Angel 21

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Seohyun saw Sehun and Luhan talking outside near the fountain, she was surprised of seeing them laughing with each other. As far as she knows, Luhan stopped hanging out with Sehun and their friends after he knew that Seohyun have feelings for him while Sehun and her were still together.

Seohyun was not fully recovered from her coma, she still have to undergo some therapy. Tiffany and Krystal doesn't want to allow her attending the party but she insist because she wants to see Luhan. Yes, not Sehun but Luhan.

She was about to approach Sehun and Luhan when she heard someone calling Sehun's name. She saw an unfamiliar girl with gray eyes running toward their location, she saw that very moment how Sehun and Luhan's eyes glows as they saw the girl.

She felt someone's presence beside her and saw Tiffany looking at the same sight. "She's Yoona." She mumbles

Seohyun returned her gaze to the girl talking to idiot looking Sehun and Luhan. "Is she Sehun's relative?" She asked

"No, she's just the girl who's taking Sehun and Luhan away from you." Tiffany answered

Seohyun looked at Yoona's face "but she looks so harmless, I don't think she can do such things." She admits because that's her real opinion by just looking into Yoona's face.

"That's what you think, did you see how Sehun and Luhan's eyes glows when they saw her?" Tiffany asked, she remember what she saw a while ago when the girl approached them "I know you noticed it. Get what is yours Seo, get Sehun back and make Luhan fall for you. Let that Yoona know that you can also do what she can."

"B-but.. I don't want to hurt any of them.."

"So you'll just let them fall for her and hurt their feelings?"

"N-no.. but—"

"Oh hush, Seohyun. Look at them." Tiffany said, Seohyun followed. She saw Yoona grabbed their hands and pulled them inside far away from her. "She took them away, you want to talk to them right? But she just took them away."

Seohyun can see how Luhan and Sehun enjoying Yoona's company together with the others. Tiffany pulled her inside where they can see the scene clearly.

She saw how Taeyong and his friends get along with Yoona and she must admit that Taeyong never been that close to her back then. Same with Jessica, they never been that close before unlike how close Yoona to Jessica.

She continued watching what's happening, Tiffany is just letting her with a smirk on her lips.

Seohyun saw how Sehun dragged Yoona on the dance floor, how he wrapped his arms on Yoona's waist, she never thought that Sehun will be that happy without her. She saw the way Luhan looked at them from afar, she saw how Luhan's eyes hurt upon seeing Sehun running towards Yoona whilst laughing.

Seohyun felt hurt, too much pain to her measure. It really pains her seeing Luhan obviously inlove with that girl, she can't understand how they both fall for that girl in just 2 months? She's been in coma for just 2 months and everything seemed different.

Luhan never fell for her and to add that Sehun never been that sweet when they're together in public places. So everything she sees are new for her and it caused her too much pain.

She felt hot fluid flowing from her eyes, Tiffany start caressing her back "so, are you ready to take back what is yours?" Tiffany asked

Seohyun being blinded with pain and confusion nodded "I-I will, unnie."she answered making Tiffany grinned

"Good choice, now let's start." Tiffany said before she went up on the stage with a smirk on her pretty face "Hi everyone, hope you're enjoying our ball. I'm here with someone.."

Seohyun wiped the last teardrop on her cheek before she went up the stage, joining Tiffany. Everyone's attention are on them. Seohyun slowly removed her mask and looked at Jessica and Yoona. She can hear the gasps and murmurs of the other students.

Her gaze finally to Sehun who's currently shock "Hey, Sehun. I'm back, did you missed me?" She asked

Sehun felt weak, he can't even move in his current position "S-Seohyun?" Was the only thing who came out from his mouth

Luhan immediately ran towards them. "S-Seohyun? Y-you're awake?" He stuttered

Seohyun smirk "Yeah, why? Are you all expecting me to die already?" She asked. No one dares to speak.

Jessica held Yoona's arm tighter. Seohyun looked at Yoona and gave her a cold glare. Luhan immediately covered Yoona behind him making Seohyun's heart broke into tiny pieces. The man he loves is protecting someone from her.

Taeyong went to them with Irene. Irene held Yoona's other arm. "Luhan hyung, did you know about this?" Taeyong asked

Luhan shook his head "No, I don't have any idea.." he answered honestly

Seohyun went down, she stood up in front of Sehun. "Aren't you going to hug your girlfriend, Sehun?" She asked

Sehun stayed in his surprised expression. Without receiving any response, Seohyun hugged Sehun. "I'm your girlfriend in case you forgot." She mumbles

Sehun's eyes turned into deep black because of unknown emotion. He knew from that very moment that his life will be doomed.

While Yoona on the other hand, ducked her head down. The sight of Sehun hugging someone, creates an unfamiliar feeling inside her chest. She knows that there's something hurting inside and she doesn't know why it hurt so much. She grabbed the hem Luhan's tux for support because she felt her knees weakening.

Luhan immediately looked at her and held her both cheek to looked up at him "Are you okay?" He asked, worried. Yoona didn't gave any response, she's just looking into Luhan's eyes "Jessica please take her away from here."

Jessica and Irene nodded and they dragged Yoona outside the venue and stay on one of the benches on the wide field of their school. Irene went inside again to get some food because Yoona said she wants to eat.

Irene is currently running back towards the party. She grabbed the huge plate on the table and put every food she sees. She can see Sehun and Luhan standing in front of Seohyun. She's trembling because of nervousness, no one expect that this will happen, she doesn't want to know whom will Sehun choose.

She got interrupt when someone tapped her shoulder "Hey, miss.." she looked behind and saw an alien mascot "Don't get all the foods, I want to eat later."

"I.. I'm sorry.." she muttered

"I'm Taehyung, you are?"



"T-Taeyong senpai?"

"Aniyo, I'm Tae-Hyung!"

"Whatever, I'm Irene. I need to go, I have to give this to Yoona unnie." She said before she ran outside leaving the guy wearing an alien mascot.


"Since when did you wake up, Seohyun?" Luhan asked. He's standing beside Sehun whose not even showing any emotions

"That's not important, the important thing here is I'm still alive to take what is mine." She answered "Why did you let that girl go? I still want to talk to her and tell her that she's flirting my boyfriend."

"Shut up, no one's flirting with someone." Sehun sternly said

"Liar, I just saw everything, Sehun." She insist

"Don't act like that, Seohyun." Luhan said "Let Sehun and Yoona alone, you already ditch Sehun by not accepting his propo—"

"SHUT UP!" She yelled shutting Luhan from speaking "You know why I did that!"

Luhan gazed away, he knows that Seohyun loves him and their parents already agreed to have an arrange married between him and Seohyun. The thing here is he never agrees to any of it.

"I know you still love me, Sehun." She mumbles, Sehun can't look directly into her eyes "Say it.. I know you love me still, say it. Say that you love me."

"Stop it, Seohyun noona." Taeyong butted in "Don't let my hyung choose."

"I'm not asking you, Taeyong." She said between gritted teeth "I know you don't like me and for the first place, Sehun doesn't have the rights to choose because I'm his girlfriend!"

"Why are you acting like this when you already dump him? When you leave him hanging that night? Why can't you just let my hyung live happy with someone who deserves his love?!" Taeyong exclaimed, Ten and Jaehyun held his both shoulders while Mark hugs him

Seohyun can't say any words in return. She was taken aback with Taeyong's questions. "You shouldn't start any fight, Seohyun." Luhan mumbles

"No way! Sehun is mine! He's mine!" She yelled, Tiffany held her "I will make that girl's life wretched!"

"Anyone Seohyun, but not Yoona!!" Sehun yelled back, he can't take his emotions and Seohyun's stupidity anymore. "Stop this craziness, don't listen to what Tiffany told you! Don't be blind!"

"Tiffany unnie is just telling me the truth! She's the only person whose been honest to me!" Seohyun insist "And stop protecting her because she's just nothing but a slut who—" A hard slap stopped her, "why did you—"

"I just don't like you and I hate you!" Jessica exclaimed who just enter the scene, everyone is surprised of what she did. "Sehun, Luhan. I need help." Jessica said making Luhan and Sehun looked at her "Yoona ran somewhere we don't know, Irene is finding her now but we can't really see her, she's.. she's looking for you, Sehun.."

Sehun and Luhan's eyes widen. Sehun was about to move when Seohyun's hold stopped him "Don't go.." she mumbles "k-kajima Sehun-ah.." she said once again slightly bowed and Sehun knows that she's already crying

"But Sehun, Yoona might be cold. Snow is falling and she doesn't have any coat with her." Jessica said

Sehun's current situation is difficult than anyone thinks, he can't made his mind with just one decision, but he knows who's more important.. its his happiness..

He put Seohyun's hands down, he was a bit surprised that Seohyun didn't hold him back. He already took three steps when Seohyun suddenly speak. "Runaway, go and run away from me, Sehun." She said, her voice broke "Run and leave me alone just like what my parents always did to me, just like how my oppa leaves me."

Sehun can't move that very moment guilt hit him, he knows every stories about Seohyun's past. Her parents doesn't love her as their daughter, for them she's just like an expensive thing that they can trade to anything who's more expensive. And her most downfall is when his brother who's been her strength leave her without saying any goodbye.

A tear fell from Sehun's eyes, he immediately wiped it before turning back and walk towards Seohyun. He tapped Luhan's shoulder. They looked into each other's eyes.

Luhan get what Sehun wants to say, he nodded and ran outside to find Yoona. Jessica is looking at Sehun in disgust "I don't know you can't choose your happiness, Sehun." She mumbles before she ran outside followed by Kris.

"I hate you for being not manly enough to choose her, hyung." Taeyong said before he follows Jessica and Kris.

Seohyun hugged him "I'm glad you chose me." She whispered, Sehun didn't hugged back

Tiffany grinned and went on the stage again with her triumph expression "Okay, guys! The drama is enough, enjoy the party." She exclaimed and the music starts again.


Luhan is running around the school but he can't still find Yoona. He was about to take another round when he felt his phone vibrates inside his pocket, he immediately grabbed it and read the message.

From: Sehun
Hyung, try finding her at the rooftop. When you see her please hug her for me and tell her I'm sorry..

I'm sorry, Luhan hyung..

Luhan immediately went towards the rooftop and saw Yoona sitting on the same spot where Sehun is always sitting. She's hugging her knees, head ducked down and trembling because of the cold.

Luhan stand in front of her without her knowing, he remove his coat and place it on Yoona's body. Yoona immediately looked up "Se—" suddenly she felt sadness covered her whole being, she's expecting him.. "L-Luhan.."

"I know you're expecting him.." he mumbles, he helped Yoona stood up then he hugged her. Yoona was a little bit surprised "Just imagine that he's me."

Yoona hugged him back, she liked the warmth coming from Luhan's body. She gently shook her head "Even I'm expecting Sehun to pick me up here, your presence as Luhan yourself is already enough. Gomawo, Luhan." She mumbles making Luhan's heartbeat fast.

"Why did you runaway?" He asked

"I didn't, I just want to go here. Whenever I'm here I feel at peace because its the closest place here to heaven." She answered honestly

"But the heaven is far, far away from here." Luhan said as he starts brushing Yoona's hair with his hand

"I know, but it looks like I can reach the heaven. I want to go back there now." She whispered

Luhan didn't hear the last sentence Yoona muttered but he just let it slip "Sehun said, he was sorry."

"For what?"

"Ask him when you talk to him."

Yoona nodded "I want to go home now, Luhan." She said then looked at Luhan "Can you tell Irene and Taeyong that I want to go home? They can still enjoy the party, I'll just go home by myself."

"No, I know they're going with you. Besides, the party was not that enjoyable now."

"Did I messed the party, Luhan? Is it my fault? I'm sorry.."

"No, no. Don't think like that. Let's go, I'll take you home. Let's call Irene and Taeyong, I know they also want to go home." Luhan said, Yoona smile and nodded. Luhan held her hand and they start walking downstairs

They saw Irene, Jessica, Taeyong and Kris at the entrance. Upon seeing Yoona, Irene and Jessica hugged her. Irene sobs harder "u-unnie.. where did you go? We've been so worried!" She whined

"She's right! You know I can punch that woman on her face if you want, you shouldn't run like that." Jessica added

"I'm sorry, Irene, Jessica." Yoona said, the two pulled from the hug "I'm okay, I just want to feel at peace."

"Noona, do you want to go home?" Taeyong asked, Yoona nodded "Okay, let's go home. I think I can drive."

"No, its dangerous if you'll drive, Taeyong." Kris butted in making Taeyong pout "Luhan, can you take them home?"

"That's my plan, Kris hyung." Luhan answered, Kris smiled at him and he returned the gesture

They was about to walk when three familiar figures exited the party. They saw Tiffany, Seohyun and Sehun.

Yoona was about to approach Sehun but he just walked past by them with his head ducked down, they can't even see his face.

Yoona heard Taeyong and Kris cursed, Irene starts crying again and Jessica is murmuring some black magic to Sehun, while her? She just felt the first heartache of her life. She felt her heart broke into tiny pieces. She never imagine that it'll be this painful.

Neither did they know,

Sehun is crying..



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