gianna told reid to get the team in the room. they walked in "what's wrong?" emily asked scared. reid sat next to gianna. she pointed to emily "you're gonna be an aunt." she pointed to jj "you're gonna be an aunt." reid pointed to morgan "you're gonna be an uncle." he pointed to hotch "you're gonna be an uncle." he pointed to rossi "you're gonna be a grandpa." they all smiled big. the girls screamed and hugged gianna. the guys hugged reid. "congratulations pretty boy." he turned to gianna "and mrs. pretty boy."
gianna was almost 2 months pregnant. she was sitting at her desk when the girls rolled their chairs over. "so the wedding, 4 months. have you found the wedding dress?" jj asked. "well let's see i'll be what? 5 or 6 months pregnant" she laughed. "ugh fine, but we're gonna help plan." emily said. "oh uh, go in the conference room." she said. they looked confused. "go in the conference room, i'll meet you there." gianna smiled and got garcia.
she walked in with garcia. "ooh girls meeting!" garcia said. "as you know i'm getting married. so, emily would you like to be my maid of honor?" gianna asked. emily has a few tears fall "yes!" she hugged gianna. "jj and garcia. bridesmaids?" she asked. "yes of course!" they all hugged. they helped her pick bridesmaids dresses.
gianna and reid went to the doctors to find out what gender the baby was. "alright, we placed our bets. girl here we come!" emily said as the left the bau. they sat there anxiously waiting. "oh come on please just tell us if it a girl or not!" gianna exclaimed giddy. the doctor laughed. "you are having girl." they smiled and hugged each other.
they got to the bau. the team huddled. "who had their money on a boy?" gianna asked. rossi, hotch, and jj raises their hands. they jumped up realizing they won. "man that's too bad." reid paused "because were having a girl!" he said. they all screamed. "congratulations!" garcia squeezed them.
two weeks before the wedding, they had been going through baby names during dinner. alessia was at hotchs house with jack for the night.
"maria." reid said.
"no." gianna giggled.
"nah." she sighed. "ooh!" she had one.
they moved to the couch. "what is it?" reid asked. "i have a name. but you might not like it." she said softly. "just tell me." he replied in the same tone. "okay, i always kind of liked it. i read a book, this girl amazing. but how about..." she paused. "gia if you don't say the name." he laughed. "fine. what about maeve?" she smiled, his faded quickly. "i-i'm sorry. if you don't like the name we can do a different one." she said quickly.
he sat there. "i-" that's all he could get out before he started crying. she hugged him. "spence i'm so sorry, w-what did i do?" she asked hugging him. he calmed down after a bit. "spencer you can tell me." she lifted his chin so he was forced to look at her. "i-it's a long story." he said. "we have time spencer. i'm right here." she said wholeheartedly.
he told her the story about maeve. she was crying. "oh spencer i'm so sorry." she hugged him. he didn't expect that reaction, he didn't have a specific one in mind but just not that. "y-you're not mad?" he asked. "why would i be mad?" she asked brushing curls away from his face. "well she was my girlfriend." he mumbled. "and you loved her. spencer if i knew it was her name i would ha-." she didn't finish. he interrupted "i like the name." he said with a faint smile. "you do?" she returned the same smile. he nodded.
she hugged him and he hugged tighter. "thank you." he whispered. "anytime spencer." she said. they talked for a bit "now the middle name." he said. "diana." she said. "no we already have maeve. we can't do diana too." he argued. "uh well we are. two women who made the man i love who he is." she smiled. he smiled big. she held her hands up as she was showcasing something. "maeve diana reid." she said. he looked at her with puppy eyes. "what?" she asked. "have i ever told you how much i love you?" he asked. "i think once or twice." she smiled and kissed him.
"i'm not in my third trimester so i can still fly mom." gianna said into the phone. the girls grabbed heir stuff. "i'll see you down there." she laughed and hung up. "you ready?" emily asked. "is my fiancé a genius?" the girls laughed and took it as a yes. they flew down to texas. they had a girls day and passed out from it all once they got to texas.
gianna woke up to pillows. "wake up you're getting married!" the girls yelled. "we still got a bit." she groaned wanting to go back to sleep. "no we don't!" garcia pulled her up. gianna put on a robe. "makeup!" she said excitedly. they did her makeup. it took longer than it should have, they were crying and laughing together. they did her hair, having to retouch the makeup once in a while. then the girls got ready.
gianna had a deep v neckline, lined with lace. everywhere. it hugged her curves, even though pregnant she still looked beautiful. her family came in. "mia amata." her dad said stretching his arms out to hug her. "you look great." her brothers said. cole walked in. "can't believe your getting married gianna." he laughed and hugged her. they talked for a bit, rossi, hotch, and morgan came in. morgan whistled. hotch hugged her "you look beautiful." he said discarding what morgan did.
"bellissima." rossi kissed each cheek. morgan hugged her, during the hug he whispered "pretty boys a lucky man." she chuckled. they talked for a bit. soon it was time for them to get going, to where it all started. the field. they drove there, the girls hid the car they were in behind a bush. they saw people sitting, soon the girls had to get out then walk down the aisle. gianna dad came over and helped her out of the car. they walked from behind the trees, where everyone came from. they reached the aisle and everyone stood up. it was 7:30. the sun was gold.
he walked gianna down the aisle, reid saw her and tears filled his eyes. he pushed them back as much as he could. they reached the end of the aisle. "do good my darling." her dad kissed her cheek and let her go. she walked up to reid. "you look beautiful." he whispered. "you look handsome." she smiled.
"welcome family, friends, and loved ones." the minister started. "we are gathered here today surrounded by nature. the lovely field where it started. now we celebrate the wedding of gianna and spencer. you have come here near and far to share in this commitment now they make to one another, to offer love and support to their union, to allow spencer and gianna to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them." he said.
he looked at the two "gianna and spencer, marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, who trust that love, who honor one another as individuals in that togetherness, and who wishes to spend the rest of their lives together." gianna smiled at reid as a tear fell from her eye, he smiled back. "it enables two souls to share their desires, longings, dreams, and memories, their joys and sorrows, and to help each other through all uncertainties in life." he said.
reid looked as if he was going to correct the minister on the souls part of the speech. gianna gave him a look then giggled, he pressed his lips together. "it takes trust, to know in your hearts you only want what's best for each other. it takes dedication, to stay open to one another, to learn and grow, even when it's difficult to do so. and it takes faith, to go forward without knowing what the future holds for the both of you." he smiled. "now, did we prepare vows?" the minister asked.
they nodded. "lady's first." he said. gianna cleared her throat. "people talk about how they fell in love. but i actually fell in love. it was the first time we were here. i brought you up on the tracks, you said 'is this safe?'" she wiped a tear away giggling, she pointed to the tracks across from them. "i brought you on them, and i was walking on it like a balance beam. i tripped, fell and you caught me. the last thing i expected you to do was laugh, but you did. that's when i knew, i knew that one way or another i was going to marry you. the greatest man i've ever met."
she held back her tears. "you never stopped caring for me, the second i was on the team. and when i took in alessia, you continued to take care of me, and her. you loved me no matter what stupid bullshit i was going through. so, i promise i will never leave. i promise i will love you forever, even from the grave. and don't try and correct me on that." everyone laughed, the two giggled wiping away tears. "i promise that you will never feel alone." she finished.
"spencer." the minister said. reid clears his throat. "on the first case you worked, no one liked you at the time. hotch sent us out together, and the first thing you ever said to me was 'i don't bite'" they laughed sniffing tears away. "you risked your job on your first case for me. you convinced me, when i didn't know how to do anything to go out. when we were walking around that target down the street and you had me speak on the microphone. then i got caught, the train tracks, when we played tag." she laughed.
"i knew i loved you. the strongest woman i've ever met. i've only said your name three times in my entire time of knowing you. when you told me to call you whatever, i did. you never called me reid" he looked behind himself over to morgan "or pretty boy." she giggled wiping away tears. "you always called me spencer. gianna" he smiled, so did she. "i promise you always be with you, to never leave you alone when you need someone. i promise that i will never change for someone else. and i promise that i will love you not matter what." she smiled at him.
"gianna and spencer, please join hands, look at one another now and remember this moment in time." the minister said. they held each other's hands. she looked into his gorgeous hazel eyes full of love. he looked into her beautiful dark eyes, the ones he loved most. the minister turned to reid "spencer, do you take gianna to be your wife?" he asked. reid face blushed a bit.
"i do."
"gianna, do you take spencer to be your husband?"
"i do."
"there is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage."- martin luther
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