Chapter 48

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A/N: hey guys! Sorry it's taken me this long! I saw Sabrina last Saturday and I'm literally just now coming down from the excitement of it all. On top of that been busy too. I love Sabrina so much, she made my life last week. I did have a meet and greet, so I did get to talk to her for a little bit, but that short time was the highlight of my night. She's so sweet icant, but I'm a proper functioning human being again so back to the story! Doing a little time skip to Maya being 8 and a half months pregnant. I have a little surprise towards the end for making y'all wait for a week! It's also much much longer then I expected it to be and I hope you all enjoy it! I love you guys! ❤️

Maya's POV

I'm so happy things are completely back to normal with Lucas and I. He's the love of my life and I wouldn't want to go through this with anyone else, but him. We're finally about nearly done with the nursery. We just need to add some finishing touches and it'll all be ready for when Alexander gets here next month. I feel like this is the most excited for him to get here this entire pregnancy. If it wasn't for my entire support system I wouldn't have been able to do all this. After we ate lunch we were cuddling on the couch watching tv until he muted it.

"Hey I was watching that!" I yelled at him.

"I know you were, but my offer to you may be better then a tv show." He replied which caused me to look at him with a questioning look.

"I'm listening." I said while waiting for him to continue.

"How about you go hang out with Riley today?" He offered.

"I would love to do that, but we need to finish the nursery." I started to say before he cut me off.

"Maya, this will be one of your last chances to spend time with her before our lives change. For the better of course, but with no interruptions and I want you to enjoy what time you have with her, don't worry about the nursery. I got it. I'll put Farkle to work when he comes over later." He explained and what he said did make sense.

"Why the sudden urge to get rid of me huckleberry?" I asked him.

"No reason." He replied with a smirk on his face.

"Alright, you win this time, but I'll figure out whatever game you're up to and you know it." I got one last sentence in before he kissed me to shut me up. I always fell right into his kiss and he knew it. "Damn it Friar." I sighed as our lips disconnected.

"Go get ready." He instructed me. For once I actually listened to someone when they told me what to do and when to do it.

I went and took a shower and got dressed. I called Riley to asked her were I should meet her and she told me Topanga's. I walked out in the living room to see Lucas passed out on the couch so I took this opportunity to wake him up suddenly for making me leave the house today. I climbed on top on him and straddling him on the couch and he didn't budge. Seriously? So I made my next move. I leaned down and kissed him softly and as I started to pull away, he pulled me back in deepening the kiss.

"That was a nice wake up call." He said as we pulled apart in a sleepy voice. "Maybe I should pass out more often if this is how you choose to wake me up." He grinned at me, my plan was back firing already.

"What are you and Farkle planning on doing today?" I asked him.

"I guess you'll find out later when you get home." He replied with a smirk.

"Hmm. Fine. I'm heading out though to go meet Riley, so I'll see you when I get home. When do you want me home?" I asked him eagerly.

"I'd say about 6pm." He replied with just that, nothing more or nothing less.

"Okay, I love you Huckleberry." I responded as I leaned back down to kiss him goodbye.

"I love you too short stack." He replied as I was walking to the door.

"Just wait until later.." I said under my breath as I opened the door and he heard me because I could hear him laughing. Whatever he has planned, I have the need to know what it is. Time to interrogate Riley.

I drove to Topanga's to meet Riley there and calmly waited on the couch for her to get there. While I was waiting I got a fruit smoothie. When I sat back down I could see her walking towards the door. When she came in she sat next to me. I turned myself towards and glared at her.

"What?" She asked instantly.

"What's St. Huckleberry planning Matthews?" I asked with no hesitation.

"Maya I can assure you that I have no idea what you're talking about?" She responded and I could tell she was lying through her teeth because she's always been the worst liar.

"Do you honestly think I believe that? Your boyfriend is somehow involved and I want to know why I had to leave the house so suddenly." I replied staring right at her directly in the eyes.

"Maya calm down will you? I'm sure Lucas has a very good explanation for making you leave."

"Oh so you do know, so spill it." I demanded as I raised an eyebrow.

"Did I say I knew? No. You'll see what's going on when you go home later on I guess." She replied with a smile. "For right now why don't we enjoy our time together?"

"Fine, you win this time Matthews. I have all day to interrogate you though and it'll be when you least expect it." I informed her.

"Whatever you say peaches."

Lucas's POV

After Maya left I went and took a shower and got ready. I jelled my hair so it looked nice. Put on dress pants and a dress shirt. I sat around watching tv until Farkle got here. When I heard the knock at the door I turned off the tv and went and answered it.

"Hey are you ready to get things going?" He asked as he walked into the apartment.

"I am." I replied.

"Are you nervous at all?" He asked once he got his stuff sat on the table and situated.

"A little bit, but I think that's to be expected." I responded as I went through the box Farkle brought with him. I pulled out a picture of me and Maya in the eighth grade, from our graduation. "This feels like it was forever ago." I said as I smiled at the picture.

"Yeah, I figured you guys would want it to frame or something." He said as he sat down with me at the table.

"Thanks, I'm sure she'll love to see this picture again. Even though it was a confusing time when this was taken." I replied.

"She won't be thinking about that, she'll be thinking about how much she loves you because she does and she did then too. She always has." He responded. "Does she know what we were doing before you took her out on the date last month?"

"Nope, not a clue. She was very questioning today to why I was making her leave earlier so I'm sure she's interrogating Riley as we speak." I responded while looking at the picture a little more before I put it down.

"Oh she is. Riley texted me before I got here telling me she wasn't letting up."

"Well, do you expect any less? It's Maya, she doesn't let anything get by her, I just hope she doesn't break Riley into telling her because I want this to take her by complete surprise." I said nervously because we all know it's hard for Riley to keep a secret.

"She won't Lucas, this is too big for even Riley to spill." He responded. "You ready to get things started?" He asked as he grabbed a few candles out of the box and held them up in the air.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said as I grabbed some more out of the box.

Farkle and I placed candles all over the living room. We carefully decorated the living room in the most romantic way for Maya when she gets home. The time was ticking quickly which was making me more and more nervous. I love Maya and I want to do this the right way for her. After we were done setting everything up in the living room, we still had a few hours so Farkle helped me finish the nursery so Maya didn't have to worry about it when she got home and we could enjoy the night I have planned for us.

"Lucas you guys really did amazing with this nursery." Farkle said while admiring Alexanders room.

"We did didn't we? Maya's so excited with how it turned out." I said with a smile while looking at everything.

"You both have grown so much since all this and I'm excited to see the wonderful parents you guys end up being." He replied.

"Thanks Farkle, that means a lot."

"Anytime, I should probably go though because Maya will be home soon and that might get awkward with me here." He said with a laugh.

"It's all good. Thanks for everything today. I really hope she's surprised by everything." I said as we walked back out in the living room.

"Oh I almost forgot." He said suddenly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of matches and handed them to me. "You may need those to light the candles, you know to set the mood."

"Thanks and you had to make a comment didn't you?" I replied.

"Had to make at least one before I left, good luck tonight. Let me know how it goes." He said as he was heading out.

"Yeah I will." I replied, but he was already gone. I looked down at the matches and felt an overwhelming sense of nerves come over me.

I breathed a bit and it made me feel a bit better. Each candle we placed all over the living room I carefully lit with a match. I heard Maya trying to open the door, but I had locked it so I knew when to get myself ready.

Maya's POV

I was literally so eager to get home and slightly annoyed because I had plans to get the rest of the nursery finished today and now more then half of my day is gone now. When I got up to the apartment door there was a note on the door from Lucas.

I know you're annoyed that I made you leave the house today. There's a very good explanation for it. When you come inside I know you'll understand. Good job trying to break Riley by the way. I love you, see you when you come inside.


When I went to open the door the door it was locked. So I had to dig my keys out and unlock it. When I walked in the lights were dimmed. He had soft music playing and had stringed twinkly lights around the living room, not to mention all the lit candles everywhere and that's when I saw him. Down on one knee and I instantly started to feel tears in my eyes.

"Lucas.. what's going on?" I asked trying not to cry.

"Maya Hart. I love you with all my heart. We've been with each other for years and my love for you grows more each year. You are a beautiful and caring person and have always been there for me 100% through the bad times. I know from the moment I saw you on the subway in 7th grade you were the one I wanted, no one else. You're the most strong and amazing woman I know and I love you so much. My family adores you and I cannot imagine my life without you in it. Now we are expecting our first child, it's always been you. I hope you will say yes and make me the happiest man alive." He said as he opened the box that revealed a beautiful diamond ring.

"Oh my god you're serious."

"I am, so what do you say?" He asked and I could tell he was nervous because his hands her trembling.

"..yes." I replied and I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.

He slid the ring on my finger and stood up and kissed me so passionately that I fell weak at the knees.

"I love you so much Lucas. You really went all out for this."

"I would do anything for you. I've been a nervous wreck about this all day." He replied as I laid my head on his chest. "Oh I want to show you something." He said as he walked over to the table and picked up a photograph off of it and brought it over to me.

"Oh my gosh, that's us in eighth grade." I said as I began to smile even more.

"It is, Farkle brought it over for us to have."

"He's so sweet, can I frame it?" I asked him.

"Of course you can, he figured you would want to." He replied. "Farkle helped me finish the nursery by the way so you didn't have to worry about it and so we could have the night to ourselves without having any distractions."

"You're the best." I replied as I leaned in and kissed him.

Tonight was beyond unexpected and completely amazing. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing guy. This baby is also lucky to have such a wonderful and thoughtful father as well. Our little family is perfect.

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