Telling Ayato was the hardest part, now that that it was over and done with, (Y/N) felt free and weightless, almost as light as a feather
After she told Ayato, the next day she visited her best friends, Aito and Cho and after a long anime marathon, she told them. Of course Cho cried and hugged her and ranted on about how much she'd miss (Y/N) and how Aito would be insufferable without (Y/N) to keep him in line.
Aito, however, just nonchalantly placed a bet, wagering that (Y/N) would miss him before she even got on the plane. What are best friends for? But (Y/N) could tell, behind all the nonchalance and laid back playfullness, that Aito would really miss her because she'd miss him alot. They've been best friend for as long as she could remember, even before Cho walked into their lives and made it a triple package.
After telling everyone in person, (Y/N) began packing. Packing was almost symbolic because it made her feel like that was the final step to confirm that it was actually happening; she was leaving Tokyo for while. Of course, there wasn't much to pack since half her belongings were burnt to crisp at Anteiku, but just the ones that were with her at Genna's place.
Throughout the whole time, Genna was nothing but supportive and that made (Y/N) feel better. They packed up what little belongings she had left for the trip to America.
When the day to actually leave came by, she felt like she was gonna be sick. She couldn't believe that she was gonna leave Tokyo and that it was actually happening until Genna woke her up with breakfast in bed and ranted on about America and how great it was as she picked up the things (Y/N) forgot to pack and packed them in the suitcase.
The sandwhich tastes like sponge and the juice seemed to be a bit too sweet for her all of a sudden scratchy throat.
" . . . And then there's your nephew's, who are all sooo excited for today. They Skyped me a few hours ago and told me they were gonna wait suuper early and Brianna and Brian decorated your room. I told them all about what you like so they went crazy and it actually looked nice but you'll see when we get there I guess." She trailed off as she saw the distracted look on (Y/N)'s face.
Genna paused her folding and placed it aside before sitting next to (Y/N). The bed dipped at her weight but (Y/N) didn't even seem to realize that Genna had stop ranting and was now sitting beside her.
"Hey, you okay?" Genna asked gently.
(Y/N) sighed and dropped the glass of juice on the tray. "I just--it's just that I don't know if what I'm doing is right? And I'm so conflicted, I'm just so confused."
Genna smiled softly. "You never truly know if the choices you make a right or wrong, but I think all choices are right, even if their wrong because if they are wrong, then you learn a valuable lesson from them, so you do get something good out of a wrong decision."
"I think you're right. I'm just getting jittery."
"(Y/N)-chan. Do you want this?" Genna asked.
(Y/N) paused for a second, but just a fraction of a second before her reply came. "Yes. Besides. It's not like I'll be gone forever, ya know?" She mustered a smile.
Genna grinned and clapped her hand enthusiastically. "That's the spirit! Now have a bath, we leave for the airport in 30 minutes."
Genna picked up the tray and made her way out.
(Y/N) smile dropped as she got off her bed. I am making the right choice . . . Right?
After she got ready, they put the suitcases in the trunk and drove off to the airport. The drive didn't last as long (Y/N) had hoped and it felt like it was just a five minute drive instead of a twenty minute drive. The passing scenery flashed by like a blur even though Genna was driving lower than the standard speed limit.
By the time they were at the airport, (Y/N) felt a bit anxious. She just wanted all of this to be over soon. Genna offered her a warm smile as they began walking towards the entrance.
"Hey, you're not gonna leave without a final goodbye from us, whether you like it or not." Aito's smooth voice said from behind her.
(Y/N) turned and she grinned hugely when she saw everyone. There was Renji, Aito, Cho, Touka, Hinami, and Nishiki. Everyone but . . . She tried not to think about his absence.
(Y/N) dropped her suitcase and practically jumped on him. "You're all here!" She squealed.
"Of course we are, (Y/N)-chan. You're not getting rid of us that easily." Aito smirked. (Y/N) simply grinned and hugged the life out of him. Next to him stood Cho,
"I'm gonna miss you soo much!" Cho cried out and jumped on (Y/N), strangling her in a bear hug.
"I'll miss you too." (Y/N) choked out, since Cho was pretty much cutting off her circulation
Aito patted Cho in the shoulder and gently pulled her crying form off of poor suffocating (Y/N).
"Oh Aito, I'm gonna really miss her." Cho sobbed into his shoulder. Aito patted her back.
"There, there."
(Y/N) smiled at the sight of the two lovers and moved to Touka.
"So . . . I guess this is temporary goodbye, huh?" (Y/N) said sadly.
Touka rolled her blue eyes. "Geez, you people make it sound like a bad thing. Have fun (Y/N), I'll see ya later."
(Y/N) chuckled and hugged Touka. Touka, who isn't usually used to this type of show of affection, just patted (Y/N) in the back awkwardly. But her cold eyes showed how bad she'd really miss the (H/C) haired girl.
(Y/N) pulled away and smiled sadly at her. Touka knew her sadness ran deeper than just saying goodbye to her.
"You know, it's hard saying goodbye to the person you love the most. And for him, it's different. He wanted to be here, I know that much. But I also know, that it would have pained him to watch you walk away so easily."
(Y/N) blinked away her tears and nodded. "I know. It pains me too."
Hinami was next. She was holding her pet bird and had it in a small cage.
(Y/N) knelt down and peered into the cage. "Hello there." She cooed at the bird.
"I want you to have it." Hinami said softly.
(Y/N) looked up at Hinami, she suddenly looked more mature and wise. After all that she's been through, (Y/N) wasn't surprised.
"You sure?"
Hinami nodded and offered her the cage. (Y/N) stood up and took it and Hinami hugged her tightly. Hinami looked at (Y/N) as though she were her bigger sister. Only (Y/N) could really relate to what Hinami went through.
(Y/N) smiled softly and hugged her back.
"I'll miss you Hinami-chan."
"Me too onē-chan."
(Y/N) released her and moved on to the next person.
"Bring me back a souvenir, will you." Nishiki practically ordered.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully. "Sure. Would you like that in a wrapping? Or just in a gift bag?"
"Wrapping." Nishiki replied after pondering it.
"Done." (Y/N) chirped.
Nishiki grinned down at her and ruffled her (H/C) hair. "I might miss you, kid."
(Y/N) grinned up at him. "I might miss you too."
She moved on to the next person, who was Renji.
Renji simply smiled down at her and she hugged him. He smiled and hugged her back.
When all was done, she wiped her tears and walked to Genna who witnessed the heart throbbing scene with a warm, sad smile.
"Hey kid!" Nishiki called.
(Y/N) turned and stared at all their smiling faces as if this would be the last time she'd see them again, even though she knew she'd be back.
"Don't look back." Nishiki said.
(Y/N) smiled and turned and walked towards the terminal. She paused as she gave her ticket, wanting so badly to turn and have a final glimpse but Nishiku's words rang in her head.
"Don't look back."
(Y/N) smiled and gave her ticket. She didn't turn after that.
When they were finally seated in the plane, (Y/N) looked out the window and finally allowed herself to think of him. Of how she'd miss how perfectly she fit into his arms, of how every time he touched her, she felt electricity spark through her veins. She though of how every time he kissed her, it left her breathless, of how gently he held her as if she could shatter into a million pieces if he held her otherwise. She thought of how she'd miss running her fingers through his soft tousled blue hair and how she'd miss staring intently into his blue eye's. She thought of his obnoxious smirk and his husky voice that always left shivers trailing down her spine.
She'd miss the smallest things, like the look of pure annoyance he'd get whenever she'd irritated him, she'd miss the usual scowl on his face and the way his cold eyes would narrow. She'd also miss his kagune, and how beautiful and rare it was. She'd miss his ghoulish eyes, their red and black. Most of all, she'd miss his presence.
A hand on hers brought her back to earth. She turned and Genna smiled warmly at her.
"It'll be okay. I swear." She smiled as she gave (Y/N)'s hands a reassuring squeeze.
(Y/N) forced a smiled back and turned to the window. She leaned her head against the clear glass and closed her eyes. She drowned out the pilots voice as he announced their departure. She drowned out the plane's engine as it roared to life. She barely felt the plane move. The next thing she knew, they were in the air and Tokyo looked as tiny as an ant.
A tear rolled down her cheek.
I'll be back Ayato-kun. I promise.
Ayato stood on the rooftop of the three storey building, his hands in the pocket of his jacket as the wind whipped and tousled his blue hair around his handsome face and ruffled his clothes against his tall, lean frame. He looked up at the plane in the sky, the plane he knew had (Y/N) inside.
He sighed.
Goodbye, Shrimp.
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