Tell Me A Story

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It had been one moon since that meeting of our plans, when we decided what we were going to do. We were leaving for the North Tonight, right now I was lying in bed, wanting to enjoy a nap without the feeling of waves underneath before the journey commenced, but obviously, I couldn't sleep without Dany in my arms.

There was the option of flying there...but we decided against it.

Dany was growing slightly in size, though it wasn't noticeable through dresses and there was only a small bump, she complained.

I was pulled from my thoughts when a soldier knocked came in saying everyone was on board, ready to go and that The Queen was waiting for me.

I quickly made it down to the beach, rowing out in the last boat with a few soldiers.

We had also decided to keep a few ships and soldiers here to continue mining the Dragon glass. I had received word Bran and Arya were alive and in Winterfell, to say that made me happy was a huge understatement and knowing Dany, she would talk to me about it, asking how I felt...Gods...I can't wait to marry her. Not to long now.

I boarded the ship and found the captain.

"So, Captain, how long do you think this trip will take?" I ask.

He looks out to the water. "I would guess three weeks, but it Depends on the Weather My King"

"I am not your King-"

He smiles "Yes you are." He then walks off.

But I am only the King In The North...holy shit...if I married Dany....and we won the throne... that would make me...The King Of Seven Kingdoms....

Me. A bastard. The King Of The Seven Kingdoms. My wife Daenerys Targaryen... the most beautiful woman the actual fuck did I get here...? Oh yeah...I died...and I came her.

I realised now, the reason I was brought back, it was Daenerys. It always was, Together we can stop the Night King, Together we can fix this world.

The boat slowly started to move, I watched as Dragonstone grew in distance the more I stood there.

It was slowly getting dark and the sun was sinking below the horizon, leaving some beautiful bright colours to gaze at. As I did, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting the cool air fill my lungs, soothing my heart and mind, letting myself enjoy a moment in this world, where absolutely nothing was happening.

I opened my eyes. I was really here, I never imagined I could be this life changed the second those gorgeous purple eyes met mine. I went from Bastard to King, from depressed to hopefully and happy.

I had started to learn something since I had come back.

Life could sometimes be hard, but it made you strong, life will let you be happy eventually, but it makes sure you can survive anything beforehand.

Anyone can be happy...if you want to be, you just have to stop...take a moment...realize where you are...know this only a small moment in your life...know you have a lot more to get through...but anything and everything that happens is only a small part of your journey...realize this...once you will be free.

I was pulled from my thoughts by footsteps.

Her warm body attached to mine, she rested her head on my shoulder and gazed in the same direction as me.

I looked down at her as she looked up at me, we both knew what we were thinking about, I could see it in her curious little eyes...The twinkle in bright, I wish I had met her earlier...created that spark in her earlier...because I knew at one point in her life, she lost her spark, I could tell by looking at her...someone or something had robbed her of that spark, the thought broke my heart, knowing what she must have gone through to survive...but I was just grateful I was the one that could return the spark, because she looked so much more like herself with it.

"I could look into your eyes forever Dany." I whisper and she blushes with a smile.

"Likewise, Jon Snow, your eyes are gorgeous." She whispers against me, her smile growing.

"My eyes are gorgeous? You should see yours Targaryen Queen, they are something else entirely..."

She blushes again. "I was once told 'Love comes in at the eyes.' I now believe that to be true...can I be honest with you...?" she asks softly.

"Of course, My Love." I softly whisper and open my arm so she can rest on my chest, she snuggles against me.

"I am terrified Jon..." she whispers, I have never heard her sound so weak...I stroke her hair to help encourage her. "Of what my love?"

"The Night King, This child...I am terrified something will go wrong...I won't be able to give you a child...or I will die doing so..." her voice is so broken...

I wrap my arms around her tight and rest my chin on her head. "Don't think like that Dany...our child will be healthy, you will be healthy, we will defeat the Night King, because we are together."

"How are so sure?" she whispers.

I kiss her hair. "Because Dany, we are together, nothing can stop us now."

She looks up at me. "Thank you, Jon, I love you." Her eyes are glassy from unshed tears.

I lean down and gently kiss her. "Anytime Dany, I will always be here for you."

She snuggles against me as much as she can. "Do you have any stories?"

I chuckle softly. "How about the story of a Wolf and Dragon?"

She smiles against my chest. "Sounds interesting."

"Aye, would you like to hear it?" I offer.

"Yes, I would." She mumbles, I smile at her again and kiss her temple, I turn my gaze to the very slim figure of the sun.

" all started when The Wolf was murdered by his own brethren. On the other hand, The Dragon was saved by her child, the child protected the mother dragon, delivering her to a cold Castle, by some chance the same Castle where the Wolf had been slain."

"Poor wolf." she whispers.

"Indeed, but then a magical witch used unknown magic on the Wolf, bringing him back to life."

Dany gasps. "Back to life? Where is the dragon mother?"

I smile and kiss her head again. "Yes back to life, The Dragon mother was right there watching all of it happen, she stayed by the Wolf's side, because she felt a connection she couldn't explain, but she knew she needed the Wolf to come back. So when he did, The Dragon was overjoyed and immediately fell in love with the Wolf."

That earned me a punch to the chest.

"Anyway, The Wolf awoke from his darkness to the most beautiful sight he had ever seen."


"Yes...The Dragon was quite a sight to lay an eye on, shining purple eyes, moon kissed hair, soft skin that could make you daydream about just touching it...she was something else entirely. But underneath that beautiful layer was quite a mean, scary lady-"

Another hard punch.

"Though she seemed scary to those who didn't know her, The Wolf immediately knew she was hiding her true self behind the scary Queenly mask. The Dragon mother and The White wolf grew closer and closer, both feeling this unspoken connection between them, like they where destined to be together."

"But then the Wolf did something stupid, didn't he?"

"He did, The Wolf thought because she would eventually have to go home, that he couldn't be with her, so he made the decision to push her away before they fell to deep, but what The wolf didn't realize was it was already too late, he had fallen to far, there was no way he could just continue to live without her, so he decided to try and fix his massive mistake."

"Did the Wolf Succeed?" She asks softly with a brilliant smile.

"He did, The Wolf confessed his true feelings for the Dragon, The Dragon realised he wasn't lying, then they made love for the first time, his ice cooled her raging fire and her fire warmed his chilling ice."

"Sounds like a fairy-tale ..." she whispers.

"I know...but the most surprising part of the story, is its real...The Wolf still can't believe it is..." I mumble against her hair.

"The Dragon can't be happier that the Wolf calls her his." She says looking up at me, the sun gone, leaving the moon to shine for the night.

"How was that Dany? Good enough of a story?" I whisper as she leans up to me.

"Best I have ever heard." She says before kissing me, it doesn't last long as she pulls back.

"I love you so much." She whispers.

"I love you more." I smile.

"Not possible." She smiles more.

Then she frowns. "Are you still going to love me when I get fat?" She asks.

I burst out laughing, her face turns to an angry pout and its soooo adorable. "You think me being fat is funny?!" she yells.

I continue to laugh, and she punches my chest. "It's not funny Jon!" she pouts sadly.

I calm down and cup her face realizing she may be insecure about it.

"Dany...I will love you even more, you will be carrying our child, growing her inside you, It will be the most wonderful sight I have yet to witness." I explain and her frown and sad pout disappear, turning into a wonderful smile.

"Our child...wait! Her?! I already told you it will be a boy Jon!"

"I told you it will be a girl; I am always right."

She raises her eyebrow. I huff annoyed, "Ok maybe not always, but most of the time..."

The eyebrow rises higher. "Ok! Jeez, I am not right very often. But I am right about this!"

She rolls her eyes. "Sure Jon... as long as the baby is healthy, I am absolutely fine with either gender."

I smile and softly caress her cheek. "Same my Love...but it will be a girl."

She rolls her eyes and starts walking to our chambers.

"I will be right!" I call out after her.

She turns around and starts walking backwards. "We'll see in time Jon Snow...Are you coming with me?"

I smile and start to follow her. "You know it My love."

"Know what?" She teases letting me catch up to her, I grab her waist and pull her towards me, she wraps her arms around my neck.

"That I would follow you anywhere." I then kiss her to seal my promise.

"Thank you, Jon...I am still scared but you have given me hope." She smiles.

"Anything, Anytime My love."

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