Chapter 7- I'll do anything!

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'So, are you two, like, a, like, a couple?'

A random red head suddenly popped out of no where, she was chewing gum loudly and I wanted to punch her, she was one of Emma's minions.
Cole and I had only been in school for 2 minutes, but I guess people would start asking sooner or later.

I looked up at Cole before I looked back at the redhead, Cole grabbed my hand as I smiled, 'Yep.'

She frowned slightly, 'O-, oh, oh, oka-, okay.' She stuttered before she quickly turned around and sped walked around the corner.

'What time shall I come round tonight?' Cole asked as we made our way to my locker, my hand still in his.

I frowned, 'Huh?'

He rolled his eyes before he used his free hand to point at me, 'You,' he then pointed to himself, 'Me,' 'Tutor session.'

'Ohh!' I quickly moved my hand from out of his as I unlocked my locker, 'Any time is good.'

He smirked as he leant against the locker next to mine, 'Straight after school. You don't have a car, so I guess I'll have to drive you.'

'Fine and thanks I guess.' I said quickly as I grabbed my French book.

'Fine.' He replied bluntly.

'Cole! You coming or what?!' One of the jocks shouted as he walked towards us.

'Where are you going?' I asked Cole, curiously.

'Football field trip. We'll be back at lunch.' He sighed.

I slammed my locker shut before replying, 'Ah okay, I'll see you later then.'

He scoffed, 'Hopefully not.'

I rolled my eyes at him as I walked away, I turned my head to glance at Cole, he was now smirking, his eyes on me. I then quickly averted my gaze back to the hallway as I turned a corner.


'Are you coming to Niell's party tonight?' Gee mumbled, her head down on the desk.

It's now 5th period and thankfully 10 minutes until lunch.

' I was going to, but then again, it's a school night, I don't want to have a hangover in school and I'm tutoring Cole this evening.' I replied as I rested my head in my hand.

'So! You've had loads of hangovers in school, or just don't drink. And Coles going to the party tonight, so just come after tutoring, or just tutor him tomorrow.' Gee said quickly as she bolted up.

'Mm, maybe.' I sighed.

Should I go to Niell's tonight? His parties are always the best, but then again, I need to focus on my work. Wait, I always have so much fun at parties, especially Niell's parties, wait, no, my future is more important. Wait a second, hang on! As mum always says, you need to make the most of your teenage years and to do that I guess I need to have fun.

'Aw fuck it! I'll go!' I shouted.

'Olivia Valentine!!! Language!' Mr James yelled.

I blushed as I realized I was still in Science class, I don't usually swear, sometimes I just get these little outbursts of excitement.

'Sorry.' I shouted back.

Everyone's gaze was now on me, 'What?' I yelled feeling extremely confident.

Everyone quickly turned back around to face Mr James.

Gee giggled, 'This is why I love you.'

I smiled at her, my smile widening as the bell rang.
'Finally.' I sighed as I grabbed my bag.

'There he is.' Gee pointed to the table at the far end of the lunch room, Cole was standing next to it talking to a random boy, his bag slouched over his shoulder.

'Oh yeah.' I replied as we made our way to our usual table.

'Ugh, Emma's staring.' Gee whispered as we sat down.

I quickly turned around to look at the big group behind us, Emma was sat on Aaron's lap, her body turned one way but her head turned the other, looking at me.
I fake grinned at her as she gave me a dirty look. The little idiot. My eyes suddenly landed on Cole, who had now sat down at the table next to Alex.

'Liv, come sit here!' Cole shouted as he gestured towards the table.
I quickly looked back at Gee, 'Shall we?' I asked.

Gee smiled, 'Yep.'
We both jumped up before we walked towards Cole.

'Move.' Cole said to two cheerleaders who were sat on the other side of Cole.
The girls scoffed before they quickly jumped up and walked away.

I quickly sat down next to Cole as I sighed.
I had sat at the popular table thousands of times, before I was with Aaron and whilst I was with Aaron. But these last two weeks Gee and I have been sitting at the table next to them.

'Good trip?' I asked Cole, smiling.

He smirked as he wrapped his arm around me, 'It was alright, good day so far?'

I shrugged, 'I guess.'
I looked at all the people sat around the table, Alex was talking to some of the other jocks next to Cole, Gee was talking to one of Coles friends, I think his name is Trent, opposite me were all the cheerleaders, they were all staring at Cole and I, next to them was Aaron and Emma, Emma now had her arms wrapped around Aaron's neck and she was whispering something in his ear, whilst he was staring at Cole, his jaw clenched.

'Are you two a thing?' Aaron suddenly asked, his voice quick and tense.
Emma quickly turned to stare at Cole and I.

'Yeah, of course.' Cole replied calmly as his arm around me tightened.

Aaron squinted as Cole kissed me on the forehead, I blushed slightly as I smiled.

'You owe me.' Cole whispered in my ear as he smirked.

'Yeah, and I'm going to tutor you for it.' I whispered back.

'I know.' He said normally, the smirk remaining on his face.

I raised an eyebrow at him before asking, 'About that, can we do it another night?'

He feigned shock dramatically, 'Excuse me?! Are you being serious!?'

I fake smiled sweetly, 'If we do it another night, then I can go to the party with you tonight.'

He shrugged before whispering, 'Hmm I don't know, if you're not going to teach me some maths, then I'm not going to be your boyfriend, princess.'

'Please Cole,' I started, lowering my voice, 'if I tutor you tonight,then I won't have enough time to get ready for the party and I really really want to go.' I smiled as I battered my eyelashes.

He raised an eyebrow before he laughed.
'Please Cole! I'll do anything!' I pouted as I grabbed the top of his arm, my eyes widened as I felt how muscly they were, I knew he was muscly but damn.

He smirked, his eyes brightening, 'Anything?'

I gulped. Am I really willing to do ANYTHING for COLE WILLIAMS?! THE COLE WILLIAMS! His idea of anything, well, could be anything. Ugh just yolo it Liv!

I nodded, 'Anything.'

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