Allison | Clint & Natasha

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It was common knowledge that when born, no matter if your future soulmate had been born or not, you were born with the first words they would speak to you in their own handwriting somewhere on your body. It wasn't rare for someone to have more than one set of words, as in Allison's case, but it was rare to have none- to be an Unmarked, as in Allison's girlfriend's case.

She had been happy to learn that she had two people who were Fated for her, but when she was old enough to understand her words she didn't feel all that great about one of them. And then toss in the Hunting business, werewolves and all the drama that surrounded Beacon Hills and well.. Allison didn't see herself leaving the small town. Ever. Nor would she want to drag anyone into the drama that came along with the supernatural.

Growing up with two different soulmarks on her ribs, Allison Argent always figured she'd get along great with one and be rejected by the other no matter whether they were romantic or platonic.

One of her soulmates was the reason for her love of archery- her father Chris having immediately approved when he saw her words, even more so when Allison was brought into the family Hunting business- and the other was the reason for Allison's early on self-esteem issues especially since she knew they would all be linked together and not to random people. She had wondered how that would work out, if one accepted her and the other rejected. Would they band together and leave her out or would she come in between them and cause problems?

So when Allison met an Unmarked at a new school and instantly clicked with the flirtatious- secretly fragile- girl, Allison was hooked. Her girlfriend knew of Allison's words- knew that Allison wasn't meant for her, but really no one was- and asked her out anyway. So throwing caution to the wind, Allison entered a relationship with someone who wasn't her soulmate and gave her heart away to one Lydia Martin.

The two girls had ups and downs what with Allison keeping secrets about the supernatural world, but when it came down to it in the end Lydia was told everything because she wasn't exactly human herself. They went through a rogue alpha together, friends being bitten and turned left and right, a pack of alpha werewolves, a Darach, Oni and a Nogitsune. Friends were killed left and right, and in the end the McCall pack gained a werecoyote and a kitsune among their ranks.

They had near death experiences constantly, but now they were finally granted some calm and peace. Well, at least for a good solid six months did they have that peace. Presently, they have yet another group of werewolves running around and killing when they feel like it.


Allison's scouting an abandoned warehouse on the edge of town, bow gripped tight in hand and arrow nocked just in case. The group of werewolves terrorizing the town are a bunch of omegas that banded together and found the buzz of power surrounding Beacon Hills alluring. Body after body had been found, some being dragged from states over, and the body count was high enough that it's gained national attention.

It's hard to protect Beacon Hills from the supernatural when all eyes are on the town, but the McCall pack is trying their best.

Now gently walking the catwalk high above, Allison peers down only to realize that the warehouse is in fact the werewolves' hiding place. Supplies- both old and new- litter the ground as well as a god awful stench of what she can only assume is death.

The catwalk she's perched on vibrates just the slightest, her instincts kicking in as she whirls in the direction her gut is telling her to. She pulls on the bow string, ready to fire her arrow at the man now standing there. His face is rugged and weathered, and tanned from what Allison can tell what with little light is shining down on them. His sandy blonde hair is in a buzz cut, the black tactical jeans and combat boots surprising her. His vest has panels of purple, and a bow and quiver of arrows is strapped to his back. There's something about this man that has Allison's mind in a tizzy, she knowing she's seen him somewhere, but her safety beats out any other thoughts.

She's the only one from her pack in the building and she's gotta protect herself.

"Nice compound bow," he says calmly and Allison's heart skips several beats. No. No way was this- "You make the arrowhead yourself?" Scratch that- this is definitely her soulmate that she knew she'd always get along with. He's a lot older than she expected, so she has a feeling this bond is going to be a platonic one and not romantic which actually gives her a sense of relief seeing as she has Lydia in her life.

Allison gulps, nothing giving away as to what she's thinking. But just as she finds her tongue and courage, the catwalk trembles yet again. Without even thinking about it, Allison's aim is then targeted on the redhead who just dropped in behind her soulmate's back. The redhead is thin and petite, hair cut to her chin and green eyes sparkling in the low light as she stares down Allison's arrow. As Allison gives the newcomer a once-over, she recognizes the catsuit that's hugging her every curve and the logo on her shoulder. The glowing blue dots on the redhead's wrist are also a dead giveaway.

"Easy there, kid. We're the good guys. Do you mind telling us what you're doing up here?"

Allison's gaze darts back to the guy, her mind slow on the uptake of who these people really are. And once she's pieced it together, her aim lowers and she locks gazes with the man who's trying his damnedest to not shift in front of his friend. "My soulmate's an Avenger?"

Unlike Allison, the man practically chokes on thin air, his eyes widening as the redhead suddenly leans forward and really assesses Allison's form. "Why would the Fates give us a child for a soulmate?"

And even though she's read the words since she was a child, it still stings to hear them spoken out loud by the person who is her second soulmate. Allison's lips twitch down in a frown, gaze hardening as she finally lowers her bow fully. "Do you mind, I'm working here."

The redhead doesn't make an obvious show of her words being spoken, but the second Allison's gaze darts to Hawkeye, she sees the Black Widow- in her peripheral vision- rub at her left thigh where she guesses her words are. Allison then turns her back on them with an eye roll, continuing on down the catwalk and keeping her eyes peeled for wolves. If they were lingering around, her position has just been outed given her conversation seconds ago.

"Working?" Hawkeye asks, apparently eager to keep her talking. "What type of work are you in? It still looks like you're in high school, no offense, so what exactly are you doing? I'm Clint, by the way. That's Natasha," he says as he hooks his thumb over his shoulder.

"Allison," she deadpans in return. "And I am in high school; a Senior. Now would you please be quiet? You've given away our location and they'll be on us when we least expect it."

"They?" The Black Widow wonders, her hand hovering over her holstered weapon. "Who are they and who are you?"

Allison freezes, her back still turned towards them and sighs. They see as her head falls back with a groan, her free hand reaching up to pinch the bridge of her nose. Seconds pass and then she's turning to give them her attention. "Might as well tell you since we're apparently fated and what not," she grumbles. Clint and Natasha stare blankly ahead, turning to share a glance between each other and then looking back at Allison. "They are werewolves and I am a Hunter. And seeing as the Avengers are here, I'm guessing the body count got back to you, but it doesn't explain why small town murders caught SHIELD's attention."

"It did," Natasha answers because Clint is struck speechless. "The murders here only caught our attention because when we went further back into this town's history, we came across some ritualistic murders. We weren't sure what to expect, but werewolves was not even on the list of possibilities."

Smiling wryly, Allison grins. "Welcome to my world, soulmates. I would say get used to it, but you've dealt with weirder, I assume."

"Yeah, but not werewolves," Clint finally exclaims. "They're real?!"

"They're very real and very dangerous," Allison admits. "But not all are. In fact, there's a pack that resides here in Beacon Hills that protect the town. You'll meet the others soon."

Clint doesn't catch on to the way she phrased her words you'll meet the others soon, but Natasha does. Her eyes narrow slightly, but before she can question it, an ear shattering wail pierces the air.

Allison startles, her bow gripped tight once more as she starts frantically scouring the ground beneath them. Clint and Natasha flinch, both readying their weapons and aiming for nothing but air as they huddle closer to their soulmate.

"What the hell was that?" Clint mutters.

"My girlfriend," Allison replies. "Is she going to be a problem?" The for us goes unspoken, but in that moment both Clint and Natasha know her meaning, and they both come to the same conclusion. While Allison is technically theirs, she's also very young compared to them. So while a romantic relationship for the three of them is off the table, a platonic friendship is not. The girlfriend won't be a problem, so they shake their heads in unison to say so. "Good. We need to find her then," Allison continues. "She only wails when death is near."

Allison's moving before either of her soulmates can say anything, her bow going on her back as her gloved hands find a ladder and she slides down as if she'd been doing it for ages.

"Huh," Clint huffs. "Now I can see why we were Fated for each other."

Natasha rolls her eyes, but the smile tugging up the corner of her lips lets him know that she's coming around to their third. They follow in Allison's path, listening as she's shouting for her girlfriend Lydia and asking where she is. And when they both have their feet planted on the ground, they start walking towards the sudden babbling.

"Lydia. Lydia!" They see and hear as Allison tries to gain the girl's attention. The girl Allison is trying to speak to is the complete opposite of her, a colorful cardigan and dress hanging off the girl's frame. Long strawberry blonde curls hang down her back, said curls shaking as her head shakes back and forth. "Breathe, Lyds, and tell me what's going on. Where's Malia? I left you with her."

"T-the roaring and s-snarling," Lydia stammers. "Everything I've been hearing for the past week leads here. The whistles and bangs? They're loosed arrows and gunshots. I-It led me here."

"Okay, so where's Malia and the others?"

"I don't know! I was following Malia one second and then you were shaking me the next."

"What's going on?" Natasha finally asks.

Lydia whirls around, eyes widening at both Clint and Natasha before she starts fidgeting in place. "It's okay," Allison tells her, "they're my soulmates." The two Avengers see Lydia frown at that admission, dejection visibly passing over her features before she quickly masks it as Allison gives them her attention once more. "Lydia's a banshee. She predicts death."

"And apparently we're all in danger," Lydia then adds quietly.

Clint and Natasha tense, weapons are drawn again, and determination is etched in their every feature and shows in their movement. Natasha's about to ask what it is that they can help with when the first set of glowing blue eyes catch her attention. They're more than a few yards behind Allison's back, one set of blue and then two. Allison and Lydia have yet to notice, and it takes a rather harsh jab to Clint's ribs to get him to notice it as well. And when he does, he visibly gulps and unconsciously reaches for Lydia's hand to pull her between him and Nat since she's the only one unarmed.

"What the fuck?" he murmurs.

Confused, Lydia allows herself to be pulled and re-positioned, only realizing what Clint and Natasha are staring at that has them going into protective overdrive. Lydia gasps and Allison whirls around, an arrow nocked since she figured out what they were looking at.

"Werewolves," Lydia mumbles as more blue eyes light up all around them from the shadows. "Feral werewolves with no alpha. They'll kill anyone and anything for no reason at all."

Clint and Natasha whirl around, keeping Lydia at their back as Allison stumbles back to stand in front of her. Bows and guns raised, Allison barely has enough time to rattle off that regular arrows and bullets won't do much damage so they're to aim for the head when a bone chilling roar pierces the night air. Clint and Natasha straighten at the sound, sharing wary glances as they feel a sudden change within themselves.

"Please tell me that was a good roar and not something bigger than what we're dealing with right now."

"Relax," Allison shoots a quick grin over her shoulder at Clint. "That's just our alpha rushing to the rescue."

And just as the words leave her lips, the first Omega pounces.


The fight wasn't as brutal as it could have been, but there are a few claw marks here and there on the human members of the McCall pack. Clint and Natasha had a bit of trouble keeping up with the werewolves, but they really weren't needed when the kid with red eyes had finally arrived.

Along with the alpha, as Lydia had explained to them, came more kids with glowing eyes. There was a girl with blue eyes and her own set of claws and teeth, another with orange eyes sporting a kickass katana, an elder scruffy guy with blue eyes and claws, and a kid sporting moles on one side of his neck with two baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire that he ended up passing one over to Lydia.

Clint and Natasha didn't think Lydia would join the fight, but the second a baseball bat was placed in her hand they were amazed with her swinging skills and her ability to dodge claws.

It's only when the fight's over and the McCall pack are left wandering around does Allison rejoin Clint and Natasha.

"So," she drawls out, "that was one hell of way to meet your soulmate, huh?"

"Could have been worse," Clint shrugs. "We could have died like your girlfriend predicted."

Allison chuckles, her eyes seeking out Lydia who's standing next to a surprisingly eager Stiles that's gesturing in their direction and Scott shaking his head fondly before dragging Stiles away. Lydia then starts making her way towards Allison when the others don't require her help, and Clint bumps his shoulder against Allison's. "What are the chances that the two you will fly out to New York with us?"

Allison gapes and Lydia practically trips over her own feet. "The two of us?" she wonders. "You're not going to demand we break up? You're soulmates, after all. You're well within your rights to ask it."

Clint can only smirk and it's Natasha who grins in understanding. "We are soulmates, but in case you haven't noticed we're a great deal older than Allison. We'll protect her with every fiber of our being, but we're not exactly looking to bed her. We want her to be happy."

Lydia's eyes get misty, her gaze darting back and forth between the two Avengers and then to Allison who's smiling and sighing in relief. "I- I.. thank you!" Allison blurts. "I always thought that when I met you, I'd have to breakup with Lyds."

"Don't worry about it," Clint waves her off. "You girls have all the time in the world. But you, young lady," he points to Lydia and narrows his eyes in mock anger, "you hurt our soulmate and you'll be answering to us."

Instead of being intimidated, Lydia snorts and manages to stand taller, flipping her hair over her shoulder with a rather smug smile. "Sure thing, Robin Hood. And if you ever make my girlfriend cry because you're being a prick, you'll have to deal with me.. and the Pack. I may be in high school, but I still know how to destroy a man in under two hours."

With that, Lydia saunters off after pecking Allison's lips with a chaste kiss and Natasha watches her fellow redhead retreat with a smug smile of her own. "Oh, yes. We'll all get along perfectly."

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