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The next day:

It was the day that they were supposed to go on their honeymoon to Hawaii. Sehun woke up and started getting ready and packing up. Yoona did the same. She left her phone on the bed and got a text message from Taehyung. Sehun saw and read the message and got a little jealous and gets upset at her. Yoona comes back from the closet and Sehun looks upset.

"Are you ok?" Said Yoona.

"Does it look like I'm ok?" Said Sehun as he walked out of the room.

"What is his problem?" Yoona whispered to herself.

While driving to the airport, Sehun didn't even look or talk to Yoona.

"Are you ok?" Said Yoona.

Sehun suddenly turned and pulled over to the side.

"Ya, how would you feel like if you found out I was cheating on you." Said Sehun.

"So you're saying that I'm cheating on you?" Said Yoona.

"Ya, are you stupid! Taehyung oppa or whatever his name is." Said Sehun.

"Taehyung oppa? Taehyung oppa is my cousin and my best friend." Said Yoona.

Yoo an looked at him in disbelief that he would think that.

"Ya, you could have said that earlier!" Said Sehun.

"Oh let me guess you were jealous?" Said Yoona.

"Ya, why would I be jealous?" Said Sehun.

"Ya, hurry up and drive before we miss our flight." Said Yoona.

Sehun just drove off to the airport and they boarded the plane. They both took their seats next to each other. Sehun held Yoona's hand and apologized.

"Look, i'm sorry for scolding you earlier and for misunderstanding." Said Sehun.

"It's fine as long as you know." Said Yoona.

Sehun smiled at her and she smiled back.

"You can let go now." said Yoona after a few minutes.

"Sorry." said Sehun as he let go of her hand.

Minutes later, Yoona put her head by Sehun's shoulder which made him think that she was sleeping but she wasn't.

"Am I really falling for you?" said Sehun as he rested his head on her head.

Yoona's heart started to beat really fast and she was thinking of the same thing that Sehun said. Minutes later, they both fell asleep. After another day on the plane, they finally got to Hawaii. They were directed to their resort and they both started to unpack everything.

"What are we doing today?" said Yoona.

"Hmm, we are gonna go swimming." said Sehun.

"But I don't like swimming." said Yoona.

"Then I'll go swimming alone." said Sehun.

"Then what am I gonna do then?" said Yoona.

"That's your problem." said Sehun as he went to the restroom.

He came out with his swim wear and he sat on the couch.

"Hurry, I'm waiting for you to go and change." said Sehun while reading a magazine.

Yoona sighed.

"Fine." said Yoona.

As she walked to the restroom, Sehun just smirked at her and kept on reading. She came out shortly after putting on her swimsuit and covering up with a big blouse.

"Done." said Yoona while grabbing her phone.

"Ya, no phones allowed." said Sehun.

Yoona looked at him in disbelief and put her phone away. They headed out to the big pool that was at their private resort.

"Ya, what are you doing." said Yoona as she saw that Sehun was about to take off his shirt.

"I'm gonna go swimming, duh." said Sehun while pulling his shirt off.

Yoona just shook her head and got inside the water and laid on the pool bed floatie. She had her shades on and she closed her eyes. When she wasn't paying attention, Sehun grabbed the floatie causing Yoona to fall into the water.

"Ya!" said Yoona.

Sehun just laughed at her. Yoona was about to hit him when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to him.

"Go ahead, try me." said Sehun as he smirked.

"Are you crazy." said Yoona as she pushed Sehun away.

Yoona got out and wrapped herself with her towel.

"Can you hand me my towel?" said Sehun while still in the pool.

Yoona walked up to him and gave him his towel when he grabbed the towel he pulled her in.

"You're really gonna get it." said Yoona.

"Hey, we came here to have fun, we didn't come here to be a poor sport like you." Said Sehun.

"Fine but I'm not swimming." Said Yoona as she sat on the pool stairs.

Sehun began swimming again and they soon went back to the resort. Yoona took and shower and got ready. It was finally night time and Sehun and Yoona went out for a fancy dinner together. They had a great time and they finally stated to get used to each other. They came back to their resort and didn't sleep becuase they wanted to watch the sun rise together. Yoona sat on the bed reading while Sehun sat on the couch reading as well. Sehun noticed that she was distracted so he took out his phone and started to take pictures of her because he thought that she looked cute while reading. They both finally knocked out for a bit but Sehun woke her up. Sehun and Yoona both walked along the beach shore hand in hand and they both sat down on the sand. Yoona put her head on Sehun's shoulder and he rested his head on her head.

"It's beautiful isn't it" Said Sehun.

Yoona nodded her head.

Sehun and Yoona looked at each other and smiled. Sehun's face would get closer to Yoona's face by the second. She cold feel his breath on her skin and then felt his lips on hers.

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