A Day Together

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The next morning, Yoona woke up realizing that Sehun's arm was a found her waist. So she slowly moved his arm but he woke up.

"Sorry." Said Sehun as he got up.

"It's okay. I'm gonna get ready." Said Yoona.

"Go ahead." Said Sehun.

Yoona didn't take long to get ready, so afterwards she went down to make some breakfast while Sehun got ready.

"The food is ready." Said Yoona.

"Lets eat then." Said Sehun.

"We are going to visit my parents today." Said Sehun.

"Why?" Said Yoona.

"My parents want to talk to us and spend time with us before our honeymoon." Said Sehun.

"Yes." Said Yoona.

After they ate, they were getting ready to leave to Sehun's parents place. Yoona was talking to Sehun when she was walking backwards when she tripped but luckily Sehun caught her. Their eyes met and then Yoona snapped out of it.

"Why am i blushing?" Yoona whispered to herself.

"Why do I have this feeling? No I can't feel this way, you know why you married her." Sehun whispered to himself.

At the Oh House:

"Annyeonghaseyo." Said Yoona.

"Annyeonghaseyo." Said Sehun.

They were talking and bonding with each other which was good but it got awkward when Sehun's mom brought up a subject.

"So when will I be receiving grandchildren." Said Sehun's mother.

Yoona and Sehun just looked at each other.

"Eomma, don't say that, you're just making Yoona feel uncomfortable." Said Sehun.

Sehun's parents just laughed at them two. Yoona went and started to pack some of her belongings that weren't packed yet, meanwhile Sehun and the boys are hanging out. Yoona was done after a while and was about to go call Sehun when she accidentally eavesdropped on them.

"Well I mean it's not like we married each other because we want to. We married each other becuase of our parents." Said Sehun.

"What do you mean?" Said Kris.

"We don't love each other." Said Sehun.

When Yoona heard what he said, she didn't know why but she felt hurt inside and she walked away and went to the backyard to get some fresh air. She suddenly felt tears on her cheek.

"Why am i crying? I'm so dumb, why am I even hurt, we married each other for the same reason." Yoona whispered to herself as she wiped off her tears.

"Are you ready to go?" Said Sehun.

"Yes." Said Yoona as she turned around.

They both went home and Yoona decided to unpack some of her stuff. She was carrying a binder when the binder suddenly fell and the papers scattered everywhere. Yoona sighed and bent down to pick up the papers when Sehun tried to help and accidentally touched her hand. Their eyes met and they stayed like that do for awhile until Sehun snapped out of it. They continued you pick up the papers.

"Thanks." Said Yoona.

Sehun gave her a small smile and continued walking. After Yoona was finished packing, it was already lunch time so she decided to cook. While cooking, she was thinking about what Sehun said earlier to his brothers and wasn't paying attention to what she was doing and cut her finger.

"Aishh." Said Yoona.

Yoona put her hand behind her back when Sehun turned and looked at her. Sehun walked up to her to see what happened.

"Ya, let me see." Said Sehun.

Yoona shook her head. Sehun pulled her arm and saw the cut on her finger.

"I'm fine it's just a cut." Said Yoona.

"Ya, even if it's a cut, you have to be careful." Said Sehun.

Sehun bandaged her finger and they ate lunch.

"Sehun-ah." Said Yoona.

"Yes." Said Sehun.

"I'm gonna go to the mall." Said Yoona.

"Sure, but who are you going with?" Said Sehun.

"I'm going with Taehyung-oppa." Said Yoona.

"Oppa?" Said Sehun.

"Ya, he's my best friend, don't think anything wrong." Said Yoona.

"Okay, okay." Said Sehun.

Yoona left to the mall and spotted Taehyung.

"Oppa!" Said Yoona.

"Dongsae!" Said Taehyung.

"How have you been?" Said Yoona as she gave him a hug.

"I've been good. How have you been?" Said Taehyung.

"I've been good." Said Yoona.

"I heard that you got married." Said Taehyung.

"Yes, but it was arranged." Said Yoona.

"Well I hope that it works out." Said Taehyung.

"What about you?" Said Yoona.

"Well I met this amazing girl named Taeyoung. I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend soon." Said Taehyung.

"Wow, I can't wait to meet her." Said Yoona.

"I can't wait to meet your husband." Said Taehyung.

"Don't call him that." Said Yoona as she pinched him on the arm.

"Ya, he is your husband after all. You need to get used to saying that as well." Said Taehyung.

"Come on let's go." Said Yoona.

Yoona passed by a few stores that looked like they had nice clothes for guys and it made her think of Sehun.

"Tae-oppa." Said Yoona.

"Yes." Said Taehyung.

"Can you help me with something?" Said Yoona.

"Yes." Said Taehyung.

"Can you help me chose out clothes for," Said Yoona when she paused.

"Your husband." Said Taehyung.

Yoona nodded.

"Of course." Said Taehyung.

Yoona went back home and Sehun wasn't on the house and she went to the backyard to look for him. She opened up the door to the backyard and saw him in the pool. Without trying to get caught, she walked back into the house. She then ordered some food since she didn't feel like eating homemade food. Sehun finally came back in the house after swimming.

"Oh, you're back." Said Sehun.

"Yes." Said Yoona.

"I'll be down in a bit I'm goona go take a shower." Said Sehun.

Sehun saw the gifts in his bed and couldn't help but smile. After eating, they decided to go off to bed.

"Thanks for the clothes by the way." Said Sehun.

"No problem, i'm just doing my job." Said Yoona.

It got awkward and quite but I mean they were used to it.

"Goodnight." Said Yoona.

"Goodnight." Said Sehun.

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