Chapter 24- It May Have Been Our Second Kiss yet it felt like No1

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'Want me to stay here and keep you company tonight?' Cole smirked as he leaned against the car door.

'I've had enough of your company for one day.' I replied back smirking as I slowly walked up the steps to my house.

'We all know that's not true.' Cole muttered as he walked behind me.

'I can walk to my front door on my own.' I sighed.

'I know you can.' Cole replied as he kept following me up the steps.

'You're annoying.' I sighed as we reached the front porch.

'You love me.' Cole smirked as he rested against the wall opposite the front door.

'I'll see you tomorrow?' I smiled up at him as I took a step closer to him, ignoring his comment.

'I don't know, will you?' He smirked as he looked down at me and leaned in.

'Depends I guess, are you going to school tomorrow?' I asked as I stared at his lips.

'Are you?' He smirked as he slowly wrapped his arms round my waist.

I sighed in reply as I stared at Coles face and wrapped my arms round his neck.
'You really really annoy me.' I sighed.
I stood on my tiptoes as I tried to be the same height as Cole but I was way off.

Cole laughed his deep laugh as he looked down at me before he leaned in even closer.
I smirked slightly. I guess you could say I was excited to kiss Cole again..

'I have a a question.' He smirked as he pulled away from my lips and loosed go of me, leaving me to feel quite confused and disappointed.

I frowned as I folded my arms. 'And that question is?'

'Who's taking you to the Christmas dance on Friday?' He asked as he leaned against the wall again.

I frowned in thought before I smiled to myself, 'Matt.' I smirked.

'What?' Coles face dropped. 'No, he doesn't even go to our school. That's not allowed-'

'I'm joking.' I whispered as I took a step closer to him. Don't even ask why... but I was in the mood for being flirty.

Cole raised his eyebrow as he looked down at me, 'Stop coming close to me.' He muttered.

I frowned. Well that wasn't how I wanted it to turn out...

Cole laughed a high pitch laugh, one I hadn't heard before, it was cute.

I snickered at his laugh, 'What?' I asked.

'I'm joking.' He mimicked my previous words as he stepped closer to me.

I smiled slightly up at Cole. 'Were you going to ask me to the Christmas dance?'

Cole smirked, 'Well.... maybe.'

'I guess I'll go with you.' I replied, feeling excitement bubble up inside me yet I tried to play it cool.

'I'm glad.' He said, the smirk remaining on his face.

'What about that big game tomorrow?' I asked as Cole and I's faces we're just a few centimetres apart.

'Come watch, its at 5.30.' He replied as he leaned in close.

'I will.' I replied before I gulped waiting for Cole to make the first move...
Within a few seconds I felt myself and Coles lips against each other. I smiled into the kiss, his lips were soft, just like before, I felt a tingly sensation in my lips as we kissed more passionately, our lips in sync. I grinned as Cole pulled away for two seconds for a breathe before he pressed his lips against mine once again, this time slower and with less force.
I sighed as we both pulled away for good.

It may have been our second kiss but it still felt like number 1... for now anyway..

'I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow morning.' Cole smirked mischievously, his voice husky as he walked down the steps.

'Yep.' I stuttered quietly.

He was so.. bad.

'Yes.' I sighed as I felt myself getting more annoyed.

'Olivia!' Gee's voice exclaimed through the phone.

'Georgia!' I mimicked her voice, 'Can't we just talk about this in school, it's too early now.' I yawned as I finished my last bit of mascara.

'I can't believe you kissed again, I'm so happy for you-'

'Gee I appreciate your happiness for me and all but I'm really too tired to talk.' I yawned again, cutting her off before I hung up the phone.

Okay, so I know it was rude of me but I'm really not a morning person!

I groaned as I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my phone from my desk before I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I tiredly grabbed a bottle of water as I looked up at the time. 8am. Any minute now..
I jumped as I heard a car toot the horn three times.
I quickly shoved the water into my bag before I rushed out of the house and into Coles car, making sure to lock the front door behind me.

'Alright?' Cole smirked.

I grunted in reply as I slowly plugged my seatbelt in and closed my eyes.

Cole scoffed and I could just tell that he rolled his eyes.

'Don't roll your eyes at me, I'm tired.' I mumbled as I kept my eyes closed.

Cole muttered something under his breath but I'm not sure what.

Before I knew it I realised we were outside school. My eyes fluttered as I stretched my arms above my head.

'Maths first period, princess.' Cole smirked as he turned the car engine off.

I groaned. I hate maths. We have maths everyday. I hate it.
Princess.  I haven't heard Cole call me that in a long time.

I quickly jumped out of the car and so did Cole, everyone's attention was quickly drawn to us.
I groaned again, why can't people just mind their own business?!

'Cole?' I heard a high pitched voice come from behind us as we made our way up the school path.

I knew who it was. Emma.
Emma fucking Saunders!! Who decided to cheat on my-
Breathe Liv.
I guess that when I'm tired I get pretty angry.

'Emma?' Cole replied in a blunt tone, obviously not interested as we both stopped and turned to her.

She gave me a dirty look as she looked me up and down, her platinum blonde hair was curled and resting just over her shoulders. Her face was overly caked in orange foundation, as usual.

'Listen.. El is really upset.' She pouted at Cole before she looked at me and dirty looked me once again.

I frowned at her. I wasn't going to let her get to me. She may belittle everyone, including myself, but I know for a fact she's no better than the piece of dog shit on a dog shit scooper's shoe.

'Right...' Cole furrowed his eyebrows at her.

'Well..' she started as she pointed at me, 'You can't just leave her for.. this thing.'

I scoffed in shock, a wave of anger rushing over me. What a little bitch.
'Excuse me?! You stupid slapper!' I started, yelling, everyone's eyes were now on us, 'You have no right to stand there and refer to me as a thing! You're no better than anyone else here! You need to take your head out of your fake ass and live in the real world! Because then you might notice that nobody actually likes you. You're a horrible bitch who deserves the worst.' I snarled at her as I crossed my arms.

Everyone around us chuckled waiting for Emma to say something. Cole grinned at me.

Emma stuttered slightly as she looked me in the eye before she smirked and folded her arms, 'Well clearly your ex boyfriend likes me. Oh yeah that's right,' she grinned, 'he had sex with me and treated me like I was his girlfriend behind your back, when you were the one he was supposed to be dating.'  She sighed as though she was amazed.  'Now, that's kinda embarrassing isn't it?' She pouted.

A few girls giggled and whispered, they were Emma's friends but luckily no one else really laughed. Aaron wasn't around either and neither were all his friends.

I raised my eyebrows at her and looked her up and down as though I was challenging her, 'I'll tell you what's embarrassing.' I started, 'The fact that you have no self respect.' I pouted. 'You'll flash at any boy who asks.' I sighed loudly and slowly, 'I feel sorry for you to be honest. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for you and Aaron. I really am. I'm glad you've found someone just like you, a horrible piece of shit. I'm not going to say anything else because you're just not worth my time. So, if you could just leave Cole and I alone, that would be much appreciated.' I blew her a kiss before I turned around and walked up to the school doors, Cole by my side.

I smiled to myself as everyone around us bursted out in laughter. Emma was finished. Someone needed to put her in her place. That someone being me.

'You're feisty this morning.' Cole laughed a high pitch laugh as we walked down the school hallway.
People were everywhere waiting for the bell to ring.

'I know.' I sighed in reply as I laughed slightly.

'Alright guys.' Alex smiled as he approached us.

'Yeah bro you?' Cole replied as we all stopped, the boys rested against the lockers and I just stood there with my arms crossed.

'Yeah, yeah. You okay Liv?' Alex smiled.

'Yeah I'm good,' I yawned, 'Just a bit tired.'

'Late night last night?' He smirked as he looked at me then Cole and wiggled his eyebrows.

'Yeah.' I yawned.

Cole smirked at me as he kept quiet and Alex looked quite taken back. 'Well.. nice one Cole.' He grinned.

I frowned before it clicked and I realised what Alex meant. 'Oh noo! Cole and I weren't even together last night.' I winced.

'Sure sure.' Alex nodded dramatically before the bell screeched loudly.

'See you guys later.' Alex sighed before he walked off.

'Ready for the day?' Cole raised an eyebrow at me as though he was talking to a baby.

'No.' I replied childishly as I pouted.

'Chin up princess.' Cole smirked as he squeezed my cheeks.

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