7 years...

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As always, I feel asleep with her warm body in my arms.

I found myself in a backyard. Grass tickling my bare feet, the warm sun warming the air around me, a massive wooden fence surrounds the backyard, that was taller than me. A huge tree is a few meters to my right that is giving me shade.

I looked around and saw the beautifully built house in front of me, I removed my eyes from the house and looked around at my surrounds, the backyard was massive. Massive.

In one of the corners I saw pile of burnt bones, which caused me to frown.

Then I hear a familiar voice singing, the singing gets louder and louder until Dany steps out from behind the tree, I make eye contact with her and she smiles. "Jon? What are you doing out here?"

She steps in front of me, still humming quietly to herself. My mouth gapes.

She is somehow more beautiful then I have ever seen her, she smells like lemons and her very long hair is free, blowing slightly in the warm wind. Her long white dress that reaches her ankles blowing along with her hair, she is also barefoot. Her purple eyes are sparkling more then I have ever seen them, she looks...so peaceful. I thought I had seen her happy before, but this was a new level, she finally didn't seem like the world was on her shoulders.

"Jon? Why are you gaping?" she asks innocently, moving closer leaning up slightly to lay a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Dany...you are so beautiful..." I manage to say, she smiles brightly.

"You say that a lot." She smiles while grabbing my hand.

"Because it's true." I smile back at her.

"Why are you out here husband?" She says and starts walking towards the house pulling me with her.

"Husband?" I manage to choke out, she stops and turns. "Yes? why what's wrong?" she frowns. She lifts my hand and places it on her cheek.

"Tell me Jon." She mumbles closing her eyes and pressing herself against my hand.

"I...uh...I just can't believe I am married to you..." I say then smile sheepishly, Dany's eyes open and she smiles brightly.

"You also say that a lot." She giggles.

"I love you Dany, so much." I smile and pull her closer to me.

She giggles and rests her head on my chest. "That one too."


"You say it. A lot. You like to remind me; I love you for it. Well, I love you for a lot of things...come on, I think we are needed in the house." She says pulling out of my arms, kissing me and then walking towards the house, I quickly follow her.

"Why do you say that?" I ask when I catch her, matching her strides as I walk beside her.

She looks up at me with a smirk. "Well without Mama, they tend to think they can do anything, which is partly your fault, letting them get away with stuff while I am not home."

I stop walking, she stops and turns back to me with a frown.

"Dany what happened with the great war?" I ask and she frowns very heavily.

"What? That was 7 years ago Jon...you know what happened...are you ok? You're not acting like yourself..." She asks stepping closer and grabbing my hand.

"Seven years...we won...we get married...we have multiple kids...we are finally at peace..." I say dreamily looking around.

"Jon...your scaring me." Dany says her voice soft; I look down at her and smile.

I cup her cheeks and kiss her. "I love you so fucking much." I whisper against her lips, she smiles.

"I know, I love you too, forever."

My eyes opened to the same purple eyes, the sparkle there...but faded.

"I love you Dany." I whisper leaning over and kissing her forehead, she smiles.

"I know, I love you too, forever. Nothing will change that."


Brandon Stark had returned earlier that day and was currently sitting by the fire with his sister, Sansa Stark.

"Bran...you said you see everything...can you see Jon, what he is doing? When he plans to come home?" Sansa asks her emotionless brother.

Bran continues to stare at the flames. "He is at home. His home is wherever she is."

Sansa smiles. "I wish they would send Ravens..."

"They do, but most perish from the cold before they can arrive. One of the more recent ones was announcing Daenerys pregnancy." He deadpans, his face blank.

"WHAT!? Holy Shit! Wait Jon's the father, right?" Bran turns to his sister and nods; a massive smile appears on her face. "This is amazing! I am so happy for them!" Sansa then looks at her brother who is just staring at the flames. "Your happy for them as well right?"

Bran stares at the flames, completely blank. "Yes of course. Jon needs to know though."

Sansa frowns. "Know what?"

Bran looks at his sister. "Who he is. But I fear it may be too late, I just wonder how Jon will accept the news, especially now."

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