I woke up the next morning with swollen eyes from crying too much. I got ready and walked down to the Great Hall with Pansy for breakfast. Pastries and breads popped up when Professor Dumbledore clicked his wand on his cup.
"Today I have an announcement, we will be welcoming a new student. Please welcome, Marcus Lopez!" Professor Dumbledore said.
"A new student? We never have new students in the middle of the school year." Pansy whispered to my ear as I clapped.
Marcus walked in, he had curly black hair, brown eyes and a scar on his nose.
"I think I saw him yesterday night when I went outside for a walk." I said, recognizing the curly black hair.
"Come here, let me get you sorted into your house." Professor McGonagoll said.
He walked up to the stool and got the sorting hat placed on his head.
"Slytherin!" The sorting hat said without even thinking.
He walked over to the Slytherin table and sat on the edge of the table, he didn't smile, or talk to anybody whenever someone tried talking to him. He just had a dead look on his face, and just stared at the wall across the room.
"Well, he looks boring." Pansy said, "he's kinda cute though."
"Uh, sure, I guess." I said, looking at him. I felt like I recognized the face from somewhere. But then, he suddenly turned and we made eye contact for a split second. I turned away.
No one knew anything about him, no one knew his parents were, no one knew if he was a pureblood, halfblood or a muggleborn. He just came to Hogwarts in the middle of the school year and no one knows why.
After breakfast, we went to class. Turned out, me and Marcus had almost all of our classes together because we were both in our 5th Slytherin year. I never talked to Marcus though, infact, he didn't talk to anyone, he just stared into space during all of his classes.
A few days went on like this, until we had to work with partners on our potions project. This was a 5th year class with the Slytherin and Gryffindor combined.
"Okay class, so from today we will be working in pairs of 2 for our liquid luck project." Professor Slughorn explained. "I will choose your partners for this project. Pansy with Blaise, Draco with Hermione..."
I realized that my name wasn't called, so I walked up to Professor Slughorn and asked."I think you forgot to call my name sir, who am I with?"
"Oh I'm sorry dear, you're with Marcus." Professor Slughorn told me.
Before I could respond, Draco Malfoy pushed me aside and walked up to Professor Slughorn. "Why did you put me with that Mud- Muggleborn? Can I switch to a better partner please?" Draco said angrily.
Draco and I had all of our classes together, we were frenemies. He can be really annoying sometimes and not really the person I'll go to whenever I need help.
I walked away from them and took a seat next to Marcus, he was writing something in his notebook. It wasn't an ordinary school notebook, it looked more like a diary? I don't know.
"So... whatcha doing? Do you know how to make Liquid luck?" I asked, in the friendliest way possible.
I was trying to be friendly, there was no reason not to be. But he completely ignored me and kept writing something in his notebook.
"Umm, hello? We are partners, can you stop writing and work on this project?" I asked, getting irritated.
"Dude, you have to do your work." I said, in a mean tone.
He didn't stop, or even look at me, so I snatched the notebook from his hands and looked him in the eyes.
"What do you think you're doing? Give it back now." Marcus finally said something, his voice was deep and sounded angry.
"If you will finally stop writing and work on this project with me." I said, holding the notebook near my chest.
"Fine whatever." He finally said, I gave the notebook back to him and we started brewing the Liquid luck.
We barely said anything, the whole time I was asking questions while he only nodded, he barely looked at me either and only focused on the potion.
"So, not much of a talker are you?" I asked playfully.
Marcus didn't even look at me, he just kept adding things into the potion.
"Come on, since you are at Hogwarts, start making some friends!" I said, trying to sound more friendly.
After that, I gave up. The potion was due tomorrow and class was going to be over in a few minutes and we were nowhere near done.
"So, do you want to work on this after school? At the library or something? We need to finish this today." I said, he didn't look at me, just at the potion. "So, yes or no? I'm not doing this by myself, so you kind of have to."
"Fine, library at 4:30." Marcus said, and walked out of the class.
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