I'll cover most of the requests my dear readers sent me, in this and next chapter.
I myself am an impatient binge reader, so I read my whole book from the beginning, and (there were times I said - Whoa! You're an awesome writer! And then there were times - You should go drown. Anyways,) I found a few loose ends myself that I've tried to tuck in.
I've tried my best to cover all your points. If I haven't brought out any, it mostly is because I have no explanation to it 😅.
I'll find out the answer and DM you, I promise.
But till then, enjoy what I've cooked 😉.
Inline comments are most welcome, so don't feel shy.
Booboo was inviting people and I took the invitation first.
"Why did you spill Ketchup over his head, Nick?"
I pointed towards Killer and Nick looked at me stunned.
"How do you know that?"
He asked shocked.
"She sat with us on Mess table once when I said that."
Killer answered and I was impressed.
He remembered.
"You're a fabulous observer, girl!"
Nick still couldn't believe I asked him that.
"That's not the point. Tell her why you did that!"
Killer sounded angry, or may be he was just teaming up with me for kicking his ass.
"It was an accident, Wills!"
Nick repeated the words he said that day.
"She has heard that before. And I will still call you a liar. You did it intentionally."
Man this man is impossible! He remembers this too!
"Yep. And I need details."
I said. This time Killer looked at me angrily.
"Fine. It was during our second year. We were in mess, having our breakfast when I ,with a ketchup bottle in my hand, crossed Wills who was sitting peacefully and having his meal. My foot slipped and the delicate plastic bottle's nozzle hit his head. A bit of the liquid squeezed out and slipped down upto his collar. By the time I got my balance back, Wills was stained. One of the seniors saw the ketchup and thought that it was blood. He shouted 'Hey! He's bleeding!' and suddenly there were several others surrounding him. Wills sat shocked. He didn't know what exactly happened. 'Are you hurt?' when he was asked this, he replied 'Yes. Something hit me in my head.' he brought his hand and his fingers were coated in ketchup. Everybody panicked. Wills was rushed out to med care within a minute. The doc there hurriedly cleaned his scalp and found no injury, not even a point of bleeding. He then checked the cleaned blood again and understood that it was ketchup. He got offended thinking that the boys made fun of him. Wills stayed back at the medcare along with the seniors who brought him there and rest everyone was sent back. At the night we all paid in kind and humiliation, for the little meeting that went on inside the med care. "
Nick was laughing by the end.
"Why didn't you tell them everything before they took him?"
I asked Nick the butt-obvious question.
"Because he was laughing all god damn time!" Killer answered while Nick continued to laugh.
Imagining the whole scenario, added to the alcohol in my head, I laughed loudly.
Oh my freaking god, this was hilarious!
No wonder Killer gets pissed off over this incidence! I can imagine the humiliation and jokes he must have had to face for thinking that he was bleeding! And poor boy couldn't resist because his seniors took him to the med care without letting him know what hit him.
Ah my abs hurt from laughing.
"Nick, stop laughing. I'll burst."
I tried to stop him because he was killing me.
"You thought your scalp was oozing ketchup?" Nick made fun of Killer.
Killer got up and ran after him. Nick was in no state to run away.
You can guess who got into a headlock and got nice hits to his head.
"But you have to let me go - I told you it was an accident."
Nick said giggling while coming back to sit down.
"Fuck you."
Killer said with his lips still pressed but the corners lifting up.
"Alright. My turn."
Ren said and we all turned to her.
"How serious were you for Elyssa?"
She asked straight.
"I didn't get enough time to think about it. All thanks to you, oh flying kiss queen!"
Nick complained.
"That means you were not serious enough."
She said more to herself.
"How does that matter to you now? She left me."
Nick replied irritated.
"Because you were dumb enough to not know about her. I didn't pull her away from you. Don't blame me."
Ren was getting angry.
I looked at Killer and he looked back at me with the same expression as mine - what the Fuck was going on?
"Alright. Enough. Nick you were lucky you got to know about it before your date was over as per your plan."
Killer said trying his best not to laugh.
"Yeah. May be."
Nick agreed but gave a laser glare to Ren before turning to us.
"You have any revengeful questions regarding Elyssa too?"
Nick asked Killer.
He raised his hands up "Not with you in this mood. I'll skip."
Damn I wanted Killer to pull his leg.
"That brings us to this pumpkin!"
Ren said clinging to Killer's arm, earning a chuckle from me and Nick.
"I have a question for him."
Nick announced and we gave him space.
"You -" he pointed a finger at Killer and continued "-you told Dad about Elyssa when I was going for leave. Didn't you?"
Nick used his trainer tone - the one which Killer takes quite seriously since his ordeal.
"He knew half of the story, Nick. He needed the complete info. I told him so that he doesn't confer anything wrong about you. I'm sorry he made fun of you." Killer apologised nicely.
"You wait till I do the same for that nameless Dream Girl of yours."
This was alcohol talking, not Nick.
I know him enough to say that he would never do it.
"Nick, it's over! You can't drag her discussion back!"
Killer couldn't digest.
"We'll see."
"Dear brother, please. Let it go."
Killer sugar coated his statement and I laughed at his plea.
Nick just nodded and turned to me.
"Your turn next."
He told me. I wonder how did he know that I have a few questions for him?
Killer looked at me and raised his eyebrows at me, telling me to ask.
I hesitated in the beginning but then went ahead.
"The first day we met, you despised me. Makes sense, based on what my father did to you. Also, the first time I asked uncle to help me learn martial arts, he asked me whether someone said anything to me. I said no. THEN, he appointed you, you rejected and left. The second time I went and talked to him, you agreed without any hitch. Did something happen during the first two days of my arrival that made you hate me more than you already did and forced you to train me against your wish?"
This question had always been there in my mind.
He could have easily excused himself by saying that I don't have any stamina and that I failed in his tests. But he didn't even mention about it.
He laughed loudly.
Nick joined him with a chuckle.
"Told you, she's a damn brilliant observer."
Nick said to Killer patting my shoulder.
"Well, I was really not at all happy when they decided to let you inside KMA. On top of it, I was made incharge of your security. It was an order so I had to put my life at risk to save yours if need be. I hated you for that already. I just wanted to get out of my cast and get back to my own training. And then, you went and talked to Sir regarding learning Martial arts. That too not just once, but twice. The first time you met him, he understood that I ill-treated you and talked to you rudely. The very same day I was called and got ill - treated myself."
Killer laughed at that.
He really is impossible.
"Then we met for stamina testing. I threatened you with my best tone and hoped that you will go and tell him that you don't want it anymore. Even if he had marched me up and interviewed me in detail, I would have stuck to the point that since you don't want it anymore, I can't force you. I would have gotten rogered a bit, thanks to my leg, but that would have been it. Instead, you went and complained to him about my intentional failing you. After you left, he called me back to his office and I was made to stand with my arms spread out and his cane over my palms. That was a big cue in itself. He didn't speak a single word and continued his work. I stood for three hours and when I couldn't take it anymore, he took the cane back and kicked me out. Message was clear - I had no option. Three hours with his cane in my hand - I stood with hardly any air entering my lungs. Thank god you didn't tell him that I forced you to take back your request, else I would have left his office with welts on my palms."
This time he wasn't alone. Nick was laughing too.
"Dumb of you to think he'll excuse you because you have a fractured bone."
Ren said taunting him.
I knew it!
I knew he went through something.
God he must reeallly hate me in the beginning!
"Then what made you change your mind? If I were you, I'd screw that girl over till she gives up."
I asked.
"Your best friend here made me change my decision."
Killer patted on Nick's back and immediately I got my answer.
"He made me realise that things are not okay and that I need to stand up against it. So I came and talked to you straight."
"And I was impressed. Nobody had done that ever. I had not met anyone with such guts to look into the eyes of their trainer and tell him that he's doing wrong, not at this place atleast. It made me cringe at myself. I wasn't just fooling you, but I was making fun of myself too. I decided to give you one chance and you never stepped down. You gave me your hundred percent just as you promised - and look here you are."
He said it in a tone I've never heard before.
"But you always said I sucked!"
I accused him.
"That made you angry and you pushed harder every single time. I could see you wanted to punch me every moment and the fact that you can not, made you crazy enough to burn your calories in the workouts I laid out for you."
He said laughing.
I suddenly felt very conscious.
What has he been doing to me all these months? He was not harrasing me? Infact he could see through me and was trying to channel my energy in the correct direction!
I looked down with red cheeks.
God he knew I wanted to beat the shit out of him!
"It's alright Jane."
Ren came to cover me.
"We all hate our trainers when they push us out of our boundaries. But you know who feels the proudest when we win?"
She turned around and looked at Killer and I lifted my eyes and did the same.
Killer was looking at me with pride and a smile.
I did it. I made him smile. I made him proud.
I looked at Nick next.
"Told you. It will be worth it."
He said and I smiled stupidly.
There was a sudden new found respect in my heart for all three of them.
"My question!"
Ren's melodic voice pulled me out of my alcoholic trance.
"Go ahead tweetums."
Killer slid his arm over her neck and pulled her into a choke.
"I'm waiting for your question. Go ahead."
He said in a sarcastic tone.
Nobody could miss the warning in those words.
"I.. um.."
I bet Ren is thinking of something else to ask him now that her neck is in his hands.
"umm.. I think... I'll pass." Ren finally said.
"That's what I thought." Killer tightened his hold one last time and then slid his arm away.
"That's not fair!"
I complained!
"She said herself. Didn't you, Ren?"
That tone again.
Ren looked at him without blinking.
Killer looked back for a few seconds then laughed.
He's really in a good mood today.
"Okay. Ask."
Once he gave the permission, Ren cleared her throat.
"If, for once, you had a chance with that girl of your dreams, and she reciprocated, would you grow a pair and walk up to Colonel and tell him?"
The same question was going on repeat in my mind for a very long time. It must have been doing the same to Nick and Flynn who stopped whatever they were doing and looked at Killer for his answer.
"I can't, Ren." Killer said sighing.
"I didn't ask can you. I asked would you?"
Ren is blunt at times.
"I've promised him that I won't speak a word to him. He will decide what is to be done now. Be it her or anyone else. I can't break a promise I made with him."
He said innocently and I felt bad for him.
"You're fucked up."
Nick said and went to Flynn.
Flynn got back to his work and Ren patted Killer's back fondly.
"I really wish you hadn't made it so hard for yourself."
"It was the only way out."
Killer replied sadly trying to keep a straight face.
"All of us have our weaknesses."
I whisper to myself but I think Killer heard it because he just mildly nodded a yes.
"You need anything, plumcakes?"
Ren asked us as she got up.
"No thanks Ren."
Me and Killer replied.
May be both of us needed peace and space at that moment.
The night had stretched far too long it seemed.
I could feel my body getting limp with each passing minute. I have no clue how my mind was still functional.
I personally love their Bar sessions. What about you guys?
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