brad pitt

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gianna and reid came home from las vegas. alessia was mad she never got to go to the store. "finally your home!" alessia said. "where's your friend?" gianna asked. jack walked up. "oh hey jack." reid smiled. alessia tolled her eyes. "sometimes i forget your only 9." gianna smiled at the two. they were confused, the two put their suitcases away. "can we go to the store?" alessia asked. gianna came down stairs. "fine, but don't be digging holes in my wallet." gianna said. the two kids ran to the car.

gianna walked up to reid. "good luck." he said. "yea, gonna need it." she looked at him. "you okay?" she asked. "yea" he smiled "thank you." gianna kissed him "well, i met the woman who made my love so i had a pretty good time." she smiled and left.

they got to the store. alessia and jack were looking at bed sets. "you found one yet?" gianna asked. "yea." she picked it up and smiled. they walked to the decor part of the store. alessia and jack were giggling about something. reid called gianna "hey spencer." she sighed. "that bad?" he laughed. "literally all they do is giggle at each other. she also doesn't know how to pick anything." she smiled. "okay, just checking on you. when do you think you'll be home?" reid asked. she didn't answer. "gia?" he asked. "hey kids why don't you go to look at clothes." gianna said pushing them out of the aisle.

they ran off. "gia what's up?" reid asked again. "spencer i'm gonna call you back, it's her mom." she said. before reid could say anything she hung up. "what are you doing here?" gianna asked her. "she's my daughter!" she yelled. gianna started to step closer. "no, she's not. leave her alone." she said calmly. gianna was about a foot away. alessias mother punched gianna. gianna rammed her into the shelves, her mom tackled giannna to the floor. she was on top of gianna punching her, alessia and jack ran over. "gianna!" alessia yelled.

"get out of here!" gianna yelled to the two. alessia didn't move. gianna got on top of the mom. "jack get her out of here!" he grabbed alessias arm and pulled her. her mom kicked gianna into the shelves. they stood up, her mom pulled a gun out and pointed it at alessia. gianna kicked it out of her hands. gianna punched her in the stomach. the mom fell back. the mom threw gianna into the shelves in the aisle and sat on her. her mom had grabbed the gun and put it to giannas head. "you can kill me. but you will never get alessia." gianna said firmly.

the woman pressed the gun harder into her head. gianna grabbed her gun, the mom pulled back the safety. "put the gun down." reid was standing there with his gun pointed at her head. gianna took a sigh relief. the woman didn't put her gun down. gianna put her gun in between the woman's eyes. the mom looked up, behind her jack was trying to pull alessia away. she lifted her arm to shoot her, gianna grabbed her arm and she ended up shooting the floor. gianna threw her on her stomach and cuffed her.

she picked the woman up, she was gonna say something to alessia but gianna twisted her arm and tightens the cuffs. she walked her out and threw her in the cop car. gianna walked inside to alessia crying in jacks arms. reid hugged gianna. "you okay?" he asked. "yea i'm fine." she smiled and kissed him. the team ran in. hotch ran to jack. "are you okay?" he asked. jack nodded. hotch turned to gianna "thank you." he said, he looked at jack then back at gianna. hotch stood up "are you okay?" he asked. she had bruises and a bloody nose. "i'm fine." she smiled while grilling her wrist.

alessia finally calmed down. jack let go of her and she walked over to gianna. "i-is she g-gone? for g-good?" she asked. gianna smiled and let out a breath saying "yea." alessia hugged her and they went home. reid insisted for gianna to get checked up on, but she said she was fine. they got home and gianna, reid, and alessia passed out in the couch watching movies. they got called in for work.

the two walked in the bullpen. "it's a bad one." garcia said. they walked into the conference room. "idaho, dead bodies were scattered around this forrest." jj said pointing to a map. "how many bodies?" gianna asked. "8" morgan said. giannas eyes widened. "yea, wheels up in 20." hotch said. they got on the jet, morgan bumped into gianna. she hissed. "oh my bad you okay?" he asked. "yea, just a bit sore from the fight." she winced. she sat down and jj walked up to her. "lemme see." she demanded.

"i'm fine." gianna said. jj lifted her shirt up. a spot on her stomach was purple. "gianna." jj shook her head. "it's just a bruise chill out." gianna laughed. they got off the jet and to the station. "reid, gianna, and emily go to the crime scenes and see what you can find out." hotch said. they walked out and drove to the forrest. gianna got to the top first to see the view "agents?" a detective walked up. "yea. agent gianna, agent prentiss, and dr. spencer reid." gianna motion to them.

"the bodies are over here." he led them over. as the walked emily asked "bodies?" putting emphasis on the 's.' when they got to them there were two bodies next to each other. they all bent down to see it. "looks like he's a hunter." reid said. "why do you say that?" the detective asked. "based on the shape and depth of the stabs, they were stabbed by an arrow." he looked up at him. "like bow and arrow?" the detective asked. "yea, hey look." gianna pointed you the hands of the victims. they were intertwined with each other.

"did y'all get pictures?" she asked. "yes ma'am." he nodded. she lifted up the hands "missing the wedding rings" she pointed to the stripe on the fingers. "married?" emily asked. "looks like it. unsub probably wishes he has it but he doesn't. so when he sees a happy couple out and about being happy, he doesn't like it." reid said. they checked out all of the bodies. gianna looked at the hands "look, engagement ring is here. why didn't he take it?" she asked. the three went to the station to relay the information.

the guy didn't kill for another week. they found the bodies, they had obviously been kept for a week. "looks like he got excited." gianna said looking at the bodies in the leaves. "why do you say that?" morgan asked. "well look, the guy kept them for a week. that's not usual. but also..." she picked up an arrow. "he left the murder weapon." morgan smiled "so he messed up, next time he tries, he might get caught." they went to the station to tell the team.

they all were sitting at a table. "so what do we know about this guy?" hotch asked. "well he hates happy couples." jj said. "he likes hunting, probably not his first go around." gianna added. garcia called "what you got for us mama?" derek said. "well my sweet tasty piece of dark chocolate we got dna results." she said. everyone chuckled at her greeting. "who is it babygirl?" morgan asked smiling. "devon greggs his father was a known hunter." she said. "probably where he got his skills." rossi said.

"do you have his address?" emily asked. "yes, sent." she hung up. "is he even gonna be there? he's probably out looking for new victims." gianna said. "you're right, but still, rossi morgan and emily go to his house." hotch said. he looked at gianna and reid "i need you two." he said.

gianna and reid were out in the forrest walking and talking. being 'lovey dovey' as jj said. they saw devin creeping around them so he grabbed her and kissed her. he pulled away and she smiled, he giggled "be quiet, he's following us." she laughed and got on his back to make the unsub jealous. gianna hopped off of reid back bed they heard footsteps behind them. they turned around and pointed their guns "fbi!" reid yelled. the guy turned around and yelled. "lake?" gianna asked. "lake." reid agreed. they split up.

gianna saw devon running, she spend up to chat her up to him. gianna was jumping over trees and roots. they were headed for the lake when she got closer. they were almost at the shore when gianna tackled him from behind, they were in the water fighting. he stood up he went to punch her in the stomach but she dodged it. she punched extremely hard in the head, he fell. not unconscious. she pulled him out of the water, reid and hotch ran up to her. hotch cuffed him, he was stumbling.

reid took her to an ambulance. "that guy had a hard ass head." she said holding her hand. reid kissed her. the team walked up to her "where did you learn to tackle like that?" emily asked. "i played football, all through middle school and high school." she said. "kicker?" morgan asked. "no" she huffed "played a few different positions but never a kicker." she said. they talked, the medic had to check her out so they left. hotch called reid over to him. "what's up?" he asked.

"make sure she stays off of the hand." he laughed and so did reid. reid walked back to giannas truck but she wasn't there. nor was the truck. he went to the next one "there was an agent over there, did you see where she went?" he asked. "yea they took her to the hospital." the media answered. "but it was just a broken hand." he said confused. "no it was more than that. she was bleeding internally i think, hard to hear they were shouting." he said.

reid ran to the team and told them what happened. they got in their cars and drove to the hospital, traffic was brutal. they finally got there, the whole team ran to the front. "gianna beckett?" they all said. before the woman could say 'we can't give out that information' they all put their badges up. "room 38" she said.

they ran to her room, busted through the door. she woke up. "wow y'all got here fast." she said. "w-what happened?" he asked. the doctor walked in, "is your fiancé here, i would like to speak to you two alone." he said. the team looked frightened. "i'm her fiancé." reid said. "okay." he turned to the team, they left and he shut the door behind him.

he stood there and took a deep breath. "giannas spleen ruptured, i'm assuming you took a hit a bit ago. it inflamed, then you took another hit today and it burst." he paused "we fixed it, no problems. and the baby was unharmed." he smiled. "baby?" they both said. "you didn't know, i'm so sorry." he said. "n-no it's okay." reid smiled. "i'll leave you two alone." he walked out of the room. reid hugged gianna tight. he kissed her, "we're gonna have a baby!" gianna whispered screamed. "we're gonna have a baby." he smiled.

"a family is a risky adventure, because the greater the love, the greater the loss...that's the trade-off. but i'll take it all."- brad pitt

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