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Previously on "Fallen Angel" (lol, couldn't resist)



"I've made up my mind. I'm gonna come with you to America."


"I'm sorry what?" Genna blurted, not bothering to hide the shock in her voice.

(Y/N) sat back up and leaned her head back against the wall. "Look, I know I haven't been easy on you, even if you deserved it and I blamed you for things you weren't the cause of but in the end, there's just you and me. You said that family always comes first, that you had to be there for one another. I know you really want me to come with you, and I know that I can't lose you again."

Genne blinked, astounded. "I-I-I mean I'm thrilled that you decided to come with me and all but are you sure?" She stammered out.

(Y/N) nodded. "Yes. I am."

Genna shook her head. "No, what about Touka, and Hinami. What about everyone else? You sure you wanna leave?"

"I'm not gonna leave for good. I'll come back one day."

Genna didn't respond. She suddenly felt like the bad guy. She knew how attached Hinami, Touka and Renji was to her, was (Y/N) prepared to say goodbye? Then again, (Y/N) wouldn't be gone for long, she'd be back soon.


"Please don't say any more. I've already made up my mind." (Y/N) muttered. For once, (Y/N) actually looked mature and at ease. Genna knew she had made up her mind and there was no changing it.

Genna sighed and pulled (Y/N) into her arms. She kissed the top of (Y/N)'s hair as she leaned her head on her shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you. I promise you, you won't regret it." Genna murmured.

(Y/N) frowned slightly. Is it bad if I already am?

After a shower and heavy breakfast by Genna to 'celebrate', (Y/N) left to go see Touka and Hinami. (Y/N) wanted to tell them that she was leaving with Genna in a few days. Genna had insisted on staying a few more weeks but (Y/N) refused. She knew that if she stayed longer here, then she'd definitely a

(Y/N) had already spoken to them a few days ago. Hinami looked agitated and cautious while Touka looked sad, yet she remained as cold as before. Nishiki had dissappeared after breaking up with his human girlfriend. That was all that was left of a beautiful family.

When (Y/N) arrived, she was met at the door by Hinami who squealed and cried out her name as she tackled poor (Y/N) into a bear huge.

(Y/N) chuckled and hugged the brunette back. "Hey Hinami-chan."

Hinami pulled back and took her hand. "Come on in, Touka will be so happy to see you!" Hinami exclaimed cheerfully as she dragged (Y/N) into the bar.

(Y/N) smiled at the adorable girl and looked around. The bar was half empty with the occasional ghouls sitting in the dark corners.

Touka was sitting in one of the stools and when she saw Hinami wave with (Y/N) behind her, she smiled and stood up to hug her.

(Y/N) embraced the blue haired beauty in a warm hug. "I missed you." She mumbled.

Touka smiled. "Me too, kiddo."

After they hugged they sat by the bar and drank tea while Touka filled (Y/N) in on what was going on. Turns out Hinami wanted to join Aogiri Tree and Touka was soon going to start her own coffee shop. Soon the conversation shifted to her.

(Y/N) gazed at the blue haired girl that she considered a big sister and at the pretty and young brunette who viewed (Y/N) as her big sister and best friend.

"Actually . . . There is something I have to tell you guys."

"Yeah?" Touka nodded for her to continue.

(Y/N) swallowed and looked down at her fidgeting fingers. "I, uh, I'm going with Genna. I'm going back with her."

There was no response and (Y/N) looked up, wincing as she imagined what their faces would be like. What she sees shocks her.

Hinami and Touka glanced at each other with a knowing glint in their eyes.

Hinami grabbed (Y/N)'s hand. "We knew you'd go back with her onē-chan."

(Y/N) blinked, shocked.

Touka smiled. "You have a chance at real family. Something all of us wish we had. If you weren't going, I'd have knocked you out unconscious and thrown you into the plane myself."

(Y/N) was at loss of words. This was definitely not going as she planned.

"I don't know what to say . . . "

"You don't have to worry about us, kiddo, or Anteiku. We'll be here when you come by for a visit, which I know you will."

(Y/N) felt tears well up in her eyes as she pulled them both into a hug. She'd miss them a lot.

"I will. Just don't forget me."

"That won't be possible." Touka chuckled.

After they got that aside they talked for hours. Finally Hinami had to go feed Hetare, her pet bird, which left Touka and (Y/N) alone.

"So did you?" Touka asked.

(Y/N) sipped her tea and glanced at Touka. "Did  I do what?"

"Did you tell Ayato?" Touka asked.

And just like that (Y/N) felt anxious and sweaty. The whole reason she came here first and spent half the day here was because she was collecting her thoughts and trying to calm her nerves.

She sighed and slumped in her chair, her face buried under her hand.

"No." She mumbled. "I-I don't know if I can."

"Don't worry, you're going for a while. You need this. The worst my brother could do is punch a hole in a wall."

"That makes me feel better." (Y/N) groaned sarcastically.

Touka chuckled at (Y/N)'s behavior. "He loves you. I didn't think he'd ever be able to love anyone again, but you made it possible. All you have to do is tell him, before it's too late."

(Y/N) sat up. Touka was right. She was just wasting time here. She'd be leaving in a three days time. She had to tell him now, while she still had the guts to.

"You're right."

Touka and her talked for a while before she said bye to them. She was hoping to see Renji but they said he wouldn't be back till late so (Y/N) had to go before the sun went down. It was 3:32 pm now.

On her way to Ayato's apartment, she contemplated what she would say. She took the longest route possible and thought of every scenario possible. She rehearse what she would say, over and over again in her head.

When she was finally at the door she froze. Her mind went static and she just lost it. It was like she wasn't in control of her body anymore as she turned around and walked out of the apartment building.

Maybe she'd come tomorrow after thinking a lot about what she was going to say to him.

With a groan she decided to just walk since walking helped her think. Before she knew it, she found herself standing in front of the building in the forest with the sphere shaped roof. It was the perfectly place to think.

She tucked her hand in her pocket as she walked into the abandoned building and made her way upstairs.

She gasped as she saw the view. It looked even better during the day and would be perfect for the coming sunset.

(Y/N) smiled and sat down. There was a few broken pieces of the glassed sphere in the corner and a few butterflies flew in. (Y/N) chuckled and sat perfectly still as one of the blue butterflies landed on her nose.

"Need to think?" A deep voice asked, making (Y/N)'s blood run cold and her heart to skip a beat.

(Y/N) gasped and turned. Her eyes instantly met with Ayato's clear blue eye's and she swallowed.

"A-Ayato-kun . . . " she stammered, her eyes wide. The whole reason she walked away from his apartment was to have more time to herself to practice what she was going to say and now here he was. It was almost like the universe itself was forcing her to just spit it out.

He walked over to her and sat down next to her.

They didn't talk, all they did was remain in a comfortable silence, gazing at the view. Each seemed to be deep in thought.

Though the silence was gold and comforting, for (Y/N) his presence only added pressure to the whole situation. She wasn't sure where to start.

It was getting pretty late. The sun was beginning to set and it's afternoon beams of sunlight bathed them both under its golden rays.

(Y/N) sighed through her nose as she looked down. Her fingers fidgeted and a lump formed in her throat.

She didn't know how she was gonna do it. She didn't know if she was gonna be alright when it was done; when she told him she was leaving.

She shut her eyes as she bit her bottom lip. Didn't she rehearse this a million times in her head? Calculated all his reactions? Even that painstakingly heartbreaking look he was going to give her? Didn't she plan enough for this? Why was it so hard now . . .

A hand covered hers and she opened her (E/C) eye's, immediately turning to Ayato.

He had that half smile half smirk played on his lips as he gazed down at her. His eyes stared intently into hers and she instantly thought of how she'd miss those beautiful blue eyes.

"You okay?" He asked, his eyes showing concern.

(Y/N) couldn't take it anymore. She pulled her hand away and stood up, wrapping it around herself, almost in a securely way.

He was behind her in an instant. She could feel his gaze on her back.

She focused on the sunset and it's beautiful golden streaks. Maybe that would make telling him easier somehow. If she wants looking at him, it wouldn't be so hard.

"I have to tell you something." She said, almost surprised when her voice didn't come out as a weak whisper,

"What is it, Shrimp?"

She inhaled, held her breath for three seconds, then she let go.

"I'm leaving." She breathed.

There was silence and she heard him suck in his breath. She wasn't sure she wanted to turn around. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she willed herself to be strong.

"What?" Ayato murmured, not bothering to hide his shock. He sounded deflated and she felt tears well up in her eyes.

"I'm leaving . . . With Genna. I'm going to America and--" she froze, her eyes going wide when she suddenly felt his arms wrap around her from behind. He placed his chin on her head, just like he'd done for countless times. He hugged her tightly against his body.

"Tell me you're joking. Tell me it's a lie." He whispered quietly.

(Y/N) felt her heart shatter into a million peices then and there just listening to how helpless he sounded. Tears welled up in her eyes and she shut it. A tear rolled down her cheek as she held his hand and slowly undid it from around her waist.

She turned around slowly. She didn't want to see his face, because she knew it would break her heart even more, but she had to.

She slowly looked up and her eyes instantly met with his clear blue eyes.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as another tear slipped down her cheek.

"No. Shrimp, you're just in grief. You just have to think about this clearly before making any irrational decision." He said, his hands cupping her cheeks. He ran his thumbs over her cheeks. Her eyes slipped shut and more tears rolled down her cheeks. He wiped them away, staring down at her face with a mixture of emotions flashing in his blue eyes.

"I wish it was that. I really do." She whispered, her voice cracking.

"What do you mean?"

She opened her eyes and looked up at him. "I'm leaving in a week, Ayato-kun."

His breath hitched as he shook head, his hands dropping. He staggered back, as if she just hit him.

"In a week?" He said through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowed.


"You're leaving in a week?!" He yelled.

All she could do was nod weakly

He growled and screamed in frustration. (Y/N) flinched but he didn't notice, too blinded by anger.

Ayato turned to the metal wall and pounded it. Each time his fist would make contact the more he'd cuss and scream at the wall.

(Y/N) bit her bottom lip to stop the trembling as more tears cascaded down her cheeks. She didn't like seeing him like this, it only broke her heart even more. She couldn't do anything but watch as he belted out his anger. Knowing Ayato, it'd be a while.

He kept yelling and pounding at the wall until he slowed down. He was panting and breathing hard as he glared at the wall. She almost felt sorry for it.

(Y/N) walked up to him and stood behind him. He didn't turn.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him from behind, just like he did to her a moment ago.

Ayato's fist unclenched and he felt all the anger evaporate when she hugged him. Her touch alone warded off all his inner demons . . . How could he let her go when he needed her so bad?

" . . . Ayato-kun. I love you so so much." She choked out, her voice cracking. This must've been what it was like for him. When he walked away. Only difference was, back than they weren't inlove with each other, they were just two kids unsure what their feelings were for one another. But it was more difficult.

Ayato eye's widened and he turned around. She was looking down, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Then don't leave me." He whispered, he sounded like a broken record as he gently tugged her chin upwards.

She gazed into his deep blue eyes, contemplating her decision when a thought hit her.

"Maybe I don't have to." She whispered, and Ayato furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ayato-kun. Come with me." She said urgently, clutching his hands.

"What?" He sounded perplexed, dropping his hands to his side.

"Come away with me. We can start over, we can be together, far away from all this." She said, taking his hands. Why hadn't she thought of this before? That way she could still be with the one person she loved more than anything and still be away from everything that caused her pain.

She was smiling now, happy she had that idea.

"No, Shrimp." Those words made her smile drop.

"What? Why?"

Ayato inhaled through his nose and shut his eyes as he pulled his hands away from her. He turned around, his back facing her.

"I can't leave Tokyo, okay?" His voice was gruff and low.

"You can't leave Tokyo, or you can't leave Aogiri Tree?" (Y/N) asked through gritted teeth.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his tousled blue hair. "It's complicated. You wouldn't understand." Ayato was conflicted. He wanted more than anything to run away with her and start over. But he couldn't, at least not now. Touka had just lost Anteiku and Yoshimura. He needed to protect her now, more than ever.

(Y/N) looked down, her bang covering her eyes. "Or maybe it's not both. Maybe it's something entirely different."

He turned. (Y/N) looked up and smiled at him. "I guess it's only fair. Sometimes we're both so different, yet so alike."

He stared down at her in confusion.

"I'm leaving because I can't lose Genna again. I don't want to lose her because she's the only family in this world that I have left. And you can't leave Tokyo, because of Touka-chan. You can't leave with me because you have to protect your only family left."

Ayato's eyes widened in shock. How had she figured him out? He thought no one could, but somehow she managed to see him for who he truly was.

She chuckled as tears streamed down her cheeks and she wiped them with her palm. It was only fair.

Ayato pulled her into his arms and wrapped his arms around her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around his waist. She hugged him, placing her head against his chest. She could hear his heartbeat, smell his musky scent.

Ayato's placed his chin on her head and hugged her closer to him. He'd miss how perfectly she fit into his arms, he'd miss how soft her hair felt or how she smelt of strawberries and vanilla.

"You know, Shrimp. We could both be selfish. We could choose each other." Ayato murmured softly.

(Y/N) smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks, she nodded. "We could. We could run away together and forget everyone else. Because we'd have each other and nothing else would matter."

Ayato smiled sadly. "But you wouldn't be truly happy."

"You wouldn't either, because we'd look back along the way and regret." She whispered.

"Maybe we could be selfish in another life and choose each other."

"Maybe. I guess that's our character flaw. We care about our family too much." (Y/N) whispered.

Ayato kissed her temple. "Maybe it is."

(Y/N) pulled back and looked up into his eye's. "I'll be back. I can't stay away from you long enough."

He smiled down at her and leaned down, placing his head against hers. "And I'll be here, Shrimp."

(Y/N) tilted her head up and kissed him. He immediately kissed her back. The kiss was slow and in a way, painful yet filled with so much passion.

She pulled away, their noses inches apart. "I love you, Ayato-kun." She breathed.

He smiled and stared into her (E/C) eye's and his heart pounded. She was perfect.

She pouted. "You never say it."

"Say what?"

"That you love me." She replied shyly, her cheeks pink.

Ayato chuckled and cupped her face with his hands. He looked deep into her beautiful (E/C) eyes and (Y/N) was left breathless.

"I love you, (Y/N). I know it sounds stupid and cheesy, but I love you so much it hurts. Because no matter what happens, even when you make me feel weak, even when you're annoying, I can't stop loving you."

(Y/N) grinned and leaned up, placing a light kiss in his lips. "You're right, it is cheesy."

Ayato's smirked. "Something tells me you liked the cheesiness."

She smiled. "Maybe I did."

Ayato smiled down at her, his blue eyes twinkling.

(Y/N)'s smile slowly faltered. " . . . I guess this is it."

"You know our last moment together doesn't need to be sad." He whispered rubbing his nose against hers.

She grinned. "It's not our last Ayato-kun. I'll be back and you better not have a girl in your arms when I do."

He stared down intensely into her (E/C) eyes. "Shrimp, you're the only girl for me. You've been the only one from the moment you gave me that cookie nine years ago."

(Y/N) blushed and buried her face in his neck. "Now you're just making me shy." She mumbled.

Ayato laughed softly and she couldn't help but smile as she felt his chest vibrate from his deep laughter. She pulled back and looked up at him.

He stared down at her and she smiled softly. "You're right you know. Maybe we don't have to live the cliché by waking away from each other in tears."

He smirked as he cupped her soft cheeks in his hands. He winked. "We could do some other stuff . . . "

(Y/N) blushed as his beautiful blue eyes danced with mischief. Before she could respond his lips were on hers and as usual, she lost herself with him. Their lips moved in sync and the passion was almost unbearable.

If only this were another lifetime where I could just be with you forever, Ayato-kun.

You're too perfect for me to deserve you, (Y/N). Maybe this is for the best . . . ?


Please do not jump to conclusions. This isn't the end of the story, it's just the beginning and I know some of you were dreading this - you both separating - but it's not permanent, YOU WILL BE COMING BACK.

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