Chapter 20 - The New Girl, El

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'I love you' Cole whispered as he kissed my forehead.

'Please don't go.' I cried as I grabbed his hand.

'I have to.' Cole said quietly as he took a few steps backwards.

'Please Cole!!' I yelled as I felt tears stream down my face.

'I love you.' He whispered again as he jumped off the cliff before Aaron's huge face covered the whole sky.

Aaron laughed an evil laugh as he looked down at me, 'You thought you could get away?!! HAHA-'

'ARGHHHHH!!' I screamed as I jolted up out of bed. What the fuck. I have the creepiest dreams.

I sighed as I got up out of bed. Ugh, Mondays suck.

'Mum!' I called as I walked out into the hallway.
'Oh wait she's gone.' I muttered to myself as I chuckled slightly.

I slowly walked over to the music speakers before I turned on my SoundCloud and walked back into my ensuite.

Oh and if you're wondering what happened last night then don't because literally nothing happened. Gee came over and we just talked for a bit, we had tea with mum, who left really early this morning by the way, Gee left, I had a shower and went to bed. God knows who sent those texts, probably Aaron or someone, I don't really care and Cole hasn't replied to my texts and calls since last night.

I groaned as I washed my face, to be honest, I'm quite worried about Cole.
I mean, why did he leave and where did he go and why won't he reply to my calls?! Ugh.
I guess I won't find out until I get to school. If he's even in school.

'You should be happy, it's the last week of school before Christmas break.' Gee grinned as she slammed her locker shut.

'Well I'm not.' I said bluntly as I gave her the average teenage death stare.

Gee rolled her eyes at me before she frowned, 'What've you got first period?'

'Maths.' I replied.

'Stop being blunt with me.' Gee laughed , 'I saw Coles car in the car park by the way.'

'What?!' I asked feeling a little burst of excitement, 'I didn't see it.'

'Yeah it was definitely there.' Gee rolled her eyes before she started walking away, 'Right bye babe.'

'Bye.' I muttered not really paying attention to her. I need to see Cole.
Thank God he's in my maths class.

'Olivia Valentine.' Miss. Roberts greeted me as I entered the doorway.

'Hi.' I replied bluntly as my eyes scanned the classroom.
No Cole, no Aaron, but then again there's hardly anyone in the class. I frowned as I looked up at the clock. 8.57, oh it's fine I'm early, Cole will be here soon. 9.03 to be approximate, that's usually what time he is.

'Hey?' I heard an odd voice call from behind me as I sat down.

I frowned as I turned around.
'Are you with Cole?' A very pretty brunette girl I had never seen before asked as she dirty looked me, her head resting on her desk.

'What's it got to do with you?' I scoffed.

'More than you know.' She replied as she looked away, she looked quite sad.

I frowned slightly in thought, 'Yeah I am, how come you want to know?' I smiled a sympathetic smile.

'Oh.. so you are together?' She gulped as she sat up.

'Yeah,' I frowned, 'Why?'

'Oh nothing, don't worry.' She smiled slightly.

'You're new right?' I smiled a warm smile.

'Well, I guess you could say that.' She replied.

'What do you mean?' I asked, the smile remaining on my face.

'Well I'm new to this school, but not to this town. I moved away sometime last year, but now I'm back.' She chuckled.

'Ohh right.' I replied nodding as I quickly glanced up at the clock before I turned back round to face the new girl. 9.00am.

'I'm Eleanor Anderson, you can call me El.' She grinned as she held out her hand.


'Olivia Valentine?' She smiled as we shook hands.

'Yeah, how-'
I stopped as the bell screeched cutting me off. Cole should be here soon, being as it's now first period.

'I didn't mean to give you a dirty look by the way.' She laughed.

'Don't worry about it.' I laughed in reply before I turned back around to face the front.

I quickly looked up to the doorway as people started to enter the class room, no Cole, no Aaron. Oh wait, Aaron.

Aaron suddenly stopped as he looked in my direction, he looked shocked. I frowned as I raised an eyebrow at him.

'No way.' He grinned as he walked toward me.

I frowned as I asked. 'Wha-'

'Aaron!!' El screeched in excitement, cutting me off.

I frowned as I turned around to see El standing up hugging Aaron, his hands resting just above her bum. Her figure was insane!! Not gonna lie but it made me kind of angry. Who wouldn't be angry that their ex boyfriend was hugging an extremely gorgeous girl? Nobody. Right?

'How do you two know each other?' I frowned.

'Aaron helped me out with a lot of things in the past.' She said as she grinned up at Aaron.

'How come you're back?' Aaron smirked down at her.

'I don't know really, just back I guess.' She laughed.

I sighed to myself as I turned back around to face the front, I did not want to listen to their conversation whatsoever. And where's Cole?

'Can I go to the toilet please?' I asked as I walked up to miss Roberts.

'Don't be long.' She replied.

I sighed as I left the classroom and slowly walked down the empty hallway.

I gulped as a few tears left my eyes, don't even ask why because I don't even know myself and I guess that's part of being a girl..

I wiped my eyes as I looked down at the floor, speed walking.

'Woahh.' A deep familiar voice said as I bumped into what felt like a wall.

'Cole?' I asked as I looked up, I grinned as I saw his face.

'Where are you off then?' He smirked.

'Toilet,' I replied, 'Where the fuck have you been?!' I yelled as I folded my arms.

'Have you been crying?' Cole frowned as his eyes scanned my face.

'Don't try and avoid my question like you avoided all my calls lasts night!' I replied as I smiled to myself. Well done Liv, that one was actually quite good.

'I wasn't avoiding your calls, I didn't have my phone last night. Why have you been crying?' He frowned as he folded his arms, mimicking my actions.

'Where did you go last night? And I don't even know, nothing's wrong don't worry.'I replied as I shrugged.

'Are you sure? And don't worry, come back to maths with me?' He smiled as he grabbed my hand.

'Cole don't tell me to not worry when-'

'I'll tell you after, just come to maths.' He groaned.

'There's a new girl in our class by the way.' I said to him as he pulled me down the corridor.

'Oh really, is she fit?' He smirked.

'Cole. She's already all over Aaron.' I scoffed as I rolled my eyes.

'And why do u care?' Cole asked as he made a weird face.

'I don't, it just pisses me off, I don't know why.' I shrugged.

Cole frowned as he stopped in the hallway to turn to me.

'What?' I asked.

'You.' He scoffed and shook his head before he he started walking again.

'Cole, why are you late?' Miss Roberts asked as we entered the classroom together, Coles hand still entwined with mine.

'Why do you even bother asking?' Cole answered back as he shook his head.

'I don't want any cheek from you today Cole! I mean it.' She said to Cole before she turned to the rest of the class, 'And that goes for all of you! Aaron!'

Cole stopped suddenly as he looked towards Aaron and El sat next to each other.
I frowned as I looked at El then at Cole, who were staring straight at each other . El looked extremely uncomfortable and Cole looked like.... he was about to cry.

Cole suddenly stormed out of the classroom, his hands trembling as he slammed the door behind him.

'Why do I even bother?' Miss Roberts muttered to herself as she walked over to her laptop.

I quickly ran out of the classroom in shock. 'Cole?!' I called, more worried than I've ever felt before.

I breathed heavily in confusion as I watched Cole walk out of the front doors leaving the school building.

'Cole?' I called for the 100th time as I walked around outside the school. 20 minutes and I still hadn't found him. His car was still parked in the car park.

I sighed as I walked into the football stadium. I grinned in relief as I saw a buff guy sat on one of the benches with his head in his hands. That buff guy being Cole.

'What's up?' I called out as I got closer and closer.

Cole quickly wiped his eyes as he looked up. 'Alright?' He asked, his voice breaking.

I nodded as I smiled sympathetically before I asked. 'What's up with you?'

Cole gulped loudly before he cleared his throat, 'El....' he said, his voice croaky.

'What about her?' I smiled as I sat down next to him.

'She's my.. um..ex girlfriend.' He replied, his deep voice crackling.

I opened my mouth slightly to speak but no words came out. 'O..Oh..' I stuttered. That must be why she asked if me and Cole were dating.

Cole sniffed as he rested his head into his hands.

'I take it she was... important.' I smiled as I rubbed Coles back.

'Well.' He replied quietly.

'When did you.. um.. break up?' I asked as I rested my head onto Coles shoulder.

Cole sighed loudly before he lifted his head up, 'Last year.' He whispered, avoiding eye contact with me.

'Oh, she must mean a lot to you then.' I smiled sympathetically again.

Cole gulped. 'I've tried so hard..' he started, his voice breaking, 'to get her out of my head.. And now she shows up out...' he gulped, 'out of nowhere. I don't know how to feel.' He sighed before he rested his head back into his hands.

I frowned in thought not knowing what to say.  'So... you still.. miss her?' I asked, I didn't want to know the answer... but I asked.

Cole shrugged, 'I don't know, maybe?' He muttered, making it sound more like a question.

I frowned as I looked at the floor, I felt like I had just been punched in the stomach.
'It's normal to miss your ex, I guess I still miss-'

'Don't even say his name.' Cole jolted up as he looked me in the eye.
I stared back at Coles face as our eyes met, his eyes were puffy and his hair flopped just over his forehead.

'Wanna get a drink or something?' I asked as I squeezed Coles hand.

Cole frowned back at me, guilt flashed in his eyes, before he stood up and looked away from me. 'I don't think we can do this anymore.' He gulped.

'Do what?' I frowned.

'Us.' He replied quickly as though he was forced to say it.

'Huh?' I gulped as I stood up next to him.

'It's not like Aaron cares about us anymore, it's never been real anyway.' He stated quietly as he looked around the football stadium

'Cole, don't-'

'Maybe we should keep our distance a bit.' He cut me off as he avoided looking at me.

'Cole, I don't want us to keep our distance.' I gulped as I felt my eyes welling up.

'Well... I really don't know what I'm supposed to say or do.' Cole muttered.

'Cole, look at me.' I cried, my voice breaking slightly as I reached out to garb his arm.

'No Liv!' He yelled as he pulled away and looked me straight in the eye.

'Don't make me choose.' He yelled as his eyes watered.

'What?' I asked confused, 'I'm not making you do anything Cole?! Please.' I cried as a tear left my eye.

'Liv I'm... I'm sorry. But this.. thing.. whatever we have between us.. is over. Okay?He said sternly before he walked away.


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