Ch75 The Date!

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Alright, we're back to Jane's pov.
Mind you, following stuff is very cheesy, and I'm bad at writing such a thing, so spare me a few eggs.

I'm sorry because this chapter doesn't go by the original theme, and doesn't cover what you wanted, but you might still like it.
Thanks in advance 😅


I came to medcare annoyed as heck.

Ren looked at me with raised eyebrows and a straight spine.
"Who hit you? Did you punch him back?"

She stopped me in my track and I looked at her.
"I wish I could! He's a rasc-"

"He is, I know."
She completed my statement.

"You know who I'm talking about?"
"Both of them have been with me since school, Jane. I know them inside out. And your Killer is a coconut!"

"Unnecessary extra layers of shitty coating outside just to hide the pure and soft inside."

"Pure my foot!"
She laughed at me.
When I looked at her, she stopped.

"Why are you so angry?"
"That asshole, he told Uncle that he doesn't want that girl! And whatever uncle will decide regarding her in future, he'll follow blindly."

"So what's wrong in that?" Ren asked me.
I couldn't control my anger "What's wrong? Are you serious? You don't just give up, because you are scared of your trainer father knowing about someone you like. That's the stupidest reason I've ever heard! And letting someone else take that decision for you? Even more stupid!"

"He's not stupid, okay? He loves her! Like really loves! His ass gets on fire by just thinking about talking to her! That's why he hasn't even- fuck!"
Ren started off, high on adrenaline. But right in the middle, she realised she gave out a little too much.

"Oh fudge, Jane! You didn't hear that! Fuck, how could I do that? Jane!"

And here I was.
Grinning like a devil.
Mmmm... Interesting.

"I don't like that smile on your face, Jane. Flush it. Right now."

"Otherwise Willy will kill me." she said begging.

"Okay. I will not tell him anything." I promised her.
"It's not about telling. You have to keep your expressions in check. If he sees you grinning, the next thing his hands will crush will be my neck."

"Why are you so scared of me knowing this?"
"Because he didn't tell anyone. Not even Colonel and Nick. Not-even-me, Jane!" she said dead serious.

"Then how did you come to know?"
"Caught him smiling to himself alone, once. That's why I'm telling you. If he can be caught, you have no chance to stay hidden. Please, I beg you. Stay quiet till others know atleast."

"On one condition."
"I know how to kill you now."

I asked her the hottest question.
"Who's she?"

Dropping back on the cushion, grabbing those popcorns again, I took the remote back in my hand - all in my head Ofcourse.

"I don't know." she said straight.
Damnit! My popcorns!

"What do you mean you don't know?"
"He never told me who it is."

"And you never tried to know?"
"No. Because I want to live."

"That's why he hasn't even - what? What hasn't he done?" this was getting interesting anyways.

"Jane, I'm not going to let you release the beast."
"Dear Renny, you took me on the path to that cell, showed me the beast behind the bars, and told me where the lock is. Now, either you give me the key as well, or I'll try each one from the bunch I have. The beast is going to come out - sooner or later."
I said with the devil laugh hidden deep inside me for months.

She just looked at me with 'what did you just say?' expression.

"What if I show you another beast you're interested in?" she changed her tone.

And I knew where she was leading to.

"Nope. I'll stay here and free this one first." I said resisting my temptation.

"Are you sure? The other one is ready for a date if you free him now." she said winking.
"Damn you Ren. You had me! What do you have to tell?" I gave up to the butterflies in my tummy.

"Major Philip is taking you to-"
"Don't! He said it's a surprise. I don't want to ruin it." I said covering my ears.

She laughed loudly then turned around.
"Love, I tell you, is a bitch."
It was her turn to laugh the devil-laughter.

I felt my cheeks turn hot.
A few hours left before he comes to pick me up.

Well, I think it's time to let go of Killer's hopeless love story, and focus on my own.

"You'll help me?"
I shouted, knowing that she can hear me clearly even in the store.

"You have no other option, babe. You're the only other XX here, and I'm gonna stick with you like a gum. See you in your room in 10."
Ah she's a keeper!

"I know, honey. You are welcome. Now get out." she said loud enough for just me.
I laughed, cursed, and then left.


As promised, Ren didn't leave any stone unturned to highlight my lady-like features.
A dark purple knee length dress, black stellitos (mind you they were hot!), brushes here and there on my face (despite my desperate attempts of avoiding it) and a pretty hairdo - is she really a doctor? She should be in Hollywood!

I looked at my image in the mirror and got lost. The girl looked so beautiful, I couldn't believe it was me.

"I should have used less blush. Your cheeks are red as tomato." she laughed while I looked at myself.

"I told you to use nothing."
I replied, faking anger.

"Yea yea, thankless pufflefish." she said waving her hand in air.
I turned around and hugged her "Thanks love."

She laughed and turned around to see for any signs of my date.
"I bet Colonel's watch and Major's watch are not in sync. Otherwise he'd have known that he has only 3 minutes before he misses the once in a lifetime opportunity."

The thought of Martins coming here made the butterflies in my stomach do summersaults.
Suddenly I heard sound of a car.

"He's here!"
Ren shouted while I grabbed my wallet.

We climbed down and there he was. I expected him to be waiting for me.
Instead he was standing facing away from me, talking with Uncle James.
His hands were behind his back- just like everyone else who talks with this mighty man.
He was nodding a yes quite frequently.
Uncle looked calm too.

He realised that I've come, and nodded. Following that Martins turned to look at me. As soon as his eyes fell on me, he raised his eyebrows.

I couldn't help but flush more.
"Girl!" I heard Ren's loud whisper.

"I'm going on a date. I have all the right to show it on my face!" I said slightly bending towards her but still looking at the suited man in front of me.

He walked towards me with confidence reflecting off his body - that's what I like about this man. He carries himself like he's the boss, and man that look is killing!

"Don't waste my lipstick on food, Jany. Share it. Pink will look good on his lips, I think." she whispered again, right before he reached.
He raised his eyebrows again, asking why am I laughing.

I looked at Ren with the devil smile "She asked to share my-"
"Food. Sir. I told her to share her food. She doesn't let us take a single spoon of her ice cream. Right, Jane? Share it with Major Philips, hon." she said winking with the other eye.

I laughed again.
Martins offered me his hand and I gave mine.

Having me settled on my seat, he walked towards the driver's side.
Before we drove off, Uncle came to say goodbye.
"Take care, Jane. Keep your phone with you at all cost. And pick only my or Ren's call - nobody else, okay?"
"Okay, uncle."

"And Major, remember."
Suddenly his tone became heavy. That was a clear order.
"Yes sir." Martins showing off as a good man.

We took off and he laughed loudly once we were out of their sight.
"What?" I asked him.
"He laid out four rules for me."

"And I'm going to break all four of them, I'm sure." he said grinning while looking at me.

"Four? You know how much it costs to break even a single one of his rules? And you are daring to break four?"
"I have huge respect for the man, but he is not my trainer. And I don't think he'll do anything even if I don't follow his orders."

Not having a clue what he almost did with just a call, I try to save his future.
"I'd suggest, you atleast try to follow them. Don't get him angry."
"Ah. I can't even try resisting the beautiful you. Heck you look so gorgeous!" he said glancing at me.

"All Ren's efforts."
"The woman sure knows how to shine a diamond."

"Have you always been this flirty? Or is it just today?" I asked amused.
"I'm not like this at all. Besides, I've been ordered not to be like this, so I guess the rebel in me is acting up."

God I need to stop blushing and laughing so loudly.

We drove for a few minutes and soon were out of the city. He stopped the car at a resort and both of us got down.
I walked with my hand around his arm and it felt great.

A table for two was reserved with candles already lightened.
The ground was built over a lake. Moonlight reflected by the water surface looked so serene, and the sound of waves made me feel at peace.

He behaved like a true gentleman throughout dinner.

"I thought I'll give you a surprise."
He said asking me to follow him.

I did but also asked him "You know we are being watched, right?"
"Not after one minute." he looked at his watch.

He took a sudden turn and I yelped.
"You trust me?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows, and I giggled at his expression, nodding a yes.
In a swift motion, he lifted me up bridal style and started walking fast through something that looked like a tunnel.

To be frank, I started getting scared.
I took out my phone to turn the flashlight on, but he stopped me.
There was no signal. I hope Ren and uncle don't call me.
Soon, end of the tunnel was visible and I let out a breath of relief.

Before I could ask him to stop, he put me down, and what I saw next took my breath.
There was water at the end and a boat parked on one side.

We were right under the dining area. It was dimly lit, but the vast water looked beautiful.

I never felt this way. It was like living in caves, just that there was water instead of ground.
We sat on the boat, and he started rowing. It was so peaceful, yet the echoes shook my heart.
Just plain beautiful.

He stopped in the middle and turned towards me - our faces too close.
He brought his hand behind my ear and rubbed his thumb on my cheek.
I was smiling crazily.

He raised his eyebrows asking me to let him go ahead. I don't know what happened next and suddenly my lips were on his. My cheeks were gently caressed by his hands and I closed my eyes to feel his soft lips. My hands moved to his hair in urgency and pulled a little, making him chuckle.
"I'm glad to see your natural self. You are quite shy in public huh?" he said still making contact with his lips.

I blushed again.
He was right. Knowing that no one is watching, I let go of my fears and thank God for it.
This was lovely.
I wanted to stay here forever.

Sound of a lady clearing her throat brought me back to reality.
I turned in the direction of that sound.

"That's Ren! What the heck is she doing here?"
"Putting me in trouble." Martins said with a little smile on his face.

"Time's up, sir." she shouted, her voice echoing and hitting my eardrums.
"Coming." is all he said and rowed back to where we started.

This time I stopped him from lifting me in his arms and decided to walk through the tunnel.
Within two steps, I realised its impossible to walk with those heels.
There were too many stones on the uneven ground that if I try again, I'll twist my ankle.
Smart man, Martins.

I bent down to remove them but was stopped. "They look good. Keep them on. I can be of help." he said grinning.
I gave in.
He carried me back in his arms, and it felt lovely.

Ren was waiting on the other end.
"Sir, you have two minutes to end this date better than you know otherwise.' she whispered in his ear and turned around, looking at her watch.

"What's going on?" I asked him.
"You'll come to know soon. But I want to say that this was the best thing that ever happened to me. You - you make me happy. Just stay with me, will you?" he said in his heavy voice and I melted.

He opened his arms and I hugged him. I didn't know if this was happening for real, if I should let him in, if I should fall for him, or not. But I felt complete in his arms.

"I think I will stay." I muffled against his chest and he laughed.

"Alright. Time to face some fire now."
Before I could ask him, he pushed me away gently just before Ren turned around.

"Hon, you're coming in my car."
She pointed at me then continued "Sir.."

"I'll follow you." he said.
"You're not going back?" I asked him.
"Gotta clean up some mess." he said shrugging his shoulders.


"Tell me what happened?!"
I was one step away from shouting at Ren.

Martins left a few minutes ago, saying sorry to me.

"He screwed up. That's was happened." she said with a poker face.

"Ren, he said sorry before leaving. You have no idea how fragile I am right now. How bad is this screw up? Tell me!"

"Nothing great. You are grounded. He is not allowed to come see you. So you guys have to continue your LDR through phones only."

"What?! Grounded? But why?"
I can't believe this!

"He broke a few rules." Ren started.
"Four. I knew it was because of that only. What were they?"

"One - no overspeeding
Two - no physical contact
Three - not going out of network zone.
Four - not going out of my sight."

"He broke all of them." I realised.

"But hey! He is not my father! He can't make those rules."

"Who do you think gave him the authority? From what I know, he only passed on the orders. Colonel Stuart knows that you're seeing someone. But not who. I hope it wasn't his orders, otherwise, Major Martins is going to have a tough time facing your father after what he's done."

Dad will kill him.
Damnit Martins you had to do this!

"So what did Uncle say? What happened inside?"
I asked Ren.


The environment was tense and quiet.

"What did I tell you?"
Sir started, keeping his tone under check.

"To not go out of sight."
"Yet you did exactly opposite."

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't know it was that serious-"
"Serious? You thought I was kidding back then? Giving you specific instructions, because I thought you are grown up enough to understand the severity. But I was wrong."

"Sir... I'm extremely sorry. I didn't mean to offend you-"
"May be you didn't. But the fact that you were fearless to go ahead and go against my words reflect what you think about my orders - unnecessary and harmless, right?"

"It's... It's not that way, Sir.."
Sir got up and stood in front of him.

"Look into my eyes and say that you actually even considered following whatever I ordered you."
Major Phillip looked down, answering him.

"Thought so. Since I have no right over you, and that girl is safe, I will close the matter right away. But listen to me very carefully. Jane is home bound now onwards. She will not go out of this academy till Stuart comes back. So if you've made any plans of another date, consider them cancelled. I never wanted to come between you two, but you forced me to take this step. Whatever you did for me and my son in the past, I shall stay indebted throughout my life. But this, this is about someone I swore to keep safe at my sight 24*7. And you just made her disappear for thirty minutes! If it was one of my boys, he'd be hanging upside down right now."

Sir was shaking with anger.
Major Philip must have understood what he did wrong.
"Sir.. I.. I know my apology is not enough to make up for my mistake. Moreover, apologies are not accepted in this land. Is there anything I can do to earn back your trust?"

"Leave before I lose it and call your commander."
His eyes were wide, realisation hitting him- how severe damage the angry man can do in just one moment.

"I will leave sir. And I won't show my face till you permit me to enter."
He saluted, turned around and left.


"So he hasn't told my father yet?"
I had some hope left.

"I don't think so. But he is unpredictable. And angry. And getting angrier because of your Killer."
Damn that ordeal is spoiling everything!

I need to talk to him, before he finishes my love-life chapter too.


Yeah, I know it's a little rushed through.

And hey, the pics are of Saint Leonard Lake, Switzerland. I got the pics from Google (In other words, I don't own these pics.)

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