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EJ's pov

"OH MY GOD! TONY, YOU'RE ALIVE, I shouted out in shock. "How did you find me? Where have you been all this time? I thought you were dead. I thought Father had you eliminated. How can this be true? Are you really here with me, Frattelone (Big brother)?" I rattled off question after question, rambling like a fool. I hesitantly reached out to touch him, sure I was hallucinating, or seeing a ghost. Holding him by the shoulders with my shaking hands, I protested, "It can't be. Let me wake Claire. She'll be so excited to see you."

Pulling me into his arms, my big brother hugged me tightly.

"Yes it's true, EJ. I'm really here. It's good to see you, Fratellino (Little brother). Please don't wake la mia bellissima figlia (my beautiful daughter), we have some things to discuss first."

"But, I don't understand. I just can't get over the fact you're here. Marco made it seem like..." Before I could finish my sentence, Father entered and interrupted.

Stefano's pov

"You have no idea how much it hurts me to know you thought I was capable of such a thing, Elliot James," I said sadly, upon entering the room after eavesdropping on my sons' conversation.

"Father, I'm sorry," he replied dejectedly. "I was so sure. I honestly don't know what to say."

"Making the outsiders believe your brother was dead was all part of the plan. I never thought my own son would subscribe to such nonsense." I shook my head in disbelief.

"Father, I didn't realize what you had planned. I never should've thought that you could sacrifice one of your own children. Can you ever forgive me?"

Holding his face in my hands, I replied, "I love you, Son, and you are forgiven, but you should know better than to doubt me. You make me proud seeing the man you have become as you've parented Francesca in your brother's absence. You've far exceeded my expectations, my boy."

"How did you manage to pull this off, Father? You must tell me."

"Anthony had to go into hiding immediately, as the hit was ordered by Vincenzo Nardello the moment his son James took his last breath. It was always my intention to bring Anthony back, to reunite you as brothers, to return him to Francesca and Alexandra. It is my wish that Anthony take over as patriarch of this family. Elliot James, you will be his right hand man, succeeding the throne when Anthony steps down. I want the four of you to live in the mansion in Italy and raise Francesca together as a family. Così sarà (So it shall be)."

"Don't you mean the five of us, Father?"

"No Figlio, temo di non poter stare con te (No, Son, I'm afraid I can't be with you)."

"But why, Father? Where are you going? Why won't you be with us? Abbiamo bisogno di te, Padre (We need you, Father)."

"I made a deal with Vincenzo, sacrificing my life for my son's. In exchange for his promise to never exact revenge on any of you or your future generations to come, I would lay down my life. He is a man of his word and he will never touch a hair on your head, your children's, your grandchildren's and so on. The feud will end before it can even begin, as my casket is lowered into the ground."

"Father, no! There has to be another way. You can't do this. You can't give up. We will figure something else out. We will make a new deal. Questa non può essere la fine (This cannot be the end). It's not fair, it's not right. Non lo permetterò (I won't allow it)!"

"You do not get to make this decision, my boy. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"No! I don't understand. I won't accept this, I never will. Not now, not ever. Questo è completamente inaccettabile (This is completely unacceptable)."

"Ti ho insegnato bene, ragazzo mio (I have taught you well, my boy). Tu, tua sorella e tua nipote starete bene nelle mani più che capaci di tuo fratello (You, your sister, and niece will be fine in your brother's more than capable hands)." Patting his cheek, I looked him in the eye, guiding his gaze back to me when he tried to turn away. "Fidati di me, Figlio (Trust me, Son)."

"Father, this is all my fault," my eldest son lamented, seeing his younger brother's distress. "I can't let you take the fall for me, I just can't."

"Anthony my boy, you have a beautiful daughter to raise, my granddaughter. I am done raising my family and I think I have done a wonderful job. Just look at my amazing children as evidence. You, Alexandra, and Elliot James will carry on the Dimerra legacy, along with Francesca and any other future generations of this family."

"You have a job to do, my son. As the new patriarch and head of the family business, you will have your hands full, but I want you to always remember your daughter comes first. La tua famiglia, il tuo sangue, ha la precedenza su tutto il resto (Your family, your blood, takes precedence over all else). Do not ever forget that, Anthony. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Si, Padre, Seguirò il tuo esempio e sacrificherò tutto, inclusa la mia vita per questa famiglia (Yes, Father, I will follow your example and sacrifice everything, including my own life for this family)."

"That's my boy," I replied jovially, kissing Anthony on both cheeks. "Now go see your daughter."

Claire's pov

I woke to someone gently shaking my arm as they softly called my name, "Claire, Claire honey, wake up."

"Go away, Uncle EJ. I'm trying to sleep," I mumbled grumpily, as I turned away onto my other side. It's really hard to get comfortable when you've gotten your ass beat by your irate uncle.

"Sweetpea, it's me Daddy. Wake up so I can hold you in my arms and never let you go."

I bolted upright in bed as I recognized that voice and my nickname, only one person in this world is allowed to call me.

"DADDY!" I cried out, tears leaking from my eyes. "Am I dreaming? Please don't wake me if I am."

"You're not dreaming, Sweetpea. It's really me and I'm not going anywhere. I promise I will never leave you again."

His soft but authoritative tone made my chest tighten as I broke down in his embrace. Heart wrenching sobs wracked my little body as my father enveloped me in the stronghold of his arms, right where I belonged. I feel so tiny and fragile against his undeniable power and strength. I'm a daddy's girl. What can I say?

"Oh, baby, no. Non piangere, mia preziosa figlia (Don't cry, my precious daughter)."

"Daddy, I've missed you so much," I sputtered out incoherently, as I continued to cry a river that would impress even Justin Timberlake.

"Non quanto mi sei mancato (Not how much I missed you). You have no idea. Ho pregato per la morte per il dolore che il mio cuore ha sofferto per essere separato da te, mia bella dolce figlia (I prayed for death over the pain my heart suffered from being separated from you, my beautiful sweet daughter). Never again, Bambina (Baby girl). Mai più (Never again). I'm here to stay, and I won't let you go," he whispered softly, as he held me close.

Hearing my father speak Italian to me made me cry even harder for some reason. He's never done that before. I know now we're going back to Grandfather's mansion to stay, for good this time. We won't be leaving Italy. I'm not sure why, but I'm okay with that, more than okay really because I know it will feel like home if my dad's with me. These are tears of joy.

"Ti amo, Papà (I love you, Daddy)."

One week later

At Stefano's mansion in Italy

Stefano's pov

"Claire Francesca, come say goodbye to your grandfather," Anthony called out.

"Where are you going, Grandfather? And can I come with?" My sweet, pure of heart granddaughter asked so innocently as she bounded down the stairs, full of youthful energy and exuberance.

"Vieni qui, mia dolce ragazza, dobbiamo parlare (Come here, my sweet girl, we need to talk)," I said, patting my lap as I took a seat on the sofa.

Sensing the sadness laden in my tone, she hesitantly asked, "Did I do something wrong, Grandfather? Am I in trouble?"

"Should you be?" I questioned reflexively, knowing what a precocious child Francesca can be. Mischief is never very far from this girl, soon the twain shall meet.

"Non credo di esserlo (I don't think I am), but sometimes it sneaks up on me, Nonno (Grandfather)," she replied preciously, with no malice in her unadulterated heart.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. She truly is a pure soul.

"No, mia dolce bambina (my sweet baby girl), you are not in trouble. Come sit on your Nonno's lap so we may speak privately. Va bene (Ok)?" I patted my knees again before shooing Anthony away. I don't want him to hear what I have to say to my granddaughter. This is just between the two of us.

"Ok, Nonno (Grandfather)," she replied, sitting her bottom gingerly atop my thighs.

Furrowing my brow in suspicion at her actions, I asked, "Nipotina (Granddaughter), have you received a spanking since we arrived home?" Good Lord, I thought to myself, it's only been a week since we left Cuba. How did this little girl manage to find herself in trouble already?

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