Chapter 6 Letter and Mermaid

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Chapter 6

(Harry's point of View)
Me and Danielle, wearing some clothes Hermione gave her i also think i'll call her Hazel or Danny Hazel because of her eyes, are in detention with Lockheart while Ron and Hermione were in dinner. "Harry, Danielle, can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me to answer my fan mail" said Lockheart.
"Not really" i said.
"Fame is a fickle friend, Harry, Danielle, celebrity is as celebrity does" said Lockheart, "remember that"
"I think i would want to be normal then have fame and glory" muttered Danielle. i smile a little at her until i heard this: " me...."
i raise my head looking around curiously.
"What?" i whisper.
Danielle looked at me and Lockheart said "Sorry?"
"That voice" i said.
"voice?" said Lockheart. i look around "Didn't you hear it?" i ask.
"What are you talking about, Harry?" asked Danielle, looking slightly worried,
"I think you're getting a but drowsy." he saw the clock "and great Scott, no wonder. look at the time. we'vebeen here for nearly four hours spooky how the time flies when one is having fun." said Lockheart.
Danielle rolled her eyes and looks at her watch "Spooky" Danielle muttered.

(Danielle's Point of View)

After Harry has freaked me out about hearing voice we have left our hell of detention "Are you 100% sure you heard voices?" i ask.
"Yes, it sounded weak" said Harry.
i nodded when all of a sudden Harry stops and looks around he starts touching the wall "Harry?" i said, slightly freaked out, he started runing across the wall still touching it trying to hear what's going on. i ran beside him until: "Harry, Danny!" said Hermione making me jump and scream. "Sorry, Danny," said Hermione
"Did you hear it?" asked Harry.
"Hear what?" asked Ron.
"That voice" said Harry.
"Voice? what voice?" said Hermione.
Harry started looking around trying to see something "I heard it first in Lockhearts office. and then again just ----" then he was staring at Hermione seeming as he was hearing the 'voice' again "It's moving" said Harry, "I think it's going to kill"
"Kill?" i said, as Harry ran off, me, Hermione, and Ron run after him "Harry! wait! not so fast!" yelled Ron.

we ran into a flood(Sp?) of water "Hmm" i hum. i see Harry walking down it so we (As i mean we i mean Hermione, me, and Ron) follow him "If this is a way to scare me my first five days here, it's working" i said.

Harry stepped me and saw looking at the ground i look to see Spider's fleeing "Weird" i said, "I never seen spider's act like this before"
"I don't like spiders" said Ron.
"What's that?" asked Ron i look to see something reflecting off the water to look up to see writing on the wall by blood "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened enemy's of the heir....beware" me and Hermione read in union.
"It's written in blood" i said.
i went to go touch it but Harry grabbed my hand, sending weirdly sparks up my arm, "Oh, no" he whispered i follow his gaze to see....Filch's cat hanging from a torch.
"It's Filch's cat" i said. i heard footsteps to see students coming all around us...we're doomed....
"It's Mrs. Norris" said Harry.
i heard gasp's to see students have seen of course they've seen it Danielle! it's reflecting off the water and it's big letter's written by blood on the wall with Mrs. Norris hanging from the light.
"enemy's of the heir, beware" read's Malfoy he looked at me "You'll be next, Fairytale Freak" he sneered at me, Harry's hand tightened in mine,
"What's going on here? go on. make way. make way." said the one voice i least wanted to see...Filch
he saw me and Harry "Potter, Swan, what are you...." he trailed off seeing his cat.
"Mrs. Norris" he whispered.
yep, we're doomed.
"You've murdered my cat" he accused us.
"What? no, no," i whisper. my grip tightening.
"I'll kill you both." he muttered he got a hold of mine and Harry's shirt, well mine jacket but safe diff, "I'll kill you!" he shouted.
"Argus!" said a voice i knew. i look to see Dumbledore.
he saw what was written on the wall "everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately" we satrted to walk away until: "Everyone except" we all turn to him "You four"
Darn it.
we stay behind, Harry, weirdly, still holding my hand,

after everyone was gone the professor start talking or really Dumbledore "She's not dead, Argus. She has been petrified" said Dumbledore. my eyes widen "Thought so" said Lockheart, "so unlucky i wasn't there i know exactly the countercurse that could've spared her"

"But how she been petrified, i cannot say." said Dumbledore.
"Ask them" said Filch, nodding to me and Harry, "They done it you say what they wrote on the wall"
"It's not true, Mr. Dumbledore," i said, "i swear, me and Harry never touched Mrs. Norris"
"Rubbish" said Filch.
"If i might, Headmaster?" said a man with black long hair with a hook nose.
"That's Snape" whispered Ron to me "Oh, right," i whisper. i haven't had a potion lesson yet "Perhaps Potter and Swan and their friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." said Snape.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione look of shock i look at them confused.
"However" added Snape, making us look at him, "The circumstances are suspicious...i, for one, don't recall seeing Potter and Swan at dinner"
my hand tightened i don't want another detention!
"I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus." said Lockheart we all look at him, "You see, Harry and Danielle were helping me answer my fan mail"
"That why Ron and i went looking for them, Professor. we just found them when Harry said he....." Hermione trailed off.
"Yes. Miss Granger"
"When i said i wasn't hungry" said Harry, Snape glared at Harry,
"We were heading back to the common room when we found Mrs. Norris" i said.
we all look at Dumbledore "Innocents until proven guilty, Severus" said Dumbledore.
"My cat ha been Petrified. i want to see some punishment!" said Filch.
"We will be able to cure her, Argus." assured Dumbledore, "As i understand it, Madma Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrake. when matured, a potion will be made which will revive Mrs. Norris."
"And in the meantime..." Dumbledore added "I strongly recommend caution to all"

Me and the Trio walk back to the common room when i saw the owl i sent a letter to Bell it flew to me dropped a letter and flew out of the window "The post's early" said ron. "I know, i think it's from Bell" i said. i pick it up to see it is i open it and start reading out loud:

Danielle --
Danny! we've missed you and been so worried, yes your mom, Regina, Snow, David, and Rumble and Hook are looking for you and Henry i think they know your in a different land then Henry. and where is Hogwarts? and tell me are your friends good to you. we all love you too and hopefully we'll see you soon
From Bell

"when did you send a letter to..her name's Bell?" said Harry.

"A day after i arrived....Thank god it went through the barrier" i said.
i put my letter in my pocket, deciding to write back tomorrow, and head to bed.

it's an hour until lesson starts so me and the trio went to the Black Lake i was skipping rocks "So, Bell's the girl from Beauty and the Beast. Mary Margret and David is Snow White and Prince Charming and your Adoptive Mum Regina is the evil queen, and Mr. Gold is the Dark One, right?" said Ron. they've asked about my family tree and what their real names are on this land.

"Yep, and my father is Baelfire" i said.
when i see a green tail i stop throwing rocks when a head came out of the water "Are you Danielle?" she asked, a american accent.
"Um...yeah" i said.
"And this is Hogwarts?" she said.
i nodded "Yeah, who are you?" i asked.
she put's on a bracelet and came's closer with legs "I'm Ariel" she said.

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