Angel 22

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It's been three days after the ball but Sehun didn't even went home after that night.

Irene decided not to attend class today to take care of Yoona, they noticed that she looked lifeless these past few days she's even getting paler every days passed.

"Taeyong, when will your hyung come back here?" Yoona asked while their eating making Taeyong and Irene stopped "When will I be able to see him? I'll attend school tomorrow. I'll be with Jessica."

"Stop thinking about my stupid brother, noona." Taeyong hissed, Irene looked at him and slowly shook her head saying don't tell Yoona anything he knows about his hyung "Hyung is with Seohyun noona. He's taking care of her while you're sick here."

They heard Yoona chuckled bitterly "It's his responsibility to do it TY, he's her boyfriend right?" She asked "Don't be mad at Seohyun, she's right. I don't have any rights to be with Sehun, I can't like him."

"But he loves you, noona!" Taeyong exclaimed making Irene and Yoona trailed. He had enough from his hyung's stupidity "And I don't understand why he can't fight for his feelings for you! I thought he's manly enough! I hate him!"

"Calm down, senpai.. jebal.." Irene mumbles

"Didn't you noticed it, noona?" He ran his finger through his hair out of frustration "He loves you yet he chose her!"

Yoona ducked her head down "Mianhae Taeyong-ah.." she whispered

"You don't have to apologize, noona. This is all my hyung's fault."

"But I think he just did what is right.. your hyung is brave enough to chose his responsibility than his own happiness.." Yoona whispered "And I'm not even worthy for his love, Taeyong. Seohyun is much better than me. I saw her, she's really beautiful."

"And you know what unnie?" Irene butted in "yeah, she's pretty but you're perfect. Why do you have to be so kind? Why can't you just be a bitch sometimes to fight for Sehun sunbae?"

"My hyung is the one who doesn't deserve you, noona. You're too perfect for him." Taeyong added "I don't understand him.."

"Stop worrying now, let's just eat. I'm hungry!" Yoona exclaimed trying to enlighten the mood but she knows to herself that their home was already dimmed since Sehun left.

They sat on the dining table taking glances at Sehun's place. "Unnie, please don't get sick.." Irene said

"I will, now you two have to go to school. Don't skip class." Yoona muttered

"But unnie—"

"Just go to school, stop always worrying about me. I gave you two too much burden already.."

"Don't think that way, Yoona noona." Taeyong muttered

"If you don't want me to feel it then go to school and I'll wait for you here." Yoona said

The two younger doesn't have any choice but to follow what she wants, so after they eat they both prepared and went to school.

Yoona stayed on the balcony on Sehun's unit. She remember their fisrt kiss on the first snow on that first night she felt her heart full of bliss. The very fist time she said the words 'I like you' and being liked back.

Whenever she's alone or someone mentions him to her, she always felt those thorns attacking her heart and its too painful.

Being so lonely by herself, she decided to take a walk around the city. Wearing the red coat Sehun bought her, she slowly walks looking at the white city because of the snow.

She's just walking when she felt someone's hand held her and pulled her to bump on its body. The next thing she know, someone is hugging her.

At first she doesn't have any idea who is it but the moment she smells a familiar scent, he knew that it was him. "S-Sehun?" She stuttered

The hug tighten "I missed you.." Sehun whispered on Yoona's ears

Upon hearing his voice, Yoona immediately hugged him back "I.. I missed you, too. S-Sehun.." she said against Sehun's broad chest "Why didn't you go home?"

Sehun pulled from the hug and cupped her cheeks, some people are watching them but they couldn't care less. "I'm sorry, please understand me.." Sehun mumbles

His eyes are full of wants and longing, its just three days since they saw each other but it feels like years for him.

"Will you come with me?" Sehun asked "Yoona.. be with me even just for today." He pleaded

Yoona knows to herself that she also want to be with him so she didn't even think of it twice. She immediately nodded. Sehun held her hand and they start running.

"Sehun, where are we going?" She asked while they're running

Sehun turned to her and smile, the smile that he never did while he's with Seohyun. Yoona smiled back, the first real smile she did since Sehun left.

"Anywhere that we can be free from everyone. Anywhere, as long as you're with me." He muttered making Yoona's cheeks flushed

They continue running until they reached Han River, they start walking slowly. Sehun intertwined their fingers and put it inside the pocket of his coat. Yoona's head is slightly bowed, she can't understand why she felt her face hot.

Sehun can't stop smiling while they're walking. Yoona stopped walking making Sehun stopped too. "Wae?" He asked

Yoona pointed the ice cream stall "Buy me that, Sehun."

Sehun chuckled thinking that Yoona never changed. They went in front of the stall, there are kids around and Sehun's sight of Yoona pointing a certain flavor while pouting is very adorable for him. "C'mon, Sehun! Buy me that, I want that strawberry flavor." She whined

Sehun is just smiling at her "Only in one condition." He said

Yoona looked at him, determined "Anything for strawberry ice cream!" She exclaimed

Sehun lean closer to her face, he pout and point his lips "Kiss me first."

"M-mwo?!" Yoona exclaimed gaining the attention of some. She immediately blushed "W-what are y-you talking a-about, S-Sehun?" She stuttered

"It's just a kiss." Sehun said innocently "If you don't want then, I won't buy that ice cream for you."


"Okay, let's go. I won't buy anything." Sehun said as he lean back "I bet that ice cream is deli—"

Yoona grabbed the collar of his coat and gave him a peck on his cheek. She immediately gazed away and looked at the ice cream instead. While Sehun can't stop smiling. He chuckled before he called the staff inside.

"Excuse me, one strawberry ice cream please." He said making Yoona beamed widely although her face is still flushed

"Sehun hyung?!"

"Doyoung?" Sehun asked upon seeing Doyoung giving their order "What are you doing here?"

"I'm helping my cousin Namjoon hyung." He answered and he saw Yoona smiling at him "oh, annyeong Yoona noona! Here's your strawberry ice cream."

Yoona get it playfully "Gomawo, Doyoung."

Doyoung smiled at her, after paying the ice cream, Sehun's phone rang. He looked at it and his smile fade. Yoona looked at him "Answer it, it must be important." Yoona said

He nodded and went on the tree, few meters away from them. "Yoona noona, I'm happy that you're with Sehun hyung again." Doyoung said. Yoona just smiled at him when a two guys approached Doyoung.

"Hey, Doyoung. Who's her? Mind to introduce us?" The tall guy said gesturing Yoona

"Ah, Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung. This is Yoona noona." Doyoung introduced "She's pretty right?"

Yoona smiled at them and bowed "Yeah, she is." Namjoon said, Jin nodded "I'm Namjoon. Nice to meet you." He said offering his hand for a shake. He was about to hold her hand when Sehun stopped it.

"Don't touch her." He sternly said and pulled Yoona away from them without even saying goodbye

"You're so mean, Sehun." Yoona pouted

"I'm not mean." He said and pulled Yoona closer to him. They stopped near the river and looked at its beautiful view  "I don't want any other man touching you."

"Wae?" Yoona asked looking into Sehun's orbs, Sehun gazed back.

Sehun can't help but to drown into Yoona's stares. He felt how his feelings for the person beside him grew in every minutes passed. He let go of Yoona's hand and backhug her instead.

Yoona's heart beats rapidly that it can almost burst out from her ribcage. "I'm sorry, Yoona.." Sehun whispered, propping his head on Yoona's neck giving her shivers down her spine. "I'm sorry if I made you sad, if I chose to be with her than to be with you."

Yoona smiled bitterly "you don't have to apologize, Sehun. She's your girlfriend, you should really choose her." She mumbles as she place her arms on top of Sehun's, holding his hands. "I don't have the rights to be chosen over her."


Yoona shook her head "its okay, Sehun. I'm okay."

"But you look so sick and I'm not there to take care of you." Sehun said, he tighten the hug

"When will you come back, Sehun?" Yoona asked, sadness can hear over her voice

"I.. I don't know either.." Sehun answered "even if I want to, I can't."

"I understand." Yoona mumbles.

Sehun wants to assure her that he doesn't love Seohyun, he want to assure her that he will come back and he want to tell her that he's happy that the angels are still not showing themselves to get Yoona from him.

All what he wants is to be with this angel, tell her everyday that he loves her that he wants to stay by her side but he just can't because he made a promise to Seohyun.. and for him, promises are not meant to be broke but to be kept.

He just want to unwind from the hospital and Seohyun's whinings earlier that's why he decided to take a walk, and he's thanking all the gods in heaven that he saw her.

He told himself that this day will be for the two of them only because maybe tomorrow they won't be like this again.. not as free as this..

Just like what the both have decided, they stayed at the Han river until night. They're now waiting for the fireworks. Since Yoona doesn't know any about it, Sehun wants to show it to her and tell her how beautiful it was.

When the fireworks display starts Yoona can't do anything but to fell amaze "Omo! Sehun-ah! It's so pretty!! Can I touch it?" She exclaimed gesturing her hands up like she's touching the sky

Sehun chuckled "No, you can't touch it. It's up there." Sehun said pointing the sky "It's to high, you can't reach it."

"Did you know that, everything is possible?" Yoona mumbles still looking at the fireworks "If you believe you can do it, then you can. If you really want something, there will always be a way to get it."

Sehun is staring at Yoona's face, I really wish I can do what I want. I just want to be with you, Yoona.. I want to know the ways how can I keep you by my side..

Yoona looked at him "Amazing isn't? Someone I don't remember told me that, it was just playing in my mind." She giggled

After watching the fireworks, Sehun decided to take Yoona home. At the middle of their walk the snow fall. Sehun held Yoona's hand to keep her warm whilst Yoona is enjoying the snow.

He suddenly felt his phone vibrates, it was Seohyun again. She's been calling him for almost 80× this day. "You should answer it, don't make others worry when you're really okay." Yoona mumbles, he was about to complain when Yoona let go of his arm and stand in front of a store. "I'll stay here, go on."

Sehun nodded and stepped few meters away before he answered the call. After just seconds, Sehun went back at her with unexplainable expression. "Yoona, I have to get something. Wait here, okay?" Sehun said

And before Yoona could make an answer, he already left. Leaving Yoona alone. "I.. I will.." she whispered "I will wait, Sehun."

But hours passed, Sehun didn't came back. "Yah! Move aside, I'm going to close my store!" The owner yelled

"A-Ajhussi.. don't turn off the lights outside please.. I'm still waiting—"

"I don't care! Stop waiting and go home! He'll never come back! Aish! Kids this days!" The owner exclaimed.

Yoona moved aside, the owner closed the store and left, leaving her with darkness "Ani, Sehun will come back, he said he will." She said to herself

She lean her back on the wall and sat hugging her knees, its still snowing and its already getting late but she will still wait.

Another hour passed still no signs of Sehun and she never thought darkness can be this scary. "Sehun-ah.. where are you?" She asked as if Sehun could hear her "Come here now, I'm afraid.."

20 minutes passed still no Sehun. She can feel her eyelids getting heavy when a group of drugged and drunk men appeared "Dude, we're all lucky tonight. Look what we saw here." One of the guys said

"We don't need to hire a fck girl tonight and in fact, look at her face. It's pretty!"

"W-who a-re you?" Yoona asked, she's more than afraid now, one of them grabbed her arm pulling her up but she insist, Sehun will take her home. "Please leave.. I-I'm w-waiting for Sehun."

"That Sehun you're talking about won't come here, just come with us and we will make you happy tonight."

"No!! He'll come back here!" She exclaimed making them irritated

One of them grabbed her up by force and pinned her on the wall "stop complaining and make us happy tonight!!" It yelled. The others are talking which will follow after him.

Yoona's knees felt jelly because of fear, she can't even move. The guy pinning her both hands on the wall start removing her coat. Sehun.. you said you'll come back.. where are you? Why did you left me? I'm afraid.. she closed her eyes and about to gave up when she heard a shout.

"Get your hands off of her!!" Someone yelled, anger can hear the way it speaks

"Yoona unnie!!" Irene yelled crying and went near her and hugged her.

The next thing she saw is Luhan, Taeyong and Kai are beating the six guys who wants to harassed her. After more beating, the six guys ran with many bruises on their face and body.

Luhan immediately went near Yoona. Yoona felt afraid, she's still afraid. She doesn't want that to happen, she felt so alone and unsafe. She needs someone to lean on and the person he want to be here was gone.

She saw Luhan running towards her, trembling with fear she grabbed Luhan's coat, Luhan hugged her tight and that was the time she let out

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