, but there were still days when people got quiet and looked at Bonnie in a way that made the witch feel guilty for just existing. So after talking to Matt who seemed to be the only reasonable one of the bunch, she told him of her plan to take a breather from the supernatural that seemed to overrun their lives and go on a road trip to clear her mind. Matt agreed it was a good idea, but also told her not to tell him where she was going in case the others figured out what she did and demanded her location. She smiled happily, thanked him for being a good friend and left to go buy some necessities to pack her car with.

She's been travelling for a couple weeks now, her white Prius getting her from place to place. She has enough money in her savings that her Grams had left her and uses her laptop to find good deals on hotels or motels- booking them days in advance so she won't have to ask around for a room at the last minute- and stays a few days in each one.

When she hits Georgia, she immediately knows she wants to stay on the beach for a little while. And after asking around, Tybee Island is mentioned more than a handful of times and she finds the perfect beach resort to stay at.

The Ocean Plaza Beach Resort is twenty minutes from downtown, but nestled along the waterfront on Tybee Island, and she manages to snag a room on the top floor with an ocean view. The room's a pale yellow, the bed is a queen and the bathroom is just the perfect size for one person. Everything else about the room doesn't seem to register with Bonnie- she just being excited that she has a bed, her own bathroom and a small balcony to step out on should she need fresh air.

So after locking up her vehicle, retrieving her key from the front desk, and then lugging a suitcase of clothing and bikinis up to her room on the fourth floor of the building, Bonnie tosses said suitcase atop the bed without a care in the world and makes her way to the sliding glass door so she can step out onto the balcony. Her hands find immediate purchase on the iron railing, face tilting upward to the sky as she closes her eyes and breathes in the fresh ocean air. The breeze is strong enough to slightly whip around her hair, but she doesn't care. And when a ruckus- friendly, by the sounds of it- suddenly erupts from the room next to her, she can't help but look over to the neighboring balcony and watch as a lean, pale guy with moles dotting along the side of his neck is pushed out the sliding doors.

He's cursing and laughing, flipping off someone in his room that has Bonnie's lips faintly twitching in amusement. Another guy emerges from the room, this one tall and lanky with blonde curls and a sculpted jawline that could give the Salvatore brothers a run for their money. Bonnie inhales sharply before sighing with a quiet groan, her nose crinkling as the familiar sparks of attraction immediately tingle. "Seriously?" she mutters to herself. "I would have attractive neighbors."

The blonde briefly tenses as he's got his friend in a headlock, his head tilting upward a moment later only to lock gazes with Bonnie. She groans again, plastering on a smile and awkwardly waving since she's been caught staring, and then beats a hasty retreat back into her room when said blonde slowly smirks at her and winks.

"Nope. Not going there," Bonnie huffs when she's in the safety of her room. "Not going to happen."

During the times that Bonnie comes and goes from her room, she's always running into one or a couple of people from the room next door. She thought she was in trouble by having two attractive guys as neighbors, but later that same day she learned she was actually in hell. There were two other guys with Blondie and Moles, a Latino boy with a crooked jawline that smiled friendly every time they ran into each other and a muscled dark, broody and scruffy guy who had Bonnie squeaking and turning the other way because he was the intimidating sort of hot.

Across the hallway from her three girls resided there that were obviously with the guys from beside her room, but just equally as friendly. The tall and thin girl with hair to her shoulders was a bit socially awkward, but Bonnie tried not to pay too much attention when the Korean looking girl or the strawberry blonde girl told her what was or was not socially acceptable, and apologized to Bonnie for Malia's behavior.

On her last day at the Beach Resort, Bonnie wants nothing to do with distracting cute boys and sets out for one last day of relaxation since she's already booked her next motel stay in two days time.


Bonnie starts her day by waking up when it's still dark out, finding one of the many recline-able beach chairs outside and dragging it out onto the sand to watch the sun rise. No one else is on the beach and she watches on in silence as the sky paints itself purple, pink, orange and then finally blue.

She has breakfast in the breakfast room of the Resort and then she's off on a twenty minute drive into the city to browse for various nick-knacks that will remind her of her trip. When she returns to the Resort just a little after noon, Bonnie finds a sandwich shop not too far away and orders herself two foot-long sub sandwiches that she will pick at throughout the rest of the day, plus a couple bag of chips and a purple Gatorade. Then when she finally makes it back to her room, Bonnie quickly freshens up, slips on an ordinary black bikini, and pulls on the smallest pair of jean shorts and an unbuttoned blue plaid throw-over. She drapes a multi-colored beach towel over her arm, picks up her plastic bag of food and drink, pockets her room key and heads for the beach.

Outside, she finds a nice space of empty sand, drops the plastic bag of food next to her, and spreads open her beach towel to sit on. Settling down, Bonnie then takes out one of her grilled chicken and avocado subs, and a bag of baked sun-dried tomato potato chips.

Humming in a content manner, Bonnie starts eating half her sub while people watching. She's only a few bites in before she opens her chips, plopping one into her mouth that she nearly chokes on when she sees the guys from next door walking towards the little empty space of beach she had managed to find. All four of them are shirtless and in board shorts, and the ones who introduced themselves as Scott and Stiles are carrying what appears to be lacrosse sticks and tossing a ball back and forth. The other two guys have sticks as well, but they're conversing and leading the way to a spot where they won't bother anyone as they play.

Just as Bonnie's mouth goes dry, she cracks open her Gatorade and sips it while keeping the guys in her line of sight. But all too soon, a shadow's falling over her and Bonnie looks up only to find Lydia- the strawberry blonde from across the hall- standing there and grinning down at her.

"Mind if we join you?" And it's then that Bonnie realizes the other two girls Malia and Kira are standing at Lydia's back, all three of them in bikini tops and jean shorts, their own beach towels draped over their arms.

"Oh, um, not at all."

Lydia smiles and then all three girls are settling down around Bonnie. Sunglasses get pushed atop their heads, and then Kira and Malia are paying attention and watching the guys as they toss a small white ball back and forth.

"Soulmates," Lydia explains out of the blue, gesturing to her two friends who are practically drooling as they watch the guys. "Kira and Scott, and Malia and Stiles. They're sickeningly adorable."

Bonnie chuckles and takes another bite of her sandwich, covering her mouth while chewing and then gesturing to the other half of her sandwich. "If you haven't eaten already, the sandwich is grilled chicken and avocado." Lydia looks towards the other half of the sandwich that's exposed, she contemplating it. "And it's actually grilled chicken and not that frozen crap. Help yourself."

Lydia politely declines, but Malia turns and reaches in. "Well if you're not going to eat it, I will."

The redhead scowls and Bonnie cracks up, gesturing to the other sandwich when Kira looks on. "I'm fine," Kira grins, "but thanks."

Bonnie continues eating and watches as Lydia plucks up her bag of chips, reading the ingredients and calories and what not before deciding to give a chip a try. "Hmm, not bad," she then mumbles.

"Right? I found them on my first day here and can't get enough of them," Bonnie tells her.

Kira and Malia go back to ogling their soulmates, and Lydia sets her attention on Bonnie. "So what brings you here? Do you live in Georgia or are you visiting?"

"Visiting," Bonnie says. "I'm from Virginia and decided that a vacation was finally in the cards for me."

"Yeah? We're from California," Lydia tells her while stealing another chip, "and we're also on a tour of college campuses to see where we're going to settle down next year. One gap year was long enough, no need to make it into two."

"Yeah, you definitely wanna break that streak as soon as possible," Bonnie nods. "I mean, it's easy when you haven't started the college experience, but once you're in and take time off, it's a lot harder to get situated back in that routine."

Quirking an eyebrow, Lydia asks, "Speaking from experience?"

And sheepishly nodding, Bonnie blushes. "Whitmore college. Great school, but given current circumstances, I don't know when I'm going back."

"Well it doesn't help that you're relaxing on a beach in Georgia with such fine specimen flaunting their muscles not ten yards from you."

Bonnie laughs as she crumples up her trash, tossing it in the plastic bag while telling Malia to help herself to another half of her remaining sandwich. And not one to turn down food, Malia happily obliges.

The dark skinned witch finally relaxes enough to strip off her plaid throw-over and shorts, reclining on her beach towel so she's propped up on her elbows. Watching the boys practice their lacrosse gets boring soon enough and then she's standing and looking down at the three surrounding girls. "So who's going to be brave enough with me to go see just how cold the ocean water is?"

Lydia and Malia pass, but Kira quickly scrambles up to her feet and shimmies out of her shorts. "I'm in."


Bonnie is the first to retire back to her room, she wanting to catch a nap before heading out to pick up an early dinner so she can wash her clothing and pack up her suitcase.

She's walking down the hallway, heading for her room with dinner hanging from a plastic bag gripped in hand when it happens. With her cell in her other hand, she's reading a text from Caroline detailing Damon's latest drunken shenanigans when she collides with a firm body. Bonnie grunts and grips her phone tighter so it doesn't clatter to the floor, and hands grip her biceps to keep her from toppling over. Skin touching skin, Bonnie gasps as images of facial ridges, glowing yellow eyes, a mouth full of sharp teeth and claws flash right before her eyes.

"I would be sorry," an amused voice tells her, "but it was you who wasn't watching where you were walking."

Time seems to slow and dread instantly fills Bonnie. No. It can't be. It just can't.

It's not like she's opposed to her soulmate being part of the supernatural realm, but for her to find him on this day of all days? To find him when she just wants a break from the supernatural realm? Just.. no. She's not ready for him.

Gaze then darting up, Bonnie's eyes widen even more when she sees it's the blonde cutie from next door. "Bonnie, right? My friends that have met you seem to have taken a liking to you. I'm Isaac."

There are words on the tip of Bonnie's tongue, but all she can see are the fangs and glowing eyes, and her heart starts picking up speed. So without saying anything, Bonnie pulls herself free from Isaac's grasp and rushes to her door only to fumble with her room key before pushing her way inside.


Confused and a little anxious now, Isaac hurries to his own room where the rest of the pack is lounging about. "I think we have a problem."

The no nonsense attitude of the beta and the obvious worry leaking from his pores has Scott and Derek immediately standing, and rushing to his side. "What happened?" the alpha demands.

"Just met our neighbor. I think something's up with her."

"Something up like she's in trouble..?" Lydia guesses, frowning.

"Or trouble as in a threat..?" Derek wonders.

"Threat," Isaac gulps. "I- she- has anyone else touched her? Made skin-to-skin contact?" And everyone who's met Bonnie shakes their head. "Well, I just did. Accident, of course, but when we touched something happened."

"What?" Scott's eyes widen. "Did she hurt you?"

"No," Isaac quickly denies. "She gasped and her gaze- it was like she zoned out. Her heart started beating way too fast and she looked somewhat horrified when she realized I was talking to her."

Lydia scoffs and everyone turns to her. "That's all? She could just be seriously crushing on you and isn't as confident as she seems. You didn't see the way she was ogling you earlier."

Isaac blushes and Lydia smirks, but Scott moves to the wall that connects to Bonnie's room. Pressing his ear to the wall, he listens for a moment before shaking his head. "She's muttering too low about something, but it seems like she's in a rush to pack up."

Derek's glowers now, claws lengthening in his anger. "She knows something."

Scott reluctantly nods. "If she does, we have to make sure she's not a threat."

Quickly making a plan, it's decided that the girls are going to stay put and be their second wave in case things go south. Stiles will stay in the hall and the three wolves will try to see what the stranger next door knows, and if she poses a threat to them.


"Nope. No. Not happening," Bonnie mumbles. Her bag of dinner lays forgotten by the door to her room where she dropped it as soon as she entered, she rushing to the bathroom to gather up all her belongings. "What the hell even.. what was that?!"

She's sweeping up toiletries and hair products into a small draw-string bag, mumbling about how it would be just her luck that she'd meet her soulmate on vacation and said soulmate not even being human.

"I'll just- I'll just leave and then contact Lydia when I'm ready," she huffs. After all, she and Lydia had exchanged numbers so Lydia could ask her about Whitmore should they visit it.

Rushing back into the bedroom, Bonnie tosses the bag atop the bed and starts picking up her dirtied clothing that lay around the room. She tosses everything into the opened suitcase that had been lying on the bed, cramming it down and zipping it closed. With the drawstring bag slung over her shoulder and her suitcase in hand, Bonnie heads for the door, intent on signing out of her room early, but stops dead in her tracks when she finds Derek, Scott and Isaac waiting for her just outside her room.

Scott and Isaac look rather worried yet sheepish, but it's Derek who looks pissed if his glare is anything to go by. "Who are you?" he demands.

Startling at his voice, Bonnie's eyes narrow in annoyance as her fear is slightly overridden. "Who am I? Who the hell are you?!"

And yeah, that was the wrong thing to say.

Derek's eyes flare a menacing blue and before Bonnie can even form any idea of a magical attack, a clawed hand is wrapping around her throat. Bonnie's suitcase falls from her hand as her other bag slips from her shoulder and then the three guys are pushing into her room.

"What do you want with us?" Derek snarls, sharp teeth now on display. "Are you spying on us?"

"What- no!" She rasps, her own hands clawing at the hand cutting off her oxygen. "I'm not- I'm not-"

"Let up, Derek," Isaac tries to reason. "It's probably a misunderstanding."

"When has anything ever been a misunderstanding for us," the blue-eyed beta growls. "We won't be tricked. Not again."

The hand tightens around Bonnie's throat and her feet lift off the ground. Kicking blindly, Derek growls and Scott steps in. "Derek, that's enough."

His voice is different than what she's heard before- more authoritative- and when Bonnie glances at him, she finds Scott's eyes a vibrant red. She, herself, feels like backing down from Scott, but she keeps her wits about her and when she feels Derek's grip fall from her throat, her magic finally lashes out and she sends Derek flying back- hitting Scott and Isaac which sends them stumbling.

Bonnie staggers back, but her gaze turns hard and cold, her attention then zeroing in on Derek when a loud growl pierces the air. Derek climbs back to his feet, jaw opening in another snarl and with a simple jerk of her wrist, Derek falls to one knee with a roar after the audible crack of bone pierces the air. There's a nearly inaudible thump from the room next door and then Bonnie's door is flying open a second later with Malia growling menacingly and glowing blue eyes. Seeing Derek down and glaring, Malia roars only to hit an invisible wall before she can enter the room.

And then looking directly at Isaac with all these people looking at her like she's the threat, Bonnie says, "Call them off and we can all walk away from this."

"Oh, fu-" Isaac mutters in awe, staring at the fierce woman before him. Derek snarls again, standing on two feet once more before readying himself to lunge. But having realized who this girl is, Isaac is having none of that. "Wait!" He shouts at Derek, but Derek's already moving and then Isaac's tackling him to the floor from behind. "Wait!"

Derek roars in anger, elbowing the younger beta off of him. As they scramble back to their feet, Isaac's now put himself between his pack mate and Bonnie, and his eyes flare yellow. "You don't wanna do this, Derek. Trust me."

"Get out of the way, Isaac."


Derek takes a

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