Chapter 25

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"Turn me into a maggot. A dung beetle. A Flobberworm! Anything but the Dementors..." Peter begged as he exited the Whomping Willow into the harsh night, Lupin following after, his wand pointed at Pettigrew's back.

Ron then limped out, his face showing nothing but pain while clinging on to Robyn and Hermione for support. Snape hovered after, his head lolling from side to side.

Finally, Sirius and Harry emerged from the tree, trailing behind.

"Don't worry. He's under the Somnambulist Charm. It's primarily used to transport the seriously deranged." Hermione said, mainly to Robyn and Harry whose eye's kept flickering over to their unconscious Professor.

Harry and Robyn nodded.

Harry turned and saw Sirius staring in wonder at the twinkling lights of Hogwarts.

"Go!" Robyn said, noticing Harry was looking at Sirius. "We have Ron." Robyn smiled reassuringly.

Harry hesitated but walked up to Sirius after watching Robyn and Hermione lower Ron to lean against a rock.

"Beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again. Freely." Sirius said, a ghost of a smile lighting up his face. "That was a noble thing you did back there. He doesn't deserve it."

Harry studied Pettigrew briefly, then looked away.

"I don't reckon my father'd want his best friends to become killers for a worthless piece of vermin like Pettigrew. Besides: Dead, the truth dies with him. Alive... you're free." Harry admitted, feeling quite ashamed he had spent most of the year wanting to kill his own godfather.

Sirius was moved by Harry's words. "I don't know if you know, Harry, but when you were born, James and Lily made me your guardian..." Sirius explained.

"I know."

"And, well, I'll understand if you choose to stay with your aunt and uncle, but, so you know, you could --"

"When! Come live with you?" Harry interjected, his eye's alight with excitement. He would much rather live with Sirius then his wretched aunt and uncle.

"Soon as my name's cleared..."
Harry looked at Hogwarts, the castle looking breathtaking against the darkness of the sky. The castle seemed to glow. It was Harry's home. Harry grinned, so did Sirius.

Suddenly, Hermione's voice filled the air, quivering with fear. "Harry..."

Harry turned, seeing Hermione and Robyn looking at the glowing full moon. His eye's flickered to Professor Lupin, who stood rigid, his fingers twitching.

"Remus, old friend... did you take your potion tonight?" Sirius asked, concern leaking from his words as he took a few steps closer to Remus. Lupin, still twitching, shook his head.

Pettigrew's eyes darted, taking in the situation. He slowly shifted from noticing Lupin's wand trembling in his expanding hand.

"Run. All of you. Now." Sirius yelled but none of them moved. They stared, transfixed. Robyn felt the hair's on the back of her neck rise. She never dreamed she would be witnessing her Professor slowly and painfully turn into a Werewolf. She wanted to laugh at the situation and what she used to dwell on but her throat was dry and no sound came out.

Bristles of hair began to poke through Lupin's extremely pale skin and his eye's held nothing but excruciating pain.

Sirius stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Lupin and pressed his mouth to his ear.

"You know the man you truly are, Remus. This flesh is only flesh." Sirius said, his voice coming out like a plea. It sounded desperate and slightly afraid.

"This heart is where you truly live. This heart! Here!" Sirius mumbled as he placed a hand on Lupin's chest.

As Lupin's wand dropped from his trembling hand, Peter leaped forward to grab it.

"No!" Harry screamed while jumping forward and whipping out his own wand. "Expelliarmus!"

Lupin's wand went flying from Peters grasp. Peter froze and spun around, facing Harry. With his eye's blank and a hideous grin on his face, Peter slowly began to shrink, his nose lengthening and his nails growing pointed and sharp. Soon enough, he was in his rat form and he scampered off, no one able to stop him.

An echoing howl filled the night and Harry wheeled around. His heart stopped for a second and his breath hitched in his throat from fear. He swallowed, the lump in his throat making it more difficult.

With a shrug, Lupin had flung Sirius into the air. He was no longer human but a towering, murky grey Werewolf with little hair, pointed teeth, long claws, a round snout and beady black, hungry eye's. It was breathing heavily, stood on its hind legs.

Robyn let out a shaky breath, a noise, like a moan, escaping her lips as she took in her Professors appearance. She wasn't exactly scared of the Werewolf but more of what it could do. Lupin had no control over his actions which made it all the more scarier for Robyn.

What if he is stuck on the inside, watching everything the Werewolf does but not being able to stop it.

The very thought made her shiver with fear. She had slight pity over the beast.

A hand found her own and Robyn jumped, her eye's finding Harry's and she was slightly shocked. She didn't think he had forgiven her. Maybe he hadn't and was merely doing it to keep her out of harms way, as she was just standing there frozen. Whatever the reason was, Robyn couldn't help but notice how nice Harry's hand felt in her own.

Hermione had helped Ron up and he was now leaning into her for support as he kept his bad foot off the ground. The four began to edge away.

"Professor...?" Hermione breathed out, her voice trembling.

The Werewolf's head snapped in their direction, it's eyes ablaze and teeth glittering. Then, a low and earth rattling growl erupted from its mouth.

The four spun around, fleeing from the beast. Ron, although he was groaning in pain, abandoned the thought of keeping his injured foot off the ground and used it to build up his momentum.

But the four did not get far as they all ran straight into Professor Snape. As they all landed on the ground in a clumsy mess, Snape's eyes fluttered open. The spell had broken. Ron was moaning in pain as he clutched his bleeding foot.

"Out of the way! ..." Snape hissed as he pushed Hermione aside. He stood and looked, only too see Professor Lupin, or rather the Werewolf ready to pounce, it's teeth bared. Snape pulled out his wand and stepped forward, shielding Hermione, Harry, Robyn and Ron.

The Werewolf howled again, it's back arching as it's snout raised into the air, the full moon illuminating it. The beast then sprinted towards Snape and the four terrified students. But before it could feast on any of them, a shaggy black dog jumped into veiw and the Werewolf and Sirius hit the floor in a feirce tangle of flashing teeth and a single horrible flailing beast.

Again and again, the dog, or rather Sirius, pushed the Werewolf back but it was too strong.

"Sirius!" Harry yelled as the dog yelped and roared in pain. The Werewolf flung the dog into some tall grass and it went chasing after it.

Harry pushed past Snape in a hurry and dashed into the night after Sirius and an out of control Professor Lupin.

"NO! Harry!" Robyn screamed as she watched his retreating figure disappear into the darkness. She made a move to run after them but Professor Snape grabbed her wrist.

"NO! LET GO OF ME!" Robyn wriggled and cried and tried to get out of the Professor's grip but all he did was trighten it, making it nearly impossible for Robyn to get loose. She was just so tired and bruised but she couldn't let Harry get hurt. Whether they are still mad at eachother or not. She just couldn't stand the thought.

"Please...Professor! I need to make sure he is alright." Robyn begged but the Professor shook his head.

"I will go after Mr. Potter myself. I am more capable then a scared little school girl." The Professor drawled and Robyn glared. A first for her, to glare at a teacher. "You and Miss. Granger will escort Mr. Weasley to the Hospital Wing. Now go."

Robyn stopped fighting against the Professor and sighed as she nodded her head slowly. Snape let go of her wrist.

"Just make sure Harry is safe. Make sure all three are safe." Robyn plead and with help from Hermione, once again lifted Ron off the floor.

Snape said nothing and merely turned on his heels and followed the direction Harry went in, his cloak billowing behind him. Robyn didn't want to think of the amount of detentions she would have to go to because of him.

The two girls walked Ron up to the castle.

Meanwhile, Harry spied Sirius lying inert, the Werewolf's razor-sharp claws suspended over the dogs neck.

"NO!" Harry cried. Desperately, he plucked a thick branch from the ground and hurled it with all his might. Harry guessed he had hit it as the Werewolf froze then turned in his direction, beginning to move forward.

Terrified, Harry pulled out his wand but he was tormented as he knew somewhere deep down Professor Lupin was there.

"Please, Professor. Stop... It's me." Harry said, desperate.

Suddenly, a howl, not from Lupin, pierced the night. The Werewolf faltered, cocking its head towards the forest that stood near by. Harry waited, petrified. He didn't know what to do. He was too scared to move and he had to help Sirius.

The Werewolf's eyes shifted back to Harry. It growled and proceeded to move closer to him, ready to kill.

Harry covered his head with his arms, when a second howl echoed from somewhere in the distance. Harry slowly lowered his arms, seeing the Werewolf bounding towards the forest. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

Harry, then after spotting him, sprinted after Sirius, who with each step was becoming more human.

Black lay near the water's edge and Harry stumbled up to him, falling on to his knees. Sirius was fully human now.

Sirius' face was beaded with sweat and blood.

"Sirius!" Harry called. No answer. Harry looked into his Godfather's glassy eyes. "Sirius!"

Suddenly, a fragile mist escaped Harry's lips. A raw wind tossed his and Sirius' hair. The hairs on Harry's neck and arms stood tall. A thin layer of ice appeared at the lakes edge and Harry sucked in a breath, knowing it could only mean one thing.

Then they appeared, oozing like smoke through the trees and across the lake. Dementors.

"No... No!" Harry gasped, feeling his skin crawl as he saw the hooded creatures that have caused him so much pain throughout the year.

Harry raised his wand.

"Expecto... Patronum!" A thin silvery wisp weeped from Harry's wand, hovering like a veil, but the Dementors continued to come, their number growing and growing.

Harry placed his hand on Black's chest as he poised his wand again.

"Expecto... Patronum..." His Patronus bloomed briefly but died. Harry's eyes fluttered, the Dementors twisting madly in his vision, drawing closer.

Sirius gasped, silvery feathers of light tumbling from his mouth, as if his very soul was leaving him.

Harry felt himself grow weaker and weaker and his wand slipped from his grasp. He lowered his body on to the ground, his eye's fluttering closed but he fought to keep them open. He tried to get up but every part of his body protested him not too. So he lay, too weak to move as the Dementors hovered over the two, bringing them nothing but pain and misery. Harry could hear his mother screaming. The same excruciating scream he had heard before. A flash of green temporarily blinded his vision.

But then it was gone.

Harry could see again and, although he was still quite weak, he could get up.

Harry was once again blinded by a light, though this time it was soft and gentle as if it was coaxing him to look.

A magnificent Stag strutted around the lake, glowing brilliantly as it held its head up brave and proud. Harry could feel himself loosing consciousness, but still he squinted as the light began to die down and all the Dementors had fled.

The Patronus dissappeared and Harry could make out a oddly familiar silhouette before it went black and Harry was soon breathing softly next to an injured but safe Sirius, unconscious.

(Hope you like. Don't forget to vote and comment.)

Also, when I was writing this, I didn't know whether to call Lupin (when he was in his werewolf form) 'he' or 'it'. But in the end I called him a 'it' because it is not really Professor Lupin after all as he has no control over himself so yeah, if that annoys you I'm sorry but that is how it's going to stay. Hope you enjoy it. Bye.

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