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Same day

Steve and Natasha, well mostly Natasha, were having the 'team' run another lap after Nate decided to roll his eyes after Natasha said something. Steve could only give them a pity smile as his wife yelled at them to continue running. 

James didn't feel tired at all, figured it was from the stamina he got from his parents. He did, however, want to talk to Morgan, who had been giving him the stink eye all of the training. So he he slowed down his pace just a little so he could fit Morgan's pace, he was never going to tell her but her pace felt like his walking. 

"Hey Morgan," He smiled kindly at her, 

"What do you want Rogers?" She asked, rather rudely. 

"I um... I" James suddenly lost his train of thought. 

"Spit it out Rogers, I don't have all day," She said, she was breathing rather hard. 

"Are you mad at me?" He asked, "Because I really feel like you are mad at me," 

"What gives you that idea?" She asked. 

"Besides the fact that you are rolling your eyes whenever I speak, you happen to be avoiding eye contact with me, and the glare you gave me when I walked into training was anything but kind." He said. "What did I do?" 

"Why do you care?" She suddenly stopped running, James had to stop as well. 

"I care because you are my friend and you are obviously upset over something." he scratched the back of his neck. "Probably over something that I did." 

"Did you do something I should be upset about?" She questioned. 

"I want to say no, but the sound of your voice is telling me otherwise," he admitted. "Should I apologize?" 

"James if you don't know what you are apologizing for why should I accept your apology." 

"Well if you tell me what I did I could properly apologize," he was about to continue talking when she spoke up and cut him off. 

"Yesterday was important to me James. You knew how freaked out I was about going back to school, we talked about it! You said you were going to be there!" The truth was Morgan had told James about her fears, she felt like she'd accidentally blabber something about what happened and the secrete would be out, or that something would just go completely wrong. She tended to overthink many things but James was always able to calm her down, that's just how their friendship worked. 

"I know, but nothing went wrong!" James pointed out. "You survived the day without me, besides I had plans." 

"Plans? James, we had school!" Morgan yelled. "aren't you the one always telling Nate and Nicole not to do anything stupid like skipping school." 

"Listen Torunn wanted to hang out-" 

"Torunn?" She had already been told he was with Torunn but a part of her just didn't believe it. "you seriously went out with Torunn?" 

"Of course," He said, "Why is that such a problem? She wanted me to show her around town to see what people on Earth did. I took her mini-golfing and then-" 

"Mini Golfing?" She asked. "Wait did you take her to Brookesides?" She asked. 

"What? Of course, it's the only mini-golf place I go to." He laughed as if it was an obvious answer. Morgan was looking at him shocked and angry, she could only shake her head before running off once again. "Wait, Morgan, what did I do?" 

"You done fucked that one up," Nate's voice rang out as he ran up to him. "Also your mom saw your two stop running and she is making us run until she said to stop." 

"Ugh," James groaned and began running once again. "I don't understand why Morgan was so angry." 

"James, I might be an idiot," Nate started up. "But I'd like to think I know a thing or two about women." 

"I find that hard to believe," James said. "You have never even had a serious girlfriend before in your entire life." 

"So what? That's my own personal choice. I prefer to keep the ladies just far enough for them to long for me when I'm away." He smirked. "But if you don't want me to tell you what's wrong with Morgan well I guess I will just leave." 

"Just spill Nate," he said annoyed. 

"Ok, okay," He sighed. James had often heard Natasha talk about memories she had with his uncle Clint, and he could often compare him and his son. Nate seemed to match Clint's personality a lot when he was younger. "You and Morgan have a very close-knit relationship and you often do things without inviting the rest of us." 

"We just don't invite you all because you call us nerds no matter what we choose to do." It was true the rest of their friends loved going out to parties or going to movies, James and Morgan liked doing things on more on the quiet side. It was just a better way to talk. 

"Because what you guys do is boring. You never want to do anything exciting and maybe that's the reason you two are so boring all the time and could be considered to have no life-" 

"NATE!" He yelled pulling Nate back to the real world so he could stop blabbering on and on. James was tempted to run faster to just lose him, but that was only withholding was bound to happen. 

"What? Oh um sorry. My point is, You and Morgan would go mini-golfing all the time, by yourselves, you never took anyone else." Nate pointed out. "It was almost like a safe place. You taking someone else to your guy's 'special' place was not cool." 

"I think she's overreacting." 

"I think you should go apologize to her," Nate rebutted. "You hurt her feelings." 

"No way! I have nothing to apologize for, she's overreacting." 

"You know I have never seen either of you mad at each other, well I mean you two have been annoyed with each other and had small arguments, but I have never seen Morgan give you the angry look." 

"What look?" James didn't know of any look. 

"the one where she looks like wants to murder someone," James still looked confused. "Most of the time it's directed at me and Miles." Now James understood. 

"Oh yeah! The one where she looks like she's going to rip your head off." Nate nodded his head. "Wait she looked at me like that!? Are you serious?!" 

"Are you seriously so fucking oblivious?" Nate shook his head. "James if you aren't careful I can tell you that your life will end much sooner then expected." 

"Don't you think that, just like Morgan, you are overacting." 

"You know I think the problem is you, James, ever since you've met Torunn you have been canceling on us." 

"I literally only skipped school once," James pointed out. 

"Doesn't matter, can't you see all of the missed opportunities? We could have hung out over ten times during the time you were with Torunn." He claimed. "Therefore you have canceled on us more than once." 

"You all should be more supportive. Torunn is new in town and wanted a friend. I was being nice!" He claimed. "You're just upset that for once a girl doesn't immediately look at you," Nate wanted to laugh. 

"I told you, I keep woman at a far enough rate so that no one gets hurt by my outstanding charm." He smirked. "Besides Torunn is from another planet, you're probably the closest thing she's got to an alien." 

"Alien? You do realize everyone on Asguard is like hot right?" he asked. 

"Don't burst my bubble boy," Nate rolled his eyes. "How do we keep getting off-topic? Point is you have to go apologize to Morgan! We both know that she's not going to apologize to you and you are the one in the wrong." 

"Are you seriously taking her side on this?" He asked. "I didn't do anything wrong, and Morgan is just overreacting!" 

"I am overreacting?" Both boys turned their heads to Morgan who was running up behind them, it was only then did they realize how slow they were running. "James, do you understand that you said you'd be there for us? That we all went through a very traumatic experience and we had to do this together! Not to mention Brooksides was our place! We haven't even taken the others there! We haven't even taken our parents there." 

James rolled his eyes. "your acting stupid." 

"At least I'm not a jerk!" She yelled. 


The adults heard yells coming from the field and they looked up to see Nate quickly running away from James and Morgan who were yelling at each other very loudly. 
"Are we going to go stop that?" Tony asked. 

"I feel like we should," Steve said already walking toward them, Natasha Pepper and Tony following close behind. 

"You know this is your fault," Tony told Natasha. 

"How on Earth is this my fault?" She asked. 

"I don't know I just needed someone to blame." He shrugged. 


"OH REALLY LIKE I CARE!" James rolled his eyes. 

"You are stepping on my last nerve Rogers." Morgan glared. 

"Like I care, what are you going to do about it." 

"Take off the necklace let's have a battle." She threatened. 

"It would be so unfair," James said. "Especially since you don't have any powers," 

"I don't need any powers to kick your ass." Morgan pointed out. 

"Oh, I am so scared." He rolled his eyes. "What are you going to do? bore me to death with your science?" 

"James I swear to god!" She said, their argument got heated and Morgan wanted to launch herself at him, in fact she was just about to but Natasha caught her before she could pounce on James. 

"Woah there," She said, Pepper and Tony watched as Natasha held their daughter back. "Mind to tell me why you are trying to kill my son?" James was currently standing there watching Morgan struggle, with a smirk on his face. 


"Well of course," Tony said. "He is Steve's son," 

"Not helping Tony," Steve yelled. "One of you explain what's going on," Both kids started yelling over and over again. All the parents looked at one another before Natasha yelled. 

"Okay, both of you shut it!"She yelled. "Morgan explain now." 

"James is a traitor!" She cried out. "He ditched us for a girl he just met! He broke his promises." 

"I didn't make a promise so there is nothing to break," James replied. The argument started up once again. 

"Okay that's it," Tony said. "You two have to work this out," 

"I am not apologizing since I DIDN"T DO ANYTHING WRONG," James yelled. 

"James Grant Roges," Natasha glared at her son. "I think you two need to calm down. James take another lap, Morgan start training with your dad, you two need to think about what's going on." 

The two kids only glared at one another before going off to do what they were told. Right now the biggest worry in their life was this fight if they couldn't fix it the foundation of their team will forever change. However, things were going to get a lot more difficult very soon, and it was much bigger than a small fight. 

So here's the interaction you wanted between James and Morgan. Next few chapters I am going to start to focus more on the team and trouble coming. HAHA just wait for it!
See you soon. 

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