Ch76 Long Way To Go

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Because you all waited patiently while I was gone, I gift you another update from Wills' POV.


0600 hours

After losing all hopes, I left the med care.
I accepted that I have no option but to face Nick for next session with no relief.

I rushed to meet the big man. After all each minute counts. And with the intensity my slaughter is going on, I can't afford to add another hour.

I knocked on his door to hear "Drill ground is where I mend my cadets. Jog till you are stopped."

So this was a taunt for that incidence- one where I punished the boys who didn't salute him.
Well, guess I deserve that, may be much worse. Their crimes look like a bullet in front of my missile-sized ones.

As ordered, I turn around and proceed towards the drill ground. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Jane walking towards the main office.

God this woman has to stop feeling pity for me!
What is wrong with you? Atleast she is worried about this human! You never care for me!

Shut up.
I know my body, I know you can take it.
Not when you keep digging these horrible graves.
I have no reply for that.

I just hope she isn't going to talk to Father. He's not there, but even if he hears that she came to meet him, he'll get pissed.
Talking about pissed, I hope she doesn't even think of going to Coach. I mean Nick. God! He is beyond pissed at me.

I start jogging with my palms at waist level. Because I know he won't let me jog simply in comfort, and let it be so easy for me. This is, afterall, a promised payback.

I've finished nine rounds and he hasn't arrived yet. Won't he come? Am I supposed to keep jogging for 14 hours? Difficult but doable, if you ask me. Whatever he makes me do after he comes, will be much more difficult than this I'm sure.
But he won't leave me alone, right?

Ah, there he is.

He came and stood like a mountain- not moving, not saying anything.
I just kept jogging.
My breaths were starting to get shallow.

He will kill you if you get tired by just jogging at 0700 in the morning.
I know!

Then control your freaking breaths!
Yes, I will!

Just when I was on my 23rd round, I heard dry leaves being crushed behind me, at a distance. I knew someone walked there. But who?

I waited till I took the next turn to look at the trees outside drill ground. Nobody was visible, but I didn't hear any sound of the person going back. He is still there, I am sure.

Oh no.
Please father, let me continue.

I stopped right in front of him, stood in attention, trying hard to get my breaths under control.

He stood there motionless. I didn't know what to do. To say something or not - but I have got no orders.
Then keep your fucking mouth shut, it has already created enough trouble for me.

Fine I won't speak till he asks me. But why isn't he saying anything?
God I hate this silent torture! It's more scary than his punishments.

What he asked me next made me lose all my control over my body.

"You ready to confess yet, officer?"

He is still suspicious!

Don't give it out, Wills!
No, you stupid! Just say it!

But I have to stick to what I said earlier. He should not know.
What if he already knows?

That's impossible!
Don't you doubt his sources!

His sources work and report only in and around KMA. There is no way they followed me miles away from here and found something that never happened.
You forgot the games? And the concerts at the other end of the city? Are you that big a fool? His birds are flying in the sky all over this city!

But.. But nobody has seen her with me, how can anyone know about her then?
No. He doesn't know. I can bet.
Try him. I bet you will lose.

"Sir... I..."

"I fail to understand why you underestimate my sources. Why do you think that you will be able to hide anything of this kind, from me. And in this case, hide an entire PERSON, Wills?" He said with an eyebrow raised, and my breath stopped.

I told you.

That's impossible!
Not with him.

Ren? I'll kill her!
You know it's not her. She would never do that.

Oh god no! This can't happen! My training is gone. He will kick me out if he comes to know about it. Where did I go wrong? I did not even give in to my feelings, still I hurt him. Fucking hell, Wills! He can't be hurt twice.
You just followed your Super-boss, boy. It comes with the lineage.

Shut up!
He had warned me for this. I am just.. a loser!

"Sir... She.. It.. won't affect my training, I swear. I.. I promise."
What else can I say.
I swore to keep him and his training on top. That's why I'm standing here alone.

"Atleast you are straight. Glad to know that." he mocked at me.
Damn. Not a good time to crack jokes on me, father. I'm already embarrassed enough.

I wasn't aware of my state till I saw something approaching me from his side. I looked up from the ground just in time, and saw a water bottle about to hit my face. I caught it before it impacts and looked at it unbelievably.

Where did this come from?
Did he give that to me? Why would he be so caring?
Is it because of her? Is he trying to comfort me so that I give in?
Why on earth is everyone playing with my mind?

Have you gone crazy? What silly stuff are you thinking? Why can't he offer you water without a reason?
May be I'm thinking too much. You are right.

But I won't lower my shield.
And about the water in my hands, no matter how much my fingers are tempted to just open the lid and gulp it all down, I will not, till he says.

"Stop panting like a dog. I've worked hard on you, don't embarrass me. Drink."

If that single-word-order wasn't given in the end, I would have just dipped my face in the water and drowned in shame.
But he told me to drink it.
Despite having a lump of regret in my throat, I chugged the whole thing and kept the empty bottle away.

As if waiting for me to calm down, he said- "Now that you've accepted that it's her, I want her details. Shoot."

What to do now?
Should I tell him the truth?
There are two possible reactions he might give. First, he'll trust me, and laugh at me for being such a dumbass - very unlikely, but I wish this is the one. Second, he'll think I'm still daring to hide things from him - very likely and sure to piss him further.

May be I should just stand quiet.
Haven't you offended him enough?
Yes I have.

"I don't know, sir."
I said confidently, because what else did I have to say?

"Well. Then may be Nick might want to know about her. You wait, I'll call him here, and tell him that you indeed had a secret. One that everyone else knows, except him. I'm sure he'll treat you better in the Interrogation hall after that. What say?" he spoke annoyed.

Great! So he chose second.
And he is about to involve Nick. Do something!

"Sir, please, no. Don't do that. He is already pissed at me. I.. I didn't want this matter to ever come up. I don't know why he suspected this. I kept it a secret because I didn't want it to affect my daily life. Sir please, it is not as big as it sounds. My first priority is, and will always be my work. Please sir, let it slide. Just this once, I beg you."
I said it all in one go.

I still don't get why is she becoming such a big topic to dicuss? I should be the one talking, if something were to happen. Why are these people so serious about it?

I hope he understands what I'm trying to explain. The calmness on his face told me that he agrees with me.

"And what about him?"
That's an excellent question.
What about Nick?
Well I have to tell him. But not in next two days. He will hang me by my neck, thanks to the crown of anger on his head.

"Sir, I'll tell him at the end of third day. I promise. Please don't say a word to him. He'll hate me for doing this to him."
The last thing I want on earth, is Nick getting to know about all this from anyone other than me. That would be a disaster.

"Hmmm. I see. So there is someone in your life, that you don't want any info to share about with us. And you promise that it won't affect your training. So you want us to act like you are on your own. Is that right?"
He aligned the jumble in my brain, wow!

I wasn't expecting him to be so direct.

"Ye- yes sir."
I hesitated, but yes that's it. That's exactly what I want.

Agreeing with me completely, he said- "Alright then. I never heard about this girl. But if one fine day you gather the courage to ask me for some leniency or a favour using her name, I'm going to throw you out of here. Kadner was lucky to survive despite having two living weaknesses. But you won't be. Got it?"

I already have two living weaknesses, father. And yes Superboss has explained me very clearly what to expect when my personal life starts taking over my professional life.

"Yes sir." I am not lucky.

"One last thing, son. Since you've denied me the info I wanted, I will decide what to do with your future. If it's a yes, you have to accept. If it's a no, you have to move on. No cross questioning, no back answering. Am I clear?"

This really isn't needed. Whatever you say shall be followed without a hesitation. Moreover, it will be good for me if you say No, so that I can shut that part of my brain. And the chances of you saying a Yes are absolutely zero.
So, I have already thought about it.
I'm just glad that this will get over now without involving her.

"Your decision will be final, sir."
I said meaning each word of it.

Just then I heard the rustling of leaves again. Whoever was standing there, was now leaving.
Since Father was looking at me, I controlled my urge to turn my head towards him and see who it is.

"It's your student." he said as a matter of fact.

I lost control over my expressions which said "I'm going to kill her the next time I see her."

"Despite you begging me to send her back, despite facing all your rudeness, she is trying her best to save you from a few sufferings. "
And I was looking at the ground, again.

"You know what she calls you?" he asked me laughing.
"Major Killer" I said in a low tone, almost laughing at her naivety, followed by a louder chuckle from him.

He calmed down and suddenly became serious. He pointed a finger at the tree she was hiding behind.
"If the origin of this name is because of your behaviour, I'm fine. But if it is because you really ever tried to kill her, Wills, you will hate your state."

Darn. I never tried to murder her, but yes, I had wished so in the first few days.
"The former, sir. She is a good learner, just needs proper channeling of her anger and energy." I tried to avoid the anger that was building inside him.

"Hm. We shall see how much you've worked upon her. I hope you don't disappoint me as a trainer, at least."
I had no answer to that.
I've disappointed him as a trainee and that is the truth.

"She's finally going with Philips. If you were not doing your heroism, I would have sent you for her cover. Now I have to send Ren."
Oh thank god! One good thing about this torture, it saved me from another torture.

Wait a moment, Ren?
"Why not Nick, sir?"

"He needs time to plan how to sort you out."
Great. Nick has pulled father in his team so well!

My breath hitches when I remember I have a task at hand before going back to Nick.


It's 1400 hours.
My stomach is making sounds in hopes of getting some food.
The last meal I had was almost 14 hours ago, and since then, all I've got is water.

"So you said 'probably never'. Am I right?"
He asked me stressing on those two words. Name Pushups it is. But it will be less than 200. I can do that.

"Yes sir." I said hesitating, since I knew he was not happy with that answer of mine.

"You know, I didn't like that much."
When the person screwing you says these words, be assured that you're just more screwed.

"Yes sir."
I hushed, asking myself - what's the point?

"Still you went ahead. I think your mind has taken control of your body. Don't worry, I'm sure Nick is taking care of that bossy mind of yours. And about this body, that has to be reminded of its importance and responsibilities, I'll ensure that things stay the way you were trained."

He walked around me at a painfully slow pace, while I stood in absolute attention. I went through all the horrible memories of my training, where he made me what I am today.

And yes father, Nick is really taking care of my brain. So much that I'm horrified about presenting myself to him. My brain has stopped working in his presence, in first session itself.

Then he restarted talking.
"Probably... Never... Mmm. My brain is a little tired right now, officer. Will you please do the maths and tell me?"

There you go. Name Pushups. Like I said.
I took a few seconds to answer "One-Five-Five Sir."

Father chuckled "I never said Name. Try again, Son."
Wait, What?!

No, please! Not the alphabets!
"Sir.." I almost pleaded.

"That's not a number, officer. List the alphabet and then the total." he said turning around to take the complete round again, sending a shiver down my spine.

Fuck my life!


These are the military representatives of each alphabet, that we use on those walky-talkies and radiophones. It was fun when I learned them the first time. I never knew that a day will come when I'll be angry at the person who had this brilliant idea of giving word to every letter!

Before I started counting the 'never', he spoke up.

"Let's get done with 'probably' first. I'll help you. That sums up to 406. Start pushing silently, that's a big number. And be a little quick, we don't have much time."

Don't have time? FOURTEEN HOURS, FATHER!
I dropped on all fours, groaning on the inside, pumping the life out of my shoulders. 406 for one word, where it was 155 for both. This day can't get any better, can it?

In his oh-so deadly tone, he continued from where he left.

"Now that I know how sleepless, tired and hungry you are, I'm still thinking about going easy on you. Nick let you have one meal, despite of me telling him not to give you any. That's his choice. But I'm not giving you a single grain, let me be very clear."

Okay, so no sleep, no food, no break, no brain, no body. Well planned dad and brother.

"Coming back to point, I know how strong you think your ego is. But I'll snatch that source of fire inside you and kill it by rubbing my foot over it - while you witness it helplessly."

Damnit father, why don't you just leave it?

"And no, I'm not letting you pass out, so don't you try and strain to do it. I'll destroy your afterlife otherwise."
Damn he knows me too well! There goes one chance of escaping for a few minutes.

God dammit Wills you knew how tricky he is! Still you had to stand against him! Now suffer you moron.

He kept walking round and round, making me feel dizzy. Sleep had started to climb on my back, and enter my head.
I had to shake myself up, ensuring that he doesn't notice.

"Where did you reach?" he asked, breaking the never ending silence.
"OSCAR, 126, sir"
I tried to sound confident.

"You sure?"
"... No.. No sir"

Ah you know it very well, sir. You just want me to punch myself.
"I.. I.. I lost the count a few times sir..."

"And why did you do that?"
Because I want to fucking sleep! Yes, I slept off while doing Pushups if you want to hear that.
"Sir.. I.."

Shit he's getting angry.
"Sir I ..I.. was feeling sleepy."

"Are you awake now or still sleepy?"
Why do you ask those questions, the answers to which you already know?
"Sir.. awake-"
I'm sleepy. Look at the dark circles under my eyes. I need rest.

"Let's do something to wake you up fresh then. Tell me what do we do when we lose the counts?"
I felt like crying when he said that.

"Sir! Sir please.. I'll stay awake now-"

"What do we do officer?" that tone!
"We start from.. from zero, Sir."

"Go ahead. Wake your brain up."
I'll never utter this word 'probably' ever again!

Before I restart from one, he threw another bomb.
"One handed- in sets of ten each. I want one hand on your back all the time. Let's see if this helps. Otherwise we'll go for knuckle ones. They wake you up inside out."

Ofcourse they do.
Four hundred and five hits to my knuckles will not just break my carpels (finger bones), but also my shoulder joint.

One handed ones are not fun too. He knows I prefer to stay away from them. Yet he brings them in some or the other way.

Thanks to Sir's help, and his threat of next step, I managed to stay up and keep alternating between each arm, never letting the weight of my body get halved, barely skipping dangerous hits to my face.
Thanks to the breaks he let me have, otherwise the 'probably' would have definitely got me back to Hospital.

God help me if I did fall before finishing the counts.
He has flushed mercy down the drain before he came here, I expect nothing less than 'start again.'

1730 hours

"Is she ready?" I heard him make a call.
That must be Jane- about to leave for her date.

"Night march, 3 miles. I'll come meet you there. Off."
I stood up and ran away to get my gear and hopefully for the last suffering of day 1.

Till 1830 hours, I finished my march and reported back to him.
I was supposed to be with him till 2000 before getting my ass to Nick for starting Day 2.

The next task that was given to me had me in tears, both literally and figuratively. I was ordered to go and help the people in mess.

Flynn must have been asked to make those one and half hours miserable for me. As soon as I reached, he handed me over five onions to peel and chop.

I may not be a great cook, but thanks to training days where a lot of times our batch got punished to prepare one meal for whole of the academy. We would wait for every single soul in the academy to fill their stomachs, before we were allowed to gulp down the leftovers. After sleeping with half filled or over-the-brim, bland or on-fire tummies, we learnt to properly estimate the amount of raw materials and spices required.

Today, I thought I'll be using the knowledge, but surprise! It's your ordeal!
You don't get to cook food, but chop onions. And also, wash the dirty utensils.
Damn it's such a punch to your face. A class-I agent, having completed his IST here, working as an instructor, done more than 20 successful badass missions, with a General wanting to award commendation - is sitting here empty stomach and washing dirty dishes.
I thank god that the cadets haven't joined back yet, otherwise it would take me one whole day to finish washing their dishes.
Father sure knows how bring a flying bird down on ground.

I had no option but to do the washing quickly and run back to him and report.
Barely saving my ass, I finished Day 1 and prepared myself to meet the

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