Ch105 Friends In The Bar

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Happy friendships day everyone!
Here's an early update dedicated to the beautiful bond..


"Where is this Mercy Lawn?"
I asked Ren as I brush my hair.
I wasn't very keen on dressing up but looking at Ren getting ready and turning into a diva motivated me to atleast look like a woman.

"It's a garden right behind the hostel."

The word 'hostel' rang a bell.

"Why do I think all cadets are gone? A garden behind hostel shouldn't excite Killer, should it?"

"Not all cadets, just the final year."
Ren replied buckling her heels around her ankles.

Oh boy.
Ethan! Again!

"Why though?"
"Did you hear them?"

"Yeah. They were happy about some grass growing over there. What's the big deal?"
"There isn't supposed to be any grass there."
Ren answered.

"I'm sorry? A garden that is not supposed to have grass? Then why is it there in the first place?"
"Wait till tonight. You'll know."
Ren laughed and got up.

"You're gonna kill someone with your looks!"
I said as I looked at her top to bottom.

She wore a plain white shirt-top and a long black checked skirt. Her hair was tied in a pony and she brushed her face little here and there.
And Viola! There stood a goddess!

"Should I carry adrenaline injection?"
She winked and I laughed.

"Come on, let me highlight your cheeks."
She stepped towards me and I brought up my hand.

"Nick and you are going to turn my face red in humiliation. I don't think I'll need that."
I pointed at the blush in her hand.

She laughed loudly and kept it back.

"You're right. He roasts bad."
She's telling me?
I dreaded this day all these months!

"Let's go!"
Ren exclaimed and I followed her.

I really wonder how excited these three musketeers get when it comes to bar nights.
And how they're not afraid to get a scolding from Uncle for drinking away to glory. Most surprising is Killer - he's a man of commands, how come he is eager to break a rule?
If it's a rule made by uncle, that is.

"How come you guys are not afraid?"
I ask her.

"Afraid of what?"
She asked turning around, now walking reverse.

"Uncle getting angry at you? I mean, I thought that he doesn't like his officers drinking."
My innocent face must have looked very funny.

"Yes he doesn't. That's why he told us to hold a mini party whenever he's not here. As long as it doesn't affect our working the next day, we're allowed to have as much alcohol we can handle. The only rule is that he shouldn't catch any smell coming from our breaths or clothes. So the best day is the one he leaves."
She said shrugging her shoulders and turning forward.

Makes so much sense.
And man is he so cool about all this!

He doesn't like to see his officers drunk but he also doesn't want them to miss their social life.
My heart!

Nick stopped in his track and whistled loudly at Ren who swayed her hips a little extra at the unsaid compliment.

"But! We're going to even out for last time. So this looking like a supermodel won't help."
Nick threatened her with thinned eyes.

"Who told you I dressed for you?"
Ren winked and entered the Bar.
Nick stood outside feeling heartbroken.

I went and patted on his shoulder.
"Savage day, today."
I say pointing towards her.

Nick gave a devilish smile looking at Ren's ass and gave a 'I know her too well, I'll sort her out.' look.
Sometimes I think they are enemies waiting to slit each other's throats.

"Hey, you look beautiful. Like always."
Killer said in a loving tone I had to ensure that didn't come from the roof or may be a tile on the floor.

"Learn this from your brother!"
Ren taunted Nick over her shoulder and went and hugged Killer.
I was kinda feeling jealous.

This Hitler doesn't deserve the love and care of this lady.

"Well there are a lot of things he needs to learn from me, too."
Nick walked in like a hero.

All three of us laughed and he went behind the counter.
While he was going through the bottles, Flynn entered in quick steps.

"My apologies.."
"Not at all, Flynn. We just arrived."
Wills said.

He smiled and walked away towards the platform.

"She wanted to know why should there be no grass on Mercy Lawn?"
Ren said and suddenly four pairs of eyes were set on me.

"I.. I.. was just wondering.."
I defended my curiosity and looked at that backstabber goddess.

Flynn laughed and so did Nick and both of them went back to discuss more important issue - which bottle to open this time.

"Because cadets spoil it. Or more specific- are made to spoil it, during orientation nights. You need to know details?"
Killer answered my question and images of cadets being ragged in a garden filled my mind.

If it was anyone else, I would have said 'Do you even need to ask me that? Yes I want details.'

But since it was Killer, I had to suffice with the info he had given.
"I got a basic idea, yes."
I said shaking the images away.

"Good. Because you'll get to see the demo tonight."
Nick said joining us.

"Why is she -"
Killer argued but was stopped before he could even begin.

"Because I want her to see the fun part of it."
Nick said and Killer gave in.

"Whatever. But they should not see her."
"I'll arrange that. Now lets begin."

Ren said.

"What will you have my lady?"
Nick asked me first.
"Anything that doesn't knock me out within ten seconds."
I'm still scared of their flame shots of last time.
He laughed knowing what I was talking about, and turned to Ren.

Meanwhile I felt Killer's eyes drilling holes through my skull.
He looked angry and embarrassed at the same moment. I don't know why. I didn't even mean to offend him.
What part of my answer made him angry?

"And what do you want, sucker?"
Nick asked Ren.
"Your blood. In a wine glass."
Ren said and I laughed.

"Too costly for you. You can only afford a red wine tonight."
"No wine. I'll come and make my own drink."
Killer chuckled this time, not tired of their banter.

"Then move your ass."
His comments were getting bolder.
Ren looked at him with a teasing look and walked away. Nick followed her.

Within a few minutes of sipping this delicious Mojito and listening to loud music, I started feeling light. That's when I decided to give the fluid a break.

The music was turned down and Nick stood between the three of us.

"Let's begin? She is in tonight."
Nick pointed at me and rubbed his palms ferociously. He looked like a devil with two red horns.

"I.. dont think it's a good.."
"Oh it absolutely is! We get to ask you questions and know your secrets. And you get to ask us and know ours."
Ren said in the melodic tone that I oh so love.

"Yeah. Whose turn?"
Killer and Nick turned to Ren with an evil smile. I think it's her turn.

Ren pointed at me in a hurry.
"She is our new member."

"That's right."
Nick said.
Damn her!

"Okay, miss Jane Stuart. You first. Who all have questions for her? I, for sure, have a few."
I saw Ren and Killer raise their hands.
Bloody souls!

I reply in clear fake excitement.

"Doesn't matter. You're in. So! You either answer the question or you take a shot. But..."
Nick starts and pauses and I hold my breath.

"..You are not allowed to take any shot for first two rounds because I don't want you knocked out too soon."
He knows I'll be out in just two shots.

"Who gave him the authority to make rules?"
I asked the rest two.

"We did. Because he makes lot of sense."
Killer said and suddenly I felt cornered.
I mean, I never expected Killer to be on my side, but be neutral, like he always had been in my matters. But tonight, he's kicking my ass as much as the other two are doing.

Like I had any other option with that barely working brain of mine.

"So? Who's going to attack me first?"
I asked and Ren squirmed in her seat.

It was a different feeling to be on this side. I've always been a part of their team, but as an outsider. Only now I think I am one of them. Nick and Ren had always tried to make me feel homely. Killer made me feel hostile. Always.
May be after getting a 'go ahead' from Uncle, did Killer accept me worthy of their attention. Nick was right. It was so damn difficult to earn it from him.
But it's worth it. I feel proud.

Was that the alcohol talking?
Sorry if I thought too much.

"Fine, Ren. You go first."

"Yes! So I want to know... what exactly happened on the boat in those thirty minutes?"
She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh goodness, Ren!"
I was expecting them to embarrass me but not in the beginning itself.

"Nothing happened on the boat, Ren! I was awestruck at the beauty of the place and he rowed the boat. Nothing that you wanted or expected, happened."
I said laughing knowing well what exactly she is asking.

"Your red cheeks say otherwise sweet pie. I saw you following my advice though."
Ren winked and I laughed again.
She had adviced to 'share my lipstick' and we did kiss when we were sitting on the boat.

"You, out of all, should know that I blush everytime you tease me with his name. Come on!"
And I could feel heat dissipating from my cheeks.

"Plus you practically had your eyes over us. We had to come back because you called us back! Remember?"
It was my turn to wiggle my eyebrows and call her nosy.

She made a disinterested face but got convinced with my answer.
She nodded at Nick for his question.

One shot less.
That was easy.

I looked at Nick next and regretted saying that too soon.
He's the Lord of this game.

"Alright my turn."
Killer spoke in his ever so heavy voice.

I couldn't believe he said that at first.

"You lied about your interest in swimming the other day. You have won many bronze medals. Why didn't you try for gold?"

I was somehow expecting this topic to come up some day, since he let me off the hook too easily that day.
But not too early.

"I was a good swimmer till mum and dad separated. She used to take me for daily evening practice and would be on my side for all the competitions. But after mom left, dad became busier and my daily routine went for a six. Mom came to know about it and rang up dad, shouted at her for destroying my childhood. He promised her that I'll win a gold next time. The same day he came and told me that he has made such a promise and that I should do my best. He didn't force me or anything, but I could feel the pressure building up. Dad never fought or argued with mom, it was as if he was the one at fault and he accepted it too. I tried my best at practices. But on the day of competition, I lost - didn't even bag a bronze. Mom had come to cheer me but the day ended up with her shouting at dad, blaming him for everything. I realised that if I give up swimming, this will never repeat. That was the last competition I took part in. I used to go for practices, thanks to dad's posting, I got ample chances. But I never participated. Both of them tried to motivate me but I would give excuses like menses, or stomach upsets. After a few years, they gave up too. And slowly my steps to a pool outnumbered my interest. I feel sad, but I also feel proud that I helped in causing one less trouble in both their lives."

"Screwed up pasts."
Nick said and gulped the remaining drink in his glass. He then got up and walked out.

I tried getting up and stopping him, but I felt Ren's hand holding me back.
She closed her eyes hinting me to let him go.

"He was very attached to his mother, still carries an old photo of her."
Killer said in a low tone.

Uncle told me how badly his mom's death affected him.

We all sat there in silence. It was scary.
I wanted to cry.

Suddenly Flynn got up and walked out too. He went in the same direction as Nick.

After a few minutes, both of them entered.
Nick looked better. Flynn patted on his back lightly and went to the platform. Nick walked towards us.

"Sorry, I needed a moment. So?"
He took only a few moments to get back to the same mood we all were in, before Killer asked his question.

"So, this was it. I lied to him and he caught me."
I laughed a little trying to make it might.

"And it was the dumbest lie I've ever heard from any of my students. It was screaming from your face."
Killer said and took a sip.

"I realised that soon."
I said awkwardly making everyone laugh.

"So now it's my turn to ask you."
Nick said with his red horns turning bright.

"Since you are still alive and breathing, I think you should change his nick name now. What would you name him this time?"
He turned towards the one person I was trying my best to hide from, who in turn, looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

He kept his drink aside and gave me his full attention.
Damn it.

"What do you call me presently?"
Killer asked amused and I could feel my heart beats through the roof.
Bloody he knows it damn well but wants to hear it from me.

"I.. uh.."
I looked at Nick.
This bitch!

He gave that monstrous smile.

I'm gonna make him pay for it. Just a few minutes.

"I.. Can I take a shot for that?"
Well done, Jane.
Just third question of your life, and you're already running away?

"Sorry hon. You're not getting any for first two rounds."
Ren repeated Nick's words who sat with his arms crossed over his chest.

Oh how quick I want to pack him two punches on that pretty face.

"Okay let me make this easier for you. I'll suggest a few names, and you choose one."
Nick said continuing to have fun.
Killer was now looking at Nick.

"Ren you want to contribute?"
"I'd love to!"

Are these two now teaming up against me?

"Um... Whiner."
Nick said and Killer jerked his head towards him.

"When did I ever, EVER, whine, Nick?"
Oh he's just being defensive, don't mind him.

"Shall I start listing, Daisy Baisy?"
Ren said with utmost confidence that Killer zipped his mouth.
I had to hold my breath to not let that laughter out.
While Nick had no shame. He laughed loudly.

"And.. umm.. Scarecrow."
Ren suggested a second name and this time I couldn't control.
I laughed earning a glare from Killer.

I said, and got my actions under control.

Nick said suddenly. He was clearly enjoying the most.

Bumpkin? Really?
Unsophisticated countryside socially awkward person?
Well, how can I say this isn't the best term that describes him?

A smile appeared on my lips which irritated Killer even more.

"Don't think I can't see the one bullet you're trying to shoot two people with."
He said taking a big gulp of his drink.

"You kick my ass, I kick yours. We're equal."
Nick said winking.

"You bet I won't kick yours."
Killer promised him.

A child trying to look cute? Hilarious!

"Ren, you sure have a death wish tonight."
Killer said in his reserved heavy voice.

Ren was climbing up the stairs to clouds in her head. She pouted, stuck her tongue out and then zipped her lips.

"That was so fucking cute!"
Nick laughed and I felt weird.

"What has gotten into you today?"
Killer said annoyed while Ren sat smiling.

"Fine drink, Flynn."
Nick raised his glass and nodded at the mastermind. He nodded back.

"So. You got four options. Choose one."
Thank god Nick and Ren stopped.


The more I thought of these nicknames, the more I laughed.

Imagine calling him Major Tweetums. God I'll die laughing.

I wheezed out the least damaging option.

Killer likes to be the one people are afraid of. Scarecrow, in no way, gives that feeling, but at least it's better than other three.

"Thank you miss. Though I'll request you not to change my present name to this one, or any of these."

See? I told you he knows!

While Killer took his red face to refill his mug, Nick and Ren laughed their asses off.

"Alright who's next?"
Killer asked on his way back to us.

"Captain Renee Scott. Are you ready?"
Nick smirked.

"Like I even have another option."
She said rolling her eyes.

"Are you dating someone?"
Nick asked very seriously, without letting anyone else speak.

She was shocked at the sudden shot at her. I looked at her, then at Killer who had his eyebrows raised in surprise too.

"Umm.. No.."
Ren said coming out from the shock.

"Are you sure? The other day I heard you talking to someone on phone with all the sugar in this mess."
Nick said.

"Since when you've started eavesdropping on me?"
Ren came back bolder.

"Not eavesdropping, just overhearing."
"It's the same, sugar."
She stressed on the last word intentionally.

Nick clenched his jaw.

What was going on?
This conversation was so entertaining I forgot I was about to cry a few moments ago.

"Alright my turn."
Killer said.
He looked like a harmless dear friend of Ren's.

"How did you manage to allure Elyssa that she broke up with him? And how bad of you to ditch her after that!"
He tried to stay serious but he couldn't control his laughter at the word 'ditch'.
Nick growled before his statement was complete.

Ren laughed loudly.
She was not alone though.
Killer and Ren were shameless in humiliating Nick who sat with pressed lips.

"I just winked at her and sent her flying kisses and she was on the floor!"
Ren managed to say in between her laughter.

Nick replied with a straight face.
"You-" he pointed at Killer "-wait for your turn."

It was my turn and I had just the right question for her.
"Didn't you ever feel awkward or conscious living here? I mean all these young boys... You never felt being checked out, or any such experience?"

Killer and Nick moved in their seats, getting closer to Ren.
It may be because she was about to say something about the boys and these two would not tolerate it for a single moment, might get up and go screw them straight.
Also, it looked like they were comforting her, making her feel safe.

All in all, I'd die if I were her - she has these two boys on her fingertips, and yet they are so protective for her.

"I'm the only girl they see for months straight, may be except those rare outings they get. Yes, I've felt that way, but never - not even once - did I feel degraded, insulted or conscious. The boys respect me for who I am."
She said with pride in her eyes.

"Who dared to check you out?"
Nick asked and Killer joined him.
"Who had the guts to do that, Ren? Tell us the name and he's gone."

Like I said, I'd die if I was her. Just look at these boys!

"Ah come on jeez! That's why I was thinking of not saying it out."
She said and the rest two shifted back in their seats.

She looked at me and we shared the same look. She was overwhelmed.

"Next is you, Booboo."
Ren pointed her finger at Nick and poked his shoulder like a two year old

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